Beispiel #1
 def test_18(self):
     """test exception thrown of two hypos specified"""
     d = {'EBstep': -1,
          'L1item': 'L1_J100',
          'chainCounter': 727,
          'chainName': '2hypochain',
         'chainParts': [{'L1item': '',
                         'TLA': '1i2c500m700TLA',
                         'addInfo': [],
                         'bConfig': ['split'],
                         'bMatching': [],
                         'bTag': 'bmv2c2060',
                         'bTracking': '',
                         'calib': 'em',
                         'chainPartName': 'j175_bmv2c2060_split',
                         'cleaning': 'noCleaning',
                         'dataScouting': '',
                         'dataType': 'tc',
                         'etaRange': '0eta320',
                         'extra': '',
                         'jetCalib': 'subjes',
                         'multiplicity': '1',
                         'recoAlg': 'a4',
                         'scan': 'FS',
                         'signature': 'Jet',
                         'threshold': '0',
                         'topo': [],
                         'trigType': 'j'},
                        {'L1item': '',
                         'TLA': '',
                         'addInfo': [],
                         'bConfig': ['split'],
                         'bMatching': [],
                         'bTag': 'bmv2c2050',
                         'bTracking': '',
                         'calib': 'em',
                         'chainPartName': 'j50_bmv2c2050_split',
                         'cleaning': 'noCleaning',
                         'dataScouting': '',
                         'dataType': 'tc',
                         'etaRange': '0eta320',
                         'extra': '',
                         'jetCalib': 'subjes',
                         'multiplicity': '1',
                         'recoAlg': 'a4',
                         'scan': 'FS',
                         'signature': 'Jet',
                         'threshold': '50',
                         'topo': [],
                         'trigType': 'j'}],
          'groups': ['RATE:MultiBJet', 'BW:Bjet'],
          'signature': 'Jet',
          'signatures': '',
          'stream': ['Main'],
          'topo': [],
          'topoStartFrom': False,
          'topoThreshold': None}
    def test_0(self):
        """Create ChainDef instances with full instantiation"""

        updates = [('j30', {'threshold': '30'}),
                   ('j400', {'threshold': '400'}),
                   # ('fj200', {'threshold': '200', 'etaRange': '320eta640'}),
                   ('j60', {'threshold': '60'}),
                   ('j80', {'threshold': '80'}),
                   ('j110', {'threshold': '110'}),
                   ('j150', {'threshold': '150'}),
                   ('j200', {'threshold': '200'}),
                   ('j260', {'threshold': '260'}),
                   ('j330', {'threshold': '330'}),
                   ('3j175', {'threshold': '175', 'multiplicity': '3'}),
                   ('4j100', {'threshold': '100', 'multiplicity': '4'}),
                   # {'threshold': '85', 'multiplicity': '5'},

        counter = 0
        for dd in updates:
            counter += 1
            fc = copy.deepcopy(self.from_central)
            # make chain name unique - this is used as an Alg Argument
            # and some central code checks it is unique
            fc['chainName'] = dd[0]
            chain_def = generateHLTChainDef(fc)
            if chain_def.__class__.__name__ != 'ChainDef':
                print chain_def
            self.assertTrue(chain_def.__class__.__name__ == 'ChainDef')
Beispiel #3
    def test_16(self):
        """error handling: bad region"""

        self.from_central['chainName'] = 'bad region'
        self.from_central['chainParts'][0]['etaRange'] = 'junk'
        chain_def = generateHLTChainDef(self.from_central)
        self.assertTrue(chain_def.__class__.__name__ == 'ErrorChainDef')
Beispiel #4
    def test_14(self):
        """error handling: bad scan type"""

        self.from_central['chainName'] = 'bad scan type'
        self.from_central['chainParts'][0]['scan'] = 'junk'
        chain_def = generateHLTChainDef(self.from_central)
        # TT not implemented 11/5/2014
        self.assertTrue(chain_def.__class__.__name__ == 'ErrorChainDef')
Beispiel #5
    def test_13(self):
        """error handling: unknown reco alg"""

        self.from_central['chainName'] = 'bad reco alg'
        self.from_central['chainParts'][0]['recoAlg'] = 'junk'
        chain_def = generateHLTChainDef(self.from_central)
        # TT not implemented 11/5/2014
        self.assertTrue(chain_def.__class__.__name__ == 'ErrorChainDef')
Beispiel #6
    def test_7(self):
        'test error handling: missing entry in chain part dict'

        del self.from_central['chainParts'][0]['etaRange']
        chain_def = generateHLTChainDef(self.from_central)
        # if chain_def.__class__.__name__ != 'ChainDef':
        #    print (chain_def)
        self.assertTrue(chain_def.__class__.__name__ == 'ErrorChainDef')
Beispiel #7
    def test_6(self):
        'test error handling: unexpected chain part signature'

        self.from_central['chainParts'][0]['signature'] = 'junk'
        chain_def = generateHLTChainDef(self.from_central)
        # if chain_def.__class__.__name__ != 'ChainDef':
        #    print chain_def
        self.assertTrue(chain_def.__class__.__name__ == 'ErrorChainDef')
    def test_16(self):
        """error handling: bad region"""

        fc = copy.deepcopy(self.from_central)
        fc['chainName'] = 'bad region'
        fc['chainParts'][0]['etaRange'] = 'junk'
        chain_def = generateHLTChainDef(fc)
        self.assertTrue(chain_def.__class__.__name__ == 'ErrorChainDef')
Beispiel #9
    def test_8(self):
        'test error handling: unexpected dataType in chain part dict'

        self.from_central['chainParts'][0]['dataType'] = 'junk'
        chain_def = generateHLTChainDef(self.from_central)
        # if chain_def.__class__.__name__ != 'ChainDef':
        #    print (chain_def)
        self.assertTrue(chain_def.__class__.__name__ == 'ErrorChainDef')
Beispiel #10
    def test_5(self):
        'test error handling: too many chain parts'

        self.from_central['chainParts'].extend([{}, {}])
        chain_def = generateHLTChainDef(self.from_central)
        # if chain_def.__class__.__name__ != 'ChainDef':
        #    print (chain_def)
        self.assertTrue(chain_def.__class__.__name__ == 'ErrorChainDef')
    def test_13(self):
        """error handling: unknown reco alg"""

        fc = copy.deepcopy(self.from_central)
        fc['chainName'] = 'bad reco alg'
        fc['chainParts'][0]['recoAlg'] = 'junk'
        chain_def = generateHLTChainDef(fc)
        # TT not implemented 11/5/2014
        self.assertTrue(chain_def.__class__.__name__ == 'ErrorChainDef')
    def test_9(self):
        'test error handling: topo clusters (tc) not one of the dataTypes'

        fc = copy.deepcopy(self.from_central)
        fc['chainParts'][0]['dataType'] = 'TT'
        chain_def = generateHLTChainDef(fc)
        # if chain_def.__class__.__name__ != 'ChainDef':
        #    print chain_def
        self.assertTrue(chain_def.__class__.__name__ == 'ErrorChainDef')
    def test_8(self):
        'test error handling: unexpected dataType in chain part dict'

        fc = copy.deepcopy(self.from_central)
        fc['chainParts'][0]['dataType'] = 'junk'
        chain_def = generateHLTChainDef(fc)
        # if chain_def.__class__.__name__ != 'ChainDef':
        #    print chain_def
        self.assertTrue(chain_def.__class__.__name__ == 'ErrorChainDef')
    def test_7(self):
        'test error handling: missing entry in chain part dict'

        fc = copy.deepcopy(self.from_central)
        del fc['chainParts'][0]['etaRange']
        chain_def = generateHLTChainDef(fc)
        # if chain_def.__class__.__name__ != 'ChainDef':
        #    print chain_def
        self.assertTrue(chain_def.__class__.__name__ == 'ErrorChainDef')
    def test_5(self):
        'test error handling: too many chain parts'

        fc = copy.deepcopy(self.from_central)
        fc['chainParts'].extend([{}, {}])
        chain_def = generateHLTChainDef(fc)
        # if chain_def.__class__.__name__ != 'ChainDef':
        #    print chain_def
        self.assertTrue(chain_def.__class__.__name__ == 'ErrorChainDef')
    def test_14(self):
        """error handling: bad scan type"""

        fc = copy.deepcopy(self.from_central)
        fc['chainName'] = 'bad scan type'
        fc['chainParts'][0]['scan'] = 'junk'
        chain_def = generateHLTChainDef(fc)
        # TT not implemented 11/5/2014
        self.assertTrue(chain_def.__class__.__name__ == 'ErrorChainDef')
Beispiel #17
    def test_0(self):
        """Create ChainDef instances with full instantiation"""

        for dd in MC_pp_V5_dicts:
            chain_def = generateHLTChainDef(dd)
            if chain_def.__class__.__name__ != 'ChainDef':
                print('real error ---> ', chain_def)
            self.assertTrue(chain_def.__class__.__name__ == 'ChainDef')
Beispiel #18
    def test_15(self):
        """error handling: scan type set for TT"""

        self.from_central['chainName'] = 'scan type set for TT'
        d = copy.deepcopy(self.from_central['chainParts'][0])
        d['scan'] = 'PS'
        d['dataType'] = 'TT'
        chain_def = generateHLTChainDef(self.from_central)
        self.assertTrue(chain_def.__class__.__name__ == 'ErrorChainDef')
Beispiel #19
    def test_9(self):
        'test error handling: topo TT is one of the dataTypes'

        d = {
            'chainParts': [{
                'L1item': '',
                'TLA': '',
                'addInfo': [],
                'bConfig': [],
                'bMatching': [],
                'bTag': '',
                'bTracking': '',
                'calib': 'em',
                'chainPartName': 'j60_TT',
                'cleaning': 'noCleaning',
                'dataScouting': '',
                'dataType': 'TT',
                'etaRange': '0eta320',
                'extra': '',
                'jetCalib': 'subjes',
                'multiplicity': '1',
                'recoAlg': 'a4',
                'scan': 'FS',
                'signature': 'Jet',
                'threshold': '60',
                'topo': [],
                'trigType': 'j'
            'groups': ['RATE:SingleJet', 'BW:Jets'],
            'stream': ['Main'],
            'topo': [],

        chain_def = generateHLTChainDef(d)
        if chain_def.__class__.__name__ != 'ChainDef':
            print('real error ---> ', chain_def)

        self.assertTrue(chain_def.__class__.__name__ == 'ChainDef')
    def test_15(self):
        """error handling: scan type set for TT"""

        fc = copy.deepcopy(self.from_central)
        fc['chainName'] = 'scan type set for TT'
        d = copy.deepcopy(fc['chainParts'][0])
        d['scan'] = 'PS'
        d['dataType'] = 'TT'
        chain_def = generateHLTChainDef(fc)
        self.assertTrue(chain_def.__class__.__name__ == 'ErrorChainDef')
Beispiel #21
    def _test_12(self):
        """excercise with input data having both trigger tower and
        topo cluster input data.

        HANDLING of TT not decided 16/6/14

        self.from_central['chainName'] = 'TT_and_tc_chainParts'
        d = copy.deepcopy(self.from_central['chainParts'][0])
        d['dataType'] = 'TT'
        d['scan'] = ''
        chain_def = generateHLTChainDef(self.from_central)
        # TT not implemented 11/5/2014
        self.assertTrue(chain_def.__class__.__name__ == 'ChainDef')
    def _test_12(self):
        """excercise with input data having both trigger tower and
        topo cluster input data.

        HANDLING of TT not decided 16/6/14

        fc = copy.deepcopy(self.from_central)
        fc['chainName'] = 'TT_and_tc_chainParts'
        d = copy.deepcopy(fc['chainParts'][0])
        d['dataType'] = 'TT'
        d['scan'] = ''
        chain_def = generateHLTChainDef(fc)
        print chain_def
        # TT not implemented 11/5/2014
        self.assertTrue(chain_def.__class__.__name__ == 'ChainDef')
    def test_1(self):
        """Create ChainDef instances with Alg to string conversion"""

        updates = [('j30', {'threshold': '30'}),
                   ('j400', {'threshold': '400'}),
                   # ('fj200', {'threshold': '200', 'etaRange': '0eta320'}),
                   ('j60', {'threshold': '60'}),
                   ('j80', {'threshold': '80'}),
                   ('j110', {'threshold': '110'}),
                   ('j150', {'threshold': '150'}),
                   ('j200', {'threshold': '200'}),
                   ('j260', {'threshold': '260'}),
                   ('j330', {'threshold': '330'}),
                   ('3j175', {'threshold': '175', 'multiplicity': '3'}),
                   ('4j100', {'threshold': '100', 'multiplicity': '4'}),
                   # {'threshold': '85', 'multiplicity': '5'},

        n_em = len(updates)
        updates_had = copy.copy(updates)
        for u in updates_had:
            u[1]['calib'] = 'had'
        self.assertTrue(len(updates) == 2 * n_em)

        counter = 0
        for dd in updates:
            counter += 1
            fc = copy.deepcopy(self.from_central)
            # make chain name unique - this is used as an Alg Argument
            # and some central code checks it is unique
            fc['chainName'] = dd[0]
            chain_def = generateHLTChainDef(fc)
            if chain_def.__class__.__name__ != 'ChainDef':
                print chain_def
            self.assertTrue(chain_def.__class__.__name__ == 'ChainDef')