Beispiel #1
def list_lootfiles():
    Lists local loot files for import processing into Kvasir. This does not
    use the Metasploit API and depends upon a directory being local to the
    web2py server instance. The API is used to check if pro is installed
    and sets the loot_dir to Linux or Windows path
    import os
    import re
    response.title = "%s :: Metasploit Loots" % (settings.title)
    msf_settings = msf_get_config(session)

    dbsvcs = db.t_services
    # TODO: from skaldship.db import get_services
    loot_dir = request.args(0)

    if not loot_dir:
            from MetasploitAPI import MetasploitAPI, MSFAPIError
            msf = MetasploitAPI(host=msf_settings['url'], apikey=msf_settings['key'])
            if msf.pro_about():
                if platform in ["linux", "linux2"]:
                    loot_dir = "/opt/metasploit_pro/apps/pro/loot"
                    loot_dir = "C:\\Metasploit\\apps\\pro\\loot"
        except ImportError, error: