def mot_get_label(tracklets, new_tracklet, param):
    #look for the tracklet before new tracklet
    affinity = []
    for trk in tracklets:
        temp_Trk = Tracklet()
        temp_Trk.FMotion = trk.FMotion
        XX, PP = mot_motion_model_generation(trk, param, 'Backward')
        temp_Trk.BMotion.X = XX
        temp_Trk.BMotion.P = PP
        temp_Trk.init_time = trk.ifr
        temp_Trk.end_time = trk.last_update

        new_Trk = Tracklet()
        new_Trk.FMotion = new_tracklet.FMotion
        XX, PP = mot_motion_model_generation(new_tracklet, param, 'Backward')
        new_Trk.BMotion.X = XX
        new_Trk.BMotion.P = PP
        new_Trk.init_time = new_tracklet.ifr
        new_Trk.end_time = new_tracklet.last_update

        if trk.last_update < new_tracklet.ifr:
            motion_similarity = mot_motion_similarity(temp_Trk, new_Trk, param,
            a_model_affinity = cal_a_model_affinity(
                [trk.A_model_tail], [new_tracklet.A_model_head], 0)[0]
            final_affinity = motion_similarity * a_model_affinity
            affinity.append([final_affinity, trk.label])
        if trk.ifr < new_tracklet.last_update:
            motion_similarity = mot_motion_similarity(new_Trk, temp_Trk, param,
            a_model_affinity = cal_a_model_affinity(
                [trk.A_model_head], [new_tracklet.A_model_tail], 0)[0]
            final_affinity = motion_similarity * a_model_affinity
            affinity.append([final_affinity, trk.label])
    if len(affinity) > 0:
        print(affinity, 1213123123123123)
        affinity = sorted(affinity, key=(lambda x: x[0]), reverse=True)
        max_affinity = affinity[0]
        if max_affinity[0] > param.similar_thresh:
            new_tracklet.label = max_affinity[1]
            new_tracklet.label = Labelling(param)
        new_tracklet.label = Labelling(param)
Beispiel #2
def MOT_Global_Association(Trk = None,Obs_grap = None,Obs_info = None,param = None,fr = None,*args,**kwargs):

    ILDA  =  param.ILDA
    Refer = []
    Test = []
    all_indx = [i for i in range(0,len(Trk))]
    low_indx,_,_ = Idx2Types(Trk,'Low')
    high_indx = np.setdiff1d(all_indx,low_indx)
    yidx = np.where(Obs_grap[fr].iso_idx  ==  1)[0]
    yhist = Obs_info.yhist
    ystate = Obs_info.ystate
    ystates_ids = Obs_info.ystates_ids
    High_trk = []
    Low_trk = []
    Y_set = []
    if len(low_indx) !=0:
        # For tracklets with low confidence
        for ii in range(0,len(low_indx)):
            i = low_indx[ii]
            temp_Trk_low = Tracklet()
            temp_Trk_low.hist  =  Trk[i].A_Model
            temp_Trk_low.FMotion  =  Trk[i].FMotion
            temp_Trk_low.last_update  =  Trk[i].last_update
            temp_Trk_low.h  =  Trk[i].state[-1][3]
            temp_Trk_low.w  =  Trk[i].state[-1][2]
            temp_Trk_low.type  =  Trk[i].type
            temp_Trk_low.end_time = Trk[i].efr
        # For tracklet with high confidence
        for jj in range(0,len(high_indx)):
            j = high_indx[jj]
            temp_Trk_high = Tracklet()
            temp_Trk_high.hist  =  Trk[j].A_Model
            temp_Trk_high.h  =  Trk[j].state[-1][3]
            temp_Trk_high.w  =  Trk[j].state[-1][2]
            temp_Trk_high.FMotion  =  Trk[j].FMotion
            XX,PP = mot_motion_model_generation(Trk[j],param,'Backward',nargout = 2)
            temp_Trk_high.BMotion.X  =  XX
            temp_Trk_high.BMotion.P  =  PP
            temp_Trk_high.last_update  =  Trk[j].last_update
            temp_Trk_high.init_time  =  Trk[j].ifr
        iso_label = []
        if len(yidx) != 0:
            # For detections
            for jj in range(0,len(yidx)):
                j = yidx[jj]
                temp_y_set = Z_item()
                temp_y_set.hist  =  yhist[:,:,j]
                temp_y_set.pos  =  [ystate[j][0],ystate[j][1]]
                temp_y_set.h  =  ystate[j][3]
                temp_y_set.w  =  ystate[j][2]
                iso_label = j
        thr = param.obs_thr
        score_trk = mot_eval_association_matrix(Low_trk,High_trk,param,'Trk',ILDA)
        score_obs = mot_eval_association_matrix(Low_trk,Y_set,param,'Obs',ILDA)
        score_mat = np.concatenate((score_trk,score_obs),axis=1)
        matching,Affinity = mot_association_hungarian(score_mat,thr,nargout = 2)
        alpha = param.alpha
        rm_idx = []
        for m in range(0,len(Affinity)):
            mat_idx = matching[1,m]
            if mat_idx <=  len(high_indx) - 1:
                t_idx = low_indx[matching[0,m]]
                y_idx = high_indx[matching[1,m]]
                Trk[y_idx].ifr  =  Trk[t_idx].ifr
                fr1 = Trk[t_idx].ifr
                fr2 = Trk[t_idx].efr
                for kk in range(fr1,fr2):
                    Trk[y_idx].state[kk] = Trk[t_idx].state[kk]
                numHyp = len(Trk[t_idx].hyp.score)
                for kk in range(fr1,numHyp):
                    Trk[y_idx].hyp.score[kk] = Trk[t_idx].hyp.score[kk]
                    Trk[y_idx].hyp.ystate[kk] = Trk[t_idx].hyp.ystate[kk]
                    Trk[y_idx].hyp.ystates_ids[kk] = Trk[t_idx].hyp.ystates_ids[kk]
                for kk in range(numHyp + 1,fr):
                    Trk[y_idx].hyp.score[kk] = param.init_prob
                    Trk[y_idx].hyp.ystate[kk] = []
                    Trk[y_idx].hyp.ystates_ids[kk] = -1
                Trk[y_idx].A_Model  =  alpha*Trk[t_idx].A_Model + (1 - alpha)*Trk[y_idx].A_Model
                XX = []
                numState = len(Trk[y_idx].state)
                XX[1,:] = Trk(y_idx).state[fr1](1)
                XX[3,:] = Trk(y_idx).state[fr1](2)
                XX[2,:] = 0
                XX[4,:] = 0
                PP = param.P
                for ff in range(fr1,numState):
                    tState = Trk(y_idx).state[ff]
                    if logical_not(isempty(tState)):
                        XX,PP = km_estimation(XX,tState(range(1,2)),param,PP,nargout = 2)
                        tState = Trk(y_idx).state[fr2]
                        XX,PP = km_estimation(XX,[],param,PP,nargout = 2)
                        Trk(y_idx).state[ff][range(1,2),:] = concat([[XX(1)],[XX(3)]])
                        Trk(y_idx).state[ff][range(3,4),:] = concat([[tState(1)],[tState(3)]])
                    Trk(y_idx).FMotion.X[:,ff] = XX
                    Trk(y_idx).FMotion.P[:,:,ff] = PP
                Trk(y_idx).label  =  copy(Trk[t_idx].label)
                Trk(y_idx).type  =  copy('High')
                rm_idx = concat([rm_idx,t_idx])
                m_idx = matching[1,m] - len(high_indx)
                t_idx = low_indx[matching[0,m]]
                y_idx = yidx[m_idx]
                for i in range(len(Trk[t_idx].hyp.score),fr):
                Trk[t_idx].hyp.new_tmpl  =  yhist[:,:,y_idx]
                Trk[t_idx].last_update  =  fr
                Obs_grap[fr].iso_idx[y_idx] = 0
        if len(rm_idx) != 0:
            Trk[rm_idx] = []
    return Trk,Obs_grap
def MOT_Local_Association(Trk=None,
    ILDA = param.ILDA

    Z_meas = detections[fr]  #represent the detections in current frame
    Z_meas = [detection[2:6] for detection in Z_meas
              ]  #choose the location(x,y,w,h) from raw data
    ystates_ids = [detection[1] for detection in detections[fr]]
    ystate = Z_meas
    obs_grap = Obs_Graph()
    Obs_grap[fr].iso_idx = np.ones((len(detections[fr])))
    obs_info = Obs_info()
    obs_info.ystate = []
    obs_info.yhist = []
    obs_info.ystates_ids = []
    if ~(np.all(ystate == 0)):
        yhist = mot_appearance_model_generation(
            rgbimg, param, ystate,
            True)  #get the apperance model of the detections in current frame
        obs_info.ystate = ystate
        obs_info.yhist = yhist
        obs_info.ystates_ids = ystates_ids
        tidx, _, _ = Idx2Types(
            Trk, 'High')  #return the index of high confidence Tracklet
        yidx = np.where(Obs_grap[fr].iso_idx == 1)[
            0]  #return the index of detections in current frame
        if len(tidx) != 0 and len(yidx) != 0:
            Trk_high = []
            Z_set = []
            trk_label = []
            conf_set = []
            #to generate a list of high confidence tracklet
            for ii in range(0, len(tidx)):
                i = tidx[ii]
                temp_Trk_high = Tracklet()
                temp_Trk_high.hist = Trk[i].A_Model
                temp_Trk_high.FMotion = Trk[i].FMotion
                temp_Trk_high.last_update = Trk[i].last_update
                temp_Trk_high.h = Trk[i].state[-1][3]
                temp_Trk_high.w = Trk[i].state[-1][2]
                temp_Trk_high.type = Trk[i].type
            # For detections in current frame
            meas_label = []
            for jj in range(0, len(yidx)):
                j = yidx[
                    jj]  #get the index of the j detection of detections in current frames
                z_item = Z_item(
                )  #generate a object in order to record every detection's information include x,y,w,h, and Apperance model
                z_item.hist = yhist[:, :, j]
                z_item.pos = [ystate[j][0], ystate[j][1]]
                z_item.h = ystate[j][3]
                z_item.w = ystate[j][2]
            thr = param.obs_thr
            #generate the score matrix between Tracklet with high confidence and Detections in current frame

            score_mat = mot_eval_association_matrix(Trk_high, Z_set, param,
                                                    'Obs', ILDA)
            confidence = []
            for i in Trk:
            #matching by hungarian Algorithm the the socre matrix shape should be[len(high_trk),len(high_trk]
            matching, __ = mot_association_hungarian(score_mat, thr, nargout=2)
            if matching.size != 0:
                for i in range(0, matching.shape[1]):
                    ass_idx_row = matching[0, i]
                    ta_idx = tidx[ass_idx_row]
                    ass_idx_col = matching[1, i]
                    ya_idx = yidx[ass_idx_col]
                    ListInsert(Trk[ta_idx].hyp.score, fr,
                               score_mat[matching[0, i], matching[1, i]], 0)
                    ListInsert(Trk[ta_idx].hyp.ystate, fr, ystate[ya_idx], [])
                    ListInsert(Trk[ta_idx].hyp.ystates_ids, fr,
                               ystates_ids[ya_idx], -1)

                    Trk[ta_idx].hyp.new_tmpl = yhist[:, :, ya_idx]
                    Trk[ta_idx].last_update = fr
                    Obs_grap[fr].iso_idx[ya_idx] = 0

    return Trk, Obs_grap, obs_info
def MOT_Global_Association(Trk = None,Tracklets_window = None,param = None,fr = None,Obs_grap_window = None,detections = None,*args,**kwargs):

    obs_grap = Obs_Graph()
    Obs_grap_window[fr].iso_idx = np.ones((len(detections[fr])))
    ILDA  =  param.ILDA
    Refer = []
    Test = []
    all_indx = [i for i in range(0,len(Trk))]
    all_indx_window = [i for i in range(0,len(Tracklets_window))]
    low_indx,_,_ = Idx2Types(Tracklets_window,'Low')
    high_indx = np.setdiff1d(all_indx_window,low_indx)
    init_indx = all_indx
    init_trk = []
    High_trk = []
    Low_trk = []
    window_trk = []
    Y_set = []
    if len(high_indx) !=0:
        # For tracklets with low confidence in the window
        for ii in range(0,len(low_indx)):
            i = low_indx[ii]
            temp_Trk_low = Tracklet()
            temp_Trk_low.hist  =  Tracklets_window[i].A_Model
            temp_Trk_low.FMotion  =  Tracklets_window[i].FMotion
            temp_Trk_low.last_update  =  Tracklets_window[i].last_update
            temp_Trk_low.h  =  Tracklets_window[i].state[-1][3]
            temp_Trk_low.w  =  Tracklets_window[i].state[-1][2]
            temp_Trk_low.type  =  Tracklets_window[i].type
            temp_Trk_low.end_time = Tracklets_window[i].efr
        # For tracklet with high confidence in the window
        for jj in range(0,len(all_indx_window)):
            j = all_indx_window[jj]
            temp_Trk_high = Tracklet()
            temp_Trk_high.hist  =  Tracklets_window[j].A_model_tail
            temp_Trk_high.h  =  Tracklets_window[j].state[-1][3]
            temp_Trk_high.w  =  Tracklets_window[j].state[-1][2]
            temp_Trk_high.FMotion  =  Tracklets_window[j].FMotion
            XX,PP = mot_motion_model_generation(Tracklets_window[j],param,'Backward',nargout = 2)
            temp_Trk_high.BMotion.X  =  XX
            temp_Trk_high.BMotion.P  =  PP
            temp_Trk_high.last_update  =  Tracklets_window[j].last_update
            temp_Trk_high.init_time  =  Tracklets_window[j].ifr
            temp_Trk_high.end_time = Tracklets_window[j].efr
        iso_label = []
    for jj in range(0,len(all_indx)):
        j = all_indx[jj]
        temp_init_trk = Tracklet()
        temp_init_trk.hist  =  Trk[j].A_model_tail
        temp_init_trk.h  =  Trk[j].state[-1][3]
        temp_init_trk.w  =  Trk[j].state[-1][2]
        temp_init_trk.FMotion  =  Trk[j].FMotion
        XX,PP = mot_motion_model_generation(Trk[j],param,'Backward',nargout = 2)
        temp_init_trk.BMotion.X  =  XX
        temp_init_trk.BMotion.P  =  PP
        temp_init_trk.last_update  =  Trk[j].last_update
        temp_init_trk.init_time  =  Trk[j].ifr
        temp_init_trk.end_time  =  Trk[j].last_update
    thr = param.obs_thr
    score_trk = mot_eval_association_matrix(init_trk,window_trk,param,'Trk',ILDA)
    print("score_trk matrix:",score_trk)
    matching,Affinity = mot_association_hungarian(score_trk,thr)
    alpha = param.alpha
    rm_idx = []
    print("matching matrix:",matching)
    #association the tracklet in the window to init tracklets
    for m in range(0,len(Affinity)):
        w_idx = all_indx_window[matching[0,m]]
        init_idx = all_indx[matching[1,m]]
        fr1 = Tracklets_window[w_idx].ifr
        fr2 = Tracklets_window[w_idx].last_update
        for kk in range(fr1,fr2):
        numHyp = len(Tracklets_window[w_idx].hyp.score)
        #copy hyp information from window_tracklets to init_tracklets
        for kk in range(fr1,numHyp):
        XX = np.array([0,0,0,0])
        numState = len(Trk[init_idx].state)
        XX[0] = Trk[init_idx].state[fr1][0]
        XX[2] = Trk[init_idx].state[fr1][1]
        PP = param.P
        Trk[init_idx].type  =  'High'
    if len(rm_idx) != 0:
        print("removed tracklets ids of which are {}".format(rm_idx))
        for idx in sorted(rm_idx,reverse=True):
    return Trk
def MOT_Window_Association(Tracklets_window=None,
    #get the head and tail list of tracklet in order to decline the calculation
    head_index, tail_index = getHeadAndTailTrk(Tracklets_window)
    ILDA = param.ILDA
    all_indx_window = [i for i in range(0, len(Tracklets_window))]
    window_trk_head = []
    window_trk_tail = []
    High_trk = []
    Low_trk = []
    Y_set = []
    # For trackletin the window with head A_Model
    for jj in range(0, len(head_index)):
        j = head_index[jj]
        temp_Trk = Tracklet()
        temp_Trk.hist = Tracklets_window[j].A_model_tail
        temp_Trk.h = Tracklets_window[j].state[-1][3]
        temp_Trk.w = Tracklets_window[j].state[-1][2]
        temp_Trk.FMotion = Tracklets_window[j].FMotion
        XX, PP = mot_motion_model_generation(Tracklets_window[j], param,
        temp_Trk.BMotion.X = XX
        temp_Trk.BMotion.P = PP
        temp_Trk.last_update = Tracklets_window[j].last_update
        temp_Trk.init_time = Tracklets_window[j].ifr
        temp_Trk.end_time = Tracklets_window[j].last_update
    iso_label = []

    # For trackletin the window with tail A_Model
    for jj in range(0, len(tail_index)):
        j = tail_index[jj]
        temp_Tracklets_window = Tracklet()
        temp_Tracklets_window.hist = Tracklets_window[j].A_model_head
        temp_Tracklets_window.h = Tracklets_window[j].state[
        temp_Tracklets_window.w = Tracklets_window[j].state[
        temp_Tracklets_window.FMotion = Tracklets_window[j].FMotion
        XX, PP = mot_motion_model_generation(Tracklets_window[j], param,
        temp_Tracklets_window.BMotion.X = XX
        temp_Tracklets_window.BMotion.P = PP
        temp_Tracklets_window.last_update = Tracklets_window[j].last_update
        temp_Tracklets_window.init_time = Tracklets_window[j].ifr
        temp_Tracklets_window.end_time = Tracklets_window[j].last_update

    thr = param.obs_thr
    score_trk = mot_eval_association_matrix(window_trk_head, window_trk_tail,
                                            param, 'Trk', ILDA)
    print(score_trk, "score_trk matrix:")
    matching, Affinity = mot_association_hungarian(score_trk, thr)
    alpha = param.alpha
    rm_idx = []
    print(matching, "matching matrix:")
    #association the tracklet in the window to init tracklets
    for m in range(0, len(Affinity)):
        head_idx = head_index[matching[0, m]]
        tail_idx = tail_index[matching[1, m]]
            "concat the tracklets whose ids is {} and {}".format(
                head_idx, tail_idx), "----" * 30)
        fr1 = Tracklets_window[tail_idx].ifr
        fr2 = Tracklets_window[tail_idx].last_update
        for kk in range(fr1, fr2):
            ListInsert(Tracklets_window[head_idx].state, kk,
                       Tracklets_window[tail_idx].state[kk], [])
        numHyp = len(Tracklets_window[tail_idx].hyp.score)
        #copy hyp information from window_tracklets to init_tracklets
        for kk in range(fr1, numHyp):
                                 Tracklets_window[tail_idx], kk, param)
        XX = np.array([0, 0, 0, 0])
        numState = len(Tracklets_window[head_idx].state)
        XX[0] = Tracklets_window[head_idx].state[fr1][0]
        XX[2] = Tracklets_window[head_idx].state[fr1][1]
        PP = param.P
        Tracklets_window[head_idx].type = 'High'
        mot_appearance_model_update(Tracklets_window[head_idx], param)
    if len(rm_idx) != 0:
        print("removed tracklets ids of which are {}".format(rm_idx))
        for idx in sorted(rm_idx, reverse=True):

    return Tracklets_window, Obs_grap_window