Beispiel #1
    def get_cars(self):
        self.car_dict = {}
        with open("./data/Cars.csv", "r") as Cars_file:
            csv_reader = csv.reader(Cars_file)
            for line in csv_reader:
                plate_num, brand, size, location = line
                new_car = Car(plate_num, brand, size, location)
                key = new_car.get_plate_number() # key er platenumber
                self.car_dict[key] = new_car

        return self.car_dict
Beispiel #2
 def add_car(self):
     brand = input("Car Brand: ")
     model = input("Car Model: ")
     category = input("Car Category: ")
     taxti = input("Car rate: ")
     new_car = Car(brand, model, category, taxti)
Beispiel #3
    def add_new_car(self):
        ''' búa til user interface þar sem notandinn getur skráð inn nýjan bíl '''
        ''' ef bílnúmer er skráð inn vitlaust þarf að láta notandann vita '''
        model = input("\n\ttegund bíls: ").strip().capitalize()
        year = input("\tÁrgerð(YYYY): ").strip()
        plate = input("\tBílnúmer: ").strip().upper()
        miles = input("\tKeyrsla bíls (í km): ").strip()
        color = input("\tLitur bíls: ").strip().capitalize()
        fuel_type = input("\tEldsneytis tegund(Bensín eða Dísel): ").strip()
        print("\n\t1. Smábíll\n\t2. Fólksbíll\n\t3. Jeppi\n\t4. Húsbíll")
        category = input("\tflokkur: ").strip()
        status = True
        new_car = Car(model, year, plate, miles, color, fuel_type, category,
        decision = self.__cars.add_car(new_car)
        if decision == 2:
            print("\n\tBíl hefur verið bætt á skrá")
        elif decision == 1:
            print("\n\tVitlaust skráð inn bílnúmer")

    #def print_doc(self, filename):
        """fall sem prentar út í prentara textaskrá sem sett er inn"""
        """ATH virkar en vantar module win32 í tölvuna svo við commentuðum þetta út"""
Beispiel #4
 def addDetections(self, detections):
     self.objects = []
     for obj in detections:
         if obj['type'] == "car":
         elif obj['type'] == "person":
 def car_info(self):
     print("New Car")
     car_id = input("\tCar ID: ")
     make = input("\tMake: ")
     model = input("\tModel: ")
     manuf_year = input("\tManufacturing Year: ")
     car_class = input("\tCar Class: ")
     seats = input("\tSeats: ")
     doors = input("\tDoors: ")
     color = input("\tColor: ")
     transmission = input("\tTransmission: ")
     fuel_type = input("\tFuel Type: ")
     price = input("\tPrice: ")
     tank_size = input("\tTank Size: ")
     availability = "Yes"
     if "" in [
             car_id, make, model, manuf_year, car_class, seats, doors,
             color, transmission, fuel_type, price, tank_size
         _ = input(
             "Every criteria must be filled in.\nPress Enter to continue..."
         new_car = Car(car_id, make, model, manuf_year, car_class, seats,
                       doors, color, transmission, fuel_type, price,
                       tank_size, availability)
Beispiel #6
 def add_car_ui(self):
     plate = input("Input plate number: ")
     if len(plate) != 6:
         print("Plate number is incorrect!")
         plate = input("Input plate number: ")
     make = input("Input make of car: ")
     new_car = Car(plate, make)
     CarRepository.add_car(self, new_car)
Beispiel #7
 def get_cars(self):
     if self.__cars == []:
         with open("./Data/availablecars.csv", "r", encoding="utf-8", newline="") as cars_file:
             for line in cars_file.readlines():
                 plate, make = line.split(",")
                 new_car = Car(plate, make)
     return self.__cars
 def get_car_list(self):
     car_list = []
     car_class_list = []
     with open("./data/cars.csv") as cars:
         csv_reader = csv.reader(cars)
         for car in csv_reader:
         for car in car_list:
             new_car = Car(car[0], car[1], car[2], car[3], car[4], car[5], car[6], car[7], car[8], car[9], car[10], car[11], car[12], car[13], car[14], car[15], car[16], car[17])
     return car_class_list
 def get_car(self):
     if self.__cars == []:
         with open("./data/cars.csv", "r") as car_file:
             for line in car_file.readlines():
                 (license_plate, make, model, manuf_year, car_class, seats, doors, color, weight, 
                     engine_size, horse_power, transmission, fuel_type, price, drive, total_km, 
                     tank_size, availability) = line.split(",")
                 new_car = Car(license_plate, make, model, manuf_year, car_class, seats, doors, 
                     color, weight, engine_size, horse_power, transmission, fuel_type, price, drive, 
                     total_km, tank_size, availability)
     return self.__cars
    def get_cars(self):
        if self.__cars == []:
            with open("./Data/cars.csv", "r", encoding="utf-8") as car_file:
                car_reader = csv.reader(car_file)
                for line in car_reader:
                    license_plate = line[0]
                    make = line[1]
                    model = line[2]
                    manuf_year = line[3]
                    car_class = line[4]
                    seats = line[5]
                    doors = line[6]
                    color = line[7]
                    weight = line[8]
                    engine_size = line[9]
                    horse_power = line[10]
                    transmission = line[11]
                    fuel_type = line[12]
                    price = line[13]
                    drive = line[14]
                    total_km = line[15]
                    tank_size = line[16]
                    availability = "True"
                    new_car = Car(license_plate, make, model, manuf_year,
                                  car_class, seats, doors, color, weight,
                                  engine_size, horse_power, transmission,
                                  fuel_type, price, drive, total_km, tank_size,
        return self.__cars

        def get_car_list(self):
            car_list = []
            car_class_list = []
            with open("./data/cars.csv") as cars:
                csv_reader = csv.reader(cars)
                for car in csv_reader:
                for car in car_list:
                    new_car = Car(car[0], car[1], car[2], car[3], car[4],
                                  car[5], car[6], car[7], car[8], car[9],
                                  car[10], car[11], car[12], car[13], car[14],
                                  car[15], car[16], car[17])
            return car_class_list
 def get_cars(self):
     if self.__cars == []:
         with open("./Data/cars.csv", "r", encoding="utf-8") as car_file:
             car_reader = csv.reader(car_file)
             for line in car_reader:
                 car_id = line[0]
                 make = line[1]
                 model = line[2]
                 manuf_year = line[3]
                 car_class = line[4]
                 seats = line[5]
                 doors = line[6]
                 color = line[7]
                 transmission = line[8]
                 fuel_type = line[9]
                 price = line[10]
                 tank_size = line[11]
                 availability = line[12]
                 new_car = Car(car_id, make, model, manuf_year, car_class,
                               seats, doors, color, transmission, fuel_type,
                               price, tank_size, availability)
     return self.__cars
 def add_car_repo(self, plate_num, brand, size, location):
     """Adds car to car repo"""
     self.new_car = Car(plate_num, brand, size, location)
     self.cars_info.add_car(plate_num, brand, size, location)
class Salesman_service:
    def __init__(self):
        self.cars_info = Cars_repo()
        self.salesman_info = Salesman_repo()
        self.customer_info = Customer_repo()
        self.log_repo = Log_repo()
        self.get_orders_dict = Orders_repo()

    def get_all_cars(self):
        self.cars_dict = self.cars_info.get_cars()
        return self.cars_dict.values()

    def get_available_cars(self):
        self.available_car_list = []
        car_dict = self.cars_info.get_cars()
        today =
        for value in car_dict.values():
            old_orders = value.get_orders()
            if old_orders != []:
                for order in old_orders:
                    old_pick_up, old_drop_off = order
                    if (old_pick_up <= today <= old_drop_off):
                        valid = False
                        valid = True

                if valid == True:
        return self.available_car_list

    def get_unavailable_cars(self):
        self.unavailable_car_list = []
        car_dict = self.cars_info.get_cars()
        today =
        for value in car_dict.values():
            old_orders = value.get_orders()
            if old_orders != []:
                for order in old_orders:
                    old_pick_up, old_drop_off = order
                    if (old_pick_up <= today <= old_drop_off):
                        valid = True
                        valid = False

                if valid == True:

        return self.unavailable_car_list

    def add_car_repo(self, plate_num, brand, size, location):
        """Adds car to car repo"""
        self.new_car = Car(plate_num, brand, size, location)
        self.cars_info.add_car(plate_num, brand, size, location)

    def get_customer(self, email):
        #nær í customer keys úr dict
        self.customer_dict = self.customer_info.get_customers()
        #ef keyið passar input frá notanda, returna value úr þeim key
        for key, value in self.customer_dict.items():
            if key == email:
                self.customer = value
                return self.customer

    def order_string(self):
        """Returns a string of customer orders"""
        order_string = ""
        orders = self.customer.get_orders()
        for order in orders:
            order_string += "\n" + str(order) + "\n"
        return order_string

    def salesman_ID_pw(self, ID, pw):
        """Takes in pw and id from input and checks if it matches the salesman repository"""
        valid = False
        salesman_dict = self.salesman_info.get_salesmen()
        for key, value in salesman_dict.items():
            if key == ID and pw == value.get_password():
                self.salesman_id = key
                self.logged_salesman = value
                valid = True
                return valid
        return valid

    def change_pw(self, new_pw):
        """Id is the key in the salesman dictionary, we use the logged in salesman id to find him in the dictionary and update
        his password by using the change_pw function in the salesman model"""
        salesman_dict = self.salesman_info.get_salesmen()
        for key, value in salesman_dict.items():
            if key == self.salesman_id:
                salesman_object = value
        update_repo = self.log_repo
        update_repo.Update_repo("{} changed his password. ID: {}".format(
            salesman_object.get_name(), salesman_object.get_ID()))

    def get_order_info(self, booking_num):
        order_list = []
        order_dict = self.get_orders_dict.get_orders()
        for values in order_dict.values():
            for order in values:
                if booking_num == order.get_order_num():
        return order_list

    def get_log(self):
        return self.log_repo.Read_repo()

    def delete_customer(self, customer):
        """Deletes customer if the email input matches the customer database. Then we update the customer repository."""
        cust_dict = self.customer_info.get_customers()

        order_dict = self.get_orders_dict.get_orders()
        for plate_num, orders in order_dict.items():
            for order in orders:
                if customer.get_email() == order.get_cust_email():


    def add_to_log(self, ID, brand, plate_num):
        """Updates log when salesman adds a car to the system"""
        update_repo = self.log_repo
            "{}, ID: {}, Added {} with plate number {} in {}".format(
                self.logged_salesman.get_name(), ID, brand, plate_num,

    def delete_customer_to_log(self, ID):
        """Updates log when salesman deletes order"""
        update_repo = self.log_repo
        update_repo.Update_repo("{}, ID: {}, deleted customer {} {}".format(
            self.logged_salesman.get_name(), ID,
            self.customer.get_first_name(), self.customer.get_last_name()))
 def get(self):
     return Car()
Beispiel #15
 def get_one(weight: int, color: Colors, motor_pwr: int, accel: int, st_wheel_pos: SteeringWheelPositions):
     car = Car(weight, color)
     car.motor_power = motor_pwr
     car.acceleration = accel
     car.st_wheel_pos = st_wheel_pos
     return car