def dft_fixed_occ(atoms, occs, **kwargs): """\ dft(atoms,**kwargs) - DFT driving routine atoms A Molecule object containing the molecule Options: Value Description -------- ----- ----------- verbose False Output terse information to stdout (default) True Print out additional information ConvCriteria 1e-4 Convergence Criteria MaxIter 20 Maximum SCF iterations DoAveraging True Use DIIS for accelerated convergence (default) False No convergence acceleration ETemp False Use ETemp value for finite temperature DFT (default) float Use (float) for the electron temperature bfs None The basis functions to use. List of CGBF's basis_data None The basis data to use to construct bfs integrals None The one- and two-electron integrals to use If not None, S,h,Ints orbs None If not none, the guess orbitals functional SVWN Use the SVWN (LDA) DFT functional (default) S0 Use the Slater Xalpha DFT functional BLYP Use the BLYP GGA DFT functional PBE Use the PBE DFT functional grid_nrad 32 Number of radial shells per atom grid_fineness 1 Radial shell fineness. 0->coarse, 1->medium, 2->fine spin_type A Average occupation method for open shell (default) R Restricted open shell (not implemented yet) U Unrestricted open shell (aka spin-polarized dft) Only A works now. Stay tuned. """ verbose = kwargs.get('verbose', False) ConvCriteria = kwargs.get('ConvCriteria', 1e-4) MaxIter = kwargs.get('MaxIter', 20) DoAveraging = kwargs.get('DoAveraging', True) ETemp = kwargs.get('ETemp', False) functional = kwargs.get('functional', 'SVWN') kwargs['do_grad_dens'] = need_gradients[functional] bfs = kwargs.get('bfs', None) if not bfs: basis_data = kwargs.get('basis_data', None) bfs = getbasis(atoms, basis_data) integrals = kwargs.get('integrals', None) if integrals: S, h, Ints = integrals else: S, h, Ints = getints(bfs, atoms) nel = atoms.get_nel() enuke = atoms.get_enuke() # default medium mesh grid_nrad = kwargs.get('grid_nrad', 32) grid_fineness = kwargs.get('grid_fineness', 1) gr = MolecularGrid(atoms, grid_nrad, grid_fineness, **kwargs) gr.set_bf_amps(bfs) # It would be nice to have a more intelligent treatment of the guess # so that I could pass in a density rather than a set of orbs. orbs = kwargs.get('orbs', None) if orbs is None: orbe, orbs = geigh(h, S) nclosed, nopen = atoms.get_closedopen() if verbose: print "DFT calculation on %s using functional %s" % (, functional) print "Nbf = %d" % len(bfs) print "Nclosed = %d" % nclosed print "Nopen = %d" % nclosed if nopen: print "Using spin-averaged dft for open shell calculation" eold = 0. if DoAveraging: print "Using DIIS averaging" avg = DIIS(S) # Converge the LDA density for the system: if verbose: print "Optimization of DFT density" for i in xrange(MaxIter): #print "SCF Iteration:",i,"Starting Energy:",eold #save the starting orbitals oldorbs = orbs if ETemp: efermi = get_efermi(nel, orbe, ETemp) occs = get_fermi_occs(efermi, orbe, ETemp) D = mkdens_occs(orbs, occs) entropy = get_entropy(occs, ETemp) else: D = mk_auger_dens(orbs, occs) #D = mkdens_spinavg(orbs,nclosed,nopen) gr.setdens(D) J = getJ(Ints, D) Exc, XC = getXC(gr, nel, **kwargs) F = h + 2 * J + XC if DoAveraging: F = avg.getF(F, D) orbe, orbs = geigh(F, S) #pad_out(orbs) #save the new eigenstates of the fock operator F neworbs = orbs #send oldorbs and neworbs to get biorthogonalized method #orbs = biorthog(neworbs, oldorbs, S, nel) Ej = 2 * trace2(D, J) Eone = 2 * trace2(D, h) energy = Eone + Ej + Exc + enuke print i + 1, " ", energy, " ", Ej, " ", Exc, " ", enuke if ETemp: energy += entropy if verbose: print "%d %10.4f %10.4f %10.4f %10.4f %10.4f" % (i, energy, Eone, Ej, Exc, enuke) if abs(energy - eold) < ConvCriteria: break eold = energy print "Final %s energy for system %s is %f" % (functional,, energy) return energy, orbe, orbs
def udft_fixed_occ(atoms, occa, occb, **kwargs): """\ occa and occb represent the orbital occupation arrays for the calculating spin orbitals with holes udft(atoms,**kwargs) - Unrestricted spin DFT driving routine atoms A Molecule object containing the molecule Options: Value Description -------- ----- ----------- verbose False Output terse information to stdout (default) True Print out additional information ConvCriteria 1e-4 Convergence Criteria MaxIter 20 Maximum SCF iterations DoAveraging True Use DIIS for accelerated convergence (default) False No convergence acceleration ETemp False Use ETemp value for finite temperature DFT (default) float Use (float) for the electron temperature bfs None The basis functions to use. List of CGBF's basis_data None The basis data to use to construct bfs integrals None The one- and two-electron integrals to use If not None, S,h,Ints orbs None If not none, the guess orbitals functional SVWN Use the SVWN (LDA) DFT functional (default) S0 Use the Slater Xalpha DFT functional BLYP Use the BLYP GGA DFT functional PBE Use the PBE DFT functional grid_nrad 32 Number of radial shells per atom grid_fineness 1 Radial shell fineness. 0->coarse, 1->medium, 2->fine """ verbose = kwargs.get('verbose', False) ConvCriteria = kwargs.get('ConvCriteria', 1e-4) MaxIter = kwargs.get('MaxIter', 20) DoAveraging = kwargs.get('DoAveraging', True) averaging = kwargs.get('averaging', 0.5) ETemp = kwargs.get('ETemp', False) functional = kwargs.get('functional', 'LDA') #default to LDA which has no correlation since that is easier kwargs['do_grad_dens'] = need_gradients[functional] kwargs['do_spin_polarized'] = True bfs = kwargs.get('bfs', None) if not bfs: basis_data = kwargs.get('basis_data', None) bfs = getbasis(atoms, basis_data) integrals = kwargs.get('integrals', None) if integrals: S, h, Ints = integrals else: S, h, Ints = getints(bfs, atoms) nel = atoms.get_nel() enuke = atoms.get_enuke() # default medium mesh grid_nrad = kwargs.get('grid_nrad', 32) grid_fineness = kwargs.get('grid_fineness', 1) gr = MolecularGrid(atoms, grid_nrad, grid_fineness, **kwargs) gr.set_bf_amps(bfs) # It would be nice to have a more intelligent treatment of the guess # so that I could pass in a density rather than a set of orbs. orbs = kwargs.get('orbs', None) if not orbs: orbe, orbs = geigh(h, S) orbsa = orbsb = orbs nalpha, nbeta = atoms.get_alphabeta() if verbose: print "UDFT calculation on %s using functional %s" % (, functional) print "Nbf = %d" % len(bfs) print "Nalpha = %d" % nalpha print "Nbeta = %d" % nbeta eold = 0. # Converge the LDA density for the system: print "Optimization of DFT density" for i in xrange(MaxIter): Da = mk_auger_dens(orbsa, occa) Db = mk_auger_dens(orbsb, occb) Dab = Da + Db if DoAveraging: if i: Da = averaging * Da + (1 - averaging) * Da0 Db = averaging * Db + (1 - averaging) * Db0 Da0 = Da Db0 = Db Ja = getJ(Ints, Da) Jb = getJ(Ints, Db) #remember we must use a functional that has no correlation energy gr.setdens(Da, Db) exca, XCa, XCb = getXC(gr, nel, **kwargs) Fa = h + Ja + Jb + XCa Fb = h + Ja + Jb + XCb orbea, orbsa = geigh(Fa, S) orbeb, orbsb = geigh(Fb, S) Eone = trace2(Dab, h) Ej = 0.5 * trace2(Dab, Ja + Jb) Exc = 0.5 * exca + 0.5 * excb energy = Eone + Ej + Exc + enuke print i + 1, " ", energy, " ", Ej, " ", Exc if verbose: print "%d %10.4f %10.4f %10.4f" % (i, energy, Ej, Exc) if abs(energy - eold) < ConvCriteria: break eold = energy print "Final U%s energy for system %s is %f" % (functional,, energy) return energy, (orbea, orbeb), (orbsa, orbsb)
def udft(atoms, **kwargs): """\ udft(atoms,**kwargs) - Unrestricted spin DFT driving routine atoms A Molecule object containing the molecule Options: Value Description -------- ----- ----------- verbose False Output terse information to stdout (default) True Print out additional information ConvCriteria 1e-4 Convergence Criteria MaxIter 20 Maximum SCF iterations DoAveraging True Use DIIS for accelerated convergence (default) False No convergence acceleration ETemp False Use ETemp value for finite temperature DFT (default) float Use (float) for the electron temperature bfs None The basis functions to use. List of CGBF's basis_data None The basis data to use to construct bfs integrals None The one- and two-electron integrals to use If not None, S,h,Ints orbs None If not none, the guess orbitals functional SVWN Use the SVWN (LDA) DFT functional (default) S0 Use the Slater Xalpha DFT functional BLYP Use the BLYP GGA DFT functional PBE Use the PBE DFT functional grid_nrad 32 Number of radial shells per atom grid_fineness 1 Radial shell fineness. 0->coarse, 1->medium, 2->fine """ verbose = kwargs.get('verbose') ConvCriteria = kwargs.get('ConvCriteria', settings.DFTConvergenceCriteria) MaxIter = kwargs.get('MaxIter', settings.MaxIter) DoAveraging = kwargs.get('DoAveraging', settings.DFTAveraging) ETemp = kwargs.get('ETemp', settings.DFT.ElectronTemperature) functional = kwargs.get('functional', settings.DFTFunctional) kwargs['do_grad_dens'] = need_gradients[functional] kwargs['do_spin_polarized'] = True bfs = getbasis(atoms, **kwargs) S, h, Ints = getints(bfs, atoms, **kwargs) nel = atoms.get_nel() enuke = atoms.get_enuke() # default medium mesh grid_nrad = kwargs.get('grid_nrad', settings.DFTGridRadii) grid_fineness = kwargs.get('grid_fineness', settings.DFTGridFineness) gr = MolecularGrid(atoms, grid_nrad, grid_fineness, **kwargs) gr.set_bf_amps(bfs) # It would be nice to have a more intelligent treatment of the guess # so that I could pass in a density rather than a set of orbs. orbs = kwargs.get('orbs') if not orbs: orbe, orbs = geigh(h, S) orbsa = orbsb = orbs nalpha, nbeta = atoms.get_alphabeta() if verbose: print "UDFT calculation on %s using functional %s" \ % (,functional) print "Nbf = %d" % len(bfs) print "Nalpha = %d" % nalpha print "Nbeta = %d" % nbeta eold = 0. # Converge the LDA density for the system: if verbose: print "Optimization of DFT density" for i in xrange(MaxIter): Da = mkdens(orbsa, 0, nalpha) Db = mkdens(orbsb, 0, nbeta) gr.setdens(Da, Db) Ja = getJ(Ints, Da) Jb = getJ(Ints, Db) Exc, XCa, XCb = getXC(gr, nel, **kwargs) Fa = h + Ja + Jb - Ka Fb = h + Ja + Jb - Kb orbea, orbsa = geigh(Fa, S) orbeb, orbsb = geigh(Fb, S) Eja = trace2(D, Ja) Ejb = trace2(D, Jb) Eone = 2 * trace2(D, h) energy = Eone + Eja + Ejb + Exc + enuke if verbose: print "%d %10.4f %10.4f %10.4f %10.4f %10.4f" % ( i, energy, Eone, Eja + Ejb, Exc, enuke) if abs(energy - eold) < ConvCriteria: break eold = energy print "Final U%s energy for system %s is %f" % (functional,, energy) return energy, orbe, orbs