Beispiel #1
# Minimum MMA required version.
pu.setMinMMAVersion(15, 12)

# A short plugin description.
pu.setDescription("Sets a strum pattern for Plectrum tracks.")

# A short author line.
pu.setAuthor("Written by Ignazio Di Napoli <*****@*****.**>.")

# Since this is a track plugin, we set the track types for which it can
# be used. You can specify more than one. To allow for all track types,
# call setTrackType with no arguments.
# For non-tracks plugin, don't call setTrackType at all.
# Whether the plugin is track or non-track is decided by the entry point,
# but help will use this information.

# We add the arguments for the command, each with name, default value and a
# small description. A default value of None requires specifying the argument.
pu.addArgument("Pattern",     None,  "see after")
pu.addArgument("Strum",       "5",   "strum value to use in sequence (see Plectrum docs)")
pu.addArgument("Volume",      "80",  "volume for strums, can be specified for each string (see Plectrum docs)")
pu.addArgument("VolumeMuted", "60",  "volume for mute, can be specified for each string (see Plectrum docs)")
pu.addArgument("VolumeEmph",  "100", "volume for emphatized strums, can be specified for each string (see Plectrum docs)")
pu.addArgument("VolumePick",  "90",  "volume for single string pick")

# We add a small doc. %NAME% is replaced by plugin name.
The pattern is specified as a string of dot-separed values, that are equally spaced into the bar.
Values can be:
    d   downward strum
Beispiel #2
import MMA.gbl
import re

# ###################################
# # Documentation and arguments     #
# ###################################

# Minimum MMA required version.
pu.setMinMMAVersion(15, 12)

# A short plugin description.
pu.setDescription("Separate quarter tone solo riff lines into 3 parts.")

# A short author line.
pu.setAuthor("Written by bvdp.")
pu.addArgument("valid riff data", None, "")
# helpful notes
pu.setPluginDoc("""QRiff ... convert a solo line into quarter tones.

This plugin will convert a solo riff line into 3 separate solo lines:
   Solo - the original track. It can be custom name like "Solo-Foo".
          Any quarter tone notes are replaced by rests.
   Solo-qFlat - the quarter tone flat notes.
   Solo-qSharp - the quarter tone sharp notes.

NOTE: Don't try to have chords in your riff line. It doesn't work!
      Use only single notes!!!!

To specify quarter tone flats and sharps use a single '%' or '*'.
Beispiel #3
# We import the plugin utilities
from MMA import gbl
from MMA import pluginUtils as pu
from MMA import parse
from MMA import macro
from MMA.timesig import timeSig
import re

# A short plugin description.
pu.setDescription("Define fingerpicking paterns.")

author = "Johan Vromans"
# A short author line.
pu.setAuthor("Written by {}".format(author))


  Track @fpp Pat, Seq, Bpb, Q, Debug


# Note that pu.printUsage requires the default values to be strings. 
pu.addArgument( "Pat",    None,   "Pattern to define."  )
pu.addArgument( "Tab",    '',     "Pattern tab."        )
pu.addArgument( "Bpb",    '0',    "Beats per bar."      )
pu.addArgument( "Q",      '0',    "Beat length (8, 4)." )
pu.addArgument( "Debug",  '0',    "For debugging."      )

# We add a small doc. %NAME% is replaced by plugin name.
Beispiel #4
# We import the plugin utilities
from MMA import pluginUtils as pu
from MMA import parse
from MMA import macro
import re

# A short plugin description.
pu.setDescription("Define percussion grooves.")

author = "Johan Vromans"
# A short author line.
pu.setAuthor("Written by {}".format(author))


    @rhythm Groove, Seq, Bpm, Level, RTime, RVolume, Clear, SeqSize, Debug
    Track @rhythm Seq, Bpm, Level, Debug
    Track @rhythm Define=Pat, Seq, Bpm, Level, Debug


# These are the arguments for the full (non-track) call.
# Track usage is a subset.
# Note that pu.printUsage requires the default values to be strings.
pu.addArgument("Groove", None, "Groove to define.")
pu.addArgument("Seq", None, "Sequence tab.")
pu.addArgument("Bpm", '4', "Beats per bar.")
pu.addArgument("Level", '9', "Max volume value.")