Beispiel #1
    def updatePath(self, node: PathNode):

        id = node.getPathID()

        if self.paths.__contains__(id):

            old = self.paths[id]
            old.setCount(node.getCount() + old.getCount())

            self.paths[id] = old


            self.paths[id] = node
 def contains(self, pathNode: PathNode):
     """returns true if the time node already contains the trip node passed"""
     # todo
     if pathNode.getPathID() in self.paths:
         return True
         return False
Beispiel #3
                paths = {}
                '''read the next line in the file'''
                nl = outputTextFile1.readline().strip()

                # changed the output of the hashtable to be correct
                if nl.__contains__("Paths"):

                    nl = outputTextFile1.readline().strip()

                    while nl.__contains__("PathID"):
                        '''get the PathNode attributes'''
                        countIndex = nl.index("Count:")
                        path = nl[8:countIndex - 1]
                        count = nl[countIndex + 7:]
                        '''create the pathNode'''
                        pathNode = PathNode.PathNode(path)
                        '''add the PathNode to the dict of PathNodes'''
                        paths[path] = pathNode

                        nl = outputTextFile1.readline().strip()

                    vt = nl
                '''set the paths of the time node'''

                vt = nl
                '''add the time node to the list of times in od node'''

            if vt.__contains__("Index"):
 def addPath(self, node: PathNode):
     """takes the passed trip node and adds it to the list of trips"""
     self.paths[node.getPathID()] = node
 def findPath(self, pathNode: PathNode):
     """this method will return the node passed that is in the list of trips"""
     # todo
     return self.paths[pathNode.getPathID()]
Beispiel #6
def regionTimePeriodPathCountAnalysis(regions17: list, regions18: list,
                                      amLow: str, amHigh: str, pmLow: str,
                                      pmHigh: str):
    :param regions17: the 2017 regions
    :param regions18: the 2018 regions
    :param amLow: the start of the am period
    :param amHigh: the end of the am period
    :param pmLow: the start of the pm period
    :param pmHigh: the end of the pm period
    :return: a list of lists containing the origin, destination,
    time period (morning or afternoon), path id,  z score, and p value

    # this is the list of lists to be returned
    masterList = []

        ["origin", 'destination', 'period', 'path', 'zscore', 'pvalue'])

    size17 = 0
    for i in regions17:
        size17 += i.getCount()

    size18 = 0
    for i in regions18:
        size18 += i.getCount()

    # create a list of path counts for each year and each time period

    for a in regions17:
        for b in regions18:

            am17Paths = {}
            pm17Paths = {}

            am18Paths = {}
            pm18Paths = {}

            if a.origin == b.origin and a.destination == b.destination:

                rejectCount = 0
                AMRejectCount = 0
                PMRejectCount = 0

                # get all the path counts from 17
                times = a.getTimes()
                am = am17Paths
                pm = pm17Paths
                for t in times:

                    timeNode = times[t]
                    time = timeNode.getTimeID()
                    paths = timeNode.getPaths()

                    # if am
                    if timeToInt(time) > timeToInt(amLow) and timeToInt(
                            time) < timeToInt(amHigh):
                        for p in paths:

                            # if we have already seen this path
                            if am.__contains__(p):
                                masterPath = am[p]
                                path = paths[p]
                                masterPath.setCount(masterPath.getCount() +

                            # if we have not seen this path
                                am[p] = paths[p]
                    # if pm
                    if timeToInt(time) > timeToInt(pmLow) and timeToInt(
                            time) < timeToInt(pmHigh):
                        for p in paths:

                            # if we have already seen this path
                            if pm.__contains__(p):
                                masterPath = pm[p]
                                path = paths[p]
                                masterPath.setCount(masterPath.getCount() +

                            # if we have not seen this path
                                pm[p] = paths[p]

                # get all the path counts from 18
                times = b.getTimes()
                am = am18Paths
                pm = pm18Paths

                for t in times:

                    timeNode = times[t]
                    time = timeNode.getTimeID()
                    paths = timeNode.getPaths()

                    # if am
                    if timeToInt(time) > timeToInt(amLow) and timeToInt(
                            time) < timeToInt(amHigh):
                        for p in paths:

                            # if we have already seen this path
                            if am.__contains__(p):
                                masterPath = am[p]
                                path = paths[p]
                                masterPath.setCount(masterPath.getCount() +

                            # if we have not seen this path
                                am[p] = paths[p]
                    # if pm
                    if timeToInt(time) > timeToInt(pmLow) and timeToInt(
                            time) < timeToInt(pmHigh):
                        for p in paths:

                            # if we have already seen this path
                            if pm.__contains__(p):
                                masterPath = pm[p]
                                path = paths[p]
                                masterPath.setCount(masterPath.getCount() +

                            # if we have not seen this path
                                pm[p] = paths[p]

                # make it so each path list contains all the same paths (am to am and pm to pm)
                # make it so each list of paths contains the same paths
                for e in am17Paths:
                    if am18Paths.__contains__(e) is False:
                        am18Paths[e] = PathNode.PathNode(e)
                for f in am18Paths:
                    if am17Paths.__contains__(f) is False:
                        am17Paths[f] = PathNode.PathNode(f)

                for e in pm17Paths:
                    if pm18Paths.__contains__(e) is False:
                        pm18Paths[e] = PathNode.PathNode(e)
                for f in pm18Paths:
                    if pm17Paths.__contains__(f) is False:
                        pm17Paths[f] = PathNode.PathNode(f)

                # am analysis
                for p in am17Paths:
                    pathNode17 = am17Paths[p]
                    pathNode18 = am18Paths[p]
                    zscore, pvalue = two_proprotions_test(
                        pathNode17.getCount(), a.getCount(),
                        pathNode18.getCount(), b.getCount())
                    smallList = [
                        a.origin, a.destination, "AM", p, zscore, pvalue

                    if pvalue <= 0.05:
                        rejectCount += 1
                        AMRejectCount += 1

                # pm analysis
                for p in pm17Paths:
                    pathNode17 = pm17Paths[p]
                    pathNode18 = pm18Paths[p]
                    zscore, pvalue = two_proprotions_test(
                        pathNode17.getCount(), a.getCount(),
                        pathNode18.getCount(), b.getCount())
                    smallList = [
                        a.origin, a.destination, "PM", p, zscore, pvalue

                    if pvalue <= 0.05:
                        rejectCount += 1
                        PMRejectCount += 1

                if pm17Paths.__len__() > 0 and am17Paths.__len__() > 0:
                    print(amLow + "," + a.origin + "," + a.destination + "," +
                          str(AMRejectCount / am17Paths.__len__()) + "," +
                          str(PMRejectCount / pm17Paths.__len__()))

    return masterList
Beispiel #7
                            '''if this trip can be mapped to a path'''
                            if a:
                                '''if this path is already a part of the time nodes path'''
                                if b:
                                    '''increment the count'''
                                    oldPaths = t.getPaths()
                                    newPaths = oldPaths

                                elif b is False:
                                    '''if this path has not been seen yet'''
                                    oldPaths = t.getPaths()
                                    newPaths = oldPaths
                                    newPaths[path] = PathNode.PathNode(path)


# end the timer
endTime = time.time()
totalTime = float(endTime - startTime)

# print progression statement
if printProgramProgression:
    print(str(totalTime)[:5] + " seconds to analyze input file")

# for performance testing purposes only
if testPerformance is True:
Beispiel #8
def regionPathCountAnalysis(regions17: list, regions18: list):

    :param regions17: the 2017 regions
    :param regions18: the 2018 regions
    :return: a list of lists containing the origin, destination, path id,
     z score, and p value

    # this is the list of lists to be returned
    masterList = []

    masterList.append(["origin", 'destination', 'path', 'zscore', 'pvalue'])

    size17 = 0
    for i in regions17:
        size17 += i.getCount()

    size18 = 0
    for i in regions18:
        size18 += i.getCount()

    for a in regions17:
        for b in regions18:

            rejectCount = 0

            masterpaths17 = {}
            masterpaths18 = {}

            # if we are looking at the same region
            if a.origin == b.origin and a.destination == b.destination:

                times17 = a.getTimes()
                times18 = b.getTimes()

                for t in times17.values():
                    paths = t.getPaths()
                    for p in paths:

                        # if we have already seen this path
                        if masterpaths17.__contains__(p):

                            # update the path
                            masterPathNode = masterpaths17[p]
                            pathNode = paths[p]
                            masterPathNode.setCount(masterPathNode.getCount() +

                        # if we have not already seen this path
                            masterpaths17[p] = paths[p]

                for t in times18.values():
                    paths = t.getPaths()
                    for p in paths:

                        # if we have already seen this path
                        if masterpaths18.__contains__(p):

                            # update the path
                            masterPathNode = masterpaths18[p]
                            pathNode = paths[p]
                            masterPathNode.setCount(masterPathNode.getCount() +

                        # if we have not seen the path
                            masterpaths18[p] = paths[p]

                # make it so each list of paths contains the same paths
                for e in masterpaths17:
                    if masterpaths18.__contains__(e) is False:
                        masterpaths18[e] = PathNode.PathNode(e)
                for f in masterpaths18:
                    if masterpaths17.__contains__(f) is False:
                        masterpaths17[f] = PathNode.PathNode(f)

                for e in masterpaths17:
                    pathNode17 = masterpaths17[e]
                    pathNode18 = masterpaths18[e]
                    zscore, pvalue = two_proprotions_test(
                        pathNode17.getCount(), a.getCount(),
                        pathNode18.getCount(), b.getCount())
                    smallList = [
                        a.origin, a.destination,
                        pathNode17.getPathID(), zscore, pvalue

                    if pvalue <= 0.05:
                        rejectCount += 1

                if masterpaths18.__len__() > 0:
                    print(a.origin + "," + a.destination + "," + str(rejectCount) + "," + str(masterpaths18.__len__())
                      + "," + str(rejectCount / masterpaths18.__len__()))
    return masterList
Beispiel #9
def completePathCountAnalysis(regions17: list, regions18: list):

    :param regions17: the 2017 regions
    :param regions18: the 2018 regions
    :return: a list of lists containing the origin, destination,
    day of week, time of day, path id,  z score, and p value

    # this is the list of lists to be returned
    masterList = []

        "origin", 'destination', 'weekday', 'time', 'path', 'zscore', 'pvalue'

    size17 = 0
    for i in regions17:
        size17 += i.getCount()

    size18 = 0
    for i in regions18:
        size18 += i.getCount()

    for a in regions17:
        for b in regions18:

            # if we are looking at the same region
            if a.origin == b.origin and a.destination == b.destination:

                times17 = a.getTimes()
                times18 = b.getTimes()

                for c in times17.values():
                    for d in times18.values():

                        # if we are looking at the same time node
                        if c.getWeekDay() == d.getWeekDay():
                            if c.getTimeID() == d.getTimeID():

                                paths17 = c.getPaths()
                                paths18 = d.getPaths()

                                # make it so each list of paths contains the same paths
                                for e in paths17:
                                    if paths18.__contains__(e) is False:
                                        paths18[e] = PathNode.PathNode(e)
                                for f in paths18:
                                    if paths17.__contains__(f) is False:
                                        paths17[f] = PathNode.PathNode(f)

                                for e in paths17:
                                    pathNode17 = paths17[e]
                                    pathNode18 = paths18[e]
                                    zscore, pvalue = two_proprotions_test(
                                        pathNode17.getCount(), a.getCount(),
                                        pathNode18.getCount(), b.getCount())
                                    smallList = [
                                        a.origin, a.destination,
                                        pathNode17.getPathID(), zscore, pvalue


    return masterList
Beispiel #10
def pathCountAnalysis(regions17: list, regions18: list):

    :param regions17:
    :param regions18:

    masterList = []

    masterList.append(["Path", "zscore", "pvalue"])

    paths17 = {}
    pathCount17 = 0
    paths18 = {}
    pathCount18 = 0

    for r in regions17:

        times = r.getTimes()

        for t in times:

            paths = times[t].getPaths()

            for p in paths:

                pathCount17 += paths[p].getCount()

                if paths17.__contains__(p):
                    master = paths17[p]
                    other = paths[p]
                    master.setCount(master.getCount() + other.getCount())

                    paths17[p] = paths[p]

    for r in regions18:

        times = r.getTimes()

        for t in times:

            paths = times[t].getPaths()

            for p in paths:

                pathCount18 += paths[p].getCount()

                if paths18.__contains__(p):
                    master = paths18[p]
                    other = paths[p]
                    master.setCount(master.getCount() + other.getCount())
                    paths18[p] = paths[p]

    # make it so each list of paths contains the same paths
    for e in paths17:
        if paths18.__contains__(e) is False:
            paths18[e] = PathNode.PathNode(e)
    for f in paths18:
        if paths17.__contains__(f) is False:
            paths17[f] = PathNode.PathNode(f)

    for p in paths17:
        pathNode17 = paths17[p]
        pathNode18 = paths18[p]
        zscore, pvalue = two_proprotions_test(pathNode17.getCount(),
        smallList = [p, zscore, pvalue]

    return masterList
Beispiel #11
def getODNodesFromFile(fileName: str, timeInterval: int):

    :param fileName: the name of the file to get the info
    :return: a list of all the od nodes the file contained
    '''list of od nodes'''
    ODNodes = []

    with open(fileName, 'r') as inputfile17:

        for line in inputfile17:
            line = line.strip()
            '''get the general attributes from the outputfile'''
            if line.__contains__("Total Trips"):
                totalTripCount = int(line[13:])
            if line.__contains__("Int Trips"):
                interestTripCount = int(line[13:])
            if line.__contains__("OD Maps"):
                odMapCount = int(line[13:])
            if line.__contains__("Time Maps"):
                timeMapCount = int(line[13:])
            if line.__contains__("Path Maps"):
                pathMapCount = int(line[13:])
            '''if we are looking at a new od node'''
            while line.__contains__("Index"):
                '''get the origin of the od node'''
                voriginLine = inputfile17.readline().strip()
                if voriginLine == '':

                vorigin = voriginLine[8:]
                vcommaIndex = vorigin.index(",")
                voriginLat = vorigin[:vcommaIndex]
                voriginLong = vorigin[vcommaIndex + 1:]
                voriginC = Coordinate.Coordinate(float(voriginLat),
                '''get the destination of the od node'''
                vdestLine = inputfile17.readline().strip()
                vdestination = vdestLine[13:]
                vcommaIndex = vdestination.index(",")
                vdestlat = vdestination[:vcommaIndex]
                vdestlong = vdestination[vcommaIndex + 1:]
                vdestC = Coordinate.Coordinate(float(vdestlat),
                '''readout the direction'''
                direction = inputfile17.readline()
                '''get the count of the od node'''
                vcountLine = inputfile17.readline().strip()
                vcount = vcountLine[7:]
                '''get the am count of the od node'''
                vamCountLine = inputfile17.readline().strip()
                vamCount = vamCountLine[9:]
                '''get the pm count of the od node'''
                vpmCountLine = inputfile17.readline().strip()
                vpmCount = vpmCountLine[9:]
                '''create the od node'''
                vodnode = ODNode.ODNode(voriginC, vdestC, int(vcount))
                '''update the period counts of the od node'''
                '''set the direction of the node'''
                if direction.__contains__("In-"):
                '''readout the "Times: "'''
                readOut = inputfile17.readline().strip()
                '''update the times of the od node'''
                vt = inputfile17.readline().strip()
                '''for all the timenodes listed'''
                while vt.__contains__("WeekDay"):
                    '''get the weekday, time, and count'''
                    weekday = int(vt[9:11])
                    vtime = vt[19:24]
                    vcount = int(vt[32:])
                    '''create the TimeNode'''
                    vdt = datetime.strptime(vtime, "%H:%M")
                    vtimenode = TimeNode.TimeNode(vdt, weekday, timeInterval)
                    '''the dict to be used as the dict of paths for timenode'''
                    paths = {}
                    '''read the next line in the file'''
                    nl = inputfile17.readline().strip()

                    # changed the output of the hashtable to be correct
                    if nl.__contains__("Paths"):

                        nl = inputfile17.readline().strip()

                        while nl.__contains__("PathID"):
                            '''get the PathNode attributes'''
                            countIndex = nl.index("Count:")
                            path = nl[8:countIndex - 1]
                            count = nl[countIndex + 7:]
                            '''create the pathNode'''
                            pathNode = PathNode.PathNode(path)
                            '''add the PathNode to the dict of PathNodes'''
                            paths[path] = pathNode

                            nl = inputfile17.readline().strip()

                        vt = nl
                    '''set the paths of the time node'''

                    vt = nl
                    '''add the time node to the list of times in od node'''

                if vt.__contains__("Index"):
                    line = vt
                '''add the od node to the list of od nodes'''
                '''only if it is not an empty node'''
                e = Coordinate.Coordinate(0, 0)
                empty = ODNode.ODNode(e, e, 0)
                if vodnode.__eq__(empty) is False:


    return ODNodes
Beispiel #12
                '''read the next line in the file'''
                nl = outputTextFile1.readline().strip()

                # changed the output of the hashtable to be correct
                if nl.__contains__("Paths"):

                    nl = outputTextFile1.readline().strip()

                    while nl.__contains__("PathID"):
                        '''get the PathNode attributes'''
                        countIndex = nl.index("Count:")
                        path = nl[8:countIndex - 1]
                        count = nl[countIndex + 7:]

                        '''create the pathNode'''
                        pathNode = PathNode.PathNode(path)

                        '''add the PathNode to the dict of PathNodes'''
                        paths[path] = pathNode

                        nl = outputTextFile1.readline().strip()

                    vt = nl

                '''set the paths of the time node'''

                vt = nl
                '''add the time node to the list of times in od node'''