def update_buttons(client, station_id, updates, timeout=None): """Given a feedback client, update buttons. Update should be a button id mapped to one of [0,1,2] where: 0: Turn off 1: Turn on 2: Toggle However, it is recommended you use BUTTON_ON, BUTTON_OFF, BUTTON_TOGGLE """ if not updates: return if isinstance(updates, type([])): updates = {idx: updates[idx] for idx in range(len(updates))} if len(updates) == 1: client.send( create_button_update_msg(station=station_id, id=updates.items()[0][0], update=updates.items()[0][1])) else: bundle = OSCBundle() for id, up in updates.items(): bundle.append( create_button_update_msg(station=station_id, id=id, update=up)) client.send(msg=bundle, timeout=timeout)
def send_event(): spectral_densities = ['filled', 'packed', 'opaque','translucent','transparent','empty'] # fill blanks data = ['']*17*3 #onset, continuant, termination data[0] = 'attack' #elegimos el de mayor momento transversal i = [l for l in tree.lep_pt].index(max(tree.lep_pt)) #duration, based on momento transversal .. lep_pt data[1] = mapValue(tree.lep_pt[i],0,100000,0.1,10) #Spectrum types: electrones : inarmonico , muones: granular data[10] = 'inharmonic' if tree.lep_type[i] == 11 else 'granular' #Spectrum occupation: angulo data[11] = 'center' #Spectrum density: lepton energy .. lep_E data[16] = spectral_densities[int(mapValue(tree.lep_E[i],0,100000,0,5))] bundle = OSCBundle() msg = OSCMessage("/"+args.messagename) for d in data: msg.append(d) bundle.append(msg) client.send(bundle)
def send_oscbundle(self): # send a bundle with current bpm and polar coordinates of # sound-objects relative to player # /game/bpm client = OSCClient() bpm = OSCMessage() bpm.setAddress("/game/bpm") bpm.append(self.player['bpm']) bundle = OSCBundle() bundle.append(bpm) # /game/sndobj/id-bola (ang, mod) scn = bge.logic.getCurrentScene() play = scn.objects["player"] for ball in self.soundobjects: ballpos = ball.worldPosition vect = mathutils.Vector((0,1)) dist = play.getVectTo(ballpos)[0] vect2 = play.getVectTo(ballpos)[2].to_2d() angle = math.degrees(-vect.angle_signed(vect2)) #print("angle ", angle, "distancia ",dist) data = (angle, dist) # append data to bundle msg = OSCMessage() tag = "/game/sndobj/position/" + str(ball['id']) msg.setAddress(tag) msg.append(data) bundle.append(msg) #print(msg) #gl.client is a tuple in gl with ip and port client.sendto(bundle, gl.send_to)
def send_frame_data(self, frame): self.current_bundle = OSCBundle() r = super(BundledMixin, self).send_frame_data(frame) if len(self.current_bundle.values()) > 0: self.client.send(self.current_bundle) #log("%s\n" % self.current_bundle.values()) self.current_bundle = None return r
def playNoteTraditional(self, frequency, clientNumber): currentNote = OSCBundle() currentNote.append({"addr": "/frequency", "args": [frequency * self.octave]}) currentNote.append({"addr": "/envelope/line", "args": self.envelopeList}) if clientNumber == 0: self.pianoClient.send(currentNote) if clientNumber == 1: self.pianoClient2.send(currentNote) if clientNumber == 2: self.pianoClient3.send(currentNote)
def send_event(data): try: bundle = OSCBundle() msg = OSCMessage("/sound_unit") for d in data: msg.append(d) bundle.append(msg) client.send(bundle) except OSCClientError, e: printc( "\OSCClientError: Connection refused on port %s." % osc_port, 'e')
class BundledMixin(object): """ Combine invidual OSC messages into bundles. One bundle is sent per frame (so it will contain all hand and finger data.) """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.current_bundle = None super(BundledMixin,self).__init__(*args,**kwargs) def send(self, name, val=None): if self.current_bundle is None: super(BundledMixin,self).send(name,val) else: self.osc_messages_sent += 1 #log("Bundle: %s\n" % self.current_bundle) msg = OSCMessage(name) if val is not None: msg.append(val) self.current_bundle.append(msg) def send_frame_data(self, frame): self.current_bundle = OSCBundle() r = super(BundledMixin,self).send_frame_data(frame) if len(self.current_bundle.values()) > 0: self.client.send(self.current_bundle) #log("%s\n" % self.current_bundle.values()) self.current_bundle = None return r
class BundledOSCLeapListener(OSCLeapListener): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.current_bundle = None super(BundledOSCLeapListener,self).__init__(*args,**kwargs) def send(self, name, val=None): if self.current_bundle is None: super(BundledOSCLeapListener,self).send(name,val) else: self.osc_messages_sent += 1 #log("Bundle: %s\n" % self.current_bundle) msg = OSCMessage(name) if val is not None: msg.append(val) self.current_bundle.append(msg) def send_frame_data(self, frame): self.current_bundle = OSCBundle() r = super(BundledOSCLeapListener,self).send_frame_data(frame) if len(self.current_bundle.values()) > 0: self.client.send(self.current_bundle) #log("%s\n" % self.current_bundle.values()) self.current_bundle = None return r
class BundledMixin(object): """ Combine invidual OSC messages into bundles. One bundle is sent per frame (so it will contain all hand and finger data.) """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.current_bundle = None super(BundledMixin, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) def send(self, name, val=None): if self.current_bundle is None: super(BundledMixin, self).send(name, val) else: self.osc_messages_sent += 1 #log("Bundle: %s\n" % self.current_bundle) msg = OSCMessage(name) if val is not None: msg.append(val) self.current_bundle.append(msg) def send_frame_data(self, frame): self.current_bundle = OSCBundle() r = super(BundledMixin, self).send_frame_data(frame) if len(self.current_bundle.values()) > 0: self.client.send(self.current_bundle) #log("%s\n" % self.current_bundle.values()) self.current_bundle = None return r
def send_event(tree=None): try: bundle = OSCBundle() msg = OSCMessage("/entry") if tree is None: msg.append(random()) msg.append(random()) msg.append(random(), 'b') else: msg.append(tree.lbNumber) msg.append( msg.append(tree.lep_eta[0], 'b') bundle.append(msg) client.send(bundle) except OSCClientError, e: printc( "\OSCClientError: Connection refused on port %s." % osc_port, 'e')
def send_frame_data(self, frame): self.current_bundle = OSCBundle() r = super(BundledMixin,self).send_frame_data(frame) if len(self.current_bundle.values()) > 0: self.client.send(self.current_bundle) #log("%s\n" % self.current_bundle.values()) self.current_bundle = None return r
def commitFrame(self): """ A typical TUIO bundle will contain an initial ALIVE message, followed by an arbitrary number of SET messages that can fit into the actual bundle capacity and a concluding FSEQ message. A minimal TUIO bundle needs to contain at least the compulsory ALIVE and FSEQ messages. The FSEQ frame ID is incremented for each delivered bundle, while redundant bundles can be marked using the frame sequence ID -1. /tuio/2Dcur alive s_id0...s_idN /tuio/2Dcur set s_id x_pos y_pos x_vel y_vel m_accel /tuio/2Dcur fseq f_id """ bundle = OSCBundle() if len(self.alive) == 0: aliveMsg = OSCMessage("/tuio/2Dcur") aliveMsg.append('alive') bundle.append(aliveMsg) else: aliveMsg = OSCMessage("/tuio/2Dcur") aliveMsg.append('alive') for cursor in self.alive: aliveMsg.append(cursor.sid) bundle.append(aliveMsg) for cursor in self.alive: msg = OSCMessage() # TUIO message: /tuio/2Dcur set s x y X Y m # s: Session ID (temporary object ID) (int32) # x, y: Position (float32) # X, Y: Velocity vector (motion speed & direction) (float32) # m: Motion acceleration (float32) msg.setAddress("/tuio/2Dcur") msg.extend([ 'set', cursor.sid, cursor.x, cursor.y, cursor.X, cursor.Y, cursor.m ]) bundle.append(msg) frameMsg = OSCMessage("/tuio/2Dcur") frameMsg.append('fseq') frameMsg.append(self.fseqCount) bundle.append(frameMsg) self.client.send(bundle) self.fseqCount = (self.fseqCount + 1) % sys.maxint
def on_data(self, data): #print(data) duration = 0 try: all_data = json.loads(data) tweet = all_data["text"] split_tweet = tweet.split(' ') first_word = split_tweet[0] if first_word == 'RT': first_word = split_tweet[1] num = 0 for char in first_word: num += ord(char) length_of_tweet = len(split_tweet)/40.0 duration = length_of_tweet * 1000 #print duration sharp_freqs = [185, 207.65, 233.08, 261.63, 277.18, 311.13, 349.23,] freqs = [174.61, 196, 220, 246.94, 261.63, 293.66, 329.62, 349.23, ]#369.99, 391.96, 415.30, 440, 466.16, 493.88, 523.25] note = num % 7 freq = 0 if '#' in tweet: freq = sharp_freqs[note] else: freq = freqs[note] except UnicodeEncodeError: duration = 500 client = OSCClient() client.connect(("localhost", 54345)) ### Create a bundle: bundle = OSCBundle() bundle.append({'addr': "/frequency", 'args':[freq]}) #bundle.append({'addr': "/amplitude", 'args':[52]}) #bundle.append({'addr': "/envelope/line", 'args:['}) bundle.append({'addr': "/envelope/line", 'args': [10., 20, 0., duration]}) client.send(bundle) time.sleep(duration/1000) return(True)
def send(nodes, jeu): mean_p = 0.0 mean_dp = 0.0 for node in nodes: try: msg = OSCMessage("/%i" % node.ip) # presure and presure derivative (constants setted to assure equal mean) p = gate(1.5 * node.current) dp = gate(5 * (node.current - node.previous)) if jeu == "2osc": xA0, xA1, xA2 = dp, p, 0 xB0, xB1, xB2 = 0, 0, 0 xC0, xC1, xC2 = 0, 0, 0 elif jeu == "3chords": p /= 3. dp /= 3. xA0, xA1, xA2 = dp, p, dp + p xB0, xB1, xB2 = dp, p, dp + p xC0, xC1, xC2 = dp, p, dp + p if DEBUG: print("%i %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f" % (node.ip, xA0, xA1, xA2, xB0, xB1, xB2, xC0, xC1, xC2)) msg.append(xA0) msg.append(xA1) msg.append(xA2) msg.append(xB0) msg.append(xB1) msg.append(xB2) msg.append(xC0) msg.append(xC1) msg.append(xC2) bundle = OSCBundle() bundle.append(msg) client.send(bundle) except Exception as e: print(node) print(e) if DEBUG: mean_p += p mean_dp += dp if DEBUG: print("mean_p %f mean_dp %f" % (mean_p, mean_dp))
def send_to_max(self): bundle = OSCBundle() for i in range(NUM_CAPS_AND_POTS): bundle.append({ 'addr': "/d" + str(i) + "/hz", 'args': self.data_source.get_pitch_data(i) }) bundle.append({ 'addr': "/d" + str(i) + "/on", 'args': self.data_source.get_cap_data(i) }) bundle.append({ 'addr': "/duration", 'args': self.data_source.get_duration_data() }) bundle.append({ 'addr': "/mod", 'args': self.data_source.get_mod_data() }) self.client.send(bundle)
def on_frame(self, controller): # Get the most recent frame and report some basic information frame = controller.frame() #print ("Frame id: %d, timestamp: %d, hands: %d, fingers: %d, tools: %d" % ( #, frame.timestamp, len(frame.hands), len(frame.fingers), len( if not frame.hands.empty: bundle = OSCBundle() bundle.append( OSCMessage("/leap/frame/timestamp", str(frame.timestamp))) for hand in frame.hands: handPos = OSCMessage("/leap/frame/hand/pos", [, hand.palm_position[0], hand.palm_position[1], hand.palm_position[2] ]) bundle.append(handPos) normal = hand.palm_normal direction = hand.direction #handOrientation = OSCMessage("/leap/frame/hand/orientation", # [, hand.palm_position[0], hand.palm_position[1], hand.palm_position[2]]) #bundle.append(handOrientation) self.osc_client.send(bundle)
def on_frame(self, controller): # Get the most recent frame and report some basic information frame = controller.frame() #print ("Frame id: %d, timestamp: %d, hands: %d, fingers: %d, tools: %d" % ( #, frame.timestamp, len(frame.hands), len(frame.fingers), len( if not frame.hands.empty: bundle = OSCBundle() bundle.append(OSCMessage("/leap/frame/timestamp", str(frame.timestamp))) for hand in frame.hands: handPos = OSCMessage("/leap/frame/hand/pos", [, hand.palm_position[0], hand.palm_position[1], hand.palm_position[2]]) bundle.append(handPos) normal = hand.palm_normal direction = hand.direction #handOrientation = OSCMessage("/leap/frame/hand/orientation", # [, hand.palm_position[0], hand.palm_position[1], hand.palm_position[2]]) #bundle.append(handOrientation) self.osc_client.send(bundle)
def playNoteFunky(self, frequency, clientNumber): if frequency == 0: return currentNote = OSCBundle() playList = Music.extraGenreList[self.genre] duration = playList[2] - playList[1] playList[3] = (duration * 261.63) / (frequency * self.octave) currentNote.append({"addr": "/playListComedy", "args": Music.extraGenreList["Comedy"]}) currentNote.append({"addr": "/playListCrime", "args": Music.extraGenreList["Crime"]}) currentNote.append({"addr": "/playListWestern", "args": Music.extraGenreList["Western"]}) currentNote.append({"addr": "/playListRomance", "args": Music.extraGenreList["Romance"]}) if clientNumber == 0: self.pianoClientAlternate.send(currentNote) if clientNumber == 1: self.pianoClientAlternate2.send(currentNote) if clientNumber == 2: self.pianoClientAlternate3.send(currentNote)
def bundlePolyline(coordinates, speed, polylineType, passengers, coordsX, coordsY): for pair in coordinates: # create an OSC bundle: bundle = OSCBundle() # append polylineType: "trip" or "delay" (data for in between current and next trip) bundle.append({'addr': "/curr", 'args': [polylineType]}) # append min/max longX and latY to bundle: bundle.append({'addr': "/minX", 'args': [min(coordsX)]}) bundle.append({'addr': "/maxX", 'args': [max(coordsX)]}) bundle.append({'addr': "/minY", 'args': [min(coordsY)]}) bundle.append({'addr': "/maxY", 'args': [max(coordsY)]}) # append longX and latY to bundle bundle.append({'addr': "/longX", 'args': [pair[0]]}) bundle.append({'addr': "/latY", 'args': [pair[1]]}) # append start/end longX and latY of coordinates list xVals = [coords[0] for coords in coordinates] bundle.append({'addr': "/startX", 'args': [xVals[0]]}) bundle.append({'addr': "/endX", 'args': [xVals[len(xVals) - 1]]}) yVals = [coords[1] for coords in coordinates] bundle.append({'addr': "/startY", 'args': [yVals[0]]}) bundle.append({'addr': "/endY", 'args': [yVals[len(yVals) - 1]]}) # append passengers bundle.append({'addr': "/passengers", 'args': [passengers]}) # send bundle to Max: client.send(bundle) # delay time to even out polyline steps time.sleep(speed)
""" Reset and close all UDP sockets to silence any remaining sounds in Max. """ from OSC import OSCClient, OSCBundle socket = 15800 for x in range(4): client = OSCClient() client.connect(("localhost", socket)) bundle = OSCBundle() bundle.append({'addr': "/curr", 'args': [" "]}) bundle.append({'addr': "/minX", 'args': [0]}) bundle.append({'addr': "/maxX", 'args': [0]}) bundle.append({'addr': "/minY", 'args': [0]}) bundle.append({'addr': "/maxY", 'args': [0]}) bundle.append({'addr': "/longX", 'args': [0]}) bundle.append({'addr': "/latY", 'args': [0]}) bundle.append({'addr': "/startX", 'args': [0]}) bundle.append({'addr': "/endX", 'args': [0]}) bundle.append({'addr': "/startY", 'args': [0]}) bundle.append({'addr': "/endY", 'args': [0]}) bundle.append({'addr': "/passengers", 'args': [0]}) client.send(bundle)
from OSC import OSCClient, OSCBundle client = OSCClient() client.connect(("localhost", 54345)) ### Create a bundle: bundle = OSCBundle() bundle.append({'addr': "/frequency", 'args':[440.]}) bundle.append({'addr': "/envelope/line", 'args': [1., 20, 0., 1000]}) client.send(bundle)
from OSC import OSCClient, OSCBundle client = OSCClient() client.connect(("localhost", 54345)) ### Create a bundle: bundle = OSCBundle() bundle.append({'addr': "/frequency", 'args': [440.]}) bundle.append({'addr': "/envelope/line", 'args': [1., 20, 0., 1000]}) client.send(bundle)
def createOSCBundle(address) : # just for api consistency return OSCBundle(address)
def __init__(self, title, rating, genre): self.title = title self.timeElapsed = 0 self.rating = rating self.genre = genre if title == "The Notebook": self.genre = "Romance" self.rating = rating.encode("ascii") self.rating = float(self.rating) self.octave = 1.0 self.pianoClient = OSCClient() self.pianoClient2 = OSCClient() self.pianoClient3 = OSCClient() self.pianoClientAlternate = OSCClient() self.pianoClientAlternate2 = OSCClient() self.pianoClientAlternate3 = OSCClient() self.envelopeList = [1.0, 20, 0.0, 1000] self.buffer = False self.pianoClient.connect(("localhost", 54360)) self.pianoClient2.connect(("localhost", 54361)) self.pianoClient3.connect(("localhost", 54362)) self.pianoClientAlternate.connect(("localhost", 54370)) self.pianoClientAlternate2.connect(("localhost", 54371)) self.pianoClientAlternate3.connect(("localhost", 54372)) initialDingClient = OSCClient() initialDingClient.connect(("localhost", 54345)) ### Initial Ding Bundle: print ("Turning on the movie") initialDing = OSCBundle() initialDing.append({"addr": "/frequency", "args": [440.0]}) initialDing.append({"addr": "/envelope/line", "args": [1.0, 20, 0.0, 1000]}) self.timeElapsed += 1.02 initialDingClient.send(initialDing) print ("Curtains Openning") self.timeElapsed += 16 # note this currently plays right after the initial ding time.sleep(self.timeElapsed) self.timeElapsed = 0 for genre in Music.genreList: if self.genre == genre: self.envelopeList = Music.genreList[genre] for genre in Music.extraGenreList: if self.genre == genre: self.buffer = True startTime = timeit.timeit() im ="keyboard.jpg") self.pianoInstrument() endTime = timeit.timeit() self.timeElapsed += startTime - endTime self.timeElapsed += 0.5 time.sleep(self.timeElapsed) self.timeElapsed = 0 if self.rating < 2: print ("Yikes...") sadClient = OSCClient() sadClient.connect(("localhost", 54346)) # Sad Ding Bundle: sadDing = OSCBundle() sadDing.append({"addr": "/start", "args": [1]}) sadClient.send(sadDing) self.timeElapsed += 4.25 else: print ("TADA") tadaClient = OSCClient() tadaClient.connect(("localhost", 54380)) tada = OSCBundle() tada.append({"addr": "/amplitude", "args": [self.rating / 10]}) tada.append({"addr": "/startValue", "args": ["start", 0]}) tadaClient.send(tada) self.timeElapsed += 1.5 time.sleep(self.timeElapsed) print ("APPLAUSE") # applause based on rating endingClient = OSCClient() endingClient.connect(("localhost", 54350)) ending = OSCBundle() ending.append({"addr": "/amplitude", "args": [self.rating / 10]}) durationOfApplause = ((10 - self.rating) / 10) * 6000 ending.append({"addr": "/startValue", "args": ["start", durationOfApplause]}) endingClient.send(ending)
def on_data(self, data): #print(data) duration = 0 try: all_data = json.loads(data) tweet = all_data["text"] split_tweet = tweet.split(' ') first_word = split_tweet[0] if first_word == 'RT': first_word = split_tweet[1] num = 0 for char in first_word: num += ord(char) length_of_tweet = len(split_tweet) / 40.0 duration = length_of_tweet * 1000 #print duration sharp_freqs = [ 185, 207.65, 233.08, 261.63, 277.18, 311.13, 349.23, ] freqs = [ 174.61, 196, 220, 246.94, 261.63, 293.66, 329.62, 349.23, ] #369.99, 391.96, 415.30, 440, 466.16, 493.88, 523.25] note = num % 7 freq = 0 if '#' in tweet: freq = sharp_freqs[note] else: freq = freqs[note] except UnicodeEncodeError: duration = 500 client = OSCClient() client.connect(("localhost", 54345)) ### Create a bundle: bundle = OSCBundle() bundle.append({'addr': "/frequency", 'args': [freq]}) #bundle.append({'addr': "/amplitude", 'args':[52]}) #bundle.append({'addr': "/envelope/line", 'args:['}) bundle.append({ 'addr': "/envelope/line", 'args': [10., 20, 0., duration] }) client.send(bundle) time.sleep(duration / 1000) return (True)
def stop(self): """Send stop message through timestamped bundle.""" bundle = OSCBundle(address='/stop', time=0) bundle.append('stopping...') self.send(bundle)
def note_off(self, note, onset): """Send note off message through timestamped bundle.""" bundle = OSCBundle(address='/midi/noteoff', time=onset + self.latency) #print 'OFF:', onset+self.latency bundle.append(note.off_msg()) self.send(bundle)