Beispiel #1
    def single_mc(segId, pLocal, edge_indications, rag, beta):

        weight = pipelineParam.weight

        # copy the probabilities
        probs = pLocal.copy()
        p_min = 0.001
        p_max = 1. - p_min
        probs = (p_max - p_min) * probs + p_min
        # probs to energies
        energies = numpy.log((1. - probs) / probs) + numpy.log(
            (1. - beta) / beta)

        edge_areas = rag.edgeLengths()

        # weight the energies
        if pipelineParam.weighting_scheme == "z":
            print "Weighting Z edges"
            # z - edges are indicated with 0 !
            area_z_max = float(numpy.max(edge_areas[edge_indications == 0]))
            # we only weight the z edges !
            w = weight * edge_areas[edge_indications == 0] / area_z_max
            energies[edge_indications == 0] = numpy.multiply(
                w, energies[edge_indications == 0])

        elif pipelineParam.weighting_scheme == "xyz":
            print "Weighting xyz edges"
            # z - edges are indicated with 0 !
            area_z_max = float(numpy.max(edge_areas[edge_indications == 0]))
            len_xy_max = float(numpy.max(edge_areas[edge_indications == 1]))
            # weight the z edges !
            w_z = weight * edge_areas[edge_indications == 0] / area_z_max
            energies[edge_indications == 0] = numpy.multiply(
                w_z, energies[edge_indications == 0])
            # weight xy edges
            w_xy = weight * edge_areas[edge_indications == 1] / len_xy_max
            energies[edge_indications == 1] = numpy.multiply(
                w_xy, energies[edge_indications == 1])

        elif pipelineParam.weighting_scheme == "all":
            print "Weighting all edges"
            area_max = float(numpy.max(edge_areas))
            w = weight * edge_areas / area_max
            energies = numpy.multiply(w, energies)

        uv_ids = numpy.sort(rag.uvIds(), axis=1)
        n_var = uv_ids.max() + 1

        mc_node, mc_energy, t_inf = multicut_fusionmoves(
            n_var, uv_ids, energies, pipelineParam)

        return mc_node
Beispiel #2
    def single_mc(pLocal, edge_indications, edge_areas, uv_ids, n_var, seg_id,
                  pipelineParam, beta, weight):

        # copy the probabilities
        probs = pLocal.copy()
        p_min = 0.001
        p_max = 1. - p_min
        probs = (p_max - p_min) * edge_probs + p_min
        # probs to energies
        energies = numpy.log((1. - probs) / probs) + numpy.log(
            (1. - beta) / beta)

        # weight the energies
        if pipelineParam.weighting_scheme == "z":
            print "Weighting Z edges"
            # z - edges are indicated with 0 !
            area_z_max = float(numpy.max(edge_areas[edge_indications == 0]))
            # we only weight the z edges !
            w = weight * edge_areas[edge_indications == 0] / area_z_max
            energies[edge_indications == 0] = numpy.multiply(
                w, energies[edge_indications == 0])

        elif pipelineParam.weighting_scheme == "xyz":
            print "Weighting xyz edges"
            # z - edges are indicated with 0 !
            area_z_max = float(numpy.max(edge_areas[edge_indications == 0]))
            len_xy_max = float(numpy.max(edge_areas[edge_indications == 1]))
            # weight the z edges !
            w_z = weight * edge_areas[edge_indications == 0] / area_z_max
            energies[edge_indications == 0] = numpy.multiply(
                w_z, energies[edge_indications == 0])
            # weight xy edges
            w_xy = weight * edge_areas[edge_indications == 1] / len_xy_max
            energies[edge_indications == 1] = numpy.multiply(
                w_xy, energies[edge_indications == 1])

        elif pipelineParam.weighting_scheme == "all":
            print "Weighting all edges"
            area_max = float(numpy.max(edge_areas))
            w = weight * edge_areas / area_max
            energies = numpy.multiply(w, energies)

        # get the energies (need to copy code here, because we can't use caching in threads)
        mc_node, mc_energy, t_inf = multicut_fusionmoves(
            n_var, uv_ids, energies, pipelineParam)

        return mc_node
Beispiel #3
    def block_mc(edge_energies, seg_local, rag_global, mc_params):

        # get the nodes in this blocks
        nodes = np.unique(seg_local)
        # global nodes to local nodes
        global_to_local_nodes = {}
        for i in xrange(nodes.shape[0]):
            global_to_local_nodes[nodes[i]] = i

        # get the edges and uvids in this block
        inner_edges = []
        outer_edges = []
        uv_ids_local = {}
        for n_id in nodes:
            node = rag_global.nodeFromId(long(n_id))
            for adj_node in rag_global.neighbourNodeIter(node):
                edge = rag_global.findEdge(node, adj_node)
                if in nodes:
                    u_local = global_to_local_nodes[n_id]
                    v_local = global_to_local_nodes[]
                    uv_ids_local[] = [u_local, v_local]

        # need to get rid of potential duplicates and order uv-ids propperly
        inner_edges = np.unique(inner_edges)
        outer_edges = np.unique(outer_edges)
        uv_ids = np.zeros((inner_edges.shape[0], 2), dtype=np.uint32)
        for i in xrange(inner_edges.shape[0]):
            edge_id = inner_edges[i]
            uv_ids[i] = uv_ids_local[edge_id]
        uv_ids = np.sort(uv_ids, axis=1)

        assert uv_ids.max() == nodes.shape[0] - 1, str(
            uv_ids.max()) + " , " + str(nodes.shape[0] - 1)

        n_var = nodes.shape[0]
        energies_local = edge_energies[inner_edges]

        node_result, _, _ = multicut_fusionmoves(n_var, uv_ids, energies_local,

        return edge_result, inner_edges, outer_edges
Beispiel #4
def compute_lifted_feature_pmap_multicut(ds,

    if with_defects:
        assert False, "Currently not supported"

    print "Computing multcut features for lifted neighborhood", liftedNeighborhood

    # variables for the multicuts
    uv_ids_local = ds._adjacent_segments(segId)
    seg_id_max = ds.seg(segId).max()
    n_var = seg_id_max + 1

    # scaling for energies
    edge_probs = pLocal.copy()

    edge_indications = ds.edge_indications(segId)
    edge_areas = ds._rag(segId).edgeLengths()

    weight = pipelineParam.weight
    beta = pipelineParam.beta_local

    # copy the probabilities
    probs = pLocal.copy()
    p_min = 0.001
    p_max = 1. - p_min
    probs = (p_max - p_min) * edge_probs + p_min
    # probs to energies
    energies = numpy.log((1. - probs) / probs) + numpy.log((1. - beta) / beta)

    # weight the energies
    if pipelineParam.weighting_scheme == "z":
        print "Weighting Z edges"
        # z - edges are indicated with 0 !
        area_z_max = float(numpy.max(edge_areas[edge_indications == 0]))
        # we only weight the z edges !
        w = weight * edge_areas[edge_indications == 0] / area_z_max
        energies[edge_indications == 0] = numpy.multiply(
            w, energies[edge_indications == 0])

    elif pipelineParam.weighting_scheme == "xyz":
        print "Weighting xyz edges"
        # z - edges are indicated with 0 !
        area_z_max = float(numpy.max(edge_areas[edge_indications == 0]))
        len_xy_max = float(numpy.max(edge_areas[edge_indications == 1]))
        # weight the z edges !
        w_z = weight * edge_areas[edge_indications == 0] / area_z_max
        energies[edge_indications == 0] = numpy.multiply(
            w_z, energies[edge_indications == 0])
        # weight xy edges
        w_xy = weight * edge_areas[edge_indications == 1] / len_xy_max
        energies[edge_indications == 1] = numpy.multiply(
            w_xy, energies[edge_indications == 1])

    elif pipelineParam.weighting_scheme == "all":
        print "Weighting all edges"
        area_max = float(numpy.max(edge_areas))
        w = weight * edge_areas / area_max
        energies = numpy.multiply(w, energies)

    # compute map
    ret, mc_energy, t_inf, obj = multicut_fusionmoves(n_var,

    ilpFactory = obj.multicutIlpFactory(
        #memLimit= 0.01
    print "Map solution computed starting perturb"
    greedy = obj.greedyAdditiveFactory()

    fmFactory = obj.fusionMoveBasedFactory(
        proposalGen=obj.watershedProposals(sigma=1, seedFraction=0.01),
        numberOfParallelProposals=16,  # no effect if nThreads equals 0 or 1
    s = obj.perturbAndMapSettings(
    pAndMap = obj.perturbAndMap(obj, s)
    pmapProbs = pAndMap.optimize(ret)

    # use perturb and map probs with clustering
    return clusteringFeatures(ds, segId, uvIds, pmapProbs,
                              pipelineParam.lifted_neighborhood, True)
Beispiel #5
def blockwise_multicut_workflow(ds_train, ds_test, seg_id_train, seg_id_test,
                                offset_list, feature_list, mc_params):
    assert isinstance(ds_train, DataSet) or isinstance(ds_train, list)
    assert isinstance(ds_test, DataSet)
    assert isinstance(mc_params, ExperimentSettings)

    # get the energies for the whole test block
    edge_probs = learn_and_predict_rf_from_gt(mc_params.rf_cache_folder,
                                              ds_train, ds_test, seg_id_train,
                                              seg_id_test, feature_list,

    edge_energies = probs_to_energies(ds_test, edge_probs, seg_id_test,

    seg_global = ds_test.seg(seg_id_test)
    rag_global = ds_test._rag(seg_id_test)

    # number of nodes and edges in the orginial problem
    n_edges = rag_global.edgeNum
    n_nodes = rag_global.nodeNum
    uv_ids_glob = ds_test._adjacent_segments(seg_id_test)

    assert edge_energies.shape[0] == n_edges, str(
        edge_energies.shape[0]) + " , " + str(n_edges)

    # implementation of a single blockwise mc
    def block_mc(edge_energies, seg_local, rag_global, mc_params):

        # get the nodes in this blocks
        nodes = np.unique(seg_local)
        # global nodes to local nodes
        global_to_local_nodes = {}
        for i in xrange(nodes.shape[0]):
            global_to_local_nodes[nodes[i]] = i

        # get the edges and uvids in this block
        inner_edges = []
        outer_edges = []
        uv_ids_local = {}
        for n_id in nodes:
            node = rag_global.nodeFromId(long(n_id))
            for adj_node in rag_global.neighbourNodeIter(node):
                edge = rag_global.findEdge(node, adj_node)
                if in nodes:
                    u_local = global_to_local_nodes[n_id]
                    v_local = global_to_local_nodes[]
                    uv_ids_local[] = [u_local, v_local]

        # need to get rid of potential duplicates and order uv-ids propperly
        inner_edges = np.unique(inner_edges)
        outer_edges = np.unique(outer_edges)
        uv_ids = np.zeros((inner_edges.shape[0], 2), dtype=np.uint32)
        for i in xrange(inner_edges.shape[0]):
            edge_id = inner_edges[i]
            uv_ids[i] = uv_ids_local[edge_id]
        uv_ids = np.sort(uv_ids, axis=1)

        assert uv_ids.max() == nodes.shape[0] - 1, str(
            uv_ids.max()) + " , " + str(nodes.shape[0] - 1)

        n_var = nodes.shape[0]
        energies_local = edge_energies[inner_edges]

        node_result, _, _ = multicut_fusionmoves(n_var, uv_ids, energies_local,

        return edge_result, inner_edges, outer_edges

    # solve all blocks in paralllel
    t_inf = time.time()
    nWorkers = min(len(offset_list), mc_params.n_threads)
    #nWorkers = 4
    with futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=nWorkers) as executor:
        tasks = []
        for p in offset_list:
            assert seg_global.shape[0] >= p[1] and seg_global.shape[1] >= p[
                3] and seg_global.shape[2] >= p[5]
                executor.submit(block_mc, edge_energies,
                                seg_global[p[0]:p[1], p[2]:p[3],
                                           p[4]:p[5]], rag_global, mc_params))

    blockwise_results = [future.result() for future in tasks]
    assert len(blockwise_results) == len(offset_list)

    cut_edges = np.zeros(n_edges, dtype=np.uint32)

    for edge_result in blockwise_results:

        cut_edges[edge_result[2]] += 1
        cut_edges[edge_result[1]] += edge_result[0]

    # all edges which are cut at least once will be cut
    cut_edges[cut_edges >= 1] = 1

    # merge nodes according to cut edges
    # this means, that we merge all segments that have an edge with value 0 in between
    # for this, we use a ufd datastructure
    udf = UnionFind(n_nodes)

    assert uv_ids_glob.shape[0] == cut_edges.shape[0]
    merge_nodes = uv_ids_glob[cut_edges == 0]

    for merge_pair in merge_nodes:
        u = merge_pair[0]
        v = merge_pair[1]
        udf.merge(u, v)

    # we need to get the result of the merging
    new_to_old_nodes = udf.get_merge_result()
    # number of nodes for the new problem
    n_nodes_new = len(new_to_old_nodes)

    # find old to new nodes
    old_to_new_nodes = np.zeros(n_nodes, dtype=np.uint32)
    for set_id in xrange(n_nodes_new):
        for n_id in new_to_old_nodes[set_id]:
            assert n_id < n_nodes, str(n_id) + " , " + str(n_nodes)
            old_to_new_nodes[n_id] = set_id

    # find new edges and new edge weights
    active_edges = np.where(cut_edges == 1)[0]
    new_edges_dict = {}
    for edge_id in active_edges:
        u_old = uv_ids_glob[edge_id][0]
        v_old = uv_ids_glob[edge_id][1]
        n_0_new = old_to_new_nodes[u_old]
        n_1_new = old_to_new_nodes[v_old]
        # we have to bew in different new nodes!
        assert n_0_new != n_1_new, str(n_0_new) + " , " + str(n_1_new)
        # need to order to always have the same keys
        u_new = min(n_0_new, n_1_new)
        v_new = max(n_0_new, n_1_new)
        # need to check if have already come by this new edge
        if (u_new, v_new) in new_edges_dict:
            new_edges_dict[(u_new, v_new)] += edge_energies[edge_id]
            new_edges_dict[(u_new, v_new)] = edge_energies[edge_id]

    n_edges_new = len(new_edges_dict.keys())
    uv_ids_new = np.array(new_edges_dict.keys())
    assert uv_ids_new.shape[0] == n_edges_new, str(
        uv_ids_new.shape[0]) + " , " + str(n_edges_new)
    # this should have the correct order
    energies_new = np.array(new_edges_dict.values())

    print "Merging of blockwise results reduced problemsize:"
    print "Nodes: From", n_nodes, "to", n_nodes_new
    print "Edges: From", n_edges, "to", n_edges_new
    print "Running MC for reduced problem"

    # run mc on the new problem
    if mc_params.solver == "multicut_exact":
        res_node_new, E_new, _ = multicut_exact(n_nodes_new, uv_ids_new,
                                                energies_new, mc_params)
    elif mc_params.solver == "multicut_fusionmoves":
        res_node_new, E_new, _ = multicut_fusionmoves(n_nodes_new, uv_ids_new,
                                                      energies_new, mc_params)

    assert res_node_new.shape[0] == n_nodes_new, str(
        res_node_new.shape[0]) + " , " + str(n_nodes_new)

    # project back to old problem
    res_node = np.zeros(n_nodes, dtype=np.uint32)
    for n_id in xrange(res_node_new.shape[0]):
        for old_node in new_to_old_nodes[n_id]:
            res_node[old_node] = res_node_new[n_id]

    t_inf = time.time() - t_inf

    ru = res_node[uv_ids_glob[:, 0]]
    rv = res_node[uv_ids_glob[:, 1]]
    res_edge = ru != rv

    # get the global energy
    # TODO need to get this from nifty, too drunk right now...
    E_glob = -42.  # dummy ...

    if 0 in res_node:
        res_node += 1

    return res_node, res_edge, E_glob, t_inf