Beispiel #1
def draw_decision_boundary(theta, X, Y, orX, mu, sigma):
    x0_min, x0_max = np.min(orX), np.max(orX)
    arrayX = np.arange(x0_min, x0_max, 0.05)
    arrayX = np.reshape(arrayX, (np.shape(arrayX)[0], 1))
    arrayXaux = Normalization.normalize2(generate_polynom_data(arrayX, 8), mu, sigma)
    arrayXaux = Data_Management.add_column_left_of_matrix(arrayXaux)
    theta = np.reshape(theta, (np.shape(theta)[0], 1))

    arrayY = h(arrayXaux, theta.T)
    plt.plot(arrayX, arrayY)
    plt.scatter(orX, Y, 20,marker='$F$',color= "red")
def paint_graphic(X, y, true_score, theta1, theta2, mu, sigma):     
    figure, ax = plt.subplots()
    pos = (y == 1).ravel()
    neg = (y == 0).ravel()
    plt.scatter(X[pos, 0], X[pos, 1], color='blue', marker='o', label = "Legendary")
    plt.scatter(X[neg, 0], X[neg, 1], color='black', marker='x', label = "Non legendary")   
    x0_min, x0_max = X[:,0].min(), X[:,0].max()
    x1_min, x1_max = X[:,1].min(), X[:,1].max()
    xx1, xx2 = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(x0_min, x0_max), np.linspace(x1_min, x1_max))
    aux = np.c_[ xx1.ravel(), xx2.ravel()]
    p, aux = polinomial_features(aux, 5)
    aux = Normalization.normalize(aux[:, 1:], mu, sigma)
    sigm = forward_propagate(aux, theta1, theta2)[4]
    sigm = np.reshape(sigm, np.shape(xx1))
    plt.contour(xx1, xx2, sigm, [0.5], linewidths = 1, colors=['red', 'purple'])

    #formatting the graphic with some labels
    plt.suptitle(("Score: " + str(float("{0:.3f}".format(true_score)))))

    #set the labels to non-normalized values
    labels = [item for item in plt.xticks()[0]]
    for i in range(len(labels)):
        labels[i] = int(round((labels[i] * sigma[0, 0]) + mu[0, 0], -1))

    labels = [item for item in plt.yticks()[0]]
    for i in range(len(labels)):
        labels[i] = int(round((labels[i] * sigma[0, 1]) + mu[0, 1], -1))
    return (poly.fit_transform(X))

# X, y = Data_Management.load_csv_types_features("pokemon.csv",['against_bug', 'against_dark','against_dragon','against_electric',
#                          'against_fairy','against_fight','against_fire','against_flying',
#                          'against_ghost','against_grass','against_ground','against_ice','against_normal',
#                          'against_poison','against_psychic','against_rock','against_steel','against_water'])

X, y = Data_Management.load_csv_types_features("pokemon.csv",
                                               [feature1, feature2])
# TODO: usar el tipo2 para sacar el score tambien (si mi svm predice 1 y una de las dos y es 1, es truePositive++) y dar el resultado con solo
# 1 tipo, todo lo del entrenamiento se queda igual (se entrena para un solo tipo). Luego en el score se hace eso y para predecir el tipo se queda igual.
# Tambien puedo sacar dos svm, tipo primario y tipo secundario pero mas lio ?

X = polynomial_features(X, grado)
X, mu, sigma = Normalization.normalize_data_matrix(X[:, 1:])
X = Data_Management.add_column_left_of_matrix(X)

trainX, trainY, validationX, validationY, testingX, testingY = divideRandomGroups(
    X, y)

svms = []

for j in range(18):
    currentTrainY = (trainY == j) * 1
    currentValidationY = (validationY == j) * 1
    currentTestingY = (testingY == j) * 1
    current_svm, C, s = eleccion_parametros_C_y_Sigma(trainX, currentTrainY,
                                                      currentValidationY, mu,
Beispiel #4
    cost = np.array([], dtype=float)
    auxCost = sys.maxsize
    while True:
        minimize(X, Y, m, n, theta)
        cost = np.append(cost, J(X, Y, theta))
        if abs(auxCost - cost[-1]) < 1e-4:
            break  #Stops the loop when we reach the convergence value of 10^-4
        auxCost = cost[-1]

    return theta, cost

data = Data_Management.load_csv(sys.argv[1])
X, Y, m, n = Data_Management.get_parameters_from_training_examples(data)

X_norm, mu, sigma = Normalization.normalize_data_set(X)
theta, cost = gradient_descent_loop(X_norm, Y, m, n)

if n == 1:  #provisional
    draw_points_plot(X_norm, Y, theta)
    A, B, Z = make_paint_data(X, Y)
    draw_cost_3D(A, B, Z)
    draw_contour(A, B, Z)

#Print theta's values and ask for predictions
print("Values of theta: " + str(theta) + "\n")
while True:
    user_values = np.array(list(
            input("Enter query values: ").split())),
        elif checker[i] == 0 and y[i] == 1:
            falseNegatives += 1

    if truePositives == 0:
        return 0

    recall = (truePositives / (truePositives + falseNegatives))
    precision = (truePositives / (truePositives + falsePositives))
    score = 2 * (precision * recall / (precision + recall))

    return score

graphic_attr_names = ["capture_rate", "base_egg_steps"]
X, y = Data_Management.load_csv_svm("pokemon.csv", graphic_attr_names)
X, mu, sigma = Normalization.normalize_data_matrix(X)

X, y, trainX, trainY, validationX, validationY, testingX, testingY = Data_Management.divide_legendary_groups(
    X, y)


allMaxPercent = []
allMaxElev = []
allMaxPoly = []
allMaxThetas = []

Xused = validationX
Yused = validationY

for t in range(NUM_TRIES):
Beispiel #6
def normalize_matrix(X):
    return Normalization.normalize_data_matrix(X)
Beispiel #7
    plt.plot(arrayX, arrayY)
    plt.scatter(orX, Y, 20,marker='$F$',color= "red")

def draw_plot(X, Y):    
    plt.plot(X, Y)

data = loadmat('ex5data1.mat')
X, y, Xval, yval, Xtest, ytest = data['X'], data['y'],  data['Xval'], data['yval'], data['Xtest'], data['ytest']
XPoly = generate_polynom_data(X, 8)
XPoly, mu, sigma = normalize_matrix(XPoly)
mu = np.reshape(mu, (1, np.shape(mu)[0]))
sigma = np.reshape(sigma, (1, np.shape(sigma)[0]))
XPoly = Data_Management.add_column_left_of_matrix(XPoly)
XPolyVal = Normalization.normalize2(generate_polynom_data(Xval, 8), mu, sigma)
XPolyVal = Data_Management.add_column_left_of_matrix(XPolyVal)
XPolyTest = Normalization.normalize2(generate_polynom_data(Xtest, 8), mu, sigma)
XPolyTest = Data_Management.add_column_left_of_matrix(XPolyTest)

lambdaAux = [ 0, 0.001, 0.003, 0.01, 0.03, 0.1, 0.3, 1, 3, 10  ]

error_array = np.array([], dtype=float)
error_array_val = np.array([], dtype=float)
thetas = np.array([], dtype=float)
for l in range(len(lambdaAux)):
    theta = np.ones(XPoly.shape[1], dtype=float)
    theta_min = sciMin(fun=minimizar, x0=theta,
    args=(XPoly, y, lambdaAux[l]),
    method='TNC', jac=True,