def main(sto_filename, output_prefix, ntaxa, cmdf, shuffle_iter):
	Takes <sto_filename>, randomly picks <ntaxa> species,
	msa = MSA(sto_filename)
	n = random.sample(range(msa.nseq), ntaxa)
	msa.nseq = ntaxa
	msa.ids = ['T'+str(i) for i in xrange(ntaxa)]
	msa.aln = [msa.aln[i] for i in n]
	msa.trim_gaps(removeAmbs=True, threshold=1.) # remove just ambs and all-gap cols
	file1 = output_prefix + '.original.sto'

	cmdf.write("python $GBPML/ " + file1 + '\n')
	cmdf.write("python $GBPML/ -t {0}.fasta.mltree.tree -a {0} -f {0}.gbpml.py_log -o {0}.gbpml.tree\n".format(file1))
	cmdf.write("python $GBPML/ -n -t {0}.fasta.mltree.tree -a {0} -f {0}.gbpml_nobp.py_log -o {0}.gbpml_nobp.tree\n".format(file1))
	cmdf.write("bash $GBPML/ " + file1 + '\n')
	cmdf.write("find {0}*.tree|xargs -n1 -i bash $GBPML/scripts/ {0} {{}}\n".format(file1))

	if shuffle_iter > 0:
		for iter in xrange(shuffle_iter):
			file2 = output_prefix + '.shuffle_iter' + str(iter) + '.sto'
			cmdf.write("python $GBPML/ " + file2 + '\n')
			cmdf.write("python $GBPML/ -t {0}.fasta.mltree.tree -a {0} -f {0}.gbpml.py_log -o {0}.gbpml.tree\n".format(file2))
			cmdf.write("python $GBPML/ -n -t {0}.fasta.mltree.tree -a {0} -f {0}.gbpml_nobp.py_log -o {0}.gbpml_nobp.tree\n".format(file2))
			cmdf.write("bash $GBPML/ " + file2 + '\n')
			cmdf.write("find {0}*.tree|xargs -n1 -i bash $GBPML/scripts/ {0} {{}}\n".format(file2))
	return True
Beispiel #2
def main(sto_filename, output_prefix, trim_gap_threshold, singlify_threshold, ntaxa, d, cmdf):
	Preparing for the rRNA concordance test.
	Takes <sto_filename>, randomly picks <ntaxa> species,
	a) removes all paired cols w/ too little canonical pairs (<singlify_threshold>) or ambiguous code
	b) removes all unpaired cols w/ too much gaps (<trim_gap_threshold>) or ambiguous code

	Filles up dict <d> with: <prefix base> --> ids, stats of pre/post filtering
	msa = MSA(sto_filename)
	n = random.sample(range(msa.nseq), ntaxa)
	msa.nseq = ntaxa
	msa.ids = [msa.ids[i] for i in n]
	msa.aln = [msa.aln[i] for i in n]
	d_key = os.path.basename(output_prefix)
	d[d_key] = {}
	d[d_key]['ids'] = msa.ids
	d[d_key]['pre'] = msa.get_stats()
	print >> sys.stderr, "delete pair cols ambiguous or has canonical less than ", singlify_threshold
	msa.singlify_pairs(singlify_threshold, delete_instead_of_singlify=True, removeAmb=True)
	print >> sys.stderr, "delete single cols ambiguous or more gaps % than", trim_gap_threshold
	msa.trim_gaps(removeAmbs=True, threshold=trim_gap_threshold)
	old = msa.get_stats()['single']
	d[d_key]['post'] = msa.get_stats()
	msa.trim_gaps(removeAmbs=True, threshold=trim_gap_threshold) # sanity check
	assert msa.get_stats()['single'] == old #just sanity check

	file1, file2 = halve_msa(msa, output_prefix)
	cmdf.write("python $GBPML/ " + file1 + '\n')
	cmdf.write("python $GBPML/ -t {0}.fasta.mltree.tree -a {0} -f {0}.gbpml.py_log -o {0}.gbpml.tree\n".format(file1))
	cmdf.write("python $GBPML/ -n -t {0}.fasta.mltree.tree -a {0} -f {0}.gbpml_nobp.py_log -o {0}.gbpml_nobp.tree\n".format(file1))
	cmdf.write("bash $GBPML/ " + file1 + '\n')
	cmdf.write("python $GBPML/ " + file2 + '\n')
	cmdf.write("python $GBPML/ -t {0}.fasta.mltree.tree -a {0} -f {0}.gbpml.py_log -o {0}.gbpml.tree\n".format(file2))
	cmdf.write("python $GBPML/ -n -t {0}.fasta.mltree.tree -a {0} -f {0}.gbpml_nobp.py_log -o {0}.gbpml_nobp.tree\n".format(file2))
	cmdf.write("bash $GBPML/ " + file2 + '\n')

#	o_sto = output_prefix+'.original.sto'
#	print("python $GBPML/ " + o_sto)
#	print("python $GBPML/ -t {0}.fasta.mltree.tree -a {0} -f {0}.gbpml.py_log -o {0}.gbpml.tree".format(o_sto))
#	print("python $GBPML/ -n -t {0}.fasta.mltree.tree -a {0} -f {0}.gbpml_nobp.py_log -o {0}.gbpml_nobp.tree".format(o_sto))
#	print("bash $GBPML/ " + o_sto)
	return True