Beispiel #1
def get_qrcode(ver, ecl, str, save_place):
    # Data Coding
    ver, data_codewords = data.encode(ver, ecl, str)

    # Error Correction Coding
    ecc = ECC.encode(ver, ecl, data_codewords)
    # Structure final bits
    final_bits = structure.structure_final_bits(ver, ecl, data_codewords, ecc)
    # Get the QR Matrix
    qrmatrix = matrix.get_qrmatrix(ver, ecl, final_bits)
    # Draw the picture and Save it, then return the real ver and the absolute name
    return ver, draw.draw_qrcode(save_place, qrmatrix)
Beispiel #2
def get_qrcode(ver, ecl, str):
    # Data Coding
    ver, data_codewords = data.encode(ver, ecl, str)

    # Error Correction Coding
    ecc = ECC.encode(ver, ecl, data_codewords)

    # Structure final bits
    final_bits = structure.structure_final_bits(ver, ecl, data_codewords, ecc)

    # Get the QR Matrix
    qrmatrix = matrix.get_qrmatrix(ver, ecl, final_bits)

    # Draw the picture and Save it, then return the real ver and the absolute name
    return ver, draw.draw_qrcode(qrmatrix)
Beispiel #3
def get_qrcode(ver: object, ecl: object, string: str, scale: int,
               color: tuple) -> object:
    # Data Coding
    ver, data_codewords = data.encode(ver, ecl, string)

    # Error Correction Coding
    ecc = ECC.encode(ver, ecl, data_codewords)

    # Structure final bits
    final_bits = structure.structure_final_bits(ver, ecl, data_codewords, ecc)

    # Get the QR Matrix
    qrmatrix = matrix.get_qrmatrix(ver, ecl, final_bits)

    # Draw the picture and Save it, then return the real ver and the absolute name
    return ver, draw.draw_qrcode(qrmatrix, scale, color)
Beispiel #4
def get_qrcode(ver, ecl, str, save_place):
    # ver == 0: default that is depending on str and ecl
    if ver not in range(41):
        print('WARNING: Version Error! Please choose a version from 0 to 40!')
    elif ecl not in 'LMQH':
        print('WARNING: Level Error! Please choose one of L,M,Q,H!')
    elif any(i not in supported_chars for i in str):
        print('WARNING: Input Error! Some characters are not supported.')
        # Data Coding
        ver, data_codewords = data.encode(ver, ecl, str)

        # Error Correction Coding
        ecc = ECC.encode(ver, ecl, data_codewords)

        # Structure final bits
        final_bits = structure.structure_final_bits(ver, ecl, data_codewords,

        # Get the QR Matrix
        qrmatrix = matrix.get_qrmatrix(ver, ecl, final_bits)

        # Draw the picture and Save it, then return the real ver and the absolute name
        return ver, draw.draw_qrcode(save_place, qrmatrix)