Beispiel #1
    def makeuniq(self, symmetry):
        Flip orientations to a particular choice

        Be aware that if the unit cell is distorted and you do this,
        you might have problems...
        from ImageD11.sym_u import find_uniq_u, getgroup
        g = getgroup(symmetry)()
        for k in list(self.ubisread.keys()):
            self.ubisread[k] = find_uniq_u(self.ubisread[k], g)
        for k in list(self.grains.keys()):
            self.grains[k].set_ubi(find_uniq_u(self.grains[k].ubi, g))
Beispiel #2
from __future__ import print_function

from ImageD11 import sym_u
from ImageD11.grain import read_grain_file

c = sym_u.cubic()

import glob

fl = glob.glob("x*.ubi")

for f in fl:
    gl = read_grain_file(f)
    x = int(f.split("_")[0][1:])
    y = int(f.split("_")[1].split(".")[0][1:])
    for g in gl:
        ubi = sym_u.find_uniq_u(g.ubi, c)
        print(x, y, end=' ')
        for i in range(3):
            for j in range(3):
                print(g.u[i][j], end=' ')
Beispiel #3
# open up a set of ubi files

ubifl = glob.glob(sys.argv[1] + "/*.ubi")

ubi_all = {}

#print "Make cubic point group"
c = sym_u.cubic()

for fname in ubifl:
    #print fname

    # Flip to standard setting
    ubi_all[fname] = [
        sym_u.find_uniq_u(ubi, c) for ubi in indexing.readubis(fname)

# Now try to make these into a unique set.
# For each ubi:
#     compute the reciprocal peak positions of central lattice
#     see if these match a previous one.

pks = [
    (5, 3, -1),
    (5, -3, 1),
    (-5, 3, 1),
    (-5, -3, 1),
    (-5, 3, -1),
    (5, -3, -1),