def clearFile(self, srcDir, filename): try: os.remove(srcDir + "/" + filename) return 1 except: print MNIUtil.timeLog() + "ERROR: Error clearing " + filename return 0
def pushFile(self, src, dst, host, user, key=""): finalDst = src.split('/')[-1] if[dst != ""]: finalDst = dst+"/"+finalDst try: c = "scp " if(not os.path.isfile(key)): keyfile = os.path.expanduser('~') + "/.ssh/id_dsa" c += "-i "+keyfile+" " c += src+" "+user+"@"+host+":"+finalDst ret = os.system(c) if(not ret == 0): raise Exception("scp returned "+str(ret)) return 1 except Exception, e: print MNIUtil.timeLog() + "ERROR: Could not push file " + src + \ " to host " + host + " - ", e print MNIUtil.timeLog() + "INFO: Failed command was " + c sys.stdout.flush() return 0
def pushFile(self, src, dst, host, user, key=""): finalDst = src.split('/')[-1] if[dst != ""]: finalDst = dst+"/"+finalDst try: sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) sock.connect((host, 22)) trans = paramiko.Transport(sock) trans.start_client() if(isinstance(key, paramiko.PKey)): key = key elif((isinstance(key, str)) and key != ""): # Password Auth trans.auth_password(user, key) else: # Key Auth p = os.path.expanduser('~') + "/.ssh/id_dsa" key = paramiko.DSSKey.from_private_key_file(p) trans.auth_publickey(user, key) chan = trans.open_session() chan.get_pty() chan.setblocking(120) f = file(src, 'rb') chan.exec_command('scp -q -t '+finalDst) # Send data dl = int(os.stat(src)[6]) head = 'C' + oct(os.stat(src).st_mode)[-4:] +\ ' ' + str(dl) + \ ' ' + src.split('/')[-1] + '\n' data = chan.send(head) chan.sendall(data) dl += len(head) + 3 + data.count('\n') rl = 0 # Seek to the end of stdin while(rl < dl): msg = chan.recv(1) rl += len(msg) # Check for success code if(msg[-1] == '\x00'): print MNIUtil.timeLog() + "WARN: No success response on "+\ src + " to host " + host #raise Exception("Invalid response (non NULL over scp)") f.close() chan.close(); trans.close(); sock.close(); return 1 except Exception, e: print MNIUtil.timeLog() + "ERROR: Could not push file " + \ src + " to host " + host + " - ", e return 0
def getHosts(trans_home, ): hf = cfg.cfgGet('hosts.file') if hf[0] == '/': hf = trans_home+hf hosts = parseHosts(hf) for h in hosts: if(not archiver.testArchiving(h[0])): print MNIUtil.timeLog()+"FATAL: Error archiving to " +\ archiver.dst+"/"+h[0] sys.exit(2) print MNIUtil.timeLog()+"HOST: "+h[0]+" - "+h[2]+"@"+\ h[1]+":"+h[4] return hosts
def archiveFile(self, srcDir, filename, subdir=""): d = self.dst if(subdir != ""): d += "/"+subdir try: shutil.copy2(srcDir+"/"+filename, d+"/"+filename) return 1 except: print MNIUtil.timeLog() + "ERROR: Error archiving " + filename if(testArchiving(subdir)): return archiveFile(srcDir, filename, subdir) else: print MNIUtil.timeLog() + "ERROR: Attempt to fix " + \ "archiving has failed. Please diagnose and restart." return 0
def pushFile(xml_dir, file, host): use_pass = (cfg.cfgGet('push.usepass').lower().strip() in ['true', '1', 't', 'y', 'yes']) pwd = host[3] if(not use_pass): pwd = "" # Push if(pusher.pushFile(xml_dir+"/"+file, host[4], host[1], host[2], pwd)): # Archive archiver.archiveFile(xml_dir, file) print MNIUtil.timeLog()+"PUSHED "+file+" to host " + host[0] sys.stdout.flush() return 1 else: print MNIUtil.timeLog()+"FAILED PUSH " + file + \ " to host " + host[0] + ". Retrying in " + \ cfg.cfgGet("push.faildelay", 5) + " seconds" sys.stdout.flush() return 0
def pushFile(self, src, dst, host, user, key=""): finalDst = src.split('/')[-1] if[dst != ""]: finalDst = dst+"/"+finalDst try: ssh = paramiko.SSHClient() ssh.load_system_host_keys() ssh.connect(host, username=user, password=key) ftp = ssh.open_sftp() ftp.put(src, finalDst) ftp.close() ssh.close() return 1 except Exception, e: print MNIUtil.timeLog()+"ERROR: Could not push file " + src + \ " to host " +host + " - ", e #if ftp != None: # ftp.close() #if ssh != None: # ssh.close() return 0
def main(argv): if(len(argv) < 2): print "Usage: <config file>" sys.exit(1) # Parse cfg files global cfg, archiver, pusher cfg = MNICfg(argv[1], "") # Grab and cleanup directories trans_home = cfg.cfgGet('module.home') xml_dir = cfg.cfgGet('data.dir') arc_dir = cfg.cfgGet('archive.dir') if (xml_dir.split('/')[-1] != ''): xml_dir = xml_dir+'/' if (arc_dir.split('/')[-1] != ''): arc_dir = arc_dir+'/' if (trans_home.split('/')[-1] != ''): trans_home = trans_home+'/' paramiko.util.log_to_file(trans_home+'/paramiko_debug.log') r = re.compile("^n[0-9]+_[a-z]+_[a-z0-9]+.xml$", re.IGNORECASE) archiver = MNIArchiver(arc_dir) pusher = getPusher() # Version and startup logging print MNIUtil.timeLog()+"mnnewsmlfeed - " + \ "V: $Id: 2712 2011-09-29 18:27:12Z jcerda $" print MNIUtil.timeLog()+"HOME "+trans_home print MNIUtil.timeLog()+"DATA "+xml_dir print MNIUtil.timeLog()+"ARCHIVE "+arc_dir print MNIUtil.timeLog()+"PUSHER "+cfg.cfgGet('push.method').strip() sys.stdout.flush() hosts = getHosts(trans_home) # Main loop while (True): # Grab file list l = os.listdir(xml_dir) l.sort() mylen = len(l) if(mylen > 0): if(mylen > 1500): l = l[:1500] # Filter out non-xml and template l = [x.strip() for x in l] l = filter(,l) # Push and move files to archive # If push fails, break. Order matters. for f in l: print MNIUtil.timeLog()+"STARTING "+f for h in hosts: if (len(h) < 4): print MNIUtil.timeLog()+"WARN: One invalid host " +\ "line. Skipping" continue while(not pushFile(xml_dir, f, h)): # Sleep a little so we don't kill servers time.sleep(float(cfg.cfgGet("push.faildelay", 5))) # Move file if(not archiver.clearFile(xml_dir, f)): print MNIUtil.timeLog()+"FATAL: Fatal error. " +\ "Could not move " + f + ". Exiting to avoid " +\ "double publishing." sys.exit(3) print MNIUtil.timeLog()+"FINISHED "+f sys.stdout.flush() # Sleep a little so we don't kill server time.sleep(float(cfg.cfgGet("push.delay", 0.5)))
def getPusher(): pm = cfg.cfgGet('push.method').strip() if(not issubclass(eval(pm), MNIPush)): print MNIUtil.timeLog()+"FATAL: Invalid push method - " + pm sys.exit(4) return eval(pm+"()")