Beispiel #1
    def read_context(self, accessible):
        """ Extract prediction context from the accessible """

        # get caret position from selection
        selection = None
            sel = accessible.get_selection(0)
            # Gtk-2 applications return 0,0 when there is no selection.
            # Gtk-3 applications return caret positions in that case.
            # LibreOffice Writer in Vivid initially returns -1,-1 when there
            # is no selection, later the caret position.
            start = sel.start_offset
            end = sel.end_offset
            if start > 0 and \
               end > 0 and \
               start <= end:
                selection = (sel.start_offset, sel.end_offset)
        except Exception as ex:  # Private exception gi._glib.GErro
  "DomainGenericText.read_context(), selection: " \
                         + unicode_str(ex))

        # get text around the caret position
            if selection is None:
                offset = accessible.get_caret_offset()
                selection = (offset, offset)
            r = accessible.get_text_at_offset(
                selection[0], Atspi.TextBoundaryType.LINE_START)
            count = accessible.get_character_count()
        except Exception as ex:  # Private exception gi._glib.GError when
            # gedit became unresponsive.
  "DomainGenericText.read_context(), text: " \
                         + unicode_str(ex))
            return None

        line = unicode_str(r.content).replace("\n", "")
        line_caret = max(selection[0] - r.start_offset, 0)

        begin = max(selection[0] - 256, 0)
        end = min(selection[0] + 100, count)
            text = Atspi.Text.get_text(accessible, begin, end)
        except Exception as ex:  # Private exception gi._glib.GError when
            # gedit became unresponsive.
  "DomainGenericText.read_context(), text2: " \
                         + unicode_str(ex))
            return None

        text = unicode_str(text)

        # Not all text may be available for large selections. We only need the
        # part before the begin of the selection/caret.
        selection_span = TextSpan(selection[0], selection[1] - selection[0],
                                  text, begin)
        context = text[:selection[0] - begin]
        begin_of_text = begin == 0
        begin_of_text_offset = 0

        return (context, line, line_caret, selection_span, begin_of_text,
Beispiel #2
    def read_context(self, accessible, offset=None):
        Extract prediction context from the accessible
        if offset is None:
                offset = accessible.get_caret_offset()
            except Exception as ex:  # Private exception gi._glib.GError
                # when gedit became unresponsive.
      "DomainTerminal.read_context(): " +
                return None

        context_lines, prompt_length, line, line_start, line_caret = \
            self._get_text_after_prompt(accessible, offset)

        if prompt_length:
            begin_of_text = True
            begin_of_text_offset = line_start
            begin_of_text = False
            begin_of_text_offset = None

        context = "".join(context_lines)
        before_line = "".join(context_lines[:-1])
        selection_span = TextSpan(offset, 0, before_line + line,
                                  line_start - len(before_line))

        result = (context, line, line_caret, selection_span, begin_of_text,
        return result
Beispiel #3
    def read_context(self, accessible, offset=None):
        Extract prediction context from the accessible
        if offset is None:
                offset = accessible.get_caret_offset()
            except Exception as ex:  # Private exception gi._glib.GError when
                # gedit became unresponsive.
      "DomainTerminal.read_context(): " \
                             + unicode_str(ex))
                return None

        # remove prompt from the current or previous lines
        context, context_start, line, line_start, line_cursor = \
                self._read_after_prompt(accessible, offset)
        if context_start:
            begin_of_text = True
            begin_of_text_offset = line_start
            begin_of_text = False
            begin_of_text_offset = None

        # remove newlines
        context = context.replace("\n", "")

        #cursor_span = TextSpan(offset, 0, text, begin)
        cursor_span = TextSpan(offset, 0, line, line_start)

        result = (context, line, line_cursor, cursor_span, begin_of_text,
        return result
Beispiel #4
    def read_context(self, accessible):
        """ Extract prediction context from the accessible """
            offset = accessible.get_caret_offset()
            r = accessible.get_text_at_offset(
                offset, Atspi.TextBoundaryType.LINE_START)
            count = accessible.get_character_count()
        except Exception as ex:  # Private exception gi._glib.GError when
            # gedit became unresponsive.
  "DomainGenericText.read_context(): " \
                         + unicode_str(ex))
            return None

        line = unicode_str(r.content).replace("\n", "")
        line_cursor = max(offset - r.start_offset, 0)

        begin = max(offset - 256, 0)
        end = min(offset + 100, count)
        text = Atspi.Text.get_text(accessible, begin, end)

        text = unicode_str(text)

        cursor_span = TextSpan(offset, 0, text, begin)
        context = text[:offset - begin]
        begin_of_text = begin == 0
        begin_of_text_offset = 0

        return (context, line, line_cursor, cursor_span, begin_of_text,
Beispiel #5
    def __init__(self, wp):
        self._wp = wp
        self._accessible = None
        self._can_insert_text = False

        self._text_domains = TextDomains()
        self._text_domain = self._text_domains.get_nop_domain()

        self._changes = TextChanges()
        self._entering_text = False
        self._text_changed = False

        self._context = ""
        self._line = ""
        self._line_caret = 0
        self._selection_span = TextSpan()
        self._begin_of_text = False        # context starts at begin of text?
        self._begin_of_text_offset = None  # offset of text begin

        self._pending_separator_span = None
        self._last_text_change_time = 0
        self._last_caret_move_time = 0
        self._last_caret_move_position = 0

        self._last_context = None
        self._last_line = None

        self._update_context_timer = Timer()
        self._update_context_delay_normal = 0.01
        self._update_context_delay = self._update_context_delay_normal
Beispiel #6
    def read_context(self, keyboard, accessible):
        """ Extract prediction context from the accessible """

        # get caret position from selection
        selection = accessible.get_selection()

        # get text around the caret position
            count = accessible.get_character_count()

            if selection is None:
                offset = accessible.get_caret_offset()

                # In Zesty, firefox 50.1 often returns caret position -1
                # when typing into the urlbar. Assume we are at the end
                # of the text when that happens.
                if offset < 0:
                    _logger.warning("DomainGenericText.read_context(): "
                                    "Atspi.Text.get_caret_offset() "
                                    "returned invalid {}. "
                                    "Pretending the cursor is at the end "
                                    "of the text at offset {}."
                                    .format(offset, count))
                    offset = count

                selection = (offset, offset)

            r = accessible.get_text_at_offset(
                selection[0], Atspi.TextBoundaryType.LINE_START)
        except Exception as ex:     # Private exception gi._glib.GError when
                                    # gedit became unresponsive.
  "DomainGenericText.read_context(), text: " +
            return None

        line = unicode_str(r.content).replace("\n", "")
        line_caret = max(selection[0] - r.start_offset, 0)

        begin = max(selection[0] - 256, 0)
        end   = min(selection[0] + 100, count)
            text = accessible.get_text(begin, end)
        except Exception as ex:     # Private exception gi._glib.GError when
                                    # gedit became unresponsive.
  "DomainGenericText.read_context(), text2: " +
            return None

        text = unicode_str(text)

        # Not all text may be available for large selections. We only need the
        # part before the begin of the selection/caret.
        selection_span = TextSpan(selection[0], selection[1] - selection[0],
                                  text, begin)
        context = text[:selection[0] - begin]
        begin_of_text = begin == 0
        begin_of_text_offset = 0

        return (context, line, line_caret, selection_span,
                begin_of_text, begin_of_text_offset)
Beispiel #7
    def _record_text_change(self, pos, length, insert):
        accessible = self._accessible

        insertion_span = None
        char_count = None
        if accessible:
                char_count = accessible.get_character_count()
            except:     # gi._glib.GError: The application no longer exists
                        # when closing a tab in gnome-terminal.
                char_count = None

        if char_count is not None:
            # record the change
            spans_to_update = []

            if insert:
                if self._entering_text and \
                   self.can_record_insertion(accessible, pos, length):
                    if self._wp.is_typing() or length < 30:
                        # Remember all of the insertion, might have been
                        # a pressed snippet or wordlist button.
                        include_length = -1
                        # Remember only the first few characters.
                        # Large inserts can be paste, reload or scroll
                        # operations. Only learn the first word of these.
                        include_length = 2

                    # simple span for current insertion
                    begin = max(pos - 100, 0)
                    end = min(pos + length + 100, char_count)
                    text = self._state_tracker.get_accessible_text(accessible,
                                                                   begin, end)
                    if text is not None:
                        insertion_span = TextSpan(pos, length, text, begin)
                    # Remember nothing, just update existing spans.
                    include_length = None

                spans_to_update = self._changes.insert(pos, length,

                spans_to_update = self._changes.delete(pos, length,

            # update text of all modified spans
            for span in spans_to_update:
                # Get some more text around the span to hopefully
                # include whole words at beginning and end.
                begin = max(span.begin() - 100, 0)
                end = min(span.end() + 100, char_count)
                span.text = Atspi.Text.get_text(accessible, begin, end)
                span.text_pos = begin

        self._text_changed = True

        return insertion_span
Beispiel #8
    def __init__(self, wp):
        self._wp = wp
        self._accessible = None
        self._can_insert_text = False

        self._text_domains = TextDomains()
        self._text_domain = self._text_domains.get_nop_domain()

        self._changes = TextChanges()
        self._entering_text = False
        self._text_changed = False

        self._context = ""
        self._line = ""
        self._line_cursor = 0
        self._span_at_cursor = TextSpan()
        self._begin_of_text = False  # context starts at begin of text?
        self._begin_of_text_offset = None  # offset of text begin

        self._last_context = None
        self._last_line = None

        self._update_context_timer = Timer()
Beispiel #9
 def read_context(self, accessible):
     return "", "", 0, TextSpan(), False, 0