Beispiel #1
def Trans_single(k, K, u_10, fetch, azimuth, divergence):
    nk = k.shape[0]
    c_beta = 0.04  # wind wave growth parameter
    k_hat = wn_dless_single(k, u_10)
    K_hat = K * fv(u_10)**2 / const.g
    wind_exponent = wind_exp(k)
    mk = wn_exp(k.reshape(nk, 1), u_10, fetch, azimuth)
    c_tau = wind_exponent / (2 * c_beta)  # constant
    # transfer function
    T = c_tau * k_hat**(-3 / 2) * mk * fv(u_10) * divergence / (
        const.g * (1 + 1j * c_tau * k_hat**(-2) * K_hat))
    return T
Beispiel #2
def GoM_Trans(k, K, u_10, fetch, azimuth, div):
    nk = k.shape[2]
    c_beta = 0.04  # wind wave growth parameter
    k_hat = wn_dless(k, u_10)
    K_hat = K * fv(u_10) ** 2 / const.g
    wind_exponent = np.zeros([div.shape[0], div.shape[1], nk])
    mk = np.zeros([div.shape[0], div.shape[1], nk])
    for ii in np.arange(k.shape[0]):
        for jj in np.arange(k.shape[1]):
            wind_exponent[ii ,jj, :] = wind_exp(k[ii, jj, :])
            mk[ii, jj, :] = wn_exp(k[ii, jj, :].reshape(nk, 1), u_10[ii, jj], fetch, azimuth)[:, 0]
    c_tau = wind_exponent / (2 * c_beta)  # constant
    # transfer function
    T = c_tau * k_hat ** (-3 / 2) * mk * fv(u_10)[:, :, None] * div[:, :, None] / (const.g*(
                1 + 1j * c_tau * k_hat ** (-2) * K_hat[:, :, None]))
    return T
Beispiel #3
def Trans(k, K, u_10, fetch, azimuth, tsc):
    nk = k.shape[2]
    c_beta = 0.04  # wind wave growth parameter
    k_hat = wn_dless(k, u_10)
    K_hat = K * fv(u_10)**2 / const.g
    wind_exponent = np.zeros([tsc.shape[0], tsc.shape[1], nk])
    mk = np.zeros([tsc.shape[0], tsc.shape[1], nk])
    for ii in np.arange(k.shape[0]):
        for jj in np.arange(k.shape[1]):
            wind_exponent[ii, jj, :] = wind_exp(k[ii, jj, :])
            mk[ii, jj, :] = wn_exp(k[ii, jj, :].reshape(nk, 1), u_10[ii, jj],
                                   fetch, azimuth)[:, 0]
    c_tau = wind_exponent / (2 * c_beta)  # constant
    # divergence of the sea surface current
    divergence = np.gradient(tsc[:, :, 0], 1e3, axis=1) + np.gradient(
        tsc[:, :, 1], 1e3, axis=0)
    # transfer function
    T = c_tau * k_hat**(
        -3 / 2) * mk * fv(u_10)[:, :, None] * divergence[:, :, None] / (
            const.g * (1 + 1j * c_tau * k_hat**(-2) * K_hat[:, :, None]))
    return T
Beispiel #4
def WB_emp(K, kr, u_10, tsc):
    # empirical wave breaking contrasts from Eq.17 in [Kudryavtsev, 2012]

    cq = 470
    U = fv(u_10)
    kb = kr / 10
    omegab = np.sqrt(const.g * kb + const.gamma * kb**3 / const.rho_water)
    divergence = np.gradient(tsc[:, :, 0], 1e3, axis=1) + np.gradient(
        tsc[:, :, 1], 1e3, axis=0)
    wb_c = -cq * np.log(U * kb / np.sqrt(
        const.g * K)) * const.g * divergence / (U**2 * kb * omegab)
    return wb_c
Beispiel #5
def divergence(sst, lat, lon, wind_speed, K, phi, phi_w, s):
    :param sst: sea surface temperature
    :param wind_speed:
    :param K: wave number vector
    :param phi: the direction of wave number vector
    :param phi_w: the direction of wind velocity vector
    :param s: sign of Coriolis parameter
    # interpolate data
    sst = set_nan(sst)
    sst = nearest_nan(sst, lat, lon)
    sst = mean_zeros(sst)

    ## compute the divergence
    T = np.fft.fft2(sst) # sst in fourier space
    V = np.sqrt(const.rho_air/const.rho_water)*fv(wind_speed)  # friction velocity in the water

    diver = 1j * const.alpha * const.g * V * (s * np.sin(phi_w - phi) + 1j * const.yita ** (3 / 4) * const.nb ** 0.5 * V * K / abs(const.f)) * K ** 2 * T / (const.yita ** 0.25 * const.nb ** 0.5 * const.f ** 2)

    # apply fan filter for divergence to show the structures
    a = np.array(range(0, int(sst.shape[1] / 2)))
    b = np.array(range(-int(sst.shape[1] / 2), 0))
    n = np.append(a, b)
    a = np.array(range(0, int(sst.shape[0] / 2)))
    b = np.array(range(-int(sst.shape[0] / 2), 0))
    m = np.append(a, b)
    mf = np.sinc(m / 500)
    mf[abs(m) > 500] = 0
    nf = np.sinc(n / 500)
    nf[abs(n) > 500] = 0
    fan = mf.reshape(mf.shape[0], 1) * nf
    diver = fan * diver
    D = np.fft.ifft2(diver)
    return D
Beispiel #6
def wn_dless_single(k, u_10):
    #     dimensionless wave number of wind waves
    return k * fv(u_10)**2 / const.g
Beispiel #7
def wn_dless(k, u_10):
    #     dimensionless wave number of wind waves
    return k * fv(u_10)[:, :, None]**2 / const.g
Beispiel #8
def MSS_em(K, u_10, tsc):
    # Empirical mss from Eq.17 in [Kudryavtsev, 2012]
    divergence = np.gradient(tsc[:, :, 0], 1e3, axis=1) + np.gradient(tsc[:, :, 1], 1e3, axis=0)
    cs = 180
    U = fv(u_10)
    return -cs * divergence / (U * np.sqrt( * K))
Beispiel #9
def GoM_MSS_em(K, u_10, div):
    # Empirical mss from Eq.17 in [Kudryavtsev, 2012]
    cs = 180
    U = fv(u_10)
    return -cs * div / (U * np.sqrt( * K))