def loadFromFile( self, fileName ):
        Load any handlers specified in the file.
        errCount = 0

        if fileName.endswith( ".xml" ):
   "load from file %s" % fileName )
                xmlDom = parseXmlFile( fileName )
                cfgDict = getDictFromXml( xmlDom )
                thisCount = self.loadHandlers( cfgDict )
                if thisCount > 0:
                    errCount = errCount + thisCount
                    _log.error( "Error configuring event routing using %s" % (fileName) )
            except Exception, ex :
                _log.exception( "Error in %s" % (fileName) )
                errCount = errCount + 1
 def jsondata(self, logfile = None, propfile = None):
     result = ""
     # for debugging only
     # logPath = "/home/webbrick"
     # propPath = "/home/webbrick"
     # get the location of log files
     logPath = turbogears.config.get ('siteLogRoot', None, False, 'DEFAULT')
     # get the location of css files
     staticRoot = str(turbogears.config.get("static_filter.root", None, False, "global" ))
     staticCss = str(turbogears.config.get("static_filter.dir", None, False, "/static/css" ))
     if staticCss[0] != "/":
         propPath = staticRoot + staticCss
         propPath = staticCss
     if logfile and propfile:
         # does the log folder exist
         if logPath:
             # try to read the log file
                 processeddata = {}
                 xmldatastring = "<entrys>" + "".join(file(logPath + "/" + logfile).readlines()) + "</entrys>"
                 xmldatablob = parseXmlString(xmldatastring)
                 datadict = getDictFromXml(xmldatablob, typecast=True)
                 for item in datadict["entrys"][0]:
                     processeddata[item] = []
                     for entry in datadict["entrys"]:
                 result = str(processeddata)
                 _log.error( "log file: %s does not exist on Path: %s" %(logfile, logPath) )    
         if propPath:
             # try to read the prop file
                 xmlpropstring = "".join(file(propPath + "/" + propfile).readlines())
                 xmlpropblob = parseXmlString(xmlpropstring)
                 propdict = getDictFromXml(xmlpropblob, typecast=True)
                 propdict = propdict['graphprop']
                 #result = json.dumps(propdict)
                 #result = str(propdict)
                 _log.error( "log file: %s does not exist on Path: %s" %(propfile, propPath) )
         if processeddata and propdict: 
                 propdict["datasets"] = []
                 for item in processeddata:
                     if item != "time" and item != "date":
                         propdict["datasets"].append({"text": item.replace(".", " "), "values":processeddata.get(item)})
                     elif item == "time":
                         propdict["x_axis"]["labels"]["times"] = processeddata.get(item)
                     elif item == "date":                    
                         propdict["x_axis"]["labels"]["dates"] = processeddata.get(item)
                 _log.error( "Could not add data to chart" )
             result = json.dumps(propdict)
         _log.error( "Not enough arguments passed to allow processing" )
     return result