Beispiel #1
def getRadiusDensity():
    hashMap = label()
    hashMapRadiusDensity = {}

    for poi in hashMap:
        numberRequests = len(hashMap[poi]['arrayPoints'])
        radius = hashMap[poi]['farestDist']
        area = calculateArea(radius)
        density = numberRequests / area
        tempObj = {'radius': radius, 'density': density}
        hashMapRadiusDensity[poi] = tempObj

    return hashMapRadiusDensity
Beispiel #2
def getAvgDistanceStdForEachPOI():
    hashMap = label()
    hashMapPOI = convertArrayPoiToHashMap()
    hashMapDistance = {}
    for poi in hashMap:
        point2dPoi = hashMapPOI[poi]
        arrayPoint = hashMap[poi]['arrayPoints']
        res = []
        for point in arrayPoint:
            dist = distance(point2dPoi,point)
        averageDist = np.mean(res)
        std = np.std(res)
        obj = {'averageDist': averageDist, 'standardDeviation': std}
        hashMapDistance[poi] = obj
    return hashMapDistance
Beispiel #3
# join the databses
DB = pd.concat([DB1_sub, DB2_sub])
del DB1_sub, DB2_sub, List1, List2

#clean up
DB['date'] = pd.to_datetime(DB['date'])
DB['month'] = DB['date'].dt.month
#remove <>
DB['E. Coli'] = DB['E. Coli'].astype(str).str.replace('<', '')
DB['E. Coli'] = DB['E. Coli'].astype(str).str.replace('>', '')
DB['E. Coli'] = DB['E. Coli'].astype(str).str.replace('?', '')
DB['E. Coli'] = DB['E. Coli'].astype(float)


List0 = list(DB['Watershed'].unique())
List1 = [
    "ANA01", "ANA02", "ANA03", "ANA04", "ANA05", "ANA06", "ANA07", "ANA08",
    "ANA09", "ANA10", "ANA11", "ANA12", "ANA13", "ANA14", "ANA15", "ANA16",
    "ANA28", "ANA17", "ANA18", "ANA19", "ANA20", "ANA21", "ANA21 ", "ANA22",
    "ANA23", "ANA24", "ANA25", "ANA26", "ANA27", "ANA29", "ANA30"
List2 = [
    "PMS01", "PMS02", "PMS03", "PMS05", "PMS07", "PMS08", "PMS09", "PMS10",
    "PMS11", "PMS12", "PMS13", "PMS16", "PMS18", "PMS21", "PMS21 ", "PMS23",
    "PMS25", "PMS27", "PMS29", "PMS31", "PMS33", "PMS35", "PMS37", "PMS39",
    "PMS41", "PMS44", "PMS46", "PMS48", "PMS51", "PMS52"
List3 = ["RCR12", "RCR01", "RCR04", "RCR07", "RCR09"]  # Rock Creek
Beispiel #4
def Batch_S5(folderPath, batch_Id):
    import time
    Start_time = time.time()

    stage = "UNIQ_S5"
    path = folderPath
    #batchId = batch_Id
    path_split = path.split("_")
    print(path_split, 'this is the split path')
    docx = "_".join(path_split[-3:-1]) + ".docx"
    file_path = path.replace("\\", "/") + "/tx1.xml"
    print(file_path, 'this is the file path')
    file = file_path.split('/')[-2].split("_")
    print(file, 'this is the file path for error rectification')
    jid = file[-3]
    aid = file[-2]
    itemid = jid + "_" + aid + "_" + stage
    time1 = datetime.datetime.utcnow().strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
    counter = 1
    error_count = 0
    uid = socket.gethostname()
    exists = os.path.isfile(path.replace("\\", "/") + "/UNIQ_S5.xml")
    jss_path = path.replace("\\", "/") + "/" + jid + "-jss.xml"
    order_path = path.replace("\\", "/") + "/" + jid + "_" + aid + "_order.xml"
    mss = path + "/" + docx
    tp = 0
    fp = 0
    tn = 0
    fn = 0

        path.replace("\\", "/") + "/tx1.xml.log.xml",
        path.replace("\\", "/") + "/UNIQ_S5.xml")

    log_path = path.replace("\\", "/") + "/UNIQ_S5.xml"

    Master_list = [
        itemid, uid, jid, aid, stage, time1, error_count, counter, time1,
        time.time() - Start_time

    def log_transaction_db(obj, error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn):
        append_log(obj, log_path)
        tempdesc = ""
        ss = ''
        if 'error' in obj[0]:
            ss = obj[0][-1]
            error_count += len(obj)
            tn += 1
            tp += 1
        for sub in obj:
            if "error" in sub:
                #   tn+=1
                #if(tempdesc!="" and sub[-1]!=tempdesc):
                #    tn+=1
                if (obj.index(sub) != 0):
                    ss = ss + ';' + sub[-1]

        if 'error' in obj[0]:
            trans_list = [itemid, obj[0][1], obj[0][0], ss, len(ss.split(';'))]
        return error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn

    obj = Brf037a(file_path)
    error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn, = log_transaction_db(obj, error_count, tp, tn,
                                                      fp, fn)

    print(obj, 'second one', 'Vinay')

    obj = Rule_17(file_path)
    error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn, = log_transaction_db(obj, error_count, tp, tn,
                                                      fp, fn)

    print(obj, 'third one', 'vipin')

    obj = rule_15(file_path)
    error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn, = log_transaction_db(obj, error_count, tp, tn,
                                                      fp, fn)

    print(obj, 'fourth one', 'vipin')

    obj = Rule_08(file_path)
    error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn, = log_transaction_db(obj, error_count, tp, tn,
                                                      fp, fn)

    print(obj, 'sixth one', 'preeti')

    obj = Rule_93(file_path)
    error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn, = log_transaction_db(obj, error_count, tp, tn,
                                                      fp, fn)

    print(obj, 'eight one', 'preeti')

    obj = Rule_91(file_path)
    error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn, = log_transaction_db(obj, error_count, tp, tn,
                                                      fp, fn)

    print(obj, 'ninth one', 'preeti')

    obj = AUN009A(file_path)
    error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn, = log_transaction_db(obj, error_count, tp, tn,
                                                      fp, fn)

    print(obj, 'eleventh one', 'shani')

    obj = ack003(file_path)
    error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn, = log_transaction_db(obj, error_count, tp, tn,
                                                      fp, fn)

    print(obj, 'twelveth one', 'shani')

    obj = Rule_108(file_path)
    error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn, = log_transaction_db(obj, error_count, tp, tn,
                                                      fp, fn)

    print(obj, 'thirteenth one', 'preeti')

    obj = article_history(file_path, jss_path)
    error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn, = log_transaction_db(obj, error_count, tp, tn,
                                                      fp, fn)

    print(obj, 'fourteenth one', 'shani')

    obj = rule_59(file_path, jss_path)
    error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn, = log_transaction_db(obj, error_count, tp, tn,
                                                      fp, fn)

    print(obj, 'fifteenth one', 'vipin')

    obj = highlights(file_path)
    error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn, = log_transaction_db(obj, error_count, tp, tn,
                                                      fp, fn)

    print(obj, 'sixteenth one', 'shani')

    obj = rule_87(file_path, order_path)
    error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn, = log_transaction_db(obj, error_count, tp, tn,
                                                      fp, fn)

    print(obj, 'seventeenth one', 'preeti')

    obj = Rule_89(file_path)
    error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn, = log_transaction_db(obj, error_count, tp, tn,
                                                      fp, fn)

    print(obj, 'eighteenth one', 'preeti')

    obj = rule_HIS003A(file_path, jss_path)
    error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn, = log_transaction_db(obj, error_count, tp, tn,
                                                      fp, fn)

    print(obj, '19th one', 'shani')

    obj = rule_73(file_path, jss_path)
    error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn, = log_transaction_db(obj, error_count, tp, tn,
                                                      fp, fn)

    print(obj, '20th one', 'vipin')

    obj = rule_66(file_path)
    error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn, = log_transaction_db(obj, error_count, tp, tn,
                                                      fp, fn)

    print(obj, '21th one', 'vipin')

    obj = rule_71(file_path, jss_path)
    error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn, = log_transaction_db(obj, error_count, tp, tn,
                                                      fp, fn)

    print(obj, '22th one', 'vipin')

    obj = rule_67(file_path)
    error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn, = log_transaction_db(obj, error_count, tp, tn,
                                                      fp, fn)

    print(obj, '23th one', 'vipin')

    obj = aug001(file_path, mss)
    error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn, = log_transaction_db(obj, error_count, tp, tn,
                                                      fp, fn)

    print(obj, '24th one', 'shani')

    obj = BRX011(file_path, jss_path)
    error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn, = log_transaction_db(obj, error_count, tp, tn,
                                                      fp, fn)

    print(obj, '25th one', 'rachit')

    obj = Brx042(file_path)
    error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn, = log_transaction_db(obj, error_count, tp, tn,
                                                      fp, fn)

    print(obj, '26th one', 'kumar')

    obj = brx039(file_path)
    error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn, = log_transaction_db(obj, error_count, tp, tn,
                                                      fp, fn)

    print(obj, '27th one', 'kumar')

    obj = rule31(file_path, jss_path)
    error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn, = log_transaction_db(obj, error_count, tp, tn,
                                                      fp, fn)
    print(obj, '28th one', 'aditya')

    obj = rule_afn003(file_path)
    error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn, = log_transaction_db(obj, error_count, tp, tn,
                                                      fp, fn)
    print(obj, '29th one', 'shani')

    obj = brx029b(file_path, jss_path)
    error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn, = log_transaction_db(obj, error_count, tp, tn,
                                                      fp, fn)
    print(obj, '30th one', 'kumar')

    #obj = Table(file_path)
    #print(obj,'31th one','shani')

    obj = BRX007(file_path, jss_path)
    error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn, = log_transaction_db(obj, error_count, tp, tn,
                                                      fp, fn)
    print(obj, '31th one', 'aditya')

    obj = BRX006(file_path, jss_path)
    error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn, = log_transaction_db(obj, error_count, tp, tn,
                                                      fp, fn)
    print(obj, '32th one', 'aditya')

    obj = Table(file_path)
    error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn, = log_transaction_db(obj, error_count, tp, tn,
                                                      fp, fn)
    print(obj, '33th one', 'shani')

    obj = BRX018(file_path, jss_path)
    error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn, = log_transaction_db(obj, error_count, tp, tn,
                                                      fp, fn)
    print(obj, '34th one', 'rachit')

    obj = BRX005A(file_path, jss_path)
    error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn, = log_transaction_db(obj, error_count, tp, tn,
                                                      fp, fn)
    print(obj, '35th one', 'aditya')

    obj = brx030(file_path, jss_path)
    error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn, = log_transaction_db(obj, error_count, tp, tn,
                                                      fp, fn)
    print(obj, '36th one', 'kumar')

    obj = brx041(file_path)
    error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn, = log_transaction_db(obj, error_count, tp, tn,
                                                      fp, fn)
    print(obj, '37th one', 'kumar')

    obj = BRX020A(file_path, jss_path)
    error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn, = log_transaction_db(obj, error_count, tp, tn,
                                                      fp, fn)
    print(obj, '38th one', 'rachit')

    obj = brx032(file_path, jss_path)
    error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn, = log_transaction_db(obj, error_count, tp, tn,
                                                      fp, fn)
    ##    append_log(obj,log_path)
    ##    for sub in obj:
    ##        if "error" in sub:
    ##            error_count+=1
    ##            trans_list=[jid+"_"+aid+"_"+"S5", itemid, sub[1], sub[0], sub[-1], counter]
    ##            insert_db_trans(trans_list)
    print(obj, '39th one', 'kumar')

    obj = BRX001a(file_path)
    error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn, = log_transaction_db(obj, error_count, tp, tn,
                                                      fp, fn)
    print(obj, '40th one', 'aditya')

    obj = BRX019(file_path, jss_path)
    error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn, = log_transaction_db(obj, error_count, tp, tn,
                                                      fp, fn)
    print(obj, '41th one', 'rachit')

    obj = BRX024(file_path, jss_path)
    error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn, = log_transaction_db(obj, error_count, tp, tn,
                                                      fp, fn)
    print(obj, '42th one', 'rachit')

    obj = BRF091B(file_path, jss_path)
    error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn, = log_transaction_db(obj, error_count, tp, tn,
                                                      fp, fn)
    print(obj, '43th one', 'vipin')

    obj = BRX005B_35(file_path)
    error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn, = log_transaction_db(obj, error_count, tp, tn,
                                                      fp, fn)
    print(obj, '44th one', 'kumar')

    obj = aeu003(file_path)
    error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn, = log_transaction_db(obj, error_count, tp, tn,
                                                      fp, fn)
    print(obj, '45th one', 'kumar')

    obj = BRX020B(file_path, jss_path)
    error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn, = log_transaction_db(obj, error_count, tp, tn,
                                                      fp, fn)
    print(obj, '46th one', 'rachit')

    obj = AFO002A(file_path)
    error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn, = log_transaction_db(obj, error_count, tp, tn,
                                                      fp, fn)
    print(obj, '47th one', 'preeti')

    obj = BRX005B_36(file_path)
    error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn, = log_transaction_db(obj, error_count, tp, tn,
                                                      fp, fn)
    print(obj, '48th and 49th one', 'aditya')

    obj = tab018(file_path)
    error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn, = log_transaction_db(obj, error_count, tp, tn,
                                                      fp, fn)
    print(obj, '50th ', 'kumar')

    obj = XsTB701(file_path)
    error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn, = log_transaction_db(obj, error_count, tp, tn,
                                                      fp, fn)
    print(obj, '51th', 'kumar')

    obj = XsTB702(file_path)
    error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn, = log_transaction_db(obj, error_count, tp, tn,
                                                      fp, fn)
    print(obj, '52th', 'kumar')

    obj = BRX022(file_path, jss_path)
    error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn, = log_transaction_db(obj, error_count, tp, tn,
                                                      fp, fn)
    print(obj, '53th', 'rachit')

    obj = Rule_114(file_path, jss_path)
    error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn, = log_transaction_db(obj, error_count, tp, tn,
                                                      fp, fn)
    print(obj, '54th', 'preeti')

    obj = rule132(file_path, order_path)
    error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn, = log_transaction_db(obj, error_count, tp, tn,
                                                      fp, fn)
    print(obj, '55th', 'rachit')

    obj = rule40(file_path, mss)
    error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn, = log_transaction_db(obj, error_count, tp, tn,
                                                      fp, fn)
    print(obj, '56th', 'aditya')

    obj = Rule_113(file_path, jss_path)
    error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn, = log_transaction_db(obj, error_count, tp, tn,
                                                      fp, fn)
    print(obj, '57th', 'preeti')

    obj = rule41(file_path, mss, jss_path)
    error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn, = log_transaction_db(obj, error_count, tp, tn,
                                                      fp, fn)
    print(obj, '58th', 'aditya')

    obj = table_header(file_path)
    error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn, = log_transaction_db(obj, error_count, tp, tn,
                                                      fp, fn)
    print(obj, '59th', 'shani')

    obj = rule_80(file_path, jss_path)
    error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn, = log_transaction_db(obj, error_count, tp, tn,
                                                      fp, fn)
    print(obj, '60th', 'vipin')

    obj = rule_72(file_path, jss_path)
    error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn, = log_transaction_db(obj, error_count, tp, tn,
                                                      fp, fn)
    print(obj, '61th', 'vipin')

    obj = rule_78_138(file_path)
    error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn, = log_transaction_db(obj, error_count, tp, tn,
                                                      fp, fn)
    print(obj, '62th', 'vipin')

    obj = Rule_111(file_path)
    error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn, = log_transaction_db(obj, error_count, tp, tn,
                                                      fp, fn)
    print(obj, '63th', 'preeti')

    obj = Rule_96(file_path)
    error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn, = log_transaction_db(obj, error_count, tp, tn,
                                                      fp, fn)
    print(obj, '64th', 'preeti')

    obj = label(file_path)
    error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn, = log_transaction_db(obj, error_count, tp, tn,
                                                      fp, fn)
    print(obj, '65th', 'shani')

    obj = keywords(file_path)
    error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn, = log_transaction_db(obj, error_count, tp, tn,
                                                      fp, fn)
    print(obj, '66th', 'shani')

    obj = Rule_109(file_path)
    error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn, = log_transaction_db(obj, error_count, tp, tn,
                                                      fp, fn)
    print(obj, '67th', 'preeti')

    obj = Authors_Email(file_path, mss)
    error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn, = log_transaction_db(obj, error_count, tp, tn,
                                                      fp, fn)
    print(obj, '68th', 'Vinay')

    obj = Rule139_140(file_path)
    error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn, = log_transaction_db(obj, error_count, tp, tn,
                                                      fp, fn)
    print(obj, '69th', 'aditya')

    obj = corr_check(file_path)
    error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn, = log_transaction_db(obj, error_count, tp, tn,
                                                      fp, fn)
    print(obj, '70th', 'shani')

    obj = rule_75(file_path, jss_path)
    error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn, = log_transaction_db(obj, error_count, tp, tn,
                                                      fp, fn)
    print(obj, '71th', 'vipin')

    obj = rule_69(file_path, mss, jss_path)
    error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn, = log_transaction_db(obj, error_count, tp, tn,
                                                      fp, fn)
    print(obj, '72th', 'vipin')

    obj = rule120(file_path)
    error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn, = log_transaction_db(obj, error_count, tp, tn,
                                                      fp, fn)
    print(obj, '73th', 'aditya')

    obj = rule_70(file_path, jss_path)
    error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn, = log_transaction_db(obj, error_count, tp, tn,
                                                      fp, fn)
    print(obj, '74th', 'vipin')

    obj = rule_79(file_path, jss_path)
    error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn, = log_transaction_db(obj, error_count, tp, tn,
                                                      fp, fn)
    print(obj, '75th', 'vipin')

    obj = rule_16(file_path)
    error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn, = log_transaction_db(obj, error_count, tp, tn,
                                                      fp, fn)
    print(obj, '76th', 'vipin')

    obj = rule_83(jss_path, file_path)
    error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn, = log_transaction_db(obj, error_count, tp, tn,
                                                      fp, fn)
    print(obj, '77th', 'vipin')

    obj = tab021(file_path)
    error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn, = log_transaction_db(obj, error_count, tp, tn,
                                                      fp, fn)
    print(obj, '78th', 'kumar')

    obj = tab012(file_path, mss)
    error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn, = log_transaction_db(obj, error_count, tp, tn,
                                                      fp, fn)
    print(obj, '79th', 'kumar')

    obj = XsFG601(file_path)
    error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn, = log_transaction_db(obj, error_count, tp, tn,
                                                      fp, fn)
    print(obj, '80th', 'kumar')

    obj = XsFM101(file_path, jss_path, order_path)
    error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn, = log_transaction_db(obj, error_count, tp, tn,
                                                      fp, fn)
    print(obj, '81th', 'kumar')

    obj = rule135(file_path, order_path)
    error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn, = log_transaction_db(obj, error_count, tp, tn,
                                                      fp, fn)
    print(obj, '82th', 'rachit')

    obj = rule144(mss, file_path)
    error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn, = log_transaction_db(obj, error_count, tp, tn,
                                                      fp, fn)
    print(obj, '83th', 'rachit')

    # obj = rule130(file_path,json_path)
    # append_log(obj,log_path)
    # if "error" in obj:
    #     error_count+=1
    #     trans_list=[jid+"_"+aid+"_"+"S5", itemid, obj[2], obj[0], obj[-2], counter]
    #     insert_db_trans(trans_list)
    # print(obj,'84th','rachit')

    obj = Rule_7(file_path)
    error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn, = log_transaction_db(obj, error_count, tp, tn,
                                                      fp, fn)
    print(obj, '84th', 'preeti')

    obj = rule116(file_path, mss)
    error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn, = log_transaction_db(obj, error_count, tp, tn,
                                                      fp, fn)
    print(obj, '85th', 'aditya')

    obj = Rule_149(file_path, mss)
    error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn, = log_transaction_db(obj, error_count, tp, tn,
                                                      fp, fn)
    print(obj, '86th', 'preeti')

    obj = Tail(file_path)
    error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn, = log_transaction_db(obj, error_count, tp, tn,
                                                      fp, fn)
    print(obj, '87th', 'shani')

    obj = Rule_128(file_path)
    error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn, = log_transaction_db(obj, error_count, tp, tn,
                                                      fp, fn)
    print(obj, '88th', 'preeti')

    obj = CHE015_11(file_path)
    error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn, = log_transaction_db(obj, error_count, tp, tn,
                                                      fp, fn)
    print(obj, '89th', 'rachit')

    obj = fund(file_path)
    error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn, = log_transaction_db(obj, error_count, tp, tn,
                                                      fp, fn)
    print(obj, '90th', 'vinay')

    updated_Master_list = [
        itemid, error_count,
        time.time() - Start_time, tp, tn, fp, fn, batch_Id, uid

Beispiel #5
def Batch_S5(folderPath, batch_Id):
        import time
        Start_time = time.time()

        #stage = "UNIQ_S5"
        stage = config["STAGE"]["stage"]
        print(stage, 'stage?' * 50)
        path = folderPath
        #batchId = batch_Id
        path_split = path.split("_")
        print(path_split, 'this is the split path')
        if path_split[-1] == '110':
            print('its in 110 block of batch' * 5)
            docx = "_".join(path_split[-3:-1]) + ".docx"
            file_path = path.replace("\\", "/") + "/tx1.xml"
            print(file_path, 'this is the file path')
            file = file_path.split('/')[-2].split("_")
            print(file, 'this is the file path for error rectification')
            jid = file[-3]
            aid = file[-2]
            itemid = jid + "_" + aid + "_" + stage
                '   **-------Logger start from here for {}-------**   '.format(
            time1 = datetime.datetime.utcnow().strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
            counter = 1
            error_count = 0
            uid = socket.gethostname()
            exists = os.path.isfile(path.replace("\\", "/") + "/UNIQ_S5.xml")
            jss_path = path.replace("\\", "/") + "/" + jid + "-jss.xml"
            order_path = path.replace(
                "\\", "/") + "/" + jid + "_" + aid + "_order.xml"
            mss = path.replace("\\", "/") + "/" + jid + "_" + aid + ".docx"
            tp = 0
            fp = 0
            tn = 0
            fn = 0
            print('its not in 110 block of batch' * 5)
            docx = "_".join(path_split[-2:]) + ".docx"
            file_path = path.replace("\\", "/") + "/tx1.xml"
            print(file_path, 'this is the file path')
            file = file_path.split('/')[-2].split("_")
            print(file, 'this is the file path for error rectification')
            jid = file[-2]
            aid = file[-1]
            itemid = jid + "_" + aid + "_" + stage
                '   **-------Logger start from here for {}-------**   '.format(
            time1 = datetime.datetime.utcnow().strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
            counter = 1
            error_count = 0
            uid = socket.gethostname()
            exists = os.path.isfile(path.replace("\\", "/") + "/UNIQ_S5.xml")
            jss_path = path.replace("\\", "/") + "/" + jid + "-jss.xml"
            order_path = path.replace(
                "\\", "/") + "/" + jid + "_" + aid + "_order.xml"
            mss = path.replace("\\", "/") + "/" + jid + "_" + aid + ".docx"
            #mss = path+"/"+docx
            #print('local path for mss2',mss2)
            print('path for gen docx ', docx)
            print('path for mss ', mss)
            print('path for order ', order_path)
            print('path for jss xml ', jss_path)
            tp = 0
            fp = 0
            tn = 0
            fn = 0

    #def Batch_S5(folderPath,batch_Id):
    #    import time
    #    Start_time = time.time()
    #   stage = "UNIQ_S5"
    #    path=folderPath
    #    print(path)
    #    #batchId = batch_Id
    #    #path_split = path.split("_")
    #    path_split = path.split("\\")[-1].split("_")
    #    print(path_split,'this is the split path')
    #    #docx = "_".join(path_split[-3:-1])+".docx"
    #    docx = "_".join(path_split[-2:])+".docx"
    #    #copy2(path.replace("\\","/")+"/tx1.xml.log.xml",path.replace("\\","/")+"/UNIQ_S5.xml")
    #    file_path = path.replace("\\","/")  + "/tx1.xml"
    #    print(file_path,'this is the file path')
    #    file = file_path.split('/')[-2].split("_")
    #    print(file,'this is the file path for error rectification')
    #    jid = file[-2]
    #    aid = file[-1]
    #    itemid = jid+"_"+aid+"_"+stage
    #    time1 = datetime.datetime.utcnow().strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
    #    counter = 1
    #    error_count = 0
    #    uid = socket.gethostname()
    #    exists =  os.path.isfile(path.replace("\\","/")+"/UNIQ_S5.xml")
    #    jss_path = path.replace("\\","/")+"/"+jid+"-jss.xml"
    #    order_path = path.replace("\\","/")+"/"+jid+"_"+aid+"_order.xml"
    #    mss = path+"/"+docx
    #    tp=0
    #    fp=0
    #    tn=0
    #    fn=0

    #print("starting path",path)
        dest = r'E:\Desktop_files\TESTED FILES'
            path.replace("\\", "/") + "/tx1.xml.log.xml",
            dest.replace("\\", "/") + "/temp_UNIQ_S5.xml")
        log_path = dest.replace("\\", "/") + "/temp_UNIQ_S5.xml"

        Master_list = [
            itemid, uid, jid, aid, stage, time1, error_count, counter, time1,
            time.time() - Start_time

        def log_transaction_db(obj, error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn):
            append_log(obj, log_path)
            tempdesc = ""
            ss = ''
            if 'error' in obj[0]:
                ss = obj[0][-1]
                error_count += len(obj)
                tn += 1
                tp += 1
            for sub in obj:
                if "error" in sub:
                    #   tn+=1
                    #if(tempdesc!="" and sub[-1]!=tempdesc):
                    #    tn+=1
                    if (obj.index(sub) != 0):
                        ss = ss + ';' + sub[-1]

            if 'error' in obj[0]:
                trans_list = [
                    itemid, obj[0][1], obj[0][0], ss,
            return error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn

        obj = Brf037a(file_path)
        error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn, = log_transaction_db(
            obj, error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn)

        print(obj, 'second one', 'Vinay')

        obj = Rule_17(file_path)
        error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn, = log_transaction_db(
            obj, error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn)

        print(obj, 'third one', 'vipin')

        obj = rule_15(file_path)
        error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn, = log_transaction_db(
            obj, error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn)

        print(obj, 'fourth one', 'vipin')

        obj = Rule_08(file_path)
        error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn, = log_transaction_db(
            obj, error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn)

        print(obj, 'sixth one', 'preeti')

        obj = Rule_93(file_path)
        error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn, = log_transaction_db(
            obj, error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn)

        print(obj, 'eight one', 'preeti')

        obj = Rule_91(file_path)
        error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn, = log_transaction_db(
            obj, error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn)

        print(obj, 'ninth one', 'preeti')

        obj = AUN009A(file_path)
        error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn, = log_transaction_db(
            obj, error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn)

        print(obj, 'eleventh one', 'shani')

        obj = ack003(file_path)
        error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn, = log_transaction_db(
            obj, error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn)

        print(obj, 'twelveth one', 'shani')

        obj = Rule_108(file_path)
        error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn, = log_transaction_db(
            obj, error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn)

        print(obj, 'thirteenth one', 'preeti')

        obj = article_history(file_path, jss_path)
        error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn, = log_transaction_db(
            obj, error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn)

        print(obj, 'fourteenth one', 'Vipin')

        obj = rule_59(file_path, jss_path)
        error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn, = log_transaction_db(
            obj, error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn)

        print(obj, 'fifteenth one', 'vipin')

        obj = highlights(file_path)
        error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn, = log_transaction_db(
            obj, error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn)

        print(obj, 'sixteenth one', 'shani')

        obj = rule_87(file_path, order_path)
        error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn, = log_transaction_db(
            obj, error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn)

        print(obj, 'seventeenth one', 'preeti')

        obj = Rule_89(file_path)
        error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn, = log_transaction_db(
            obj, error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn)

        print(obj, 'eighteenth one', 'preeti')

        obj = rule_HIS003A(file_path, jss_path)
        error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn, = log_transaction_db(
            obj, error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn)

        print(obj, '19th one', 'shani')

        obj = rule_73(file_path, jss_path)
        error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn, = log_transaction_db(
            obj, error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn)

        print(obj, '20th one', 'vipin')

        obj = rule_66(file_path)
        error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn, = log_transaction_db(
            obj, error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn)

        print(obj, '21th one', 'vipin')

        obj = rule_71(file_path, jss_path)
        error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn, = log_transaction_db(
            obj, error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn)

        print(obj, '22th one', 'vipin')

        obj = rule_67(file_path)
        error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn, = log_transaction_db(
            obj, error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn)

        print(obj, '23th one', 'vipin')

        obj = aug001(file_path, mss)
        error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn, = log_transaction_db(
            obj, error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn)

        print(obj, '24th one', 'shani')

        obj = BRX011(file_path, jss_path)
        error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn, = log_transaction_db(
            obj, error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn)

        print(obj, '25th one', 'rachit')

        obj = Brx042(file_path)
        error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn, = log_transaction_db(
            obj, error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn)

        print(obj, '26th one', 'kumar')

        obj = brx039(file_path)
        error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn, = log_transaction_db(
            obj, error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn)

        print(obj, '27th one', 'kumar')

        obj = rule31(file_path, jss_path)
        error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn, = log_transaction_db(
            obj, error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn)
        print(obj, '28th one', 'aditya')

        obj = rule_afn003(file_path)
        error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn, = log_transaction_db(
            obj, error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn)
        print(obj, '29th one', 'shani')

        obj = brx029b(file_path, jss_path)
        error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn, = log_transaction_db(
            obj, error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn)
        print(obj, '30th one', 'kumar')

        #obj = Table(file_path)
        #print(obj,'31th one','shani')

        obj = BRX007(file_path, jss_path)
        error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn, = log_transaction_db(
            obj, error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn)
        print(obj, '31th one', 'aditya')

        obj = BRX006(file_path, jss_path)
        error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn, = log_transaction_db(
            obj, error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn)
        print(obj, '32th one', 'aditya')

        obj = Table(file_path)
        error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn, = log_transaction_db(
            obj, error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn)
        print(obj, '33th one', 'shani')

        obj = BRX018(file_path, jss_path)
        error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn, = log_transaction_db(
            obj, error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn)
        print(obj, '34th one', 'rachit')

        obj = BRX005A(file_path, jss_path)
        error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn, = log_transaction_db(
            obj, error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn)
        print(obj, '35th one', 'aditya')

        obj = brx030(file_path, jss_path)
        error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn, = log_transaction_db(
            obj, error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn)
        print(obj, '36th one', 'kumar')

        obj = brx041(file_path)
        error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn, = log_transaction_db(
            obj, error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn)
        print(obj, '37th one', 'kumar')

        obj = BRX020A(file_path, jss_path)
        error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn, = log_transaction_db(
            obj, error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn)
        print(obj, '38th one', 'rachit')

        obj = brx032(file_path, jss_path)
        error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn, = log_transaction_db(
            obj, error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn)
        ##    append_log(obj,log_path)
        ##    for sub in obj:
        ##        if "error" in sub:
        ##            error_count+=1
        ##            trans_list=[jid+"_"+aid+"_"+"S5", itemid, sub[1], sub[0], sub[-1], counter]
        ##            insert_db_trans(trans_list)
        print(obj, '39th one', 'kumar')

        obj = BRX001a(file_path)
        error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn, = log_transaction_db(
            obj, error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn)
        print(obj, '40th one', 'aditya')

        obj = BRX019(file_path, jss_path)
        error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn, = log_transaction_db(
            obj, error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn)
        print(obj, '41th one', 'rachit')

        obj = BRX024(file_path, jss_path)
        error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn, = log_transaction_db(
            obj, error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn)
        print(obj, '42th one', 'rachit')

        obj = BRF091B(file_path, jss_path)
        error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn, = log_transaction_db(
            obj, error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn)
        print(obj, '43th one', 'vipin')

        obj = BRX005B_35(file_path, jss_path)
        error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn, = log_transaction_db(
            obj, error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn)
        print(obj, '44th one', 'vipin')

        obj = aeu003(file_path)
        error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn, = log_transaction_db(
            obj, error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn)
        print(obj, '45th one', 'kumar')

        obj = BRX020B(file_path, jss_path)
        error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn, = log_transaction_db(
            obj, error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn)
        print(obj, '46th one', 'rachit')

        obj = AFO002A(file_path)
        error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn, = log_transaction_db(
            obj, error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn)
        print(obj, '47th one', 'preeti')

        obj = BRX005B_36(file_path, jss_path)
        error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn, = log_transaction_db(
            obj, error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn)
        print(obj, '48th and 49th one', 'vipin')

        obj = tab018(file_path)
        error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn, = log_transaction_db(
            obj, error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn)
        print(obj, '50th ', 'kumar')

        obj = XsTB701(file_path)
        error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn, = log_transaction_db(
            obj, error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn)
        print(obj, '51th', 'kumar')

        obj = XsTB702(file_path)
        error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn, = log_transaction_db(
            obj, error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn)
        print(obj, '52th', 'kumar')

        obj = BRX022(file_path, jss_path)
        error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn, = log_transaction_db(
            obj, error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn)
        print(obj, '53th', 'rachit')

        obj = Rule_114(file_path, jss_path)
        error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn, = log_transaction_db(
            obj, error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn)
        print(obj, '54th', 'preeti')

        obj = rule132(file_path, order_path)
        error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn, = log_transaction_db(
            obj, error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn)
        print(obj, '55th', 'rachit')

        obj = rule40(file_path, mss)
        error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn, = log_transaction_db(
            obj, error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn)
        print(obj, '56th', 'aditya')

        obj = Rule_113(file_path, jss_path)
        error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn, = log_transaction_db(
            obj, error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn)
        print(obj, '57th', 'preeti')

        obj = rule41(file_path, mss, jss_path)
        error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn, = log_transaction_db(
            obj, error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn)
        print(obj, '58th', 'aditya')

        obj = table_header(file_path)
        error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn, = log_transaction_db(
            obj, error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn)
        print(obj, '59th', 'shani')

        obj = rule_80(file_path, jss_path)
        error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn, = log_transaction_db(
            obj, error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn)
        print(obj, '60th', 'vipin')

        obj = rule_72(file_path, jss_path)
        error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn, = log_transaction_db(
            obj, error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn)
        print(obj, '61th', 'vipin')

        obj = rule_78_138(file_path)
        error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn, = log_transaction_db(
            obj, error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn)
        print(obj, '62th', 'vipin')

        obj = Rule_111(file_path)
        error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn, = log_transaction_db(
            obj, error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn)
        print(obj, '63th', 'preeti')

        obj = Rule_96(file_path)
        error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn, = log_transaction_db(
            obj, error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn)
        print(obj, '64th', 'preeti')

        obj = label(file_path)
        error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn, = log_transaction_db(
            obj, error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn)
        print(obj, '65th', 'shani')

        obj = keywords(file_path)
        error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn, = log_transaction_db(
            obj, error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn)
        print(obj, '66th', 'shani')

        obj = Rule_109(file_path)
        error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn, = log_transaction_db(
            obj, error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn)
        print(obj, '67th', 'preeti')

        #obj = Authors_Email(file_path, mss)

        obj = Rule139_140(file_path)
        error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn, = log_transaction_db(
            obj, error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn)
        print(obj, '69th', 'aditya')

        #obj = corr_check(file_path)
        #print(obj,'70th','shani')  commented shani acl003 (151 UFA)

        obj = rule_75(file_path, jss_path)
        error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn, = log_transaction_db(
            obj, error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn)
        print(obj, '71th', 'vipin')

        obj = rule_69(file_path, mss, jss_path)
        error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn, = log_transaction_db(
            obj, error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn)
        print(obj, '72th', 'vipin')

        obj = rule120(file_path)
        error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn, = log_transaction_db(
            obj, error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn)
        print(obj, '73th', 'aditya')

        obj = rule_70(file_path, jss_path)
        error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn, = log_transaction_db(
            obj, error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn)
        print(obj, '74th', 'vipin')

        obj = rule_79(file_path, jss_path)
        error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn, = log_transaction_db(
            obj, error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn)
        print(obj, '75th', 'vipin')

        obj = rule_16(file_path)
        error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn, = log_transaction_db(
            obj, error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn)
        print(obj, '76th', 'vipin')

        obj = rule_83(jss_path, file_path, order_path)
        error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn, = log_transaction_db(
            obj, error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn)
        print(obj, '77th', 'vipin')

        obj = tab021(file_path)
        error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn, = log_transaction_db(
            obj, error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn)
        print(obj, '78th', 'kumar')

        obj = tab012(file_path, mss)
        error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn, = log_transaction_db(
            obj, error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn)
        print(obj, '79th', 'kumar')

        obj = XsFG601(file_path)
        error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn, = log_transaction_db(
            obj, error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn)
        print(obj, '80th', 'kumar')

        obj = XsFM101(file_path, order_path)
        error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn, = log_transaction_db(
            obj, error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn)
        print(obj, '81th', 'vipin')

        obj = rule135(file_path, order_path)
        error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn, = log_transaction_db(
            obj, error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn)
        print(obj, '82th', 'rachit')

        # obj = rule144(mss, file_path)
        # error_count,tp,tn,fp,fn,=log_transaction_db(obj,error_count,tp,tn,fp,fn)
        # print(obj,'83th','rachit')

        # obj = rule130(file_path,json_path)
        # append_log(obj,log_path)
        # if "error" in obj:
        #     error_count+=1
        #     trans_list=[jid+"_"+aid+"_"+"S5", itemid, obj[2], obj[0], obj[-2], counter]
        #     insert_db_trans(trans_list)
        # print(obj,'84th','rachit')

        obj = Rule_7(file_path)
        error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn, = log_transaction_db(
            obj, error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn)
        print(obj, '84th', 'preeti')

        obj = rule116(file_path, mss)
        error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn, = log_transaction_db(
            obj, error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn)
        print(obj, '85th', 'aditya')

        obj = Rule_149(file_path, mss)
        error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn, = log_transaction_db(
            obj, error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn)
        print(obj, '86th', 'preeti')

        obj = Tail(file_path)
        error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn, = log_transaction_db(
            obj, error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn)
        print(obj, '87th', 'shani')

        obj = Rule_128(file_path)
        error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn, = log_transaction_db(
            obj, error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn)
        print(obj, '88th', 'preeti')

        obj = CHE015_11(file_path)
        error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn, = log_transaction_db(
            obj, error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn)
        print(obj, '89th', 'rachit')

        obj = fund(file_path)
        error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn, = log_transaction_db(
            obj, error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn)
        print(obj, '90th', 'vinay')

        obj = AEU001A(file_path)
        error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn, = log_transaction_db(
            obj, error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn)
        print(obj, '91th', 'vipin')

        obj = BRX010_42(jss_path, file_path)
        error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn, = log_transaction_db(
            obj, error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn)
        print(obj, '92th', 'vipin')

        obj = CHE_045(file_path)
        error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn, = log_transaction_db(
            obj, error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn)
        print(obj, '93th', 'manisha')

        obj = FUN_002(file_path)
        error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn, = log_transaction_db(
            obj, error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn)
        print(obj, '94th', 'manisha')

        obj = FUN_002(file_path)
        error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn, = log_transaction_db(
            obj, error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn)
        print(obj, '94th', 'manisha')

        obj = CHE011(file_path)
        error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn, = log_transaction_db(
            obj, error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn)
        print(obj, '95th', 'Mayank')

        obj = Ellip(file_path, jss_path)
        error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn, = log_transaction_db(
            obj, error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn)
        print(obj, '96th', 'Mayank')

        obj = BRF033_(file_path)
        error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn, = log_transaction_db(
            obj, error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn)
        print(obj, '97th', 'Mayank')

        obj = BRF037A(file_path)
        error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn, = log_transaction_db(
            obj, error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn)
        print(obj, '98th', 'Mayank')

        obj = DQO002(file_path)
        error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn, = log_transaction_db(
            obj, error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn)
        print(obj, '99th', 'Mayank')

        obj = CHE011_tri(file_path)
        error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn, = log_transaction_db(
            obj, error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn)
        print(obj, '100th', 'Mayank')

        obj = APP001(file_path)
        error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn, = log_transaction_db(
            obj, error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn)
        print(obj, '101st', 'preeti')

        obj = abs004(file_path)
        error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn, = log_transaction_db(
            obj, error_count, tp, tn, fp, fn)
        print(obj, '102nd', 'preeti')

            dest.replace("\\", "/") + "/temp_UNIQ_S5.xml",
            path.replace("\\", "/") + "/UNIQ_S5.xml")

        os.remove(dest.replace("\\", "/") + "/temp_UNIQ_S5.xml")
        updated_Master_list = [
            itemid, error_count,
            time.time() - Start_time, tp, tn, fp, fn, batch_Id, uid
            '   **-------Logger End from here for {}-------**   '.format(
    except Exception as e:'==' * 50)
        logging.exception('Got exception on main handler-----------')'\n\n')
