Beispiel #1
def makeSkyMap(samples, lmax, nside=16, psrs=None, cmap='YlOrBr'):

    # number of pixels total
    npix = hp.nside2npix(nside)

    # initialize theta and phi map coordinantes
    for ii in range(npix):

    skypos = np.array(skypos)
    harmvals = PALutils.SetupSkymapPlottingGrid(lmax,skypos)

    pwr = []
    for ii in range(len(samples)):
        samples_tot = np.append(2.*np.sqrt(np.pi), samples[ii])
        gwp = PALutils.GWpower(samples_tot, harmvals)

    pwr = np.array(pwr)
    pwr = np.mean(pwr, axis=0)

    ax = plt.subplot(111, projection='astro mollweide')
    plot.healpix_heatmap(pwr, cmap=cmap)

    # add pulsars locations
    if np.all(psrs):
        ax.plot(psrs[:,0], psrs[:,1], '*', color='w', markersize=6, mew=1, mec='w')

    return pwr
Beispiel #2
def init_os_common(dataset, h5file, psrlist, nf, noisedir=None, noVaryNoise=False,
            incJitterEquad=True, incEquad=True, outputfile=None):

    model = PALmodels.PTAmodels(h5file, pulsars=psrlist)

    # make model dictionary, can play with number of frequencies here
    # Note: Tmax=0 means it will use the largest time span in the array to set the frequency bin size
    fullmodel = model.makeModelDict(incRedNoise=True, incEquad=incEquad, incJitterEquad=incJitterEquad,
                                    likfunc='mark9', incGWB=True, incEphemMixture=False, nfreqs=nf, Tmax=0)

    # loop through pulsars and fix white noise parameters to values in file
    if noisedir is not None:
        for ct, p in enumerate(model.psr):
            d = np.genfromtxt(noisedir + + '_noise.txt', dtype='S42')
            pars = d[:,0]
            vals = np.array([float(d[ii,2]) for ii in range(d.shape[0])])
            sigs = [psig for psig in fullmodel['signals'] if psig['pulsarind'] == ct]
            sigs = PALutils.fixNoiseValues(sigs, vals, pars, bvary=False, verbose=False)
            # turn back on red-noise parameters (will use later when drawing from posteriors)
            for sig in fullmodel['signals']:
                if sig['corr'] == 'single' and sig['stype'] == 'powerlaw':
                    sig['bvary'][1] = True
                    sig['bvary'][0] = True

    if noVaryNoise:
        nflags = ['efac', 'equad', 'jitter', 'jitter_equad']
        for sig in fullmodel['signals']:
            if sig['stype'] in nflags:
                sig['bvary'][0] = False

    # intialize mdoel
    model.initModel(fullmodel, memsave=True, write='no')
    # start parameters off at initial values (i.e the fixed values red in above)
    p0 = model.initParameters(fixpstart=True)
    # essentially turn off GWB component (again we will do something different when drawing from full PTA posterior)
    p0[-2] = -19
    # call once to fix white noise
    xi, rho, sig, Opt, Sig = model.opt_stat_mark9(p0)

    if outputfile is not None:
        f = open(outputfile, 'w')
        f.write('Opt  {0}\n'.format(Opt))
        f.write('Sig  {0}\n'.format(Sig))
        f.write('SNR  {0}\n'.format(Opt/Sig))

    return model
Beispiel #3

    #for sig in fullmodel['signals']:
    #    if sig['stype'] == 'jitter_equad':
    #        if sig['flagvalue'] == 'J1741+1351-430_ASP':
    #            sig['bvary'][0] = False

    if args.fixNoise:
        noisedir = args.noisedir
        for ct, p in enumerate(model.psr):
            d = np.genfromtxt(noisedir + + '_noise.txt', dtype='S42')
            pars = d[:,0]
            vals = np.array([float(d[ii,1]) for ii in range(d.shape[0])])
            sigs = [psig for psig in fullmodel['signals'] if psig['pulsarind'] == ct]
            sigs = PALutils.fixNoiseValues(sigs, vals, pars, bvary=False, verbose=True)

    # turn red noise back on
    if args.fixNoise and args.fixWhite:
        print('Turning on red noise and only fixing white noise')
        for sig in fullmodel['signals']:
            if sig['corr'] == 'single' and sig['stype'] == 'powerlaw':
                sig['bvary'][1] = True
                sig['bvary'][0] = True

    # write JSON file
    if not args.incTimingModel:
        model.writeModelToFile(fullmodel, args.outDir + '/model.json')

# check for single efacs
                    separateJitter=False, separateJitterEquadByFreq=True,
                    incEquad=incEquad, incJitter=False, incJitterEquad=incJitterEquad,
                    incGWB=False, nfreqs=50, ndmfreqs=50, Tmax=0,
                    incBWM=incBWM, compression='None', likfunc=likfunc)

if args.noisedir is None:
    noisedir = outdir + '/noisefiles/'
    noisedir = args.noisedir + '/'

for ct, p in enumerate(model.psr):
    d = np.genfromtxt(noisedir + + '_noise.txt', dtype='S42')
    pars = d[:,0]
    vals = np.array([float(d[ii,1]) for ii in range(d.shape[0])])
    sigs = [psig for psig in fullmodel['signals'] if psig['pulsarind'] == ct]
    sigs = PALutils.fixNoiseValues(sigs, vals, pars, bvary=False, verbose=False)

# turn red noise back on
if args.pipeline == 'BWM':
    print 'Turning on red noise and only fixing white noise'
    for sig in fullmodel['signals']:
        if sig['corr'] == 'single' and sig['stype'] == 'powerlaw':
            sig['bvary'][1] = True
            sig['bvary'][0] = True
model.initModel(fullmodel, memsave=True, fromFile=False, verbose=False, write='no')

# set initial parameters
p0 = model.initParameters(fixpstart=True, startEfacAtOne=False)

if args.pta in ['nanograv5', 'nanograv9']:
Beispiel #5
    def readPulsar(self, psr, psrname, start_time=None, end_time=None): = str(psrname)
        psr.base_ephem = str(
            self.getData(psrname, 'base_ephem', required=False))

        # Read the content of the par/tim files in a string
        psr.parfile_content = str(
            self.getData(psrname, 'parfile', required=False))
        psr.timfile_content = str(
            self.getData(psrname, 'timfile', required=False))

        # Read the timing model parameter descriptions
        psr.ptmdescription = map(str, self.getData(psrname, 'tmp_name'))
        psr.ptmpars = np.array(self.getData(psrname, 'tmp_valpost'))
        psr.ptmparerrs = np.array(self.getData(psrname, 'tmp_errpost'))
        psr.flags = np.array(
            map(str, self.getData(psrname, 'efacequad_freq', 'Flags')))
        psr.tobsflags = np.array(
            map(float, self.getData(psrname, 'tobs_all', 'Flags')))
            psr.bwflags = np.array(
                map(float, self.getData(psrname, 'bwflags', 'Flags')))
        except IOError:
            psr.bwflags = np.ones(len(psr.flags)) * 4.0

        psr.setptmdescription = map(str, self.getData(psrname, 'set_name'))
        psr.setptmpars = np.array(self.getData(psrname, 'set_valpost'))

        # add this for frequency dependent terms
        #TODO: should eventually change psr.flags to a dictionary
        psr.fflags = np.array(
            map(str, self.getData(psrname, 'efacequad_freq', 'Flags')))

        # Read the position of the pulsar
        rajind = np.flatnonzero(np.array(psr.setptmdescription) == 'RAJ')
        decjind = np.flatnonzero(np.array(psr.setptmdescription) == 'DECJ')

        # look for ecliptic coordinates
        if len(rajind) == 0 and len(decjind) == 0:
            #print 'Could not fine RAJ or DECJ. Looking for ecliptic coords...'
            elongind = np.flatnonzero(
                np.array(psr.setptmdescription) == 'ELONG')
            elatind = np.flatnonzero(np.array(psr.setptmdescription) == 'ELAT')
            elong = np.array(self.getData(psrname, 'set_valpost'))[elongind]
            elat = np.array(self.getData(psrname, 'set_valpost'))[elatind]

            # convert via pyephem
            #print elong, elat
                ec = pyephem.Ecliptic(elong, elat)

                # check for B name
                if 'B' in
                    epoch = '1950'
                    epoch = '2000'
                eq = pyephem.Equatorial(ec, epoch=epoch)
                psr.raj = np.double([eq.ra])
                psr.decj = np.double([eq.dec])
            except TypeError:
                print 'WARNING: Cannot find sky location coordinates.' \
                        'Setting to 0.'
                psr.raj = np.array([0.0])
                psr.decj = np.array([0.0])

            psr.raj = np.array(self.getData(psrname, 'set_valpost'))[rajind]
            psr.decj = np.array(self.getData(psrname, 'set_valpost'))[decjind]

        psr.theta = np.pi / 2 - psr.decj
        psr.phi = psr.raj

        # period of pulsar
        perind = np.flatnonzero(np.array(psr.ptmdescription) == 'F0')
        psr.period = 1 / np.array(self.getData(psrname, 'tmp_valpost'))[perind]

        # pulsar distance and uncertainty
        psr.pdist = np.double(self.getData(psrname, 'pdist'))
        psr.pdistErr = np.double(self.getData(psrname, 'pdistErr'))

        # ppdm
        psr.ppdm = np.array(self.getData(psrname, 'ppdm', 'Flags'))
        psr.ppdmerr = np.array(self.getData(psrname, 'ppdme', 'Flags'))
        if np.all(psr.ppdm != 0):
            dmin = psr.ppdmerr == 0
            psr.ppdmerr[dmin] = 1e10

        # Obtain residuals, TOAs, etc.
        psr.toas = np.array(self.getData(psrname, 'TOAs'))
        psr.toaerrs = np.array(self.getData(psrname, 'toaErr'))
        psr.residuals = np.array(self.getData(psrname, 'postfitRes'))
        psr.detresiduals = np.array(self.getData(psrname, 'postfitRes'))
        psr.freqs = np.array(self.getData(psrname, 'freq'))
        psr.Mmat = np.array(self.getData(psrname, 'designmatrix'))

        # filter data based on start and end times
        if start_time is not None or end_time is not None:
            if start_time is None:
                start_time = psr.toas.min() / 86400
            if end_time is None:
                end_time = psr.toas.max() / 86400
            print 'Filtering TOAs between {0} and {1} for PSR {2}'.format(
                start_time, end_time,
            ind = np.logical_and(psr.toas / 86400 >= start_time,
                                 psr.toas / 86400 <= end_time)
            psr.toas = psr.toas[ind]
            psr.toaerrs = psr.toaerrs[ind]
            psr.residuals = psr.residuals[ind]
            psr.detresiduals = psr.detresiduals[ind]
            psr.freqs = psr.freqs[ind]
            psr.flags = psr.flags[ind]
            psr.fflags = psr.fflags[ind]
            psr.tobsflags = psr.tobsflags[ind]
            psr.bwflags = psr.bwflags[ind]

            # design matrix
            print 'Design Matrix Shape pre-filter:', psr.Mmat.shape
            psr.Mmat = psr.Mmat[ind, :]
            dind = psr.Mmat.sum(axis=0) == 0
            psr.Mmat = psr.Mmat[:, ~dind]
            print 'Design Matrix Shape post-filter:', psr.Mmat.shape

            # fitted parameters
            psr.ptmdescription = list(np.array(psr.ptmdescription)[~dind])
            psr.ptmpars = psr.ptmpars[~dind]
            psr.ptmparerrs = psr.ptmparerrs[~dind]

        # get number of epochs (i.e 1 s window)
            (avetoas, aveflags,
             Umat) = PALutils.exploderMatrixNoSingles(psr.toas,
            psr.nepoch = len(avetoas)
        except IndexError:
Beispiel #6
    def readPulsar(self, psr, psrname, start_time=None, end_time=None): = str(psrname)

        # Read the content of the par/tim files in a string
        psr.parfile_content = str(self.getData(psrname, 'parfile', required=False))
        psr.timfile_content = str(self.getData(psrname, 'timfile', required=False))

        # Read the timing model parameter descriptions
        psr.ptmdescription = map(str, self.getData(psrname, 'tmp_name'))
        psr.ptmpars = np.array(self.getData(psrname, 'tmp_valpost'))
        psr.ptmparerrs = np.array(self.getData(psrname, 'tmp_errpost'))
        psr.flags = np.array(map(str, self.getData(psrname, 'efacequad_freq', 'Flags')))
        psr.tobsflags = np.array(map(float, self.getData(psrname, 'tobs_all', 'Flags')))
            psr.bwflags = np.array(map(float, self.getData(psrname, 'bwflags', 'Flags')))
        except IOError:
            psr.bwflags = np.ones(len(psr.flags)) * 4.0

        psr.setptmdescription = map(str, self.getData(psrname, 'set_name'))
        psr.setptmpars = np.array(self.getData(psrname, 'set_valpost'))

        # add this for frequency dependent terms
        #TODO: should eventually change psr.flags to a dictionary
        psr.fflags = np.array(map(str, self.getData(psrname, 'efacequad_freq', 'Flags')))

        # Read the position of the pulsar
        rajind = np.flatnonzero(np.array(psr.setptmdescription) == 'RAJ')
        decjind = np.flatnonzero(np.array(psr.setptmdescription) == 'DECJ')

        # look for ecliptic coordinates
        if len(rajind) == 0 and len(decjind) == 0:
            #print 'Could not fine RAJ or DECJ. Looking for ecliptic coords...'
            elongind = np.flatnonzero(np.array(psr.setptmdescription) == 'ELONG')
            elatind = np.flatnonzero(np.array(psr.setptmdescription) == 'ELAT')
            elong = np.array(self.getData(psrname, 'set_valpost'))[elongind]
            elat = np.array(self.getData(psrname, 'set_valpost'))[elatind]

            # convert via pyephem
            #print elong, elat
                ec = ephem.Ecliptic(elong, elat)
                # check for B name
                if 'B' in
                    epoch = '1950'
                    epoch = '2000'
                eq = ephem.Equatorial(ec, epoch=epoch)
                psr.raj = np.double([eq.ra])
                psr.decj = np.double([eq.dec])
            except TypeError:
                print 'WARNING: Cannot find sky location coordinates.' \
                        'Setting to 0.'
                psr.raj = np.array([0.0])
                psr.decj = np.array([0.0])

            psr.raj = np.array(self.getData(psrname, 'set_valpost'))[rajind]
            psr.decj = np.array(self.getData(psrname, 'set_valpost'))[decjind]

        psr.theta = np.pi/2 - psr.decj
        psr.phi = psr.raj
        # period of pulsar
        perind = np.flatnonzero(np.array(psr.ptmdescription) == 'F0')
        psr.period = 1/np.array(self.getData(psrname, 'tmp_valpost'))[perind]

        # pulsar distance and uncertainty
        psr.pdist = np.double(self.getData(psrname, 'pdist'))
        psr.pdistErr = np.double(self.getData(psrname, 'pdistErr'))

        # ppdm
        psr.ppdm = np.array(self.getData(psrname, 'ppdm', 'Flags'))
        psr.ppdmerr = np.array(self.getData(psrname, 'ppdme', 'Flags'))
        if np.all(psr.ppdm!=0):
            dmin = psr.ppdmerr == 0
            psr.ppdmerr[dmin] = np.min(psr.ppdmerr[~dmin])

        # Obtain residuals, TOAs, etc.
        psr.toas = np.array(self.getData(psrname, 'TOAs'))
        psr.toaerrs = np.array(self.getData(psrname, 'toaErr'))
        psr.residuals = np.array(self.getData(psrname, 'postfitRes'))
        psr.detresiduals = np.array(self.getData(psrname, 'postfitRes'))
        psr.freqs = np.array(self.getData(psrname, 'freq'))
        psr.Mmat = np.array(self.getData(psrname, 'designmatrix'))

        # filter data based on start and end times
        if start_time is not None or end_time is not None:
            if start_time is None:
                start_time = psr.toas.min()/86400
            if end_time is None:
                end_time = psr.toas.max()/86400
            print 'Filtering TOAs between {0} and {1} for PSR {2}'.format(
                start_time, end_time,
            ind = np.logical_and(psr.toas/86400>=start_time, psr.toas/86400<=end_time)
            psr.toas = psr.toas[ind]
            psr.toaerrs = psr.toaerrs[ind]
            psr.residuals = psr.residuals[ind]
            psr.detresiduals = psr.detresiduals[ind]
            psr.freqs = psr.freqs[ind]
            psr.flags = psr.flags[ind]
            psr.fflags = psr.fflags[ind]
            psr.tobsflags = psr.tobsflags[ind]
            psr.bwflags = psr.bwflags[ind]

            # design matrix
            print 'Design Matrix Shape pre-filter:', psr.Mmat.shape
            psr.Mmat = psr.Mmat[ind,:]
            dind = psr.Mmat.sum(axis=0) == 0
            psr.Mmat = psr.Mmat[:,~dind]
            print 'Design Matrix Shape post-filter:', psr.Mmat.shape

            # fitted parameters
            psr.ptmdescription = list(np.array(psr.ptmdescription)[~dind])
            psr.ptmpars = psr.ptmpars[~dind]
            psr.ptmparerrs = psr.ptmparerrs[~dind]

        # get number of epochs (i.e 1 s window)
            (avetoas, aveflags, Umat) = PALutils.exploderMatrixNoSingles(
                psr.toas, np.array(psr.flags), dt=1)
            psr.nepoch = len(avetoas)
        except IndexError:
Beispiel #7
    #for sig in fullmodel['signals']:
    #    if sig['stype'] == 'jitter_equad':
    #        if sig['flagvalue'] == 'J1741+1351-430_ASP':
    #            sig['bvary'][0] = False

    if args.fixNoise:
        noisedir = args.noisedir
        for ct, p in enumerate(model.psr):
            d = np.genfromtxt(noisedir + + '_noise.txt', dtype='S42')
            pars = d[:,0]
            vals = np.array([float(d[ii,1]) for ii in range(d.shape[0])])
            sigs = [psig for psig in fullmodel['signals'] if psig['pulsarind'] == ct]
            sigs = PALutils.fixNoiseValues(sigs, vals, pars, bvary=False, verbose=True)

    # turn red noise back on
    if args.fixNoise and args.fixWhite:
        print 'Turning on red noise and only fixing white noise'
        for sig in fullmodel['signals']:
            if sig['corr'] == 'single' and sig['stype'] == 'powerlaw':
                sig['bvary'][1] = True
                sig['bvary'][0] = True
    # write JSON file
    if not args.incTimingModel:
        model.writeModelToFile(fullmodel, args.outDir + '/model.json')

# check for single efacs