def importanceSampling_parallel4(generateSample,args_generateSample,likelihoodRatio,args_likelihoodRatio, N):  
    # not working
    temp = 3
    from IPython.parallel import Client
    p = Client()[:]
    print('This is the parallel output')
    #sample = p.map_sync(generateSample,np.array((10,)))
    def fit(self, X, y, sample_weight=None):
        self.evaluations_done = 0
        X = pandas.DataFrame(X)
        self._log("\n\nGridSearch started\n\n")

        if self.ipc_profile is None:
            while self.evaluations_done < self.generator.n_evaluations:
                state_indices, state_dict = self.generator.generate_next_point()
                value = estimate_classifier(params_dict=state_dict, base_estimator=self.base_estimator,
                                            X=X, y=y, folds=self.folds, fold_checks=self.fold_checks,
                                            score_function=self.score_function, sample_weight=sample_weight,

                self.generator.add_result(state_indices, value)
                self.evaluations_done += 1
                state_string = ", ".join([k + '=' + str(v) for k, v in state_dict.items()])
                self._log(value, ": ", state_string)
            from IPython.parallel import Client
            direct_view = Client(profile=self.ipc_profile).direct_view()
            portion = len(direct_view)
            print("There are {0} cores in cluster, the portion is equal {1}".format(len(direct_view), portion))
            while self.evaluations_done < self.generator.n_evaluations:
                state_indices_array, state_dict_array = self.generator.generate_batch_points(size=portion)
                result = direct_view.map_sync(estimate_classifier, state_dict_array,
                    [self.base_estimator] * portion, [X]*portion, [y]*portion,
                    [self.folds] * portion, [self.fold_checks] * portion,
                    [self.score_function] * portion,
                    [self.scorer_needs_x] * portion)
                assert len(result) == portion, "The length of result is very strange"
                for state_indices, state_dict, score in zip(state_indices_array, state_dict_array, result):
                    params = ", ".join([k + '=' + str(v) for k, v in state_dict.items()])
                    if isinstance(score, Exception):
                        # returned exception
                        message = 'Fail during training on the node \nException ' + str(score) +\
                                  '\nParameters:' + params
                    self.generator.add_result(state_indices, score)
                    self._log(score, ": ", params)

                self.evaluations_done += portion
                print("%i evaluations done" % self.evaluations_done)
        if self.refit:
            self._fit_best_estimator(X, y, sample_weight=sample_weight)
Beispiel #3
    def fit(self, X, y, sample_weight=None):
        Run fit with all sets of parameters.

        :param X: array-like, shape = [n_samples, n_features]
            Training vector, where n_samples is the number of samples and n_features is the number of features.

        :param y: array-like, shape = [n_samples] or [n_samples, n_output], optional
        :param sample_weight: array-like, shape = [n_samples], weight
        X, y, sample_weight = check_inputs(X, y, sample_weight=sample_weight, allow_none_weights=True)

        if self.parallel_profile is None:
            while self.evaluations_done < self.params_generator.n_evaluations:
                state_indices, state_dict = self.params_generator.generate_next_point()
                status, value = apply_scorer(self.scorer, state_dict, self.base_estimator, X, y, sample_weight)
                assert status == 'success', 'Error during grid search ' + str(value)
                self.params_generator.add_result(state_indices, value)
                self.evaluations_done += 1
                state_string = ", ".join([k + '=' + str(v) for k, v in state_dict.items()])
                self._log('{}: {}'.format(value, state_string))
            from IPython.parallel import Client

            direct_view = Client(profile=self.parallel_profile).direct_view()
            portion = len(direct_view)
            print("There are {0} cores in cluster, the portion is equal {1}".format(len(direct_view), portion))
            while self.evaluations_done < self.params_generator.n_evaluations:
                state_indices_array, state_dict_array = self.params_generator.generate_batch_points(size=portion)
                result = direct_view.map_sync(apply_scorer, [self.scorer] * portion, state_dict_array,
                                              [self.base_estimator] * portion,
                                              [X] * portion, [y] * portion, [sample_weight] * portion)
                assert len(result) == portion, "The length of result is very strange"
                for state_indices, state_dict, (status, score) in zip(state_indices_array, state_dict_array, result):
                    params = ", ".join([k + '=' + str(v) for k, v in state_dict.items()])
                    if status != 'success':
                        message = 'Fail during training on the node \nException {exc}\n Parameters {params}'
                        self._log(message.format(exc=score, params=params), level=40)
                        self.params_generator.add_result(state_indices, score)
                        self._log("{}: {}".format(score, params))
                self.evaluations_done += portion
                print("%i evaluations done" % self.evaluations_done)
        return self
Beispiel #4
    def fit(self, X, y, sample_weight=None):
        Run fit with all sets of parameters.

        :param X: array-like, shape = [n_samples, n_features]
            Training vector, where n_samples is the number of samples and n_features is the number of features.

        :param y: array-like, shape = [n_samples] or [n_samples, n_output], optional
        :param sample_weight: array-like, shape = [n_samples], weight
        X, y, sample_weight = check_inputs(X, y, sample_weight=sample_weight, allow_none_weights=True)

        if self.parallel_profile is None:
            while self.evaluations_done < self.params_generator.n_evaluations:
                state_indices, state_dict = self.params_generator.generate_next_point()
                status, value = apply_scorer(self.scorer, state_dict, self.base_estimator, X, y, sample_weight)
                assert status == 'success', 'Error during grid search ' + str(value)
                self.params_generator.add_result(state_indices, value)
                self.evaluations_done += 1
                state_string = ", ".join([k + '=' + str(v) for k, v in state_dict.items()])
                self._log('{}: {}'.format(value, state_string))
            from IPython.parallel import Client

            direct_view = Client(profile=self.parallel_profile).direct_view()
            portion = len(direct_view)
            print("There are {0} cores in cluster, the portion is equal {1}".format(len(direct_view), portion))
            while self.evaluations_done < self.params_generator.n_evaluations:
                state_indices_array, state_dict_array = self.params_generator.generate_batch_points(size=portion)
                result = direct_view.map_sync(apply_scorer, [self.scorer] * portion, state_dict_array,
                                              [self.base_estimator] * portion,
                                              [X] * portion, [y] * portion, [sample_weight] * portion)
                assert len(result) == portion, "The length of result is very strange"
                for state_indices, state_dict, (status, score) in zip(state_indices_array, state_dict_array, result):
                    params = ", ".join([k + '=' + str(v) for k, v in state_dict.items()])
                    if status != 'success':
                        message = 'Fail during training on the node \nException {exc}\n Parameters {params}'
                        self._log(message.format(exc=score, params=params), level=40)
                        self.params_generator.add_result(state_indices, score)
                        self._log("{}: {}".format(score, params))
                self.evaluations_done += portion
                print("%i evaluations done" % self.evaluations_done)
        return self
Beispiel #5
    f = pd.HDFStore(savefile, 'r+')
    stats = f['stats']
    stats[stat] =

    if stat == 'rate':
        fcomp = compute_rate_each
    if stat == 'xcov':
        fcomp = compute_xcov_each
    if stat == 'acov':
        fcomp = compute_acov_each
    if stat == 'pcov':
        fcomp = compute_pcov_each

    if args['--serial']:
        rvs = map(fcomp, fnames)
        from IPython.parallel import Client
        ipypath = args['<ipython_dir>']
        ipypath = join(ipypath, 'security', 'ipcontroller-client.json')
        lview = Client(ipypath).load_balanced_view()
        rvs = lview.map_sync(fcomp, fnames)

    for i, s in rvs:
        stats[stat][i] = s

    f['stats'] = stats
    print f['stats']

Beispiel #6
 f = pd.HDFStore(savefile, 'r+')
 stats = f['stats']
 stats[stat] =
 if stat == 'rate':
     fcomp = compute_rate_each
 if stat == 'xcov':
     fcomp = compute_xcov_each
 if stat == 'acov':
     fcomp = compute_acov_each
 if stat == 'pcov':
     fcomp = compute_pcov_each
 if args['--serial']:
     rvs = map(fcomp, fnames)
     from IPython.parallel import Client
     ipypath = args['<ipython_dir>']
     ipypath = join(ipypath,'security','ipcontroller-client.json')
     lview = Client(ipypath).load_balanced_view()
     rvs = lview.map_sync(fcomp, fnames)
 for i, s in rvs:
     stats[stat][i] = s
 f['stats'] = stats
 print f['stats']
Beispiel #7

def run_each(fname):
    import subprocess as sp
    import os
    NEURON = '/Applications/NEURON/nrn/x86_64/bin/nrniv'
    return[NEURON, '-python', '', fname])

if __name__ == '__main__':
    from docopt import docopt
    from os.path import join, exists
    args = docopt(__doc__)
    dpath = args['<data_dir>']
    fnames = open(join(dpath,'files.txt')).read().split('\n')
    fnames = [join(dpath, fname) for fname in fnames]
    if args['--serial']:
        r = map(run_each, fnames)
        from IPython.parallel import Client
        ipypath = args['<ipython_dir>']
        ipypath = join(ipypath,'security','ipcontroller-client.json')
        # print ipypath + str(exists(ipypath))
        lview = Client(ipypath).load_balanced_view()
        r = lview.map_sync(run_each, fnames)
    for x in r:
        print x # check the result.
Beispiel #8

def run_each(fname):
    import subprocess as sp
    import os
    NEURON = '/Applications/NEURON/nrn/x86_64/bin/nrniv'
    return[NEURON, '-python', '', fname])

if __name__ == '__main__':
    from docopt import docopt
    from os.path import join, exists

    args = docopt(__doc__)
    dpath = args['<data_dir>']
    fnames = open(join(dpath, 'files.txt')).read().split('\n')
    fnames = [join(dpath, fname) for fname in fnames]

    if args['--serial']:
        r = map(run_each, fnames)
        from IPython.parallel import Client
        ipypath = args['<ipython_dir>']
        ipypath = join(ipypath, 'security', 'ipcontroller-client.json')
        # print ipypath + str(exists(ipypath))
        lview = Client(ipypath).load_balanced_view()
        r = lview.map_sync(run_each, fnames)

    for x in r:
        print x  # check the result.