Beispiel #1
    def __init__(self, socFile=None, semester=None):

        self.semester = semester if semester is not None else '13B'
        self.socFile = socFile if socFile is not None else 'socPsV1.txt'
        self.socFrmtFile = self.socFile + '.formatted'
        self.gbLst = LstPressures()
        self.socPs = {} 
        self.gbPs = {} 
        self.diffs = {} 
        self.tolerance = 0.01
        self.gbNightFlagged = self.getNightTimeFlagSessions(self.semester)

        # TBF: use default dict
        self.nightCats = [g.grade for g in SessionGrade.objects.all()]
        self.nightCats.extend(['None', 'All'])
        self.nightDiffs = {}
        for g in self.nightCats: 
            self.nightDiffs[g] = numpy.zeros(24)
Beispiel #2
class LstPrCompare:

    A utility class for quickly comparing Green Bank LST Pressures for those reported
    by the NRAO PHT (Socorro's tool).
       * ->
       * click 'View Pressure Plot'
       * Cut and paste the text box contents labeled 'Raw Session Pressure' into a local file.
       * Modify the args in this file's main function below, and run: python LstPrCompare
       * The resulting report can be used alone (see results at end), or one can diff this file with the 
         resulting *.formatted file to see details on diffs between Socorro and GB pressures.

    def __init__(self, socFile=None, semester=None):

        self.semester = semester if semester is not None else '13B'
        self.socFile = socFile if socFile is not None else 'socPsV1.txt'
        self.socFrmtFile = self.socFile + '.formatted'
        self.gbLst = LstPressures()
        self.socPs = {} 
        self.gbPs = {} 
        self.diffs = {} 
        self.tolerance = 0.01
        self.gbNightFlagged = self.getNightTimeFlagSessions(self.semester)

        # TBF: use default dict
        self.nightCats = [g.grade for g in SessionGrade.objects.all()]
        self.nightCats.extend(['None', 'All'])
        self.nightDiffs = {}
        for g in self.nightCats: 
            self.nightDiffs[g] = numpy.zeros(24)
    def getGbPressures(self, semester):
        ss = Session.objects.filter(semester__semester = semester).order_by('id')
        for s in ss:
            _, _, ps, _ = self.gbLst.pressuresBySession[s.__str__()]
            self.gbPs[] = ps

    def getNightTimeFlagSessions(self, semester):
        ss = Session.objects.filter(semester__semester = semester).order_by('id')
        return [s for s in ss if s.flags.thermal_night or s.flags.optical_night or s.flags.rfi_night]

    def comparePressures(self):

        for gbId, gbPs in self.gbPs.items():
            # don't bother comparing sessions using night time flags
            if gbId not in [ for s in self.gbNightFlagged]:
               if self.socPs.has_key(gbId):
                   diffs = self.comparePressure(gbId, gbPs, gbId, self.socPs[gbId])
                   if len(diffs) > 0:
                       self.diffs[gbId] = diffs
                # on the other hand, how much are the night time ones off by?
                gbPs = numpy.array(gbPs)
                if self.socPs.has_key(gbId):
                    socPs = numpy.array(self.socPs[gbId])
                    diffs = abs(gbPs - socPs)
                    self.nightDiffs['All'] += diffs
                    s = Session.objects.get(id = gbId)
                    grade = s.grade.grade if s.grade is not None else 'None'
                    self.nightDiffs[grade] += diffs
                    print "missing from socPs: ", gbId
        gbIds = set(self.gbPs.keys())                
        socIds = set(self.socPs.keys())                
        self.uniqueGbIds = gbIds.difference(socIds)
        self.uniqueSocIds = socIds.difference(gbIds)

    def comparePressure(self, gbId, gbPs, socId, socPs):

        # no problem if they are all within .01
        gbPs = numpy.array(gbPs)
        socPs = numpy.array(socPs)
        return [d for d in abs(gbPs - socPs) if d > self.tolerance]
    def formatSocFile(self):
        Our file is produced by cutting and pasting the textbox in NRAO PHT's UI.
        So, the file has multiple rows all on ONE line, with each row having the
        format: (session id),pressure at LST 0,...,pressure at LST 23
        f = open(self.socFile, 'r')
        lines = f.readlines()
        lines = lines[0]
        # introduce something that we can later split on
        lines = lines.replace('(', '\n(')
        ls = lines.replace(' ', '')
        # get rid of opening \n
        ls = ls[1:]
        lines = sorted(ls.split('\n'))

        # write it to a new file, in case we want
        # to diff it w/ a file of same format of GB pressures
        f = open(self.socFrmtFile, 'w')
        for l in lines:
            f.write(l + '\n')

        self.socPsLines = lines

    def parseSocPsLines(self, lines):
        "Convert formated strings to a dict mapping sessions to their pressures"
        for l in lines:

    def parseSocPs(self, line):
            id, ps = line.split(')')
            id = int(id[1:])
            ps = ps[1:]
            ps = [float(p) for p in ps.split(',')]
            self.socPs[id] = ps

    def getName(self, sessionId):
            s = Session.objects.get(id = sessionId)
            return ''

    def report(self):

        print "Pipe this to a file and get rid of other lines if you want"
        print "to use tkdiff to compare the above to", self.socFrmtFile

        print ""
        print "Unique GB Sessions: ", [(self.getName(id), id) for id in self.uniqueGbIds]
        print "Unique Soc Sessions: ", [(self.getName(id), id) for id in self.uniqueSocIds]
        print "Sesisons with differences larger then %5.2f:" % self.tolerance
        for id, d in self.diffs.items():
            print self.getName(id), id, " : ", d
        print "Ignoring %d Sessions using Night Flags" % (len(self.gbNightFlagged))
        for s in self.gbNightFlagged:
            print "  ",,
        print "But they contribute these diffs:"    
        for g in sorted(self.nightCats):    
            print g, ":", self.nightDiffs[g]    

    def compare(self):
        "Find notable differences between GB and Soc LST Pressures."
        # format and parse Socorro pressures
        # calculate gb pressures
        # now we can compare them