Beispiel #1
    def analyseTitDB(self, DB, col, names=None):
        """Extract titdb pKas"""
        import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

        nuclnames = {'1H NMR':'H','15N NMR':'N'}
        t = TitrationAnalyser()
        #extract reliable pkas from selected proteins
        #p = t.extractpKas(DB, col, names=names, titratable=False, reliable=False, minspan=0.06)
        t.compareNuclei(DB, '15N NMR', '1H NMR', names=names, titratable=True)

Beispiel #2
    def showAnalysis(self):
        """Analysis of current pKas"""
        from PEATDB.Ekin.Titration import TitrationAnalyser
        DB = self.DB = self.connect()
        t = TitrationAnalyser()

        print '<div class="main">'
        print '<p>Selected plots below reflect some of the analysis shown in the \
               <a href="%s/paper_2010.pdf"> original paper</a> updated for the current dataset. </p>' %self.bindir
        print '<a>The distributions shown are of the change in chemical shift over all\
                detected titrations. `Reliable` pKas are those associated with\
                the largest chemical shift changes in a titration curve and that meets the criteria defined in\
                the paper. We define primary pKa values simply as the subset of the reliable pKa values \
                that originate from titration curves with with only one titration.</a>'

        colnames = ['1H NMR','15N NMR','13C NMR']

        for col in colnames:
            p = t.extractpKas(DB,col,silent=True,minspan=0.06)
            print '<div>'
            print "<h2>%s: Distribution of &Delta;&delta; for fitted pKa values</h2>" %col
            img1 = t.analysepKas(p, silent=True, prefix=col, path=self.imagepath)
            print '<img src="%s/%s" align=center width=800 class="plot">' %(self.plotsdir, img1)
            print '</div>'

        #compare nuclei
        img2, img3 = t.compareNuclei(DB, '15N NMR', '1H NMR', titratable=False, silent=True, path=self.imagepath)
        print '<p>Below is an analysis of the correspondence between fitted pKas for 1H and 15N \
                where they are available for the same residue in the same protein. This is the same\
                plot as figure 4 in the original paper updated for the current dataset.\
                The plots are divided into reliable and other pKas for comparison.</p>'
        print '<div>'
        print '<center><img src="%s/%s" align=center width=600 class="plot"></center>' %(self.plotsdir, img2)
        print '</div>'
        print '<p>The same plot as above broken down by residue type and shown only for titratable\
        print '<div>'
        print '<center><img src="%s/%s" align=center width=600 class="plot"></center>' %(self.plotsdir, img3)
        print '</div>'
