Beispiel #1
    def showTables(self, database_name, statement):
        # for right now just dumps current db's tables 
        # eventually need to support 'show tables' or 
        # 'show tables like' and maybe 'show tables database name'
        databases = self.showDatabases()

        # for each database lets dump the tables #
        # just like a show table command         #
        for database in databases:
            database_name = database['database_name']
            database_name = database_name[0]
            solr_str = "fl=id,table_name&q=table_name:" + database_name + "_*"
            tables = solr_request("localhost:8983", solr_str)
            print database_name, "tables --->", tables
            for table in tables:
                table_name = table['table_name']
                table_name = table_name[0]
                solr_str = "fl=id,meta_column_name,meta_column_type,meta_column_val_string,meta_column_val_int,meta_column_val_float,meta_column_val_timestamp&q=meta_column_name:" + table_name + "_*"
                columns = solr_request("localhost:8983", solr_str)
                for column in columns:
                    column_name = column['meta_column_name']
                    column_name = column_name[0]
                    column_name = column_name.replace(table_name, "")
                    column_name = column_name[1:]

                    column_type = column['meta_column_type']
                    column_type = column_type[0]

                    column_val_name = "meta_column_val_%s" % (column_type, )
                    print table_name, column_type, "column --->", column_name, "default value --->", column[column_val_name]
Beispiel #2
 def getNextId(self):
     # this needs to be addressed ASAP!!!!
     solr_str = "fl=id&q=id:[0 TO *]&sort=id desc&start=0&rows=1"
     last_id = solr_request("localhost:8983", solr_str)
         last_id = last_id[0]['id']
         print "Warning - last id was -1, adjusting to 1"
         return 1
     return int(last_id + 1)
Beispiel #3
    def createDatabase(self, statement):
        # expect 'create database database_name"
        dindx = statement.find("database")
        if dindx == -1:
            raise Exception, 'Error - illegal statement'
        dindx += len('database')
        database_name = statement[dindx:].strip()
        # first we check to see if we already have a database with the same name
        solr_str = "fl=id&q=database_name:" + database_name 
        database_record = solr_request("localhost:8983", solr_str)
        if len(database_record) > 0:
            raise Exception, 'Error database already exists!'

        solr_str = "<add><doc><field name='id'>%s</field><field name='database_name'>%s</field></doc></add>" % (self.getNextId(),database_name)
        res = solr_add("localhost:8983", solr_str)
        res = solr_commit("localhost:8983")
        return res
Beispiel #4
 def showDatabases(self):
     solr_str = "fl=id,database_name&q=database_name:[0 TO *]"
     databases = solr_request("localhost:8983", solr_str)
     print "Database on this instance --->", databases
     return databases
Beispiel #5
    def processSelect(self, statement):
        # BUG - missing 'like' support
        # BUG - we cant require 'where' cause i believe 
        # select * from table_name is valid mysql syntax

        # currently we require 'from' and 'where' to both be present
        findx = statement.lower().find('from')
        windx = statement.lower().find('where')
        if findx == -1 or windx == -1:
            raise Exception, 'MySolrDb.InvalidStatement - 001'

        # since we now know where from and where are we can
        # create all three sub components 
        select_portion = statement[:findx]
        table_portion = statement[findx:windx]
        where_portion = statement[windx:]

        # we will need to process the table list first to establish 
        # any aliases we will need later in field list processing
        # NOTE: for now since we dont support joins we assume 1 table
        # and oh, btw we currently don't support aliasing
        table_name = table_portion.strip()[len('from'):].strip()

        # next determine database name
        if table_name.find(".") > -1:
            # table name includes the database name
            database_name, table_name = table_name.split(".")
            # else must have a default db name from a previous use or connect
            if self.database_name is None:
                raise Exception, 'Error - no database specified'
            database_name = self.database_name

        # since this will get ugly in a hurry we will farm it out ...
        where_clause = where_portion.strip()[len('where'):].strip()

        where_result = self.handleWhereClause(database_name, table_name, where_clause)
        where_result = where_result[1:len(where_result)-1]

        solr_statement_array = where_result.split(") AND (")     # BUG this is a very fragile thing!

        # this brutish code attempts to provide the product of values
        # of one or more lists of dicts. the good news is it can 
        # optimized later to produce better performance
        result_set = []
        first = 0
        for solr_statement in solr_statement_array:
            solr_host = self.ip_address + ":" + str(self.port) 
            solr_statement = solr_statement.strip()
            solr_statement = "fl=parent_id&start=0&rows=9999&q=" + solr_statement
            and_res = solr_request(solr_host, solr_statement)
            if first == 0:
                first = 1
                for pid in and_res:
                first += 1
                new_res = []
                for pid in and_res:
                    if pid['parent_id'] in result_set:
                result_set = new_res

        # so at this point result_set has a list of anchor roots which
        # meet our select criteria, here we go back and grab the fields
        # for each detail record. field_list should have the desired fields

        # for the select portion we knmow that ultimately
        # field names must be separated by a comma.
        field_list = select_portion.strip()[len('select'):].strip()
        solr_field_list = ""
        if field_list != "*":
            field_list = field_list.split(",")
            for field in field_list:
                ## TODO: if any of these are invalid throw an exception here!
                #print "Must Validate Field Name --->", field.strip()
                field_name = database_name +"_" + table_name + "_" + field.strip() 
                solr_field_list += field_name + ","
            solr_field_list = solr_field_list[:-1]
            solr_field_list = "*"

        fields_array = solr_field_list.split(",")

        # BUG - need to figure out what rows should be
        solr_statement = "fl=column_val_string,column_name,parent_id&start=0&rows=999&q="        

        for rs in result_set:
            if solr_field_list == "*":
                solr_statement += "parent_id:" + str(rs) + " OR "
                for field in fields_array:
                    solr_statement += "(parent_id:" + str(rs) +" AND column_name:" + field + ") OR "

        solr_statement = solr_statement[:-4]
        #print "XXX", solr_statement

        # store result in last_result
        self.last_result = solr_request(solr_host, solr_statement)

        # this should come from the response i guess but which one?
        solr_response = "200"    # wtf?
        return solr_response
Beispiel #6
    def processUpdate(self, statement):
        # currently only the following formats are supported ...
        # UPDATE table_name SET age='22' WHERE some condition
        # or
        # UPDATE table_name SET age='22', year=17, bla='bla' WHERE some condition

        # we always require a table name which is followed by 'set'
        tindx = statement.lower().find('set')
        if tindx == -1:
            raise Exception, 'MySolrDb.InvalidStatement - 001'

        table_name = statement[len('update'):tindx].strip()

        # next we assemble our list of field_name/value pairs
        field_portion = ""
        # which requires us to know where the where clause starts
        # so we might as well deal with that here as well
        windx = statement.lower().find('where')
        if windx == -1:
            field_portion = statement[tindx+len('set')+1:].strip()
            field_portion = statement[tindx+len('set')+1:windx].strip()

        fields_array = field_portion.split(",")
        update_fields = {}
        for field in fields_array:
            name_val_array = field.split('=')
            name = name_val_array[0].strip()
            val = name_val_array[1].strip()
            update_fields[name] = val

        # at this point, update_fields is a dict of fields/values which need to
        # be updated for each doc which meets the where_clause critera

        ## FIX THIS!!! ##
        table_index_field = 'id'    # BUG - this magic needs to be addressed ASAP!
        ## END FIX THIS!!! ##

        where_clause = ""
        if windx == -1:
            # if no where clause we're updating all of em
            where_result = table_index_field + ":[0 TO *]"
            where_portion = statement[windx:]
            where_clause = where_portion.strip()[len('where'):].strip()
            # else we use our standard where clause parser
            where_result = self.handleWhereClause(where_clause)

        # we produce a solr statement to get affected docs
        solr_statement = "fl=*" + "&q=" + where_result

        # we query the solr index and stick the result in temporary_result_set
        solr_host = self.ip_address + ":" + str(self.port) 
        solr_statement = "start=0&rows=9999&" + solr_statement
        temporary_result_set = solr_request(solr_host, solr_statement)

        # next we apply the user changes to this set of documents
        # and produce a solr style xml doc which represents a transaction
        update_transaction = "<add>"
        for result in temporary_result_set:
            for field in update_fields:
                result[field] = update_fields[field]
            # and we also must update the solr index ...
            # note - for transactional integrity we really should'nt
            # update individually but rather we create a
            # master update which we finish with a commit below
            #ret_code = solr_add(solr_host, result)
            update_transaction += self.convertDictToDoc(result)
        update_transaction += "</add><commit/>"

        # finally we update our solr index
        res = solr_add(self.ip_address+":"+str(self.port), update_transaction)

        # and return the update status from the solr response
        return 0