def problem131():
	seen = 0
	for m in count(2):
		factors = set(factorize(m))
		n = m**3
		for k in range(0,n,product(factors)**2):
			if any( k % p != 0 for p in factors): continue
			if k % product(factors) != 0: print(k)
			if (n**3 - k**3) % n**2 == 0 and isPrime((n**3 - k**3) // n**2):
				p = (n**3 - k**3) // n**2
				if p > 10**6:
					return seen
				print(n, p, k)
				seen += 1
def problem231():
	n = 20000000
	c = 15000000
	total = 1
	for factor in genFactors(n):
		prod = product(factor)		
		if n - c < prod <= n:
			total += sum(factor)
		if 1<= prod <= c:
			total -= sum(factor)
	return total 
def problem108a():
    recordN = 10**9
    recordSolutions = 0
    for n in genProducts(10**6,[2,3,5,7,11,13,17,19,23,29,31,37,41,43,47,53,59]):
        n = product(n)
        if n > 10:          
            m = basicSolutions(n)
            #if m >= 1000 and n < recordN:
            if m > recordSolutions:
                recordN = n
                recordSolutions = m
def problem127():
    GOAL = 120000

    rad = {}  # rad[6] = {2,3}, radn[8] = {2}
    for primes in genFactors(GOAL):
        rad[product(primes)] = (set(primes), product(set(primes)))

    def relprime(s, t):
        return s & t == set()

    found = 0
    total = 0
    for b in range(1, GOAL):
        for a in range(1, min(b, GOAL - b)):
            c = a + b
            x, y, z = rad[a], rad[b], rad[c]
            if x[0] & y[0] != set():
            if x[1] * y[1] * z[1] < c:
                found += 1
                total += c
    return total
def problem108():
    def update(minimum, n=1, divs=1, index=0, power=50):
        # Worst than what we found so far or used up all the primes
        if n >= minimum or index >= len(primes):
            return minimum
        # We found n with enough divisors
        if divs >= 2*(4*10**6):
            return n
        # the current prime we are looking at
        p = primes[index]
        # All the possible powers
        for e in range(1, power+1):
            minimum = min(minimum, update(minimum, n * p**e, divs * (2*e+1), index+1, e))
        return minimum
    primes = primesUpTo(50)
    minimum = product(primes)        
    return update(minimum)
def problem108():
    for n in genProducts(10**6,[2,3,5,7,11,13,17,19,23,29,31,37,41,43,47,53,59]):
        if numberOfSolutions(product(n)) > 10**3:
            return product(n)
def divisors(n):
    if type(n) == type(0):
        return {product(a) for a in powerset(factorize(n))}
    if type(n) in [type(()), type(set())]:
        return {product(a) for a in powerset(n)}
A little observation shows us that 

(5k)! ≡g 5!^k * k!

So our function f(n) is defined recursively:
f(0) = 1
f(n = 5k + j) = g((5k + 1)(5k + 2)...(5k + j) * 12k * f(k))

def f(n):
	''' Returns the last 5 trailing non-zero digits of n!'''
    if n == 0:
        return 1
    r = product(5 * (n // 5) + i + 1 for i in range(n % 5))
    r *= pow(12, n // 5, 10 ** 5) * f(n // 5)
    while r % 10 == 0:
        r //= 10
    return r % 10 ** 5

def problem160():
    return f(10 ** 12)

from cProfile import run
if __name__ == "__main__":
    # run("problem160()")
    print(problem160() == 16576)
def PSR(primes):
    return max([product(c) for c in powerset(primes) if product(c) < product(primes) ** (1 / 2)])
def divisors(n):
    if type(n) == type(0):
        return {product(a) for a in powerset(factorize(n))}
    if type(n) in [type(()), type(set())]:
        return {product(a) for a in powerset(n)}