Beispiel #1
 def init1(self):
     moon = Moon(self.planetx + self.radCurve, self.planety + self.radCurve)
     planet = Planet(self.planetx, self.planety, "earth", 100)
     ship = Ship(self.planetx + self.r * cos(self.theta),
                 self.planety + self.r * sin(self.theta))
     self.planetGroup = pygame.sprite.Group(planet)  #c
     self.shipGroup = pygame.sprite.Group(ship)  #c
     self.moonGroup = pygame.sprite.Group(moon)  #c
Beispiel #2
def create_moons(moon_text) -> List[Moon]:
    moons = []
    for moon in moons_text:
        parts = moon.strip('<>').split(',')
        t = []
        for i, part in enumerate(parts):
            dim, val = part.split('=')
    return moons
Beispiel #3
 def level1init(self):
     self.marsHit = False
     self.screen1 = True
     self.playing = True
     self.onScreen = True
     self.marsx = self.width * 3 / 5 - 50
     self.marsy = self.height / 2
     self.mars = Planet(self.marsx, self.marsy, "mars", 100, 30)
     self.marsGroup = pygame.sprite.Group(self.mars)
     self.planetx, self.planety = self.width / 5, self.height - self.height / 3,
     self.r = 120
     self.radCurve = 550
     self.moonAngle = 80
     self.moonx, self.moony = self.width, self.height
     self.m = 0
     self.gameDisplay = pygame.display.set_mode((self.width, self.height))
     self.starImage = pygame.transform.rotate(
             (self.width, self.height)), 0)
Beispiel #4
def partOne():
    numbers = fileToList("input.txt")
    # Make my 4 moon objects
    Moons = []
    TIME = 0
    for coor in numbers:
        Moons.append(Moon(coor[0], coor[1], coor[2]))
    while TIME < 1000:
        Moons = Gravity(Moons)
        Moons = Velocity(Moons)
        TIME += 1

    TotalEnergy = FindTotalEnergy(Moons)

    print("The total energy after {} steps is: {}".format(TIME, TotalEnergy))
Beispiel #5
def partTwo():
    def _lcm(a, b):

        return a * b // math.gcd(a, b)

    numbers = fileToList("input.txt")
    # Make my 4 moon objects
    Moons = []
    # Make a dictionary for the moon times
    # Period of all the moons
    XPeriod = 0
    YPeriod = 0
    ZPeriod = 0
    TIME = 1
    for coor in numbers:
        Moons.append(Moon(coor[0], coor[1], coor[2]))
    Moons = SetAllKeys(Moons)
    print("IO starting")
    StartingX = [Moons[0].x, Moons[1].x, Moons[2].x, Moons[3].x]
    StartingY = [Moons[0].y, Moons[1].y, Moons[2].y, Moons[3].y]
    StartingZ = [Moons[0].z, Moons[1].z, Moons[2].z, Moons[3].z]
    while True:
        Moons = Gravity(Moons)
        Moons = Velocity(Moons)
        TIME += 1
        if [Moons[0].x, Moons[1].x, Moons[2].x, Moons[3].x
            ] == StartingX and XPeriod == 0:
            XPeriod = TIME
        if [Moons[0].y, Moons[1].y, Moons[2].y, Moons[3].y
            ] == StartingY and YPeriod == 0:
            YPeriod = TIME
        if [Moons[0].z, Moons[1].z, Moons[2].z, Moons[3].z
            ] == StartingZ and ZPeriod == 0:
            ZPeriod = TIME

        if XPeriod > 0 and YPeriod > 0 and ZPeriod > 0:
            answer = _lcm(_lcm(XPeriod, YPeriod), ZPeriod)
            print("Answer to part two is: ", answer)
            return 0
Beispiel #6
def get_system_energy(moons):
    total = 0
    for moon in moons:
        total += moon.get_total_energy()
    return total

# TEST 1
print('TEST 1')
raw_moons = '<x=-1, y=0, z=2>\n\
<x=2, y=-10, z=-7>\n\
<x=4, y=-8, z=8>\n\
<x=3, y=5, z=-1>'

moon_data_set = [
    Moon.parse_moon(str(i), raw_moon)
    for i, raw_moon in enumerate(raw_moons.split('\n'))
moon_data_set = update_steps(moon_data_set, steps=10)

test_energy = get_system_energy(moon_data_set)
expected_energy = 179
    'Testing get_system_energy (1)', 'RIGHT' if expected_energy == test_energy
    else f'WRONG!! Expected {expected_energy} but was {test_energy}')

# TEST 2
print('TEST 2')
raw_moons = '<x=-8, y=-10, z=0>\n\
<x=5, y=5, z=10>\n\
<x=2, y=-7, z=3>\n\
Beispiel #7
def getopsimouts(inputobs_file , override_config_file=None, outfile=None, 
    Obtains the output of opsimObs for interesting quantities based on the input
    file. This function is used in creating the ouputs converted into the simlib

    TODO: Actually this function should go into makelsstsims rather than here.
    config = setDefaultConfigs(override_config_file)

    # Set up a skypos object to hold site information and provide ra/dec -> alt/az/airmass translations.
    skypos = SkyPos()
    skypos.setSite(lat=config['latitude'], lon=config['longitude'], height=config['height'],
                   pressure=config['pressure'], temperature=config['temperature'],
                   relativeHumidity=config['relativeHumidity'], lapseRate=config['lapseRate'])

    # Set up a Weather object to read the site weather data.
    t = time.time()
    weather = Weather()
    dt, t = dtime(t)
    if verbose:
        print '# Reading weather required %.2f seconds' %(dt)

    # Set up a Downtime object to read the downtime data.
    downtime = Downtime()
    dt, t = dtime(t)
    if verbose:
        print '# Reading downtime required %.2f seconds' %(dt)

    # Read observations.
    obs = ObsFields()
    obs.readInputObs(inputobs_file, config)
    nobs = len(obs.ra)
    dt, t = dtime(t)
    if verbose:
        print '# Reading %d input observations required %.2f seconds' %(nobs, dt)
    # Check timing of input observations.
    if config['check_observations']:
        dt, t = dtime(t)
        if verbose:
            print '# Checking %d input observations required %.2f seconds' %(nobs, dt)
            print '# Did not check input observations for minimum required timing separation!'

    # Calculate alt/az/airmass for all fields.
    dt, t = dtime(t)
    if verbose:
        print '# Calculating alt/az/airmass for %d input observations required %.2f seconds' %(nobs, dt)
    # Calculate weather (cloud/seeing) for all fields.
    dt, t = dtime(t)
    obs.getObsWeather(weather, config)
    dt, t = dtime(t)
    if verbose:
        print '# Getting weather information for %d observations required %.2f seconds' %(nobs, dt)
    # Check downtime status for these observations
    obs.getDowntime(downtime, config)

    # Calculate position of sun at the times of these observations.
    sun = Sun()
    dt, t = dtime(t)
    dt, t = dtime(t)
    if verbose:
        print '# Calculating sun position at %d times required %.2f seconds' %(nobs, dt)

    # Calculate the position, phase and altitude of the Moon. 
    moon = Moon()
    moon.calcPos(obs.mjd, config)
    dt, t = dtime(t)
    if verbose:
        print '# Calculating moon position at %d times required %.2f seconds' %(nobs, dt)

    # Will clean this up and put into classes as time is available. 
    # Calculate the sky brightness. 
    skybright = SkyBright(model='Perry', solar_phase='ave')    
    sky = numpy.zeros(len(obs.mjd), 'float')
    filterlist = numpy.unique(obs.filter)
    for f in filterlist:
        condition = (obs.filter == f)
        skybright.setSkyBright(obs.alt[condition],[condition], moon.alt[condition],[condition], 
                               moon.phase[condition], bandpass = f)
        sky[condition] = skybright.getSkyBright()
    for i in range(len(obs.mjd)):
        # Calculate sky brightness for each observation. 
        skybright.setSkyBright(obs.alt[i],[i], moon.alt[i],[i], moon.phase[i], 
        sky[i] = skybright.getSkyBright()
    # Add modification to match 'skybrightness_modified' (which is brighter in twilight)
    sky = numpy.where(sun.alt > -18, 17, sky)
    dt, t = dtime(t)
    if verbose:
        print '# Calculating the sky brightness for %d observations required %.2f seconds' %(nobs, dt)

    # Calculate the 5-sigma limiting magnitudes. 
    maglimit = numpy.zeros(len(obs.mjd), 'float')
    m5 = m5calculations()
    # Read the throughput curves for LSST (needed to determine zeropoints). 
    # Swap 'y4' for 'y' (or other default y value). 
    tmp_filters = m5.check_filter(obs.filter)
    # Determine the unique exposure times, as have to set up dark current, etc. based on this for telescope ZP's.
    exptimes = numpy.unique(obs.exptime)
    for expT in exptimes:
        condition = [obs.exptime == expT]
        # Calculate telescope zeropoints.        
        # Calculate actual open-sky time, after accounting for readout time, number of exposures per visit, shutter time, etc.
        opentime = ((expT - config['readout_time']*config['nexp_visit'] -  config['nexp_visit']* config['add_shutter']*config['shutter_time']) 
                    / float(config['nexp_visit']))
        print "# Calculating depth for %d exposures of %.2f open shutter time" %(config['nexp_visit'], opentime)
        m5.setup_values(expTime=opentime, nexp=config['nexp_visit'])
        # Calculate 5sigma limiting magnitudes. 
        maglimit[condition] = m5.calc_maglimit(obs.seeing[condition], sky[condition], tmp_filters[condition], obs.airmass[condition], snr=5.0)        
    dt, t = dtime(t)
    if verbose:
        print '# Calculating the m5 limit for %d observations required %.2f seconds' %(nobs, dt)
    # Print out interesting values. 
    obs.printObs(sun, moon, sky, maglimit,  config, outfile)
Beispiel #8
def parse_moon(string):
    m ='<x=(-?\d+), y=(-?\d+), z=(-?\d+)>', string)
    x, y, z = int(, int(, int(
    return Moon(x, y, z)
Beispiel #9
def run(inputobs_file, config):
    # Set up a skypos object to hold site information and provide ra/dec -> alt/az/airmass translations.
    skypos = SkyPos()
    skypos.setSite(lat=config['latitude'], lon=config['longitude'], height=config['height'],
                   pressure=config['pressure'], temperature=config['temperature'],
                   relativeHumidity=config['relativeHumidity'], lapseRate=config['lapseRate'])

    # Set up a Weather object to read the site weather data.
    t = time.time()
    weather = Weather()
    dt, t = dtime(t)
    print '# Reading weather required %.2f seconds' %(dt)

    # Set up a Downtime object to read the downtime data.
    downtime = Downtime()
    dt, t = dtime(t)
    print '# Reading downtime required %.2f seconds' %(dt)

    # Read observations.
    obs = ObsFields()
    obs.readInputObs(inputobs_file, config)
    nobs = len(obs.ra)
    dt, t = dtime(t)
    print '# Reading %d input observations required %.2f seconds' %(nobs, dt)
    # Check timing of input observations.
    if config['check_observations']:
        dt, t = dtime(t)
        print '# Checking %d input observations required %.2f seconds' %(nobs, dt)
        print '# Did not check input observations for minimum required timing separation!'

    # Calculate alt/az/airmass for all fields.
    dt, t = dtime(t)
    print '# Calculating alt/az/airmass for %d input observations required %.2f seconds' %(nobs, dt)
    # Calculate weather (cloud/seeing) for all fields.
    dt, t = dtime(t)
    obs.getObsWeather(weather, config)
    dt, t = dtime(t)
    print '# Getting weather information for %d observations required %.2f seconds' %(nobs, dt)
    # Check downtime status for these observations
    obs.getDowntime(downtime, config)

    # Calculate position of sun at the times of these observations.
    sun = Sun()
    dt, t = dtime(t)
    dt, t = dtime(t)
    print '# Calculating sun position at %d times required %.2f seconds' %(nobs, dt)

    # Calculate the position, phase and altitude of the Moon. 
    moon = Moon()
    moon.calcPos(obs.mjd, config)
    dt, t = dtime(t)
    print '# Calculating moon position at %d times required %.2f seconds' %(nobs, dt)

    # Will clean this up and put into classes as time is available. 
    # Calculate the sky brightness. 
    skybright = SkyBright(model='Perry', solar_phase='ave')    
    sky = numpy.zeros(len(obs.mjd), 'float')
    filterlist = numpy.unique(obs.filter)
    for f in filterlist:
        condition = (obs.filter == f)
        skybright.setSkyBright(obs.alt[condition],[condition], moon.alt[condition],[condition], 
                               moon.phase[condition], bandpass = f)
        sky[condition] = skybright.getSkyBright()
    # Add modification to match 'skybrightness_modified' (which is brighter in twilight)
    sky = numpy.where(sun.alt > -18, 17, sky)
    dt, t = dtime(t)
    print '# Calculating the sky brightness for %d observations required %.2f seconds' %(nobs, dt)

    # Calculate the 5-sigma limiting magnitudes. 
    maglimit = numpy.zeros(len(obs.mjd), 'float')
    m5 = m5calculations()
    # Read the throughput curves for LSST (needed to determine zeropoints). 
    # Swap 'y4' for 'y' (or other default y value). 
    tmp_filters = m5.check_filter(obs.filter)
    # Determine the unique exposure times, as have to set up dark current, etc. based on this for telescope ZP's.
    exptimes = numpy.unique(obs.exptime)
    for expT in exptimes:
        condition = [obs.exptime == expT]
        # Calculate telescope zeropoints.        
        # Calculate actual open-sky time, after accounting for readout time, number of exposures per visit, shutter time, etc.
        opentime = ((expT - config['readout_time']*config['nexp_visit'] -  config['nexp_visit']* config['add_shutter']*config['shutter_time']) 
                    / float(config['nexp_visit']))
        print "# Calculating depth for %d exposures of %.2f open shutter time" %(config['nexp_visit'], opentime)
        m5.setup_values(expTime=opentime, nexp=config['nexp_visit'])
        # Calculate 5sigma limiting magnitudes. 
        maglimit[condition] = m5.calc_maglimit(obs.seeing[condition], sky[condition], tmp_filters[condition], obs.airmass[condition], snr=5.0)        
    dt, t = dtime(t)
    print '# Calculating the m5 limit for %d observations required %.2f seconds' %(nobs, dt)
    # Print out interesting values. 
    obs.printObs(sun, moon, sky, maglimit,  config)