def __init__(self, mJ_true=np.array([None])): print('[] Initializing Astrobee.') # true dynamics if mJ_true.any()!=None: self.mass = mJ_true[0] self.J = np.diag(mJ_true[1:]) self.Jinv = np.linalg.inv(self.J) # get symbolic dynamics (self.f_dt, self.A_dt, self.B_dt, self.f_A_dx, self.f_A_du, self.f_B_dx, self.f_B_du, self.f_dw, self.f_w_dx, self.f_w_du) = self.get_equations_dt() # spherical obstacles [(x,y,z),r] self.obstacles = [ [[11.3,3.8,4.8], 0.3], [[10.5,5.5,5.5], 0.4], ] print('Initializing the ISS.') keepin_zones, keepout_zones = get_ISS_zones() self.poly_obstacles = keepout_zones # additional obstacles center, width = np.array([10.8,0.,5.]), 0.85*np.ones(3) self.poly_obstacles.append(PolyObs(center,width)) center, width = np.array([11.2,1.75,4.85]), np.array([0.5,0.6,0.65]) self.poly_obstacles.append(PolyObs(center,width)) print('nb spherical obs:', len(self.obstacles)) print('nb polygonal obs:', len(self.poly_obstacles))
def plot(X_in, U_in, V_in, model): global figures_N figures_N = X_in.shape[0] figures_i = figures_N - 1 global X, U, V, obstacles, poly_obs X = X_in U = U_in V = V_in obstacles, poly_obs = model.obstacles, model.poly_obstacles global keepin_zones keepin_zones, keepout_zones = get_ISS_zones() fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 12)) ax = my_plot(fig, figures_i) ax = plot_obstacles(ax, obstacles, keepin_zones, poly_obs) cid = fig.canvas.mpl_connect('key_press_event', key_press_event) # Plot controls # plt.figure(2) # for ui in range(U_in.shape[1]): # plt.subplot(00ui) # plt.plot(range(U_in[ui,:]),U_in[ui,:]) U_end = U_in[-1, :, :] print(U_end.shape) fig, axs = plt.subplots(U_end.shape[0]) for ui in range(U_end.shape[0]): axs[ui].plot(list(range(0, U_end.shape[1])), U_end[ui, :]) axs[ui].set_title(str(ui) + "-th control of last SCP iter.") plt.draw() plt.figure(1) X_end = X_in[-1, :, :] print(X_end.shape) fig, axs = plt.subplots(X_end.shape[0]) for xi in range(X_end.shape[0]): axs[xi].plot(list(range(0, X_end.shape[1])), X_end[xi, :]) axs[xi].set_title(str(xi) + "-th state of last SCP iter.") plt.draw() plt.figure(1) lims_btm, lims_up = np.array([5., -3.5, 3.]), np.array([13., 8.5, 6.5]) plt.xlim([lims_btm[0], lims_up[0]]) plt.ylim([lims_btm[1], lims_up[1]])
def plot(X_in, U_in, V_in, m, Xs_true, Us_true): lims_btm, lims_up = np.array([8.8, -2., 3.5]), np.array([12.2, 8., 6.5]) rcParams[''] = 'serif' rcParams['font.size'] = 14 rc('text', usetex=True) X, U, V = X_in[-1, :, :], U_in[-1, :, :], V_in[-1, :, :, :] V = np.moveaxis(V, -1, 0) # (N, n_x,n_x) obstacles, poly_obs = m.obstacles, m.poly_obstacles[-2:] keepin_zones, keepout_zones = get_ISS_zones() # ********************************************* # TRAJECTORY - X-Y idx = [0, 1] fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(6, 10)) plot_mean_traj_with_gaussian_uncertainty_ellipses( X.T, V, additional_radius=m.robot_radius, color='blue', probability=m.prob, idx=idx, alpha=0.2) ax = plot_obstacles(ax, obstacles, keepin_zones, poly_obs, idx) ax.text(10.45, -0.2, r'$\mathcal{X}_{\textrm{obs}}$', fontsize=24) ax.text(9.2, 1.8, r'$\mathcal{X}_{\textrm{obs}}$', fontsize=24) # Plot start & goal positions ax.plot(m.x_init[idx[0]], m.x_init[idx[1]], '+', markersize=16, markeredgewidth=3, color='k') ax.plot(m.x_final[idx[0]], m.x_final[idx[1]], '+', markersize=16, markeredgewidth=3, color='k') init_text_pos = [m.x_init[idx[0]] - 0., m.x_init[idx[1]] - 0.4] goal_text_pos = [m.x_final[idx[0]] + 0., m.x_final[idx[1]] + 0.1] ax.text(init_text_pos[0] - 0., init_text_pos[1] - 0.3, r'$\mathbf{x}_{\textrm{init}}$', fontsize=22) ax.text(goal_text_pos[0] - 0.4, goal_text_pos[1] + 0.4, r'$\mathbf{x}_{\textrm{goal}}$', fontsize=22) # ---------------- ax.tick_params("both", labelsize=24) ax.set_xlabel('X', fontsize=24) ax.set_ylabel('Y', rotation="horizontal", fontsize=24) plt.xlim([lims_btm[idx[0]], lims_up[idx[0]]]) plt.ylim([lims_btm[idx[1]], lims_up[idx[1]]]) # ********************************************* # ********************************************* # TRAJECTORY - Z-Y idx = [2, 1] fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(4, 10)) plot_mean_traj_with_gaussian_uncertainty_ellipses( X.T, V, additional_radius=m.robot_radius, color='blue', probability=m.prob, idx=idx, alpha=0.2) ax = plot_obstacles(ax, obstacles, keepin_zones, poly_obs, idx) # Plot start & goal positions ax.plot(m.x_init[idx[0]], m.x_init[idx[1]], '+', markersize=16, markeredgewidth=3, color='k') ax.plot(m.x_final[idx[0]], m.x_final[idx[1]], '+', markersize=16, markeredgewidth=3, color='k') init_text_pos = [m.x_init[idx[0]] - 0., m.x_init[idx[1]] - 0.7] goal_text_pos = [m.x_final[idx[0]] + 0.12, m.x_final[idx[1]] + 0.1] ax.text(init_text_pos[0] - 0.2, init_text_pos[1] - 0.1, r'$\mathbf{x}_{\textrm{init}}$', fontsize=22) ax.text(goal_text_pos[0] - 0.4, goal_text_pos[1] + 0.35, r'$\mathbf{x}_{\textrm{goal}}$', fontsize=22) # ---------------- ax.tick_params("both", labelsize=24) ax.set_xlabel('Z', fontsize=24) plt.xlim([lims_btm[idx[0]], lims_up[idx[0]]]) plt.ylim([lims_btm[idx[1]], lims_up[idx[1]]]) # ********************************************* # ********************************************* # CONTROLS fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 6)) ax.plot(list(range(0, U.shape[1])), U[0, :], '--o', color='tab:green') ax.plot(list(range(0, U.shape[1])), U[1, :], '--o', color='tab:orange') ax.plot(list(range(0, U.shape[1])), U[2, :], '--o', color='tab:blue') if m.B_feedback: Sigmas_u = compute_variances_controls(m, V) plot_mean_var(U[0, :], Sigmas_u[:, 0, 0], prob=0.9, color='tab:green') plot_mean_var(U[1, :], Sigmas_u[:, 1, 1], prob=0.9, color='tab:orange') plot_mean_var(U[2, :], Sigmas_u[:, 2, 2], prob=0.9, color='tab:blue') ax.legend([r'$F_x$', r'$F_y$', r'$F_z$'], fontsize=24) ax.tick_params("both", labelsize=24) ax.set_xlabel('k', fontsize=24) ax.set_ylabel('F', rotation="horizontal", fontsize=24) fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 6)) ax.plot(list(range(0, U.shape[1])), U[3, :], '--o', color='tab:green') ax.plot(list(range(0, U.shape[1])), U[4, :], '--o', color='tab:orange') ax.plot(list(range(0, U.shape[1])), U[5, :], '--o', color='tab:blue') if m.B_feedback: Sigmas_u = compute_variances_controls(m, V) plot_mean_var(U[3, :], Sigmas_u[:, 3, 3], prob=0.9, color='tab:green') plot_mean_var(U[4, :], Sigmas_u[:, 4, 4], prob=0.9, color='tab:orange') plot_mean_var(U[5, :], Sigmas_u[:, 5, 5], prob=0.9, color='tab:blue') ax.legend([r'$M_x$', r'$M_y$', r'$M_z$'], fontsize=24) ax.tick_params("both", labelsize=24) ax.set_xlabel('k', fontsize=24) ax.set_ylabel('M', rotation="horizontal", fontsize=24) ax.ticklabel_format(axis='y', style='sci', scilimits=(0, 0)) plt.draw()
import sys, os sys.path.append('../src/utils/') sys.path.append('../exps/Models/') import numpy as np import matplotlib as plt from polygonal_obstacles import PolygonalObstacle as PolyObs from viz import * from ISS import get_ISS_zones lims_btm, lims_up = np.array([5.,-3.5, 3.]), np.array([13., 8.5, 6.5]) keepin_zones, keepout_zones = get_ISS_zones() # -------------------------------------------- plt.figure(1) ax = plt.gca() # -------------------------------------------- for obs in keepin_zones: center, widths = obs.c, 2*np.array([obs.dx,obs.dy,]) plot_rectangle(ax, center[:2], widths[:2], color='g') for obs in keepout_zones: center, widths = obs.c, 2*np.array([obs.dx,obs.dy,]) plot_rectangle(ax, center[:2], widths[:2], color='r') plt.xlim([lims_btm[0], lims_up[0]]) plt.ylim([lims_btm[1], lims_up[1]]) plt.draw()