Beispiel #1
	def _makeListView (self, parent):
		if self.config.groupByGenre:
			listView = GroupListView (parent, wx.ID_ANY, style = wx.LC_REPORT | wx.SUNKEN_BORDER, useAlternateBackColors = False)
			listView = ObjectListView (parent, wx.ID_ANY, style = wx.LC_REPORT | wx.SUNKEN_BORDER, useAlternateBackColors = False)

		listView.rowFormatter = self.rowFormatter
		listView.SetEmptyListMsg ("No transducers found")

		# Normal: DR
		# Grp: D(G)R
		# Det: DNGSR
		# Det+Grp: DN(G)SR
		cols = ([
			ColumnDefn ("Description", "left", 220, "smartName"),
			ColumnDefn ("Reading", "right", 100, "lastRead", isSpaceFilling = True),

		if self.config.viewDetails:
			cols.insert (1, ColumnDefn ("Name", "center", 50, "name"))
			if self.config.groupByGenre:
				# This col is only used for grouping, use 0 width and make entries empty to hide it
				cols.insert (2, ColumnDefn ("Genre", "center", 0, "genre", maximumWidth = 0, stringConverter = lambda g: "", groupKeyConverter = lambda g: "Sensors" if g == Sensoria.SENSOR else "Actuators"))
				cols.insert (2, ColumnDefn ("Genre", "center", 100, "genre", stringConverter = lambda g: "Sensor" if g == Sensoria.SENSOR else "Actuator"))
			cols.insert (3, ColumnDefn ("Stereo", "center", 50, "stereotype"))
		elif self.config.groupByGenre:
				# This col is only used for grouping, use 0 width and make entries empty to hide it
				cols.insert (2, ColumnDefn ("Genre", "center", 50, "genre", maximumWidth = 0, stringConverter = lambda g: "", groupKeyConverter = lambda g: "Sensors" if g == Sensoria.SENSOR else "Actuators"))

		listView.SetColumns (cols)

		if self.config.groupByGenre:
			listView.showItemCounts = False
			listView.SetShowGroups = True
			listView.alwaysGroupByColumnIndex = 3			# col 0 is expansion icon
			listView.SetSortColumn (listView.columns[1])
			listView.SetSortColumn (listView.columns[0])

		listView.Bind (wx.EVT_LIST_ITEM_ACTIVATED, self.onItemDoubleClicked)
		listView.Bind (wx.EVT_LIST_ITEM_RIGHT_CLICK, self.onItemRightClicked)

		return listView