def SetCabinCrew(self): ''' set new cabin crew ''' ssn = input('Social security number: ') valid_ssn = LL_API().checkIfValidssn(ssn) if valid_ssn == None: print(":: Not a valid social security number ::") else: name = input('Full name: ').title() firstname = name.split() role = 'Cabincrew' print("\n{:^44}".format('Choose rank')) print("."*44) print("1: Flight Attendant") print("2: Flight Service Manager") print("_"*44) rank_input = int(input('Rank: ')) if rank_input == 1: rank = "Flight Attendant" elif rank_input == 2: rank = "Flight Service Manager" pilot_license = 'N/A' address = input('Address: ') try: phone = int(input('Phone: ')) except ValueError: print("\n:: Invalid phone ::\n") phone = input('Phone: ') email = firstname[0] + "" employee = Model_Employee(ssn, name, role, rank, pilot_license, address, phone, email) LL_API().createEmployee(employee) print("\n:: {} has been added to Cabin crew ::".format(name))
def listPilots(self): ''' prints all pilots ''' pilot_list = LL_API().get_Pilots() print("{:^44}".format('All pilots')) print("."*44) print() for name, rank in pilot_list.items(): print(name, '-', rank)
def listCabinCrew(self): ''' prints all cabin crew ''' cabin_list = LL_API().get_Cabin() print("{:^44}".format('All cabin crew members')) print("."*44) print() for name, rank in cabin_list.items(): print(name, '-', rank)
def list_pilots_for_planetypeID(self): '''Prints all pilots with license on each plane type''' pilotlisence_dict = LL_API().listPilots_planetype() for plane, pilots in pilotlisence_dict.items(): print('\n\n{:^44}'.format(plane)) print('.'*44) print() for name, rank in pilots.items(): print('{} - {}'.format(name, rank))
def listEmployeesVoyagesInSpecificWeek(self): ''' prints a list of employyes voyages in specific week ''' name = input("Full name: ").title() usersWithName = LL_API().getOneEmployeeName(name) if len(usersWithName) == 0: print(":: No user with that name ::") else: for elem in usersWithName: ssn = elem.ssn print("From") print("----") from_year_input = input("Year: ") from_year = LL_API().checkIfValidDate(from_year_input) if from_year == None: print(":: Not a valid year ::") else: from_month_input = input("Month: ") from_month = LL_API().checkIfValidDate(from_month_input) if from_month == None: print(":: Not a valid month ::") else: from_day_input = input("Day: ") from_day = LL_API().checkIfValidDate(from_day_input) if from_day == None: print(":: Not a valid day ::") else: print("\nTo") print("----") to_year_input = input("Year: ") to_year = LL_API().checkIfValidDate(to_year_input) if to_year == None: print(":: Not a valid year ::") else: to_month_input = input("Month: ") to_month = LL_API().checkIfValidDate(to_month_input) if to_month == None: print(":: Not a valid month ::") else: to_day_input = input("Day: ") to_day = LL_API().checkIfValidDate(to_day_input) if to_day == None: print(":: Not a valid day ::") else: print() from_date = datetime.datetime(from_year, from_month, from_day, 0, 0, 0).isoformat() to_date = datetime.datetime(to_year, to_month, to_day+1, 0, 0, 0).isoformat() result = LL_API().Week_Time(from_date, to_date) employee_list = LL_API().EmployeesVoyagesInSpecificWeek(ssn, result) for voyage in employee_list: print('{:>22} {} {:<22}'.format(voyage.flightOut.flightNumber, '-', voyage.flightBack.flightNumber)) print('.'*44,'\n') print('{}-{}: \n\t{} \n\t{}'.format(voyage.flightOut.departingFrom, voyage.flightOut.arrivingAt, voyage.flightOut.departure, voyage.flightOut.arrival)) print('{}-{}: \n\t{} \n\t{}'.format(voyage.flightBack.departingFrom, voyage.flightBack.arrivingAt, voyage.flightBack.departure, voyage.flightBack.arrival)) print('Crew: \n\tCaptain: {} \n\tCopilot: {} \n\tfsm: {} \n\tfa1: {} \n\tfa2: {}'.format(voyage.captain, voyage.copilot, voyage.fsm, voyage.fa1, voyage.fa2)) print()
def listByDateFilter(self): ''' prints all voyages on a specific day ''' year_input = input("Year: ") year = LL_API().checkIfValidDate(year_input) if year == None: print("\n:: Not a valid year::") else: month_input = input("Month: ") month = LL_API().checkIfValidDate(month_input) if month == None: print("\n:: Not a valid month ::") else: day_input = input("Day: ") day = LL_API().checkIfValidDate(day_input) if day == None: print("\n:: Not a valid day ::") else: print() date_time = datetime.datetime(year, month, day, 0, 0, 0).isoformat() result = LL_API().Date_Time(date_time) print() if len(result) == 0: print(":: No Voyage on selected date ::") else: for voyage in result: status_now = self.VoyageStatusNow(voyage) crew_status = self.VoyageCrewStatus(voyage) print('{:>22} {} {:<22}'.format( voyage.flightOut.flightNumber, '-', voyage.flightBack.flightNumber)) print('.' * 44, '\n') print('{}-{}: \n\t{} \n\t{}'.format( voyage.flightOut.departingFrom, voyage.flightOut.arrivingAt, voyage.flightOut.departure, voyage.flightOut.arrival)) print() print('{}-{}: \n\t{} \n\t{}'.format( voyage.flightBack.departingFrom, voyage.flightBack.arrivingAt, voyage.flightBack.departure, voyage.flightBack.arrival)) if crew_status == True: print( 'Crew: \n\tCaptain: {} \n\tCopilot: {} \n\tfsm: {} \n\tfa1: {} \n\tfa2: {}' .format(voyage.captain, voyage.copilot, voyage.fsm, voyage.fa1, voyage.fa2)) else: print() print(crew_status) print('\nStatus: \n\t{}'.format(status_now)) print()
def changePilotInfo(self): ''' change employee information ''' print("\n{:^44}".format('Fill in the information below')) print("."*44) input_name = input('\nFull name: ').title() emp_info_list = LL_API().getOneEmployeeName(input_name) aircraftType_list = LL_API().get_aircraftType_list() if len(emp_info_list) == 0: print(":: No user with that name ::") else: for elem in emp_info_list: if elem.role == "Pilot": ssn = elem.ssn name = input_name firstname = name.split() role = 'Pilot' print("\n{:^44}".format('Captain or Copilot?')) print("."*44) print("1: Captain") print("2: Copilot") print("_"*44) rank_input = int(input('Rank: ')) if rank_input == 1: rank = "Captain" elif rank_input == 2: rank = "Copilot" print("\n{:^44}".format('Choose aircraft license')) print("."*44) for num, elem in enumerate(aircraftType_list): print('{}: {}'.format(num+1, elem.planeTypeId)) print("_"*44) pilotlicense_inp = int(input('Pilot license: ')) plicense = aircraftType_list[pilotlicense_inp-1] pilot_license = plicense.planeTypeId address = input('\nAddress: ') try: phone = int(input('Phone: ')) except ValueError: print("\n:: Invalid phone ::\n") phone = input('Phone: ') email = firstname[0] + "" employee = Model_Employee(ssn, name, role, rank, pilot_license, address, phone, email) LL_API().change_Employee(employee) print("\n:: Information on {} has been updated ::".format(input_name)) else: print("\n:: Employee not a pilot::")
def SetDestination(self): ''' set new destination ''' Id = input('Id: ').upper() destination = input('Destination: ').title() try: flighttimehours = int(input('Flight time hours: ')) except ValueError: print("\n:: Invalid, enter a integer ::\n") flighttimehours = int(input('Flight time hours: ')) try: flighttimeminu = int(input("Flight time minutes: ")) except ValueError: print("\n:: Invalid, enter a integer ::\n") flighttimeminu = int(input("Flight time minutes: ")) flighttime = str(flighttimehours) + ":" + str(flighttimeminu) try: distance = int(input('Distance: ')) except ValueError: print("\n:: Invalid, enter a integer ::\n") distance = int(input('Distance: ')) name_emergencycontact = input('Emergency contact name: ').title() try: number_emergencycontact = int( input('Emergency contact phone number: ')) except ValueError: print("\n:: Invalid, enter a integer ::\n") number_emergencycontact = int( input('Emergency contact phone number: ')) destination = Model_Destinations(Id, destination, flighttime, distance, name_emergencycontact, number_emergencycontact) LL_API().set_destination(destination) print("\n:: Destination to {} has been added ::".format(Id))
def setAircraft(self, planeTypeId): ''' set new aircraft ''' planeInsignia_inp = input('Plane Insignia: TF-').upper() planeInsignia = "TF-" + planeInsignia_inp planeTypeId = planeTypeId aircraft = Model_Aircrafts(planeInsignia, planeTypeId) LL_API().set_aircraft(aircraft)
def listVoyage(self): ''' prints all voyages ''' result = LL_API().get_voyage_list() if len(result) == 0: print(":: No Voyage on selected date ::") else: for voyage in result: status_now = self.VoyageStatusNow(voyage) crew_status = self.VoyageCrewStatus(voyage) print('{:>22} {} {:<22}'.format( voyage.flightOut.flightNumber, '-', voyage.flightBack.flightNumber)) print('.' * 44, '\n') print('{}-{}: \n\t{} \n\t{}'.format( voyage.flightOut.departingFrom, voyage.flightOut.arrivingAt, voyage.flightOut.departure, voyage.flightOut.arrival)) print() print('{}-{}: \n\t{} \n\t{}'.format( voyage.flightBack.departingFrom, voyage.flightBack.arrivingAt, voyage.flightBack.departure, voyage.flightBack.arrival)) if crew_status == True: print( 'Crew: \n\tCaptain: {} \n\tCopilot: {} \n\tfsm: {} \n\tfa1: {} \n\tfa2: {}' .format(voyage.captain, voyage.copilot, voyage.fsm, voyage.fa1, voyage.fa2)) else: print() print(crew_status) print('\nStatus: \n\t{}'.format(status_now)) print()
def listEmployee(self): ''' prints all employees ''' result = LL_API().get_crew_list() print("{:^44}".format('All crew members')) print("."*44) print() for crewMember in result: print(, '-',crewMember.rank)
def changeDestinationContact(self): ''' change emergency contact name ''' input_dest = input('Destination ID: ').upper() dest = LL_API().getOneDestination(input_dest) if dest == None: print("Not a valid destination") else: new_name_emergencycontact = input( 'New emergency contact: ').title() updatedDestination = Model_Destinations( dest.Id, dest.destination, dest.flighttime, dest.distance, new_name_emergencycontact, dest.number_emergencycontact) LL_API().change_destination(updatedDestination) print("\n:: Information on {} has been updated ::".format( updatedDestination.destination))
def listByName(self): '''prints all employees by name ''' name_input = input("Full name: ").title() usersWithName = LL_API().getOneEmployeeName(name_input) if len(usersWithName) == 0: print("no user with that name") else: for elem in usersWithName: print("\n\tName: {} \n\tSsn: {} \n\tRole: {} \n\tRank: {} \n\tLicense: {} \n\tAddress: {} \n\tPhone number: {} \n\tEmail: {}".format(, elem.ssn, elem.role, elem.rank, elem.license, elem.address, elem.phonenumber,
def SetPilot(self): ''' set new pilot ''' ssn = input('Social security number: ') valid_ssn = LL_API().checkIfValidssn(ssn) aircraftType_list = LL_API().get_aircraftType_list() if valid_ssn == None: print(":: Not a valid social security number ::") else: ssn = valid_ssn name = input('Full name: ').title() firstname = name.split() role = 'Pilot' print("\n{:^44}".format('Captain or Copilot?')) print("."*44) print("1: Captain") print("2: Copilot") print("_"*44) rank_input = int(input('Rank: ')) if rank_input == 1: rank = "Captain" elif rank_input == 2: rank = "Copilot" print("\n{:^44}".format('Choose aircraft license')) print("."*44) for num, elem in enumerate(aircraftType_list): print('{}: {}'.format(num+1, elem.planeTypeId)) print("_"*44) pilotlicense_inp = int(input('Pilot license: ')) plicense = aircraftType_list[pilotlicense_inp-1] pilot_license = plicense.planeTypeId address = input('\nAddress: ') try: phone = int(input('Phone: ')) except ValueError: print("\n:: Invalid phone ::\n") phone = input('Phone: ') email = firstname[0] + "" employee = Model_Employee(ssn, name, role, rank, pilot_license, address, phone, email) LL_API().createEmployee(employee) print("\n:: {} has been added as a Pilot ::".format(name))
def setAircraftTypes(self): ''' set new aircraft type ''' manufacturer = input('Manufacturer: ').capitalize() model = input('Model: ') planeTypeId = "NA" + manufacturer + model try: capacity = int(input('Capacity: ')) except ValueError: print("\n:: Invalid, enter a integer ::\n") capacity = int(input('Capacity: ')) try: emptyWeight = int(input('Empty Weight: ')) except ValueError: print("\n:: Invalid, enter a integer ::\n") emptyWeight = int(input('Empty Weight: ')) try: maxTakeoffWeight = int(input('Max Takeoff Weight: ')) except ValueError: print("\n:: Invalid, enter a integer ::\n") maxTakeoffWeight = int(input('Max Takeoff Weight: ')) try: unitThrust = float(input('Unit Thrust: ')) except ValueError: print("\n:: Invalid, enter a integer ::\n") unitThrust = float(input('Unit Thrust: ')) try: serviceCeiling = int(input('Service Ceiling: ')) except ValueError: print("\n:: Invalid, enter a integer ::\n") serviceCeiling = int(input('Service Ceiling: ')) try: length = int(input('Length: ')) except ValueError: print("\n:: Invalid, enter a integer ::\n") length = int(input('Length: ')) try: height = int(input('Height: ')) except ValueError: print("\n:: Invalid, enter a integer ::\n") height = int(input('Height: ')) try: wingspan = int(input('Wingspan: ')) except ValueError: print("\n:: Invalid, enter a integer ::\n") wingspan = int(input('Wingspan: ')) name = input('Name: ').title() aircraftType = Model_AircraftType(planeTypeId, manufacturer, model, capacity, emptyWeight, maxTakeoffWeight, unitThrust, serviceCeiling, length, height, wingspan, name) LL_API().set_aircraftType(aircraftType) self.setAircraft(planeTypeId) print('\n:: {} has been added as a aircraft ::'.format(planeTypeId))
def listByLicense(self): '''prints all employees by license ''' license_input = input("Pilot License: ").upper() usersWithLicense = LL_API().getOneEmployeeLicense(license_input) if len(usersWithLicense) == 0: print("Not a valid license") else: print() for elem in usersWithLicense: print('\t',, '-', elem.rank)
def changeCabincrewInfo(self): ''' change cabincrew information ''' print("\n{:^44}".format('Fill in the information below')) print("."*44) input_name = input('\nFull name: ').title() emp_info_list = LL_API().getOneEmployeeName(input_name) if len(emp_info_list) == 0: print(":: No user with that name ::") else: for elem in emp_info_list: if elem.role == "Cabincrew": ssn = elem.ssn name = input_name firstname = name.split() role = 'Cabincrew' print("\n{:^44}".format('Choose rank')) print("."*44) print("1: Flight Attendant") print("2: Flight Service Manager") print("_"*44) rank_input = int(input('Rank: ')) if rank_input == 1: rank = "Flight Attendant" elif rank_input == 2: rank = "Flight Service Manager" pilot_license = 'N/A' address = input('\nAddress: ') try: phone = int(input('Phone: ')) except ValueError: print("\n:: Invalid phone ::\n") phone = input('Phone: ') email = firstname[0] + "" employee = Model_Employee(ssn, name, role, rank, pilot_license, address, phone, email) LL_API().change_Employee(employee) print("\n:: Information on {} has been updated ::".format(input_name)) else: print("\n:: Employee not in Cabin crew ::")
def listAllEmployeesNotWorkingOnSpecificDay(self): ''' prints a list of people not working on specific day ''' year_input = input("Year: ") year = LL_API().checkIfValidDate(year_input) if year == None: print("\n:: Not a valid year ::") else: month_input = input("Month: ") month = LL_API().checkIfValidDate(month_input) if month == None: print("\n:: Not a valid month ::") else: day_input = input("Day: ") day = LL_API().checkIfValidDate(day_input) if day == None: print("\n:: Not a valid day ::") else: print() start_time = datetime.datetime(year, month, day, 0, 0, 0).isoformat() result_employees = LL_API().EmployeesNotWorking(start_time) print('{:^44}'.format('Pilots')) print('.'*44) print() for crewMember in result_employees: if crewMember.rank == 'Captain': print(, '-',crewMember.rank) elif crewMember.rank == 'Copilot': print(, '-',crewMember.rank) print('\n{:^44}'.format('Cabin crew')) print('.'*44) print() for crewMember in result_employees: if crewMember.rank == 'Flight Service Manager': print(, '-',crewMember.rank) elif crewMember.rank == 'Flight Attendant': print(, '-',crewMember.rank)
def changeDestinationPhone(self): ''' change emergency contact phone number ''' input_dest = input('Destination ID: ').upper() dest = LL_API().getOneDestination(input_dest) if dest == None: print("Not a valid destination") else: try: new_number_emergencycontact = int( input('New emergency contact phone number: ')) except ValueError: print("\n:: Invalid, enter a integer ::\n") new_number_emergencycontact = int( input('New emergency contact phone number: ')) updatedDestination = Model_Destinations( dest.Id, dest.destination, dest.flighttime, dest.distance, dest.name_emergencycontact, new_number_emergencycontact) LL_API().change_destination(updatedDestination) print("\n:: Information on {} has been updated ::".format( updatedDestination.destination))
def listDestinations(self): ''' prints all destinations ''' result = LL_API().get_dest_list() print() print('{:^44}'.format("All destinations:")) print('.' * 44) print() for dest in result: print('{} - {}'.format(dest.Id, dest.destination)) print( '\tFlight time: {} \n\tDistance: {} \n\tEmergency contact name: {} \n\tEmergency contact phone number: {}\n' .format(dest.flighttime, dest.distance, dest.name_emergencycontact, dest.number_emergencycontact))
def check_worktrip_date(self, date): ''' Checks date of departure\n date='YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM" ''' worktrips = LL_API() worktrip_list = worktrips.get_list('worktrip') worktrip_list.pop(0) start_date = datetime.datetime.strptime( date, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M') - datetime.timedelta(minutes=10) end_date = datetime.datetime.strptime( date, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M') + datetime.timedelta(minutes=10) for line in worktrip_list: if len(line[5]) < 17: line[5] += ':00' if datetime.datetime.strptime( line[5], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' ) > start_date and datetime.datetime.strptime( line[5], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') < end_date: return False # Found a worktrip within allowed time return True
def listAllEmployeesWorkingOnSpecificDay(self): ''' prints a list of people working on specific day ''' year_input = input("Year: ") year = LL_API().checkIfValidDate(year_input) if year == None: print("Not a valid year") else: month_input = input("Month: ") month = LL_API().checkIfValidDate(month_input) if month == None: print("Not a valid month") else: day_input = input("Day: ") day = LL_API().checkIfValidDate(day_input) if day == None: print("Not a valid day") else: print() start_time = datetime.datetime(year, month, day, 0, 0, 0).isoformat() employee_dict = LL_API().EmployeesWorking(start_time) print('\n{:^44}'.format('Pilots')) print('.'*44) for crewMember, voyage in employee_dict.items(): if crewMember.role == 'Pilot': print('\n{} - {}\n'.format(, crewMember.rank)) print('\t {} - {}'.format(voyage.flightOut.departingFrom, voyage.flightOut.arrivingAt)) print('\t {} - {}'.format(voyage.flightBack.departingFrom, voyage.flightBack.arrivingAt)) print() print('\n{:^44}'.format('Cabin crew')) print('.'*44) for crewMember, voyage in employee_dict.items(): if crewMember.role == 'Cabincrew': print('\n{} - {}\n'.format(, crewMember.rank)) print('\t {} - {}'.format(voyage.flightOut.departingFrom, voyage.flightOut.arrivingAt)) print('\t {} - {}'.format(voyage.flightBack.departingFrom, voyage.flightBack.arrivingAt)) print()
def listAircraftTypes(self): ''' prints all aircraft types ''' aircraftType_list = LL_API().get_aircraftType_list() aircraft_list = LL_API().get_aircrafts_list() voyage = self.AircraftStatus(aircraft_list) pilot_count = LL_API().get_pilot_count() print() for aircraftType in aircraftType_list: print("{:^44}".format(aircraftType.planeTypeId)) print("." * 44) print( "\nName: {} \nManufacturer: {} \nModel: {} \nCapacity: {} \nEmpty weight: {} \nMax takeoff weight: {} \nUnit thrust: {} \nService ceiling: {} \nLength: {} \nHeight: {} \nWingspan: {}" .format(, aircraftType.manufacturer, aircraftType.model, aircraftType.capacity, aircraftType.emptyWeight, aircraftType.maxTakeoffWeight, aircraftType.unitThrust, aircraftType.serviceCeiling, aircraftType.length, aircraftType.height, aircraftType.wingspan)) if aircraftType.planeTypeId in pilot_count.keys(): for planeID, count in pilot_count.items(): if planeID == aircraftType.planeTypeId: print('Pilots with license: {}'.format(count)) else: print('Pilots with license: {}'.format('0')) for line in aircraft_list: if line.planeTypeId.strip() == aircraftType.planeTypeId: for elem in voyage: if elem.flightOut.aircraftID == line.planeInsignia: print() print("{:^44}".format("Aircraft is active")) print() print("Flight number:", elem.flightOut.flightNumber) print("Destination:", elem.flightOut.arrivingAt) print('Next available time:', elem.flightBack.arrival) print()
def listAircrafts(self): ''' prints all aircrafts ''' result = LL_API().get_aircrafts_list() for aircrafts in result: print(aircrafts)
def listByWeekFilter(self): ''' prints all voyages in a specific week ''' print("From") print("----") from_year_input = input("Year: ") from_year = LL_API().checkIfValidDate(from_year_input) if from_year == None: print("\n:: Not a valid year ::") else: from_month_input = input("Month: ") from_month = LL_API().checkIfValidDate(from_month_input) if from_month == None: print("\n:: Not a valid month ::") else: from_day_input = input("Day: ") from_day = LL_API().checkIfValidDate(from_day_input) if from_day == None: print("\n:: Not a valid day ::") else: print("\nTo") print("----") to_year_input = input("Year: ") to_year = LL_API().checkIfValidDate(to_year_input) if to_year == None: print("\n:: Not a valid year ::") else: to_month_input = input("Month: ") to_month = LL_API().checkIfValidDate(to_month_input) if to_month == None: print("\n:: Not a valid month ::") else: to_day_input = input("Day: ") to_day = LL_API().checkIfValidDate(to_day_input) if to_day == None: print("\n:: Not a valid day ::") else: print() from_date = datetime.datetime( from_year, from_month, from_day, 0, 0, 0).isoformat() to_date = datetime.datetime( to_year, to_month, to_day + 1, 0, 0, 0).isoformat() result = LL_API().Week_Time(from_date, to_date) print() if len(result) == 0: print(":: No Voyage on selected date ::") else: for voyage in result: status_now = self.VoyageStatusNow( voyage) crew_status = self.VoyageCrewStatus( voyage) print('{:>22} {} {:<22}'.format( voyage.flightOut.flightNumber, '-', voyage.flightBack.flightNumber)) print('.' * 44, '\n') print('{}-{}: \n\t{} \n\t{}'.format( voyage.flightOut.departingFrom, voyage.flightOut.arrivingAt, voyage.flightOut.departure, voyage.flightOut.arrival)) print() print('{}-{}: \n\t{} \n\t{}'.format( voyage.flightBack.departingFrom, voyage.flightBack.arrivingAt, voyage.flightBack.departure, voyage.flightBack.arrival)) if crew_status == True: print( 'Crew: \n\tCaptain: {} \n\tCopilot: {} \n\tfsm: {} \n\tfa1: {} \n\tfa2: {}' .format( voyage.captain, voyage.copilot, voyage.fsm, voyage.fa1, voyage.fa2)) else: print() print(crew_status) print('\nStatus: \n\t{}'.format( status_now)) print()
def create_voyage(self): '''Gets all necessary input to create a new Voyage''' flightNumber = input('Enter flight number fx "NA0000" : ') update = LL_API().checkIfValidFlightNumber(flightNumber) if update == False: print("\n:: Invalid flight number ::") else: dest_list = LL_API().get_dest_id_list() print("\n{:^44}".format("List of Destiantions")) print("." * 44) for num, elem in enumerate(dest_list): print('{}: {}'.format(num + 1, elem)) print("_" * 44) voyage_destiantion = int(input('Choose Destination: ')) arrivingAt = dest_list[voyage_destiantion - 1] try: year = int(input("Enter Year of departure: ")) except ValueError: print("\n:: Not a valid year ::\n") year = int(input("Enter Year of departure: ")) try: month = int(input("Enter Month of departure: ")) except ValueError: print("\n:: Not a valid month ::\n") month = int(input("Enter Month of departure: ")) try: day = int(input("Enter Day of departure: ")) except ValueError: print("\n:: Not a valid day ::\n") day = int(input("Enter Day of departure: ")) try: hour = int(input("Enter Hour of departure: ")) except ValueError: print("\n:: Not a valid hour ::\n") hour = int(input("Enter Hour of departure: ")) try: minute = int(input("Enter Minute of departure: ")) except ValueError: print("\n:: Not a valid minute ::") minute = int(input("Enter Minute of departure: ")) date_time = datetime.datetime(year, month, day, hour, minute, 0).isoformat() valid_FlightTime = LL_API().checkIfValidFlightTime(date_time) if valid_FlightTime == False: print("\n:: Invalid flight time ::") else: aricraft_plainInsignia = LL_API().availableAircrafts(date_time) print("\n{:^44}".format("List of available Aircrafts")) print("." * 44) for num, elem in enumerate(aricraft_plainInsignia): print('{}: {}'.format(num + 1, elem.planeInsignia)) print("_" * 44) voyage_aircraft = int(input('Choose Aircraft: ')) aircraftID = aricraft_plainInsignia[voyage_aircraft - 1] date_time_ofDeparture = datetime.datetime( year, month, day, hour, minute, 0) LL_API().create_flight(flightNumber, arrivingAt, date_time_ofDeparture, aircraftID.planeInsignia) print('\n:: Voyage to {} has been added ::'.format(arrivingAt))
def VoyageStatusNow(self, voyage): ''' Prints out the status of a voyage now ''' check_status = LL_API().checkVoyageStatus(voyage) return check_status
def VoyageCrewStatus(self, voyage): ''' Prints out the status of the crew now''' check_status = LL_API().checkVoyageCrewStatus(voyage) return check_status
def add_crew_to_voyage(self): '''Adds crew members to already existing voyage''' voyage_To_update = input("Enter flight number: ") update = LL_API().update_voyage_list(voyage_To_update) voyage_list = LL_API().get_upcomingFlight_list() if update: for elem in voyage_list: if elem.flightOut.flightNumber == voyage_To_update or elem.flightBack.flightNumber == voyage_To_update: captain_list = LL_API().CaptainNotWorking( elem.flightOut.departure) cap_with_lisence = LL_API().PilotWithLisence( captain_list, elem.flightOut.aircraftID) print("\n{:^44}".format( "List of available licensed Captains")) print("." * 44) for num, emp in enumerate(cap_with_lisence): print('{}: {} - {}'.format(num + 1,, emp.rank)) print("_" * 44) voyage_captain = int(input("Captain: ")) captain = cap_with_lisence[voyage_captain - 1] copilot_list = LL_API().CopilotNotWorking( elem.flightOut.departure, captain) copi_with_lisence = LL_API().PilotWithLisence( copilot_list, elem.flightOut.aircraftID) print("\n{:^44}".format( "List of available licensed Copilots")) print("." * 44) for num, emp in enumerate(copi_with_lisence): print('{}: {} - {}'.format(num + 1,, emp.rank)) print("_" * 44) voyage_copilot = int(input("Copilot: ")) copilot = copi_with_lisence[voyage_copilot - 1] fsm_list = LL_API().FsmNotWorking(elem.flightOut.departure) print("\n{:^44}".format("List of Flight Service Managers")) print("." * 44) for num, emp in enumerate(fsm_list): print('{}: {} - {}'.format(num + 1,, emp.rank)) print("_" * 44) voyage_fsm = int(input("Flight Service Manager: ")) fsm = fsm_list[voyage_fsm - 1] fa_list = LL_API().FaNotWorking(elem.flightOut.departure) print("\n{:^44}".format("List of Flight Attendants")) print("." * 44) for num, emp in enumerate(fa_list): print('{}: {} - {}'.format(num + 1,, emp.rank)) print("_" * 44) voyage_fa1 = int(input("Flight Attendant 1: ")) voyage_fa2 = int(input("Flight Attendant 2: ")) fa1 = fa_list[voyage_fa1 - 1] fa2 = fa_list[voyage_fa2 - 1] voyage_WithCrew = Model_Voyage(elem.flightOut, elem.flightBack, captain.ssn, copilot.ssn, fsm.ssn, fa1.ssn, fa2.ssn) LL_API().change_voyage(voyage_WithCrew) print("\n:: Crew has been added to voyage {} ::".format( voyage_To_update)) else: print( "\n:: Not a valid flight number or crew has \nalready been added to voyage {} ::" .format(voyage_To_update))
def main(): #-----------------------------KEYRSLUTEST------------------------------" new_instance = LL_API() #CREATE # """Destination""" # return_value = new_instance.create("destination", ('','Test', 'Canada','6:30:10','2.100','John Philips','0219933884','BC_airport')) # return_value = new_instance.create("employee",('','5665552222','Eyþór Óli','Irmagata 31','0934958','*****@*****.**','Pilot','Copilot','Airmax')) # return_value = new_instance.create("destination", ('','Toronto', 'Canada','6:30:10','2.100','John Philips','0219933884','BC_airport')) #return_value = new_instance.create("airplane", ('',"TF-Eythor","NANTES146","Fokker","555","Skvis")) #return_value = new_instance.create("worktrip",('','','','Reykjavik','Manchester','2019-12-20 06:45:00','5','1','2','3','4','5','Staffed','')) # dest_id, departure_time, airplane_id #return_msg(return_value, f"creating a new object, code:{return_value}") #return_value = new_instance.create("worktrip",('1','2019-12-19 11:45','5')) #CHANGE # return_value = new_instance.change("destination",('16','Milano', 'Italy','6:30:10','2.100','John Philips','0219933884','BC_airport','2019-12-08 13:41:20.362544')) # return_value = new_instance.change("employee",('23','2001933874', 'Gömul Lára','Bústaðarvegi 6','8922773','*****@*****.**','Pilot','Captain','F1Fighters','2019-12-08 12:46:12.455312')) # return_value = new_instance.change("airplane",('73','TF-breytt', 'NAbreytt','Fokker','F800','Breytt','13:25:38.975230')) # return_value = new_instance.change("worktrip",('13','Milano', 'Italy','6:30:10','2.100','John Philips','0219933884','BC_airport','2019-12-07 21:39:33.300255')) # return_msg(return_value, f"changing, code:{return_value}") #return_value = new_instance.change("worktrip",('14','NA2275','NA3525','Keflavik','súðavík','2019-12-30 06:21:00','2019-12-19 22:00:00','3','13','12','13','14','15','Mönnuð','2019-12-05 20:45:18.095017')) #GET_LIST #new_list = new_instance.get_list('employee') #new_list = new_instance.get_list('airplane') # new_list = new_instance.get_list('destination') # new_list = new_instance.get_list('worktrip') # new_list = new_instance.get_list('destination',"destination_id","Vancouver") # new_list = new_instance.get_list('airplane','plane_licences') #new_list = new_instance.get_list('worktrip', 'work_schedule', '2019-12-25', '23') #Working and Available employees #new_list = new_instance.get_list('worktrip',"working_employees",'2019-12-19') #new_list = new_instance.get_list("worktrip", "available_employees", "2019-12-12", role='', rank='', a_license='Fokker232') #new_list = new_instance.get_list("worktrip", "available_employees", "2020-12-19") #Work Schedule: #new_list = new_instance.get_list('worktrip', 'work_schedule', '2019-12-28', '', days=1) #fær öll flug fyrir einn dag ákveðna dagsetningu #new_list = new_instance.get_list('worktrip', 'work_schedule', '2019-12-19') #fær flug fyrir öll flug áveðna viku # new_list = new_instance.get_list('worktrip', 'work_schedule', '2019-12-18', _id='28') #fær flug fyrir ákveðinn starfsmann ákveðna viku #Worktrip translator: #new_list = new_instance.get_list(list_type='worktrip_readable', searchparam=("15",'NA156','NA157','Keflavík','15','2019-12-20 11:50:00','2019-12-20 21:45:00','5','3','2','7','11','15','staffed','2019-12-11 01:51:02.065347')) #Find pilot with license #new_list = new_instance.get_list ('employee', "pilot_licences", a_license='BOEING747') #new_list = new_instance.get_list("destination","destination_name", "10") # get_list(self,keyword='',list_type="",searchparam = "", _id='', role='',rank='', a_license='', days=7): new_list = new_instance.get_list("worktrip", "available_employees", "2019-12-19", rank='Captain', a_license='Fokker232') # new_list = new_instance.get_list('airplane','plane_licences') #new_list = new_instance.get_list('worktrip', 'workschedule', '2020-12-19', '14') # new_list = new_instance.get_list("worktrip", "available_employees", "2019-12-20", role='Pilot', rank='', a_license='Fokker232') print(new_list) # new_list = new_instance.get_list('employee') #new_list = new_instance.get_list('airplane') # new_list = new_instance.get_list('destination') # new_list = new_instance.get_list('worktrip') #new_list = new_instance.get_list('worktrip',"available_employees",'2019-12-19', '1') #new_list = new_instance.get_list(keyword='worktrip', list_type= 'workschedule', searchparam='2019-12-11', _id='14') #new_list = new_instance.get_list('airplane','plane_licences') #print(new_list) #print('not working ', new_list) # new_instance = EmployeeLL() # new_list = new_instance.working_employees([['Köben','1','2','3','4','5'],['Stockholm','6','7','8','9','10']]) # print(new_list) return None