def __init__(self,filename):

            f = EdfFile.EdfFile(filename)
            raise UserInputException("""Unable to read in the file \
%s because the Object EdfFile that I am using to read in edf data \
raised an error when trying to read in the file. This probably means \
that there is something wrong \
with the file that you are trying to open""" % filename)

        data = f.GetData(0)

        if not alltrue(alltrue(less_equal(data,2147483647))):
            print """Warning, some of the data stored in the \
file %s has an intensity larger then 2^31-1 which is too big for this \
program to hold. Any of these large values were clipped to have a value 
of 2^31-1.""" % filename

        # clip any data that is too big
        mask1 =  data <= 2147483647
        mask2 =  data > 2147483647
        masked_data = data*mask1 + (pow(2,31)-1) * mask2
        masked_data = masked_data.astype(Numeric.Int32)

        self.size = max(masked_data.shape[0],masked_data.shape[1])

        # pad values if necessary - create an array to put everything in = Numeric.zeros((self.size,self.size),Numeric.Int32)

        # copy the data into the padded array[0:masked_data.shape[0],0:masked_data.shape[1]] = masked_data = Numeric.transpose(
Beispiel #2
    def __init__(self, filename):

            f = EdfFile.EdfFile(filename)
            raise UserInputException("""Unable to read in the file \
%s because the Object EdfFile that I am using to read in edf data \
raised an error when trying to read in the file. This probably means \
that there is something wrong \
with the file that you are trying to open""" % filename)

        data = f.GetData(0)

        if not alltrue(alltrue(less_equal(data, 2147483647))):
            print """Warning, some of the data stored in the \
file %s has an intensity larger then 2^31-1 which is too big for this \
program to hold. Any of these large values were clipped to have a value 
of 2^31-1.""" % filename

        # clip any data that is too big
        mask1 = data <= 2147483647
        mask2 = data > 2147483647
        masked_data = data * mask1 + (pow(2, 31) - 1) * mask2
        masked_data = masked_data.astype(Numeric.Int32)

        self.size = max(masked_data.shape[0], masked_data.shape[1])

        # pad values if necessary - create an array to put everything in = Numeric.zeros((self.size, self.size), Numeric.Int32)

        # copy the data into the padded array[0:masked_data.shape[0], 0:masked_data.shape[1]] = masked_data = Numeric.transpose(
 def testAngleBetween(self):
     vector1 = array((1, 0, 0))
     vector2 = array((0, 1, 0))
     angle = angleBetween(vector1, vector2)
     assert angle == 90, "Fails sanity check"
     assert alltrue(vector1 == array((1, 0, 0))) and \
            alltrue(vector2 == array((0, 1, 0))), \
            "Arguments were modified (recurrence of bug ####)"
Beispiel #4
def all(a, axis=None):
    '''Numpy-compatible version of all()'''
    if axis is None:
        return alltrue(ravel(a))
        return alltrue(a, axis)
Beispiel #5
def all(a, axis=None):
    '''Numpy-compatible version of all()'''
    if axis is None:
        return alltrue(ravel(a))
        return alltrue(a, axis)