def Franke_plot(X, X_train, X_test, z_train, eta=0, lmbd=0, batch_size=0, n_hidden_neurons=0, epochs=0): eta = 4.33148322e-03 lmbd = 3.75469422e-11 batch_size = 2 n_hidden_neurons = 422 epochs = 197 # For these parameters above we got: MSE = 0.004922969949345497 R2-score =0.9397964833194705 n_categories = 1 dnn = NN(X_train, z_train, eta=eta, lmbd=lmbd, epochs=int(epochs), batch_size=batch_size, n_hidden_neurons=n_hidden_neurons, n_categories=n_categories, cost_grad='MSE', activation='sigmoid', activation_out='ELU') dnn.train_and_validate() z_pred = dnn.predict_probabilities(X) print(mean_squared_error(z, z_pred)) print(r2_score(z, z_pred)) xsize = x.shape[0] ysize = y.shape[0] rows = np.arange(ysize) cols = np.arange(xsize) [X1, Y1] = np.meshgrid(cols, rows) z_mesh = np.reshape(z, (ysize, xsize)) z_predict_mesh = np.reshape(z_pred, (ysize, xsize)) fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 2, subplot_kw={'projection': '3d'}) ax = fig.axes[0] ax.plot_surface(X1, Y1, z_predict_mesh, cmap=cm.viridis, linewidth=0) ax.set_title('Fitted Franke') ax = fig.axes[1] ax.plot_surface(X1, Y1, z_mesh, cmap=cm.viridis, linewidth=0) ax.set_title('Real Franke') plt.xlabel('X') plt.ylabel('Y')
def Franke_plot(X, X_train, X_test): eta = 4.33148322e-03 lmbd = 3.75469422e-11 batch_size = 2 n_hidden_neurons = 422 epochs = 197 n_categories = 1 dnn = NN(X_train, z_train, eta=eta, lmbd=lmbd, epochs=epochs + 1, batch_size=batch_size, n_hidden_neurons=n_hidden_neurons, n_categories=n_categories, cost_grad='MSE', activation='sigmoid', activation_out='ELU') dnn.train(X) z_pred = dnn.y_predict_epoch[epochs] print(mean_squared_error(z, z_pred)) print(r2_score(z, z_pred)) xsize = x.shape[0] ysize = y.shape[0] rows = np.arange(ysize) cols = np.arange(xsize) [X, Y] = np.meshgrid(cols, rows) z_mesh = np.reshape(z, (ysize, xsize)) z_predict_mesh = np.reshape(z_pred, (ysize, xsize)) fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 2, subplot_kw={'projection': '3d'}) # plt.figure() ax = fig.axes[0] ax.plot_surface(X, Y, z_predict_mesh, cmap=cm.viridis, linewidth=0) ax.set_title('Fitted terrain cut') ax = fig.axes[1] ax.plot_surface(X, Y, z_mesh, cmap=cm.viridis, linewidth=0) ax.set_title('Terrain cut') plt.xlabel('X') plt.ylabel('Y')
def __init__(self, window=False): self.length = 0 self.history = [] self.lastMove = None self.brain = NN([24, 20, 5, 4]) self.isDead = False self.speed = 20 self.rows = 50 self.cols = 50 self.width = self.rows * self.speed self.height = self.rows * self.speed self.pos = Vector(self.speed * self.cols / 2, self.speed * self.rows / 2) = Vector(500, random.randrange(0, self.height, self.speed)) self.window = False if window: self.window = True self.display_screen = pygame.display.set_mode( (self.width, self.height)) pygame.display.set_caption("Snake game") self.clock = pygame.time.Clock()
def NN(): epochs = 20 batch_size = 10 eta = 15 lmbd = 0.01 n_hidden_neurons = 30 n_categories = 2 DNN = NN(X_train_scaled, y_train, eta=eta, lmbd=lmbd, epochs=epochs, batch_size=batch_size, n_hidden_neurons=n_hidden_neurons, n_categories=n_categories, cost_grad='crossentropy', activation='sigmoid', activation_out='ELU') DNN.train() test_predict = DNN.predict(X_test_scaled) test_predict1 = DNN.predict_probabilities(X_test_scaled)[:, 1:2] # # accuracy score from scikit library #print("Accuracy score on test set: ", accuracy_score(y_test, test_predict)) # # def accuracy_score_numpy(Y_test, Y_pred): # return np.sum(Y_test == Y_pred) / len(Y_test) false_pos, true_pos = roc_curve(y_test, test_predict1)[0:2] print("Area under curve ST: ", auc(false_pos, true_pos)) plt.plot([0, 1], [0, 1], "k--") plt.plot(false_pos, true_pos) plt.xlabel("False Positive rate") plt.ylabel("True Positive rate") plt.title("ROC curve gradient descent")
def Franke_plot_overfitting(X_train, X_test, eta=0, lmbd=0, batch_size=0, n_hidden_neurons=0, epochs=0): eta = 3.16227766e-01 lmbd = 2.68269580e-08 batch_size = 1 n_hidden_neurons = 57 epochs = 1000 n_categories = 1 np.random.seed(seed) dnn = NN(X_train, z_train, eta=eta, lmbd=lmbd, epochs=int(epochs), batch_size=batch_size, n_hidden_neurons=n_hidden_neurons, n_categories=n_categories, cost_grad='MSE', activation='sigmoid', activation_out='ELU') dnn.train_and_validate(X_val, z_val, MSE_store=True, validate=False) MSE_val, MSE_train = dnn.MSE_epoch() epo = np.arange(len(MSE_train)) plt.plot(epo, MSE_val, label='MSE val') plt.plot(epo, MSE_train, label='MSE train') plt.xlabel("Number of epochs") plt.ylabel("MSE") plt.title("MSE vs epochs") plt.legend()
import numpy as np from NeuralNetwork import NN network = NN(3, 3, 3, 100000, .00001, .0001, 0, 0) X = np.matrix('1,2,3;4,3,6;1,2,5;0,1,2;1,4,5;1,0,1') y = np.matrix('0;2;1;1;1;2') X_cv = np.matrix('1,0,0;1,2,4;10,7,4') y_cv = np.matrix('0;1;1') print(, y)) print(network.predict(X_cv)) network.cross_validate(X_cv, y_cv)
from NeuralNetwork import NeuralNetwork as NN import json import threading import random import MNIST import numpy as np normalize = np.vectorize(lambda x: np.float(x/255.0)) nn = NN(28*28,[32,16],10) nn.learingRate = .1 answerkey = [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9] train_images = MNIST.get_images('mnist/train-images-idx3-ubyte') test_images = MNIST.get_images('mnist/t10k-images-idx3-ubyte') train_labels = MNIST.get_labels('mnist/train-labels-idx1-ubyte') test_labels = MNIST.get_labels('mnist/t10k-labels-idx1-ubyte') if( train_images is None or test_images is None or train_labels is None or test_labels is None): raise Exception('Retrieved Data is NONE') test_data = [] train_data = [] data_amount = len(train_images) for i in range(data_amount): label=[0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0] label[train_labels[i]]=1 train_data.append({'input':train_images[i],'target':label})"chr1_IH1", sortedPop1[0].IHWeights)"chr1_HO1", sortedPop1[0].HOWeights)"chr1_IH2", sortedPop1[1].IHWeights)"chr1_HO2", sortedPop1[1].HOWeights)"chr2_IH1", sortedPop2[0].IHWeights)"chr2_HO1", sortedPop2[0].HOWeights)"chr2_IH2", sortedPop2[1].IHWeights)"chr2_HO2", sortedPop2[1].HOWeights) while True: curChromosone1 = pop1.chromosones[pop1.curChromosone] curChromosone2 = pop2.chromosones[pop2.curChromosone] NN1 = NN() NN2 = NN() game = CT() game_over = False score1 = 0 score2 = 0 while not game_over: if (iterationCounter % 20 == 0): print(score1) print(score2) game.print_board(game.board) if (iterationCounter % 1000 == 0): saveState(pop1, pop2)
# Lets varify that our targets are correct # for type in range(3): # for i in range(dataset[type][1].shape[0]): # print(dataset[type][0][i].astype(np.uint8)) # misc.imsave( # 'images/{0}-{1}-{2}.png'.format( # type,i,np.argmax(dataset[type][1][i]) # ), # dataset[type][0][i].astype(np.uint8) # ) nn = NN( # For conv nets we take # (None, 1, height, width) batch_size=batch_size, input_shape=(32, 32), # We want to classify 62 characters n_out=10 ) # Add our convolution # Which takes the parameters # n_kerns, height, and width # nn.add( # 'Convolution', # n_kerns=115, # height=12, # width=12 # ) # # Now we want to add pooling
arrU, arrV = Fun.readFile(args.fileName, args.inNeurones, args.outNeurones) else: arrU, arrV = Fun.readFile(args.fileName, args.inNeurones, 1) Fun.translate(args.translate, arrV) extraLabel = '' if '' != args.querryFile: qrrU, qrrV = Fun.readFile(args.querryFile, args.inNeurones, args.outNeurones) if args.extraQuerry is True: args.hidNeurones += args.hidNeurones extraLabel = ', dane testowe' for n in range(len(args.hidNeurones)): network = (NN(args.inNeurones, args.hidNeurones[n], args.outNeurones, args.alpha, args.beta, args.bias, args.outputLinear)) if ('' != args.querryFile) and (args.extraQuerry is True): if n == (len(args.hidNeurones) / 2): extraLabel = ', dane treningowe' args.querryFile = '' it = 0 errX = [] errY = [] condition = True while condition is True: it += 1 for k in range(len(arrU)):
print 'Reading database' #data = readDatabase('networkVarInput.txt') data = readDatabase('DB_TALOS_186_secStruct_nn') print 'Making training set' trainingSet = makeTrainingDataMissingShift(data) nIn = len(trainingSet[0][0]) nOut = len(trainingSet[0][1]) nHid = 3 print "Inputs", nIn print "Hidden", nHid print "Output", nOut nn = NN(nIn, nHid, nOut, testFuncMissingShift) nn.train(trainingSet, iterations=50, N=0.5, M=0.2) #testFuncMissingShift(nn, trainingSet) """ for iter in range(1): print iter # Train predict angles print 'Reading database' data = readDatabase('DB_TALOS_186_secStruct_nn') print 'Read %d entries' % len(data)
from NeuralNetwork import NeuralNetworks as NN from csv_data_reader import CSVObject as csv_o batch = 10000 data = csv_o(2, 1) inputs = [0 for i in range(data.arr_length())] targets = [0] nn = NN(2, 20, 1) for i in range(batch): train_data = data.result() nn.train(train_data[0], train_data[1]) #print(train_data) if (i % 5 == 0): print("İşleniyor: ", round((i / batch) * 100), "%") nn.Predict([0, 1])
def Plots(epochs, AUC_time_plot = 0, ROC_plot = 0, Lift_plot_test_NN = 0, Lift_plot_train_NN = 0, GD_plot = 0, MB_GD_plot = 0, Stoch_GD_plot = 0, Newton_plot = 0, Scatter_GD_plot = 0): if (ROC_plot == 1 or AUC_time_plot == 1): GRAD_start_time = time.time() np.random.seed(seed) beta_init = np.random.randn(X_train.shape[1],1) w = Weight(X_train,y_train,beta_init,6.892612104349695e-05, epochs) final_betas_grad,cost = w.train(w.gradient_descent) prob_grad, y_pred_grad = classification(X_test, final_betas_grad, y_test)[0:2] false_pos_grad, true_pos_grad = roc_curve(y_test, prob_grad)[0:2] AUC_GRAD = auc(false_pos_grad, true_pos_grad) print("Area under curve gradient: ", AUC_GRAD) GRAD_time = time.time() - GRAD_start_time SGD_start_time = time.time() np.random.seed(seed) beta_init = np.random.randn(X_train.shape[1], 1) w2 = Weight(X_train, y_train, beta_init, 0.0007924828983539169, epochs) final_betas_ST, _ = w2.train(w2.stochastic_gradient_descent) prob_ST, y_pred_ST = classification(X_test, final_betas_ST, y_test)[0:2] ### HERE false_pos_ST, true_pos_ST = roc_curve(y_test, prob_ST)[0:2] AUC_SGD = auc(false_pos_ST, true_pos_ST) print("Area under curve ST: ", AUC_SGD) SGD_time = time.time() - SGD_start_time """np.random.seed(seed) beta_init = np.random.randn(X_train.shape[1],1) w3 = Weight(X_train,y_train,beta_init,0.001, 20) final_betas_Newton,_ = w3.train(w3.newtons_method) prob_Newton, y_pred_Newton = classification(X_train,final_betas_Newton, y_test)[0:2] false_pos_Newton, true_pos_Newton = roc_curve(y_test, prob_Newton)[0:2] print("Area under curve Newton: ", auc(false_pos_Newton, true_pos_Newton))""" AUC_MB5 = 0 MB5_time = 0 AUC_MB1000 = 0 MB1000_time = 0 AUC_MB6000 = 0 MB6000_time = 0 AUC_MB = 0 false_pos_MB = 0 true_pos_MB = 0 if(AUC_time_plot != 0): AUC_MB5, MB5_time, _, _ = mini_batch_SGD(0.0038625017292608175, 5, epochs) AUC_MB1000, MB1000_time, _, _ = mini_batch_SGD(0.0009501185073181439, 1000, epochs) AUC_MB6000, MB6000_time, _ ,_ = mini_batch_SGD(0.0001999908383831537, 6000, epochs) return AUC_SGD, AUC_GRAD, AUC_MB5, AUC_MB1000, AUC_MB6000, SGD_time, GRAD_time, MB5_time, MB1000_time, MB6000_time else: AUC_MB, _,false_pos_MB, true_pos_MB = mini_batch_SGD(0.0038625017292608175, 32, epochs) np.random.seed(seed) beta_init = np.random.randn(X_train.shape[1], 1) w4 = Weight(X_train, y_train, beta_init, 0.0007924828983539169, epochs) final_betas_ST_Skl,_ = w.train(w4.stochastic_gradient_descent_Skl) prob_ST_Skl, y_pred_ST_Skl = classification(X_test,final_betas_ST_Skl[0], y_test)[0:2] false_pos_ST_Skl, true_pos_ST_Skl = roc_curve(y_test, prob_ST_Skl)[0:2] print("Area under curve ST_skl: ", auc(false_pos_ST_Skl, true_pos_ST_Skl)) epochs = 20 batch_size = 25 eta = 0.1 lmbd = 0.01 n_hidden_neurons = 41 #################### # epochs = 20 # batch_size = 26 # eta = 3.14230708e+00 # lmbd = 1.25472709e-02 # n_hidden_neurons = 66 np.random.seed(seed) n_categories = 1 dnn = NN(X_train, y_train, eta=eta, lmbd=lmbd, epochs=epochs, batch_size=batch_size, n_hidden_neurons=n_hidden_neurons, n_categories=n_categories, cost_grad = 'crossentropy', activation = 'sigmoid', activation_out='sigmoid') dnn.train_and_validate() y_predict = dnn.predict_probabilities(X_test) false_pos_NN, true_pos_NN = roc_curve(y_test, y_predict)[0:2] print("AUC score NN: ", auc(false_pos_NN, true_pos_NN)) plt.plot([0, 1], [0, 1], "k--") plt.plot(false_pos_grad, true_pos_grad,label="Gradient") plt.plot(false_pos_ST, true_pos_ST, label="Stoch") plt.plot(false_pos_ST_Skl, true_pos_ST_Skl, label="Stoch_Skl") plt.plot(false_pos_MB, true_pos_MB, label="Mini") # plt.plot(false_pos_Newton, true_pos_Newton, label="Newton") plt.plot(false_pos_NN, true_pos_NN, label='NeuralNetwork') plt.legend() plt.xlabel("False Positive rate") plt.ylabel("True Positive rate") plt.title("ROC curve") """Creates cumulative gain charts/lift plots for Neural network. The two optimal parameters sets from tuning are listed below""" if (Lift_plot_test_NN == 1): np.random.seed(seed) # epochs = 20 # batch_size = 26 # eta = 3.14230708e+00 # lmbd = 1.25472709e-02 # n_hidden_neurons = 66 epochs = 20 batch_size = 25 eta = 0.1 lmbd = 0.01 n_hidden_neurons = 41 n_categories = 1 dnn = NN(X_train, y_train, eta=eta, lmbd=lmbd, epochs=epochs, batch_size=batch_size, n_hidden_neurons=n_hidden_neurons, n_categories=n_categories, cost_grad='crossentropy', activation='sigmoid', activation_out='sigmoid') dnn.train_and_validate() y_predict_proba = dnn.predict_probabilities(X_test) y_predict_proba_tuple = np.concatenate((1 - y_predict_proba, y_predict_proba), axis=1) pos_true = y_test.sum() pos_true_perc = pos_true / len(y_test) x = np.linspace(0, 1, len(y_test)) m = 1 / pos_true_perc best_line = np.zeros((len(x))) for i in range(len(x)): best_line[i] = m * x[i] if (x[i] > pos_true_perc): best_line[i] = 1 x_, y_ = skplt.helpers.cumulative_gain_curve(y_test, y_predict_proba_tuple[:, 1]) Score = (np.trapz(y_, x=x_) - 0.5) / (np.trapz(best_line, dx=(1 / len(y_predict_proba))) - 0.5) print('Area ratio score(test)', Score) # The score Area ratio = 0.49129354889528054 Neural Network test against predicted perc = np.linspace(0, 100, len(y_test)) plt.plot(x_*100, y_*100) plt.plot(perc, best_line*100) plt.plot(perc, perc, "k--") plt.xlabel("Percentage of clients") plt.ylabel("Cumulative % of defaults") plt.title("Cumulative Gain Chart for Test Data") """Let's you insert a threshold and classify""" _, y_predict, y_predict_tot = classification(y_prob_input=y_predict_proba, threshold=0.5) pos = y_predict.sum() neg = len(y_predict) - pos pos_perc = (pos / len(y_predict)) neg_perc = (neg / len(y_predict)) print("default: ", pos_perc) print("Non-default: ", neg_perc) if (Lift_plot_train_NN == 1): np.random.seed(seed) # epochs = 20 # batch_size = 26 # eta = 3.14230708e+00 # lmbd = 1.25472709e-02 # n_hidden_neurons = 66 epochs = 20 batch_size = 25 eta = 0.1 lmbd = 0.01 n_hidden_neurons = 41 n_categories = 1 dnn = NN(X_train, y_train, eta=eta, lmbd=lmbd, epochs=epochs, batch_size=batch_size, n_hidden_neurons=n_hidden_neurons, n_categories=n_categories, cost_grad='crossentropy', activation='sigmoid', activation_out='sigmoid') dnn.train_and_validate() y_predict_proba = dnn.predict_probabilities(X_train) y_predict_proba_tuple = np.concatenate((1 - y_predict_proba, y_predict_proba), axis=1) pos_true = y_train.sum() pos_true_perc = pos_true / len(y_train) x = np.linspace(0, 1, len(y_train)) m = 1 / pos_true_perc best_line = np.zeros((len(x))) for i in range(len(x)): best_line[i] = m * x[i] if (x[i] > pos_true_perc): best_line[i] = 1 x_, y_ = skplt.helpers.cumulative_gain_curve(y_train, y_predict_proba_tuple[:, 1]) Score = (np.trapz(y_, x=x_) - 0.5) / (np.trapz(best_line, dx=(1 / len(y_predict_proba))) - 0.5) print('Area ratio score(train)', Score) perc = np.linspace(0, 100, len(y_train)) plt.plot(x_ * 100, y_ * 100) plt.plot(perc, best_line * 100) plt.plot(perc, perc, "k--") plt.xlabel("Percentage of clients") plt.ylabel("Cumulative % of defaults") plt.title("Cumulative Gain Chart for Train Data") """Let's you insert a threshold and classify""" _, y_predict, y_predict_tot = classification(y_prob_input=y_predict_proba, threshold=0.5) pos = y_predict.sum() neg = len(y_predict) - pos pos_perc = (pos / len(y_predict)) neg_perc = (neg / len(y_predict)) print("default: ", pos_perc) print("Non-default: ", neg_perc) beta_init = np.random.randn(X_train.shape[1], 1) w = Weight(X_train, y_train, beta_init, 0.0007924828983539169, epochs) if (GD_plot == 1): _, cost_all = w.train(w.gradient_descent) epoch = np.arange(len(cost_all)) plt.plot(epoch, cost_all) if (MB_GD_plot == 1): _, cost_all = w.train(w.mini_batch_gradient_descent) batch = np.arange(len(cost_all)) plt.plot(batch, cost_all) if (Stoch_GD_plot == 1): _, cost_all = w.train(w.stochastic_gradient_descent) batch = np.arange(len(cost_all)) plt.plot(batch, cost_all) if (Newton_plot == 1): _, cost_all = w.train(w.newtons_method) epochs = np.arange(len(cost_all)) plt.plot(epochs, cost_all) if (Scatter_GD_plot == 1): final_betas, _ = w.train(w.gradient_descent) prob_train = classification(X_train, final_betas)[0] x_sigmoid =, final_betas) plt.scatter(x_sigmoid, prob_train)
def corr(ans, res): num_corr = np.zeros(ans.shape[0]) for i in range(ans.shape[0]): if (np.array_equal(ans[i], res[i])): num_corr[i] = 1 return num_corr vout = np.vectorize(convert_output) x = np.zeros((10, 784)) for i in range(10): img = cv2.imread(os.path.join('custom_imgs', str(i + 1) + '.resized.JPG'), 0) img = cv2.bitwise_not(img) if(img.shape[0] < 28): img = np.append(img, np.zeros(((28 - img.shape[0]), 28)), axis = 0) elif(img.shape[1] < 28): img = np.append(img, np.zeros((28, (28 - img.shape[1]))), axis = 1) x[i] += np.reshape(img, (784,)) / 255 nn = NN(layers = [784, 800, 10], activations = ['sigmoid', 'softmax']) nn.load() res = vout(nn.fprop(x)) print("Predictions: ") print(res)
def Franke_plot_fit_3D(X, z, X_train, X_test, z_train, z_test, indicies, eta=0, lmbd=0, batch_size=0, n_hidden_neurons=0, epochs=0): eta = 3.16227766e-01 lmbd = 2.68269580e-08 batch_size = 1 n_hidden_neurons = 57 epochs = 91 n_categories = 1 # With the parameters above we got these values for MSE and R2 for 10 000 points and no noise: #MSE z_test_predict: 0.0012524282064846637 #R2 z_test_predict: 0.9851769055209932 #MSE z_train_predict 0.0012329368999059254 #R2 z_train_predict 0.9848613850303888 # With parameters above we got these values for MSE and R2 for 10 000 poinst with noise 0.1: #MSE z_test_predict: 0.027152301040701644 #R2 z_test_predict: 0.71125231579683 #MSE z_train_predict 0.027160342432850662 #R2 z_train_predict 0.7113015602592969 np.random.seed(seed) dnn = NN(X_train, z_train, eta=eta, lmbd=lmbd, epochs=int(epochs), batch_size=batch_size, n_hidden_neurons=n_hidden_neurons, n_categories=n_categories, cost_grad='MSE', activation='sigmoid', activation_out='ELU') dnn.train_and_validate() z_pred_test_unscaled = dnn.predict_probabilities(X_test) z_pred_train_unscaled = dnn.predict_probabilities(X_train) print("MSE z_test_predict: ", mean_squared_error(z_test, z_pred_test_unscaled)) print("R2 z_test_predict: ", r2_score(z_test, z_pred_test_unscaled)) print("MSE z_train_predict ", mean_squared_error(z_train, z_pred_train_unscaled)) print("R2 z_train_predict", r2_score(z_train, z_pred_train_unscaled)) X_train_, X_test_ = backshuffle(X, z, X_train, X_test, z_train, z_test, indicies) z_pred_test = dnn.predict_probabilities(X_test_) ysize_test = int(np.sqrt(z_pred_test.shape[0])) xsize_test = int(np.sqrt(z_pred_test.shape[0])) rows_test = np.linspace(0, 1, ysize_test) cols_test = np.linspace(0, 1, xsize_test) z_predict_mesh_test = np.reshape(z_pred_test, (ysize_test, xsize_test)) [X1, Y1] = np.meshgrid(cols_test, rows_test) #################### z_pred_train = dnn.predict_probabilities(X_train_) ysize_train = int(np.sqrt(z_pred_train.shape[0])) xsize_train = int(np.sqrt(z_pred_train.shape[0])) rows_train = np.linspace(0, 1, ysize_train) cols_train = np.linspace(0, 1, xsize_train) z_predict_mesh_train = np.reshape(z_pred_train, (ysize_train, xsize_train)) [X2, Y2] = np.meshgrid(cols_train, rows_train) #################### ysize = int(np.sqrt(z.shape[0])) xsize = int(np.sqrt(z.shape[0])) rows = np.linspace(0, 1, ysize) cols = np.linspace(0, 1, xsize) z_mesh = np.reshape(z, (ysize, xsize)) [X3, Y3] = np.meshgrid(cols, rows) fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 3, subplot_kw={'projection': '3d'}) ax = fig.axes[0] ax.scatter3D(X1, Y1, z_predict_mesh_test, cmap=cm.viridis, linewidth=0, s=1.3) ax.set_title('Fitted test') ax = fig.axes[1] ax.scatter3D(X2, Y2, z_predict_mesh_train, cmap=cm.viridis, linewidth=0, s=1.3) ax.set_title('Fitted train') ax = fig.axes[2] ax.plot_surface(X3, Y3, z_mesh, cmap=cm.viridis, linewidth=0) ax.set_title('Real Franke') plt.xlabel('X') plt.ylabel('Y')
from NeuralNetwork import NeuralNetwork as NN import random nn = NN(2,[2,3,5],2) data = [{'target':[0.8,0.4], 'input':[0.8,0.1]}, {'target':[0.8,0.4], 'input':[0.1,0.8]}, {'target':[0.4,0.8], 'input':[0.8,0.8]}, {'target':[0.4,0.8], 'input':[0.1,0.1]} ] for _ in range(10000): random.shuffle(data) for dat in data: nn.train(dat['input'],dat['target']) answerkey = [True,False] print('True XOR True = {}'.format(answerkey[nn.predict([0.8,0.8]).argmax()])) print('True XOR False = {}'.format(answerkey[nn.predict([0.8,0.1]).argmax()])) print('False XOR True = {}'.format(answerkey[nn.predict([0.1,0.8]).argmax()])) print('False XOR False = {}'.format(answerkey[nn.predict([0.1,0.1]).argmax()]))
from NeuralNetwork import NN import numpy as np o=NN(0.1,2000) Xtr=np.array([[0,0],[0,1],[1,0],[1,1]]).T Ytr=np.array([[0,1,1,0]]) layerInfo=[[2,'tanh'],[1,'sigmoid']] o.train(Xtr,Ytr,layerInfo,'Log') print('Log ->\n',o.test(Xtr,layerInfo)) o.train(Xtr,Ytr,layerInfo,'Quadratic') print('Quadratic ->\n',o.test(Xtr,layerInfo))
def hypertuning_CreditCard(X_train, y_train, X_val, y_val, iterations, cols, etamin, etamax, lmbdmin, lmbdmax, batch_sizemin, batch_sizemax, hiddenmin,hiddenmax, epochs = 5): start_time = time.time() if (cols < iterations): cols = iterations print("cols must be larger than 'iterations. Cols is set equal to iterations") rows = 5 hyper = np.zeros((rows, cols)) AUC_array = np.zeros(iterations) #Making the matrix of parameters hyper[0] = np.logspace(etamin, etamax, cols) hyper[1] = np.logspace(lmbdmin, lmbdmax, cols) hyper[2] = np.round(np.linspace(batch_sizemin, batch_sizemax, cols, dtype='int')) hyper[3] = np.round(np.linspace(hiddenmin, hiddenmax, cols)) hyper[4] = np.zeros((cols)) for i in range(rows-1): np.random.shuffle(hyper[i]) n_categories = 1 #iterating over all parameters for it in range(iterations): hyper_choice = hyper[:,it] eta = hyper_choice[0] lmbd = hyper_choice[1] batch_size = hyper_choice[2] n_hidden_neurons = hyper_choice[3] dnn = NN(X_train, y_train, eta=eta, lmbd=lmbd, epochs=epochs, batch_size=batch_size, n_hidden_neurons=n_hidden_neurons, n_categories=n_categories, cost_grad='crossentropy', activation='sigmoid', activation_out='sigmoid') dnn.train_and_validate() y_pred = dnn.predict_probabilities(X_val) AUC_array[it] = roc_auc_score(y_val, y_pred) hyper[4][it] = dnn.epoch +1 #Estimating the time the iteration takes if (it%m.ceil((iterations/40))==0): print('Iteration: ', it) t = round((time.time() - start_time)) if (t >= 60) and (it > 0): sec = t % 60 print("--- %s min," % int(t/60),"%s sec ---" % sec) print("Estimated minutes left: ", int((t/it)*(iterations-it)/60)) else: print("--- %s sec ---" %int(t)) # Finding the best parameters: AUC_best_index = np.argmax(AUC_array) AUC_best = np.max(AUC_array) print("AUC array: ", AUC_array) print("best index: ",AUC_best_index) print("best AUC: ", AUC_best) final_hyper = hyper[:,AUC_best_index] print("parameters: eta, lmbd, batch, hidden, epochs ", final_hyper) eta_best = final_hyper[0] lmbd_best = final_hyper[1] batch_size_best = final_hyper[2] n_hidden_neurons_best = final_hyper[3] epochs_best = final_hyper[4] return hyper[:,AUC_best_index]
def main(): datapath = '../data/' data = read_data(datapath) [X, y] = create_features(data) part1 = False part2 = True part3 = False part4 = False part5 = False '''---- Clustering ---''' paramlist_clustering = list(np.arange(2, 15, 1)) model_KM = KMCluster(data=X, target=y, num_clusters=paramlist_clustering, plot=True, title='Shopping_Intention') model_EM = EMCluster(data=X, target=y, num_clusters=paramlist_clustering, plot=True, title='Shopping_Intention') if part1: model_KM.tester() model_EM.tester() '''---- Dimension Reduction ---''' paralist_dr = list(np.arange(1, 7, 1)) model_PCA = PCA_DR(data=X, target=y, dim_param=paralist_dr, plot=True, title='Shopping_Intention') model_ICA = ICA_DR(data=X, target=y, dim_param=paralist_dr, plot=True, title='Shopping_Intention') model_RP = RP_DR(data=X, target=y, dim_param=paralist_dr, plot=True, title='Shopping_Intention') model_RF = RF_DR(data=X, target=y, dim_param=paralist_dr, plot=True, title='Shopping_Intention') if part2: model_PCA.tester() model_ICA.tester() model_RP.tester() model_RF.tester() '''---- Clustering After DR ---''' pcaX = icaX = rpX = rfX = #threshold = 0.95 if part3: title = 'Shopping_Intention-PCA' model_KM_PCA = KMCluster(data=pcaX, target=y, num_clusters=paramlist_clustering, plot=True, title=title) model_KM_PCA.tester() model_EM_PCA = EMCluster(data=pcaX, target=y, num_clusters=paramlist_clustering, plot=True, title=title) model_EM_PCA.tester() plot_all(ds_title='Shopping_Intention', title=title, paramlist=paramlist_clustering).run() title = 'Shopping_Intention-ICA' model_KM_ICA = KMCluster(data=icaX, target=y, num_clusters=paramlist_clustering, plot=True, title=title) model_KM_ICA.tester() model_EM_ICA = EMCluster(data=icaX, target=y, num_clusters=paramlist_clustering, plot=True, title=title) model_EM_ICA.tester() plot_all(ds_title='Shopping_Intention', title=title, paramlist=paramlist_clustering).run() title = 'Shopping_Intention-RP' model_KM_RP = KMCluster(data=rpX, target=y, num_clusters=paramlist_clustering, plot=True, title=title) model_KM_RP.tester() model_EM_RP = EMCluster(data=rpX, target=y, num_clusters=paramlist_clustering, plot=True, title=title) model_EM_RP.tester() plot_all(ds_title='Shopping_Intention', title=title, paramlist=paramlist_clustering).run() title = 'Shopping_Intention-RF' model_KM_RF = KMCluster(data=rfX, target=y, num_clusters=paramlist_clustering, plot=True, title=title) model_KM_RF.tester() model_EM_RF = EMCluster(data=rfX, target=y, num_clusters=paramlist_clustering, plot=True, title=title) model_EM_RF.tester() plot_all(ds_title='Shopping_Intention', title=title, paramlist=paramlist_clustering).run() '''---- NN After DR ---''' alphalist = list(np.arange(0.5, 4, 0.5)) X_pca_train, X_pca_test, y_pca_train, y_pca_test = train_test_split( pcaX, y, test_size=0.20) X_ica_train, X_ica_test, y_ica_train, y_ica_test = train_test_split( icaX, y, test_size=0.20) X_rp_train, X_rp_test, y_rp_train, y_rp_test = train_test_split( rpX, y, test_size=0.20) X_rf_train, X_rf_test, y_rf_train, y_rf_test = train_test_split( np.array(rfX), y, test_size=0.20) if part4: title = 'Shopping_Intention-PCA' model_NN_PCA = NN(X_pca_train, X_pca_test, y_pca_train, y_pca_test, dim_param=alphalist, plot=True, title=title) model_NN_PCA.tester() title = 'Shopping_Intention-ICA' model_NN_ICA = NN(X_ica_train, X_ica_test, y_ica_train, y_ica_test, dim_param=alphalist, plot=True, title=title) model_NN_ICA.tester() title = 'Shopping_Intention-RP' model_NN_RP = NN(X_rp_train, X_rp_test, y_rp_train, y_rp_test, dim_param=alphalist, plot=True, title=title) model_NN_RP.tester() title = 'Shopping_Intention-RF' model_NN_RF = NN(X_rf_train, X_rf_test, y_rf_train, y_rf_test, dim_param=alphalist, plot=True, title=title) model_NN_RF.tester() '''---- NN After Clustering ---''' kmX = emX = X_km_train, X_km_test, y_km_train, y_km_test = train_test_split( kmX, y, test_size=0.20) X_em_train, X_em_test, y_em_train, y_em_test = train_test_split( emX, y, test_size=0.20) if part5: title = 'Shopping_Intention-KM' model_NN_KM = NN(X_km_train, X_km_test, y_km_train, y_km_test, dim_param=alphalist, plot=True, title=title) model_NN_KM.tester() title = 'Shopping_Intention-EM' model_NN_EM = NN(X_em_train, X_em_test, y_em_train, y_em_test, dim_param=alphalist, plot=True, title=title) model_NN_EM.tester()
def hypertuning_franke(z, x, y, iterations, cols, etamin, etamax, lmbdmin, lmbdmax, batch_sizemin, batch_sizemax, hiddenmin,hiddenmax, polymin, polymax, epochs = 1000, plot_MSE = False, validate = True): start_time = time.time() if (cols < iterations): cols = iterations print("cols must be larger than 'iterations. Cols is set equal to iterations") rows = 6 hyper = np.zeros((rows, cols)) MSE_array = np.zeros(iterations) #Making the matrix of parameters hyper[0] = np.logspace(etamin, etamax, cols) hyper[1] = np.logspace(lmbdmin, lmbdmax, cols) hyper[2] = np.round(np.linspace(batch_sizemin, batch_sizemax, cols, dtype='int')) hyper[3] = np.round(np.linspace(hiddenmin, hiddenmax, cols)) hyper[4] = np.random.randint(polymin, polymax, size=cols, dtype='int') hyper[5] = np.zeros((cols)) for i in range(rows-1): np.random.shuffle(hyper[i]) n_categories = 1 #iterating over all parameters for it in range(iterations): hyper_choice = hyper[:,it] eta = hyper_choice[0] lmbd = hyper_choice[1] batch_size = hyper_choice[2] n_hidden_neurons = hyper_choice[3] X, X_train, X_test, X_val, z_train, z_test, z_val, indicies = CreateDesignMatrix_X(z, x,y, int(hyper[4][it])) np.random.seed(seed) dnn = NN(X_train, z_train, eta=eta, lmbd=lmbd, epochs=epochs, batch_size=batch_size, n_hidden_neurons=n_hidden_neurons, n_categories=n_categories, cost_grad='MSE', activation='sigmoid', activation_out='ELU') dnn.train_and_validate(X_val, z_val, MSE_store = plot_MSE, validate=validate) z_pred = dnn.predict_probabilities(X_val) MSE_array[it] = mean_squared_error(z_val,z_pred) hyper[5][it] = dnn.epoch +1 #Optional: If one wishes to see how the parameter combination is doing, pass plot_MSE = True: if(plot_MSE): print("parameters: eta, lmbd, batch, hidden, poly, epochs \n", hyper[:,it:it+1]) MSE_val, MSE_train = dnn.MSE_epoch() epo = np.arange(len(MSE_val)) plt.plot(epo, MSE_val, label='MSE val') plt.plot(epo, MSE_train, label='MSE train') plt.xlabel("Number of epochs") plt.ylabel("MSE") plt.title("MSE vs epochs") plt.legend() #Estimating the time the iteration takes if (it%m.ceil((iterations/60))==0): print('Iteration: ', it) t = round((time.time() - start_time)) if (t >= 60) and (it > 0): sec = t % 60 print("--- %s min," % int(t/60),"%s sec ---" % sec) print("Estimated minutes left: ", int((t/it)*(iterations-it)/60)) else: print("--- %s sec ---" %int(t)) # Finding the best parameters: MSE_best_index = np.argmin(MSE_array) MSE_best = np.min(MSE_array) print("MSE array: ", MSE_array) print("best index: ",MSE_best_index) print("best MSE: ", MSE_best) final_hyper = hyper[:,MSE_best_index] print("parameters: eta, lmbd, batch, hidden, poly, epochs ", final_hyper) eta_best = final_hyper[0] lmbd_best = final_hyper[1] batch_size_best = final_hyper[2] n_hidden_neurons_best = final_hyper[3] poly_best = final_hyper[4] epochs_best = final_hyper[5] return hyper[:,MSE_best_index]
def hypertuning(iterations, cols, etamax, etamin, lmbdmax, lmbdmin, batch_sizemax, batch_sizemin, hiddenmax, hiddenmin): start_time = time.time() if (cols < iterations): cols = iterations print( "cols must be larger than 'iterations. Cols is set equal to iterations" ) sig = signature(hypertuning) rows = int(len(sig.parameters) / 2) hyper = np.zeros((rows, cols)) MSE_array = np.zeros(iterations) hyper[0] = np.logspace(etamin, etamax, cols) hyper[1] = np.logspace(lmbdmin, lmbdmax, cols) hyper[2] = np.round( np.linspace(batch_sizemin, batch_sizemax, cols, dtype='int')) hyper[3] = np.round(np.linspace(hiddenmin, hiddenmax, cols)) hyper[4] = np.zeros((cols)) #print(hyper) for i in range(rows - 1): np.random.shuffle(hyper[i]) #print(np.apply_along_axis(np.random.shuffle, 1, hyper[i])) for it in range(iterations): hyper_choice = hyper[:, it] eta = hyper_choice[0] lmbd = hyper_choice[1] batch_size = hyper_choice[2] n_hidden_neurons = hyper_choice[3] dnn = NN(X_train, z_train, eta=eta, lmbd=lmbd, epochs=epochs, batch_size=batch_size, n_hidden_neurons=n_hidden_neurons, n_categories=n_categories, cost_grad='MSE', activation='sigmoid', activation_out='ELU') dnn.train(X_val) MSE_val = dnn.MSE_epoch(z_val) best_pred_epoch = np.argmin(MSE_val) dnn_test = NN(X_train, z_train, eta=eta, lmbd=lmbd, epochs=best_pred_epoch + 1, batch_size=batch_size, n_hidden_neurons=n_hidden_neurons, n_categories=n_categories, cost_grad='MSE', activation='sigmoid', activation_out='ELU') dnn_test.train(X_test) # kan jo bare bruke predict probabilities på siste her z_pred = dnn_test.y_predict_epoch[best_pred_epoch] MSE_array[it] = mean_squared_error(z_test, z_pred) hyper[4][it] = best_pred_epoch print(it) if (it % m.ceil((iterations / 40)) == 0): t = round((time.time() - start_time)) if t >= 60: sec = t % 60 print("--- %s min," % int(t / 60), "%s sec ---" % sec) else: print("--- %s sec ---" % int(t)) MSE_best_index = np.argmin(MSE_array) MSE_best = np.min(MSE_array) print("MSE array: ", MSE_array) print("best index: ", MSE_best_index) print("best MSE: ", MSE_best) return hyper[:, MSE_best_index]
# load data data = xlrd.open_workbook('../WTMLDataSet_3.0alpha.xlsx') table = data.sheet_by_name('WTML') dataset = [] for i in range(table.nrows): line = table.row_values(i) dataset.append(line) dataset = np.array(dataset) xs = dataset[1:, 1:-1].astype(np.float64) ys = (dataset[1:, -1] == '是').astype(np.int32) # train a neural network to learn from watermelon dataset nn = NN([xs.shape[1], 16, len(set(ys))], ["sigmoid", "softmax"], lr_init=0.1, regularization=None) for batch_idx in range(50000): nn.train(xs, ys) if batch_idx % 100 == 0: print("Loss = %.4f" % nn.loss) # calculate accuracy preds = nn.forward(xs) preds = np.argmax(preds, axis=-1) print("Accuracy: %.4f" % np.mean(preds == ys)) # plot data positive_xs = xs[ys == 1] negative_xs = xs[ys == 0] plt.scatter(positive_xs[:, 0],
def NeuralNetwork(X, z, test=False): """Wrapper for a neural network. Trains a neural network using X and z. Args: X (np.ndarray): Input data the network is to be trained on. z (np.ndarray): Response data the network is to be trained against. test (bool, optional): If true, will search a hard-coded parameter- space for optimal parameters instead of training a network. Defaults to False. Returns: (float, list): (score reached, [testing set prediction, testing set]) """ if not test: hiddenLayers = 2 hiddenNeurons = 64 epochN = 500 minibatchSize = 32 eta = (None, 1e-03) lmbd = 1e-06 alpha = 1e-00 activationFunction = sigmoid outputFunction = softMax Xtr, Xte, ztr, zte = train_test_split(X, z) network = NN(hiddenNN=hiddenNeurons, hiddenLN=hiddenLayers) network.giveInput(Xtr, ztr) network.giveParameters(epochN=epochN, minibatchSize=minibatchSize, eta=etaDefinerDefiner(eta[0], eta[1]), lmbd=lmbd, alpha=alpha, activationFunction=activationFunction, outputFunction=outputFunction) network.train(splitData=False) network.predict(Xte, zte) return network.score, [network.predictedLabel, zte] else: # Benchmarking parameters; random search parameters = { "hiddenLN": [0, 1, 2, 4], "hiddenNN": [16, 32, 64, 128, 256], "epochN": [500], "minibatchSize": [32, 64], "eta": [[j, i**k] for i in np.logspace(0, 6, 7) for j, k in [(1, 1), (None, -1)]], "lmbd": np.logspace(-1, -6, 3), "alpha": np.logspace(-0, -1, 1), "activationFunction": [sigmoid, ReLU_leaky, ReLU], "outputFunction": [softMax], "#repetitions": 5, "datafraction": 1 } optimalScore, optimalParams, optimalParamSTR = benchmarkNN( X, z, parameters, NN, mode="classification", randomSearch=False, writingPermissions=False, N=int(1e3)) print("Optimal Neural Network parameters:", optimalScore, optimalParamSTR, sep="\n", end="\n\n")
test_ys_for_svm = np.where(test_ys==0, -1, 1) # Linear SVM print("\nTesting SVM with linear kernel...") Linear_SVM = SVM(xs.shape[1], func='Linear'), train_ys_for_svm, C=100, epsilon=0.01, iters=10000) Linear_svm_acc = np.mean(Linear_SVM.predict(test_xs)==test_ys_for_svm) # Gaussian SVM print("\nTesting SVM with Gaussian kernel...") Gaussian_SVM = SVM(xs.shape[1], func='Gaussian', sigma=0.1), train_ys_for_svm, C=1, epsilon=0.01, iters=100) Gaussian_svm_acc = np.mean(Gaussian_SVM.predict(test_xs)==test_ys_for_svm) # Neural Network print("\nTesting Neural Network...") nn = NN([xs.shape[1], 64, len(set(ys))], ["relu", "softmax"], lr_init=0.01, regularization="L2", regularization_lambda=0.1) for epoch in tqdm(range(100)): nn.train(train_xs, train_ys) nn_acc = np.mean(np.argmax(nn.forward(test_xs), axis=-1)==test_ys) # Decision Tree print("\nTesting Decision Tree...") decisionTree = DecisionTree(train_xs, train_ys, test_xs, test_ys, attributes, isdiscs, labels) decisionTree.buildTree(partIndex='InformationGain', prepruning=True) decisionTree_acc = decisionTree.test(test_xs, test_ys) # Demo print("\nTest Accuracy:") print("- Linear SVM : %.2f"%(Linear_svm_acc*100)+"%") print("- Gaussian SVM : %.2f"%(Gaussian_svm_acc*100)+"%") print("- Neural Network : %.2f"%(nn_acc*100)+"%") print("- Decision Tree : %.2f"%(decisionTree_acc*100)+"%")
xs[:, attr_idx] = np.array([values.index(val) for val in xs[:, attr_idx]]) xs = xs.astype(np.float64) # partition dataset into train-set and test-set train_indices = [0, 1, 2, 5, 6, 9, 13, 14, 15, 16] test_indices = [3, 4, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12] train_xs, train_ys = xs[train_indices], ys[train_indices] test_xs, test_ys = xs[test_indices], ys[test_indices] epochs = 100 # Standard BP print("### Standard BP ###") nn = NN([xs.shape[1], 8, len(set(ys))], ["relu", "softmax"], lr_init=0.05, regularization="L2") stdBP_loss = [] start = time.time() for epoch in tqdm(range(epochs)): this_epoch_losses = [] for sample_xs, sample_ys in zip(train_xs, train_ys): nn.train(sample_xs.reshape(1, -1), sample_ys.reshape(-1)) this_epoch_losses.append(nn.loss) stdBP_loss.append(np.mean(this_epoch_losses)) end = time.time() stdBP_time = end - start stdBP_acc = np.mean(np.argmax(nn.forward(test_xs), axis=-1) == test_ys) # Accumulated BP print("\n### Accumulated BP ###")
from NeuralNetwork import NeuralNetwork as NN import numpy nn = NN(3, 3, 3, 0.3)