Beispiel #1
def test_predict_non_ensemble(batch_size: int, empty_labels: bool) -> None:
    config = ConstantScalarConfig(1.)
    model = create_lightning_model(config, set_optimizer_and_scheduler=False)
    assert isinstance(model, ScalarLightning)

    pipeline = ScalarInferencePipeline(model, config, 0)
    actual_labels = torch.zeros(
        (batch_size, 1)) * np.nan if empty_labels else torch.zeros(
            (batch_size, 1))
    data = {
        "metadata": [GeneralSampleMetadata(id='2')] * batch_size,
        "label": actual_labels,
        "images": torch.zeros(
            ((batch_size, 1) + config.expected_image_size_zyx)),
        "numerical_non_image_features": torch.tensor([]),
        "categorical_non_image_features": torch.tensor([]),
        "segmentations": torch.tensor([])

    results = pipeline.predict(data)
    ids, labels, predicted = results.subject_ids, results.labels, results.posteriors
    assert ids == ['2'] * batch_size
    assert torch.allclose(labels, actual_labels, equal_nan=True)
    # The model always returns 1, so predicted should be sigmoid(1)
    assert torch.allclose(predicted, torch.full((batch_size, 1), 0.731058578))
Beispiel #2
def test_predict_ensemble(batch_size: int) -> None:
    config_returns_0 = ConstantScalarConfig(0.)
    model_returns_0 = create_lightning_model(config_returns_0,
    assert isinstance(model_returns_0, ScalarLightning)

    config_returns_1 = ConstantScalarConfig(1.)
    model_returns_1 = create_lightning_model(config_returns_1,
    assert isinstance(model_returns_1, ScalarLightning)

    pipeline_0 = ScalarInferencePipeline(model_returns_0, config_returns_0, 0)
    pipeline_1 = ScalarInferencePipeline(model_returns_0, config_returns_0, 1)
    pipeline_2 = ScalarInferencePipeline(model_returns_0, config_returns_0, 2)
    pipeline_3 = ScalarInferencePipeline(model_returns_1, config_returns_1, 3)
    pipeline_4 = ScalarInferencePipeline(model_returns_1, config_returns_1, 4)
    ensemble_pipeline = ScalarEnsemblePipeline(
        [pipeline_0, pipeline_1, pipeline_2, pipeline_3, pipeline_4],
        config_returns_0, EnsembleAggregationType.Average)
    data = {
        "metadata": [GeneralSampleMetadata(id='2')] * batch_size,
        torch.zeros((batch_size, 1)),
            ((batch_size, 1) + config_returns_0.expected_image_size_zyx)),

    results = ensemble_pipeline.predict(data)
    ids, labels, predicted = results.subject_ids, results.labels, results.posteriors
    assert ids == ['2'] * batch_size
    assert torch.equal(labels, torch.zeros((batch_size, 1)))
    # 3 models return 0, 2 return 1, so predicted should be ((sigmoid(0)*3)+(sigmoid(1)*2))/5
    assert torch.allclose(predicted, torch.full((batch_size, 1), 0.592423431))
Beispiel #3
def load_from_lightning_checkpoint(config: ModelConfigBase, checkpoint_path: Path) -> InnerEyeLightning:
    Reads a PyTorch model from a checkpoint. First, a PyTorch Lightning model is created matching the InnerEye
    model configuration, its parameter tensors are then populated from the given checkpoint.
    :param config: An InnerEye model configuration object
    :param checkpoint_path: The location of the checkpoint file.
    :return: A PyTorch Lightning model object.
    # Create a Lighting model that matches the configuration, but keep only the type of it
    lightning_model_type = type(create_lightning_model(config))
    # For model debugging, allow loading a GPU trained model onto the CPU. This will clearly only work
    # if the model is small.
    map_location = None if config.use_gpu else 'cpu'
    lightning_model = lightning_model_type.load_from_checkpoint(checkpoint_path=str(checkpoint_path),
    return lightning_model
Beispiel #4
def run_inference_on_unet(size: TupleInt3) -> None:
    Runs a model forward pass on a freshly created model, with an input image of the given size.
    Asserts that the model prediction has the same size as the input image.
    fg_classes = ["tumour_mass", "subtract"]
    number_of_classes = len(fg_classes) + 1
    config = SegmentationModelBase(
        posterior_smoothing_mm=(2, 2, 2),
        crop_size=(64, 64, 64),
        # test_crop_size must be larger than 'size for the bug to trigger
        test_crop_size=(80, 80, 80),
        colours=[(255, 0, 0)] * len(fg_classes),
        fill_holes=[False] * len(fg_classes),
        class_weights=[1.0 / number_of_classes] * number_of_classes,
        inference_stride_size=(40, 40, 40),
    lightning_model = create_lightning_model(config)
    assert isinstance(lightning_model, SegmentationLightning)
    pipeline = InferencePipeline(model=lightning_model, model_config=config)
    image = np.random.uniform(-1, 1, (1, ) + size)
    result = pipeline.predict_and_post_process_whole_image(
        image, mask=np.ones(size), voxel_spacing_mm=(1, 1, 1))
    # All posteriors and segmentations must have the size of the input image
    for p in [*result.posteriors, result.segmentation]:
        assert p.shape == size
        # Check that all results are not NaN. In particular, if stride size is not adjusted
        # correctly, the results would be partially NaN.
def create_model_and_store_checkpoint(config: ModelConfigBase,
                                      checkpoint_path: Path,
                                      weights_only: bool = True) -> None:
    Creates a Lightning model for the given model configuration, and stores it as a checkpoint file.
    If a GPU is available, the model is moved to the GPU before storing.
    The trainer properties `current_epoch` and `global_step` are set to fixed non-default values.
    :param config: The model configuration.
    :param checkpoint_path: The path and filename of the checkpoint file.
    container = InnerEyeContainer(config)
    trainer, _ = create_lightning_trainer(container)
    model = create_lightning_model(config)
    if machine_has_gpu:
        model = model.cuda()  # type: ignore
    trainer.model = model
    # Before saving, the values for epoch and step are incremented. Save them here in such a way that we can assert
    # easily later. We can't mock that because otherwise the mock object would be written to disk (that fails)
    trainer.fit_loop.current_epoch = FIXED_EPOCH - 1  # type: ignore
    trainer.fit_loop.global_step = FIXED_GLOBAL_STEP - 1  # type: ignore
    # In PL, it is the Trainer's responsibility to save the model. Checkpoint handling refers back to the trainer
    # to get a save_func. Mimicking that here.
    trainer.save_checkpoint(checkpoint_path, weights_only=weights_only)
Beispiel #6
 def create_model(self) -> LightningModule:  # type: ignore
     from InnerEye.ML.lightning_models import create_lightning_model
     return create_lightning_model(self.config)