Beispiel #1
def startup(args: argparse.Namespace, **kwargs: Dict[str, Any]) -> None:
    global announce, dispatcher, group, httpServer, notification, validator
    global registration, remote, security, statistics, storage, event
    global rootDirectory
    global aeStatistics

    rootDirectory = os.getcwd()  # get the root directory
        "FLASK_ENV"] = "development"  # get rid if the warning message from flask.
    # Hopefully it is clear at this point that this is not a production CSE

    # Handle command line arguments and load the configuration
    if args is None:
        args = argparse.Namespace(
        )  # In case args is None create a new args object and populate it
        args.configfile = None
        args.resetdb = False
        args.loglevel = None
        for key, value in kwargs.items():
            args.__setattr__(key, value)

    if not Configuration.init(args):

    # init Logging
    Logging.log('Starting CSE')
    Logging.log('CSE-Type: %s' % C.cseTypes[Configuration.get('cse.type')])

    # Initiatlize the resource storage
    storage = Storage()

    # Initialize the event manager
    event = EventManager()

    # Initialize the statistics system
    statistics = Statistics()

    # Initialize the registration manager
    registration = RegistrationManager()

    # Initialize the resource validator
    validator = Validator()

    # Initialize the resource dispatcher
    dispatcher = Dispatcher()

    # Initialize the security manager
    security = SecurityManager()

    # Initialize the HTTP server
    httpServer = HttpServer()

    # Initialize the notification manager
    notification = NotificationManager()

    # Initialize the announcement manager
    announce = AnnouncementManager()

    # Initialize the group manager
    group = GroupManager()

    # Import a default set of resources, e.g. the CSE, first ACP or resource structure
    importer = Importer()
    if not importer.importResources():

    # Initialize the remote CSE manager
    remote = RemoteCSEManager()

    # Start AEs
    )  # the Apps are actually started after the CSE finished the startup

    # Start the HTTP server
    event.cseStartup()  # type: ignore
    Logging.log('CSE started')  # This does NOT return
Beispiel #2
def startup(args: argparse.Namespace, **kwargs: Dict[str, Any]) -> None:
    global announce, dispatcher, group, httpServer, notification, validator
    global registration, remote, request, security, statistics, storage, event
    global rootDirectory
    global aeStatistics
    global supportedReleaseVersions, cseType, defaultSerialization, cseCsi, cseRi, cseRn
    global cseOriginator
    global isHeadless

    rootDirectory = os.getcwd()  # get the root directory
        "FLASK_ENV"] = "development"  # get rid if the warning message from flask.
    # Hopefully it is clear at this point that this is not a production CSE

    # Handle command line arguments and load the configuration
    if args is None:
        args = argparse.Namespace(
        )  # In case args is None create a new args object and populate it
        args.configfile = None
        args.resetdb = False
        args.loglevel = None
        args.headless = False
        for key, value in kwargs.items():
            args.__setattr__(key, value)
    isHeadless = args.headless

    if not Configuration.init(args):

    # Initialize configurable constants
    supportedReleaseVersions = Configuration.get(
    cseType = Configuration.get('cse.type')
    cseCsi = Configuration.get('cse.csi')
    cseRi = Configuration.get('cse.ri')
    cseRn = Configuration.get('cse.rn')
    cseOriginator = Configuration.get('cse.originator')

    defaultSerialization = Configuration.get('cse.defaultSerialization')

    # init Logging
    if not args.headless:
        Logging.console('Press ? for help')
    Logging.log('Starting CSE')
    Logging.log(f'CSE-Type: {}')

    # Initiatlize the resource storage
    storage = Storage()

    # Initialize the event manager
    event = EventManager()

    # Initialize the statistics system
    statistics = Statistics()

    # Initialize the registration manager
    registration = RegistrationManager()

    # Initialize the resource validator
    validator = Validator()

    # Initialize the resource dispatcher
    dispatcher = Dispatcher()

    # Initialize the request manager
    request = RequestManager()

    # Initialize the security manager
    security = SecurityManager()

    # Initialize the HTTP server
    httpServer = HttpServer()

    # Initialize the notification manager
    notification = NotificationManager()

    # Initialize the group manager
    group = GroupManager()

    # Import a default set of resources, e.g. the CSE, first ACP or resource structure
    # Import extra attribute policies for specializations first
    importer = Importer()
    if not importer.importAttributePolicies() or not importer.importResources(

    # Initialize the remote CSE manager
    remote = RemoteCSEManager()

    # Initialize the announcement manager
    announce = AnnouncementManager()

    # Start AEs
    )  # the Apps are actually started after the CSE finished the startup

    # Start the HTTP server
    event.cseStartup()  # type: ignore  # This does return (!)

    Logging.log('CSE started')
    if isHeadless:
        # when in headless mode give the CSE a moment (2s) to experience fatal errors before printing the start message
            workerCallback=lambda: Logging.console('CSE started')
            if not shuttingDown else None).start()

    #	Enter an endless loop.
    #	Execute keyboard commands in the keyboardHandler's loop() function.
    commands = {
        '?': _keyHelp,
        'h': _keyHelp,
        '\n': lambda c: print(),  # 1 empty line
        '\x03': _keyShutdownCSE,  # See handler below
        'c': _keyConfiguration,
        'C': _keyClearScreen,
        'D': _keyDeleteResource,
        'i': _keyInspectResource,
        'l': _keyToggleLogging,
        'Q': _keyShutdownCSE,  # See handler below
        'r': _keyCSERegistrations,
        's': _keyStatistics,
        't': _keyResourceTree,
        'T': _keyChildResourceTree,
        'w': _keyWorkers,

    #	Endless runtime loop. This handles key input & commands
    #	The CSE's shutdown happens in one of the key handlers below
    loop(commands, catchKeyboardInterrupt=True, headless=args.headless)