Beispiel #1
def mpc_problem(init_phi, ts, ref_phis, pred_horizon):
    uses MPC to track the reference phis, using a stepsize and a predictive horizon.
    ts should be separated by stepsize.
    # set up the system it gets applied to
    y0mpc = * pmodel.T / (2 * np.pi) + start_time)

    # get step size, current phase, etc
    stepsize = ts[1] - ts[0]
    u_input = []
    sys_state = y0mpc

    sys_phis = []
    for idx, inst_time in enumerate(ts):
        #get the ref phase at the time, compare to system phase at the time
        ref_phi = ref_phis[idx]
        # remember, phi0 is defined as when the 0-cross happens
        sys_phi = (pmodel.phase_of_point(sys_state) -
                   pmodel._t_to_phi(start_time)) % (2 * np.pi)

        # phase error
        phi_diff = np.angle(np.exp(1j * sys_phi)) - np.angle(
            np.exp(1j * ref_phi))
        delta_phi_f = -phi_diff % (
            2 * np.pi)  # the desired shift is to make up that angle

        if np.abs(phi_diff) > 0.1:  #this value may be changed as desired
            # calculate the optimal inputs
            us_opt = mpc_pred_horiz(sys_phi, delta_phi_f, stepsize,
            u_apply = us_opt[0]

            u_apply = 0

        print delta_phi_f, u_apply
        # move forward a step
        mpc_param = np.copy(param)
        mpc_param[15] = mpc_param[15] - u_apply
        mpc_sys = lco.Oscillator(model(), mpc_param, sys_state)
        sys_progress = mpc_sys.int_odes(stepsize)
        sys_state = sys_progress[-1]

    return ts, sys_phis, u_input
Beispiel #2
def solutions_from_us(us, stepsize, init_phi):
    """ takes a set of us, a stepsize, and a phi0; returns the trajectories of the solutions """

    pred_horiz = len(us)
    phases = []
    ref_phases = []
    states = []
    times = []
    running_time = 0
    phi0 = init_phi

    y0mpc = * pmodel.T / (2 * np.pi) + start_time)
    sys_state = y0mpc

    for u_apply in us:
        mpc_param = np.copy(param)
        mpc_param[15] = mpc_param[15] - u_apply
        mpc_sys = lco.Oscillator(model(), mpc_param, sys_state)
        sys_progress = mpc_sys.int_odes(stepsize, numsteps=10)

        # append new times and phases
        times = times + list(mpc_sys.ts[:-1] + running_time)
        phases = phases + [
            pmodel.phase_of_point(state) for state in sys_progress[:-1]

        #update for next step
        sys_state = sys_progress[-1]
        running_time = running_time + mpc_sys.ts[-1]

    u0_phases = init_phi + np.asarray(times) * 2 * np.pi / pmodel.T

    return {
        'u0_phases': np.asarray(u0_phases),
        'times': np.asarray(times),
        'phases': np.asarray(phases),
        'us': np.asarray(us)
import numpy as np
from scipy import integrate, optimize, stats
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import gridspec
import casadi as cs
from pyswarm import pso
import brewer2mpl as colorbrewer

#local imports
from LocalModels.hirota2012 import model, param, y0in
from LocalImports import LimitCycle as lco
from LocalImports import PlotOptions as plo
from LocalImports import Utilities as ut

pmodel = lco.Oscillator(model(), param, y0in)

# start at negative prc region
times = np.linspace(0, pmodel.T, 10001)
roots = pmodel.pPRC_interp.splines[15].root_offset()
neg_start_root = roots[0]  # for when region becomes positive
pos_start_root = roots[1]  # for when region becomes negative
umax = 0.06

# define a periodic spline for the
start_time = pos_start_root
prc_pos = stats.threshold(-pmodel.pPRC_interp(times + start_time)[:, 15],
def mpc_problem_fig2(shift_value):
    function for parallelization. returns the max time at which there is an
    error in phase greater than 0.1rad
    print str(shift_value) + ' started'
    shift_val = shift_value * pmodel.T / 24.
    prediction_window = 2
    # set up times, and phases
    days = 7
    shift_day = 1.75
    times = np.linspace(0, days * 23.7, days * 1200 + 1)

    def phase_of_time(times):
        return (times * 2 * np.pi / pmodel.T) % (2 * np.pi)

    def shift_time(ts, shift_t=shift_day * pmodel.T, shift_val=shift_val):
        if np.size(ts) is 1:
            if ts >= shift_t:
                return ts + shift_val
                return ts
        elif np.size(ts) > 1:
            ts = np.copy(ts)
            ts[np.where(ts >= shift_t)] += shift_val
            return np.asarray(ts)
            print "unknown type supplied"

    # create the ref and uncontrolled traj
    unpert_p =[:, 0]
    pert_p =[:,

    # control inputs
    control_vectors = [pmodel.pdict['vdCn']]
    prcs = pmodel.pPRC_interp

    # set up the discretization
    control_dur = 23.7 / 12  # 2hr
    time_steps = np.arange(0, days * 23.7, 2 * 23.7 / 24)
    tstep_len = time_steps[1]
    control_inputs = np.zeros(
        [len(time_steps) - prediction_window,
         len(control_vectors) + 1])
    single_step_ts = np.linspace(0, tstep_len, 100)

    # initialize the problem
    segment_ystart = y0in
    mpc_ts = []
    mpc_ps = []
    mpc_phis = []
    mpc_pts = []
    pred_phis = [0.]
    errors = []
    continuous_phases = []
    tphases = []

    for idx, time in enumerate(time_steps[:-prediction_window]):
        #calculate current phase of oscillator
        mpc_phi = None
        while mpc_phi is None:
            # this sometimes fails to converge and I do not know why
                mpc_phi = pmodel.phase_of_point(segment_ystart)
                mpc_phi = 0
                print segment_ystart

        mpc_time_start = pmodel._phi_to_t(
            mpc_phi)  # used for calculating steps
        control_inputs[idx, 0] = time

        # get the absolute times, external times, external phases, and predicted
        # phases. predicted phases are what's used for the mpc
        abs_times = time_steps[idx:idx + prediction_window + 1]
        abs_phases = phase_of_time(abs_times)
        ext_times = shift_time(abs_times)
        ext_phases = phase_of_time(ext_times)
        # the next predicted phases do not anticipate the shift
        pred_ext_times = ext_times[0] + time_steps[1:prediction_window + 1]
        pred_ext_phases = pmodel._t_to_phi(pred_ext_times) % (2 * np.pi)

        # calculate the error in phase at the current step
        p1 = mpc_phi
        p2 = ext_phases[0]
        diff = np.min([(p1 - p2) % (2 * np.pi), (p2 - p1) % (2 * np.pi)])

        print idx, diff**2

        # only calculate if the error matters
        if diff**2 > 0.01:
            # define the objective fcn
            def err(parameter_shifts, future_ext_phases, mpc_time):
                # assert that args are good
                assert len(parameter_shifts)==len(future_ext_phases), \
                            "length mismatch between u, phi_ext"
                osc_phases = np.zeros(len(parameter_shifts) + 1)
                osc_phases[0] = mpc_phi

                for i, pshift in enumerate(parameter_shifts):
                    # next oscilltor phase = curr phase + norm prog +integr pPRC
                    def dphidt(phi, t0):
                        return 2 * np.pi / (pmodel.T) + pshift * prcs(
                            pmodel._phi_to_t(phi))[:, control_vectors[0]]

                    osc_phases[i + 1] = integrate.odeint(
                        dphidt, osc_phases[i], single_step_ts)[-1]

                #calc difference
                p1 = osc_phases[1:]
                p2 = future_ext_phases
                differences = np.asarray([(p1 - p2) % (2 * np.pi),
                                          (p2 - p1) % (2 * np.pi)]).min(0)
                differences = stats.threshold(differences, threshmin=0.1)
                #quadratic cost in time
                weights = (np.arange(len(differences)) + 1)
                return np.sum(weights * differences**2) + 0.001 * np.sum(

            # the sys functions here stop the swarm from printing its results
            xopt, fopt = pso(err, [-0.1] * prediction_window,
                             [0.0] * prediction_window,
                             args=(pred_ext_phases, mpc_time_start),
            opt_shifts = xopt
            opt_first_step = opt_shifts[0]

            # no action necessary
            opt_shifts = np.zeros(prediction_window)
            opt_first_step = opt_shifts[0]

        # simulate everything forward for one step
        control_inputs[idx, 1] = opt_first_step
        mpc_opt_param = np.copy(param)
        mpc_opt_param[pmodel.pdict['vdCn']] += opt_first_step
        mpc_model = lco.Oscillator(model(), mpc_opt_param, segment_ystart)
        sol = mpc_model.int_odes(tstep_len, numsteps=500)
        tsol = mpc_model.ts

        # add the step results to the overall results
        segment_ystart = sol[-1]
        mpc_ts += list(tsol + time)
        mpc_ps += list(sol[:, 0])
        phases = [pmodel.phase_of_point(pt) for pt in sol[::60]]
        tphases += list(tsol[::60] + time)
        continuous_phases += list(phases)

    abs_err = np.sqrt(errors)
    ext_phis_output = phase_of_time(shift_time(time_steps))
    simulation_results = [
        control_inputs, errors, time_steps, mpc_phis, ext_phis_output, mpc_ps,
        mpc_ts, tphases, continuous_phases
    print str(shift_value) + ' completed'
    return simulation_results