Beispiel #1
def map_by_extent_zoom_size(provider, northwest, southeast, zoom, width, height):
    # we need it to cover a specific area
    mmap = mapByExtentZoom(provider, northwest, southeast, zoom)
    # but we also we need it at a specific size
    mmap = Map(mmap.provider, Point(width, height), mmap.coordinate, mmap.offset)
    return mmap
Beispiel #2
def mapByExtentZoomAspect(prov, locA, locB, zoom, aspect):
    """ Get a map by extent and zoom, and adjust it to the desired aspect ratio.
        Adjustments always increase the size. Return a ModestMaps.Map instance.
    mmap = mapByExtentZoom(prov, locA, locB, zoom)
    center = mmap.pointLocation(Point(mmap.dimensions.x/2, mmap.dimensions.y/2))
    if aspect < float(mmap.dimensions.x) / float(mmap.dimensions.y):
        # make taller
        dimensions = Point(mmap.dimensions.x, int(mmap.dimensions.x / aspect))

        # make wider
        dimensions = Point(int(mmap.dimensions.y * aspect), mmap.dimensions.y)
    return mapByCenterZoom(prov, center, zoom, dimensions)
Beispiel #3
def main(apibase, password, print_id, pages, paper_size, orientation, layout):
    print_path = "atlas.php?" + urlencode({"id": print_id})
    print_href = print_id and urljoin(apibase.rstrip("/") + "/", print_path) or None
    print_info = {}

    # Prepare a shorthands for pushing data.

    _append_file = lambda name, body: print_id and append_print_file(print_id, name, body, apibase, password) or None
    _finish_print = lambda print_info: print_id and finish_print(apibase, password, print_id, print_info) or None
    _update_print = lambda progress: print_id and update_print(apibase, password, print_id, progress) or None

    print "Print:", print_id
    print "Paper:", orientation, paper_size, layout

    # Prepare output context.

    handle, print_filename = mkstemp(suffix=".pdf")

    page_width_pt, page_height_pt, points_FG, hm2pt_ratio = paper_info(paper_size, orientation)
    print_context, finish_drawing = get_drawing_context(print_filename, page_width_pt, page_height_pt)

        map_xmin_pt = 0.5 * ptpin
        map_ymin_pt = 1 * ptpin
        map_xmax_pt = page_width_pt - 0.5 * ptpin
        map_ymax_pt = page_height_pt - 0.5 * ptpin

        map_bounds_pt = map_xmin_pt, map_ymin_pt, map_xmax_pt, map_ymax_pt

        # Add pages to the PDF one by one.

        for (index, page) in enumerate(pages):
            _update_print(0.1 + 0.9 * float(index) / len(pages))

            page_href = print_href and (print_href + "/%(number)s" % page) or None

            provider = TemplatedMercatorProvider(page["provider"])
            zoom = page["zoom"]

            mark = page.get("mark", None) or None
            fuzzy = page.get("fuzzy", None) or None
            text = unicode(page.get("text", None) or "").encode("utf8")
            role = page.get("role", None) or None

            north, west, south, east = page["bounds"]
            northwest = Location(north, west)
            southeast = Location(south, east)

            page_mmap = mapByExtentZoom(provider, northwest, southeast, zoom)

            if role == "index":
                indexees = [pages[other] for other in range(len(pages)) if other != index]
                indexees = []


            # Now make a smaller preview map for the page,
            # 600px looking like a reasonable upper bound.

            preview_mmap = copy(page_mmap)

            while preview_mmap.dimensions.x > 600:
                preview_zoom = preview_mmap.coordinate.zoom - 1
                preview_mmap = mapByExtentZoom(provider, northwest, southeast, preview_zoom)

            out = StringIO()
            preview_mmap.draw(fatbits_ok=True).save(out, format="JPEG", quality=85)
            preview_url = _append_file("preview-p%(number)s.jpg" % page, out.getvalue())
            print_info["pages[%(number)s][preview_url]" % page] = preview_url

        # Complete the PDF and upload it.


        pdf_name = "field-paper-%s.pdf" % print_id
        pdf_url = _append_file(pdf_name, open(print_filename, "r").read())
        print_info["pdf_url"] = pdf_url



    # Make a small preview map of the whole print coverage area.

    provider = TemplatedMercatorProvider(pages[0]["provider"])

    norths, wests, souths, easts = zip(*[page["bounds"] for page in pages])
    northwest = Location(max(norths), min(wests))
    southeast = Location(min(souths), max(easts))

    dimensions = Point(*get_preview_map_size(orientation, paper_size))

    preview_mmap = mapByExtent(provider, northwest, southeast, dimensions)

    out = StringIO()
    preview_mmap.draw(fatbits_ok=True).save(out, format="JPEG", quality=85)
    preview_url = _append_file("preview.jpg" % page, out.getvalue())
    print_info["preview_url"] = preview_url

    # All done, wrap it up.

Beispiel #4
def main(apibase, password, print_id, pages, paper_size, orientation, layout):
    print_path = 'atlas.php?' + urlencode({'id': print_id})
    print_href = print_id and urljoin(apibase.rstrip('/')+'/', print_path) or None
    print_info = {}

    # Prepare a shorthands for pushing data.

    _append_file = lambda name, body: print_id and append_print_file(print_id, name, body, apibase, password) or None
    _finish_print = lambda print_info: print_id and finish_print(apibase, password, print_id, print_info) or None
    _update_print = lambda progress: print_id and update_print(apibase, password, print_id, progress) or None

    print 'Print:', print_id
    print 'Paper:', orientation, paper_size, layout

    # Prepare output context.

    handle, print_filename = mkstemp(suffix='.pdf')

    page_width_pt, page_height_pt, points_FG, hm2pt_ratio = paper_info(paper_size, orientation)
    print_context, finish_drawing = get_drawing_context(print_filename, page_width_pt, page_height_pt)

        map_xmin_pt = .5 * ptpin
        map_ymin_pt = 1 * ptpin
        map_xmax_pt = page_width_pt - .5 * ptpin
        map_ymax_pt = page_height_pt - .5 * ptpin

        map_bounds_pt = map_xmin_pt, map_ymin_pt, map_xmax_pt, map_ymax_pt

        # Add pages to the PDF one by one.

        for (index, page) in enumerate(pages):
            _update_print(0.1 + 0.9 * float(index) / len(pages))

            page_href = print_href and (print_href + '/%(number)s' % page) or None

            provider = TemplatedMercatorProvider(page['provider'])
            zoom = page['zoom']

            mark = page.get('mark', None) or None
            fuzzy = page.get('fuzzy', None) or None
            text = unicode(page.get('text', None) or '').encode('utf8')
            role = page.get('role', None) or None

            north, west, south, east = page['bounds']
            northwest = Location(north, west)
            southeast = Location(south, east)

            page_mmap = mapByExtentZoom(provider, northwest, southeast, zoom)

            if role == 'index':
                indexees = [pages[other] for other in range(len(pages)) if other != index]
                indexees = []

            add_print_page(print_context, page_mmap, page_href, map_bounds_pt, points_FG, hm2pt_ratio, layout, text, mark, fuzzy, indexees)

            # Now make a smaller preview map for the page,
            # 600px looking like a reasonable upper bound.

            preview_mmap = copy(page_mmap)

            while preview_mmap.dimensions.x > 600:
                preview_zoom = preview_mmap.coordinate.zoom - 1
                preview_mmap = mapByExtentZoom(provider, northwest, southeast, preview_zoom)

            out = StringIO()
            preview_mmap.draw(fatbits_ok=True).save(out, format='JPEG', quality=85)
            preview_url = _append_file('preview-p%(number)s.jpg' % page, out.getvalue())
            print_info['pages[%(number)s][preview_url]' % page] = preview_url

        # Complete the PDF and upload it.


        pdf_name = 'field-paper-%s.pdf' % print_id
        pdf_url = _append_file(pdf_name, open(print_filename, 'r').read())
        print_info['pdf_url'] = pdf_url



    # Make a small preview map of the whole print coverage area.

    provider = TemplatedMercatorProvider(pages[0]['provider'])

    norths, wests, souths, easts = zip(*[page['bounds'] for page in pages])
    northwest = Location(max(norths), min(wests))
    southeast = Location(min(souths), max(easts))

    dimensions = Point(*get_preview_map_size(orientation, paper_size))

    preview_mmap = mapByExtent(provider, northwest, southeast, dimensions)

    out = StringIO()
    preview_mmap.draw(fatbits_ok=True).save(out, format='JPEG', quality=85)
    preview_url = _append_file('preview.jpg' % page, out.getvalue())
    print_info['preview_url'] = preview_url

    # All done, wrap it up.
