Beispiel #1
def generate_input(N):
    """Generate a PISM bootstrapping file for a neighborhood number N."""
    output_filename = options.output_file_prefix + "" % N
    pism_output_filename = options.output_file_prefix + "" % N
    nc = NC(output_filename, 'w')

    format_string = "{0:0%db}" % (M * M)
    string = format_string.format(N)

    x = np.linspace(-options.L * 1000, options.L * 1000, M)

    zeros = np.zeros((M, M))
    thk = np.zeros(M * M)

    topg = zeros.copy() - 0.1 * options.H
    topg[1, 1] = -options.H

    for j in range(M * M):
        if string[j] == '1':
            thk[j] = options.H

    nc.create_dimensions(x, x)
    nc.write("topg", topg, attrs={"units": "m", "long_name": "bed_topography"})
    nc.write("climatic_mass_balance", zeros, attrs={"units": "kg m-2 year-1"})
    nc.write("ice_surface_temp", zeros, attrs={"units": "Celsius"})
    nc.write("thk", thk.reshape(M, M),
             attrs={"units": "m", "long_name": "land_ice_thickness"})


    return output_filename, pism_output_filename
def create_output_file(filename, grid_size, start_year):
    "create the output file and set up the grid"

    zero = zeros((grid_size,grid_size))

        nc = NC(filename, 'a')
        return nc, zero

    nc = NC(filename, 'w')

    Lx = 750000
    Ly = 750000

    dx = 2 * Lx / grid_size
    dy = 2 * Ly / grid_size

    x_min = -Lx + 0.5 * dx
    x_max = Lx - 0.5 * dx

    y_min = -Ly + 0.5 * dy
    y_max = Ly - 0.5 * dy

    x = linspace(x_min, x_max, grid_size)
    y = linspace(y_min, y_max, grid_size)

    nc.create_dimensions(x, y, time_dependent = True,
                         use_time_bounds = True)

    nc.variables['time'].units = "days since %d-1-1" % (start_year)
    nc.variables['time'].calendar = "gregorian"

    return nc, zero
Beispiel #3
def generate_input(N):
    """Generate a PISM bootstrapping file for a neighborhood number N."""
    output_filename = options.output_file_prefix + "" % N
    pism_output_filename = options.output_file_prefix + "" % N
    nc = NC(output_filename, 'w')

    format_string = "{0:0%db}" % (M * M)
    string = format_string.format(N)

    x = np.linspace(-options.L * 1000, options.L * 1000, M)

    zeros = np.zeros((M, M))
    thk = np.zeros(M * M)

    topg = zeros.copy() - 0.1 * options.H
    topg[1, 1] = -options.H

    for j in range(M * M):
        if string[j] == '1':
            thk[j] = options.H

    nc.create_dimensions(x, x)
    nc.write("topg", topg, attrs={"units": "m", "long_name": "bed_topography"})
    nc.write("climatic_mass_balance", zeros, attrs={"units": "kg m-2 year-1"})
    nc.write("ice_surface_temp", zeros, attrs={"units": "Celsius"})
             thk.reshape(M, M),
                 "units": "m",
                 "long_name": "land_ice_thickness"


    return output_filename, pism_output_filename
Beispiel #4
def generate_pism_input(x, y, xx, yy):
    stderr.write("calling exactP_list() ...\n")

    EPS_ABS = 1.0e-12
    EPS_REL = 1.0e-15

    # Wrapping r[:]['r'] in np.array() forces NumPy to make a C-contiguous copy.
    h_r, magvb_r, _, W_r, P_r = exactP_list(np.array(r[:]['r']), EPS_ABS, EPS_REL, 1)

    stderr.write("creating gridded variables ...\n")
    # put on grid
    h = np.zeros_like(xx)
    W = np.zeros_like(xx)
    P = np.zeros_like(xx)

    magvb = np.zeros_like(xx)
    ussa = np.zeros_like(xx)
    vssa = np.zeros_like(xx)

    for n, pt in enumerate(r):
        j = pt['j']
        k = pt['k']
        h[j, k] = h_r[n]         # ice thickness in m
        magvb[j, k] = magvb_r[n]  # sliding speed in m s-1
        ussa[j, k], vssa[j, k] = radially_outward(magvb[j, k], xx[j, k], yy[j, k])
        W[j, k] = W_r[n]         # water thickness in m
        P[j, k] = P_r[n]         # water pressure in Pa

    stderr.write("creating ...\n")

    nc = PISMDataset("", 'w')
    nc.create_dimensions(x, y, time_dependent=True, use_time_bounds=True)

    nc.define_2d_field("thk", time_dependent=False,
                       attrs={"long_name": "ice thickness",
                              "units": "m",
                              "valid_min": 0.0,
                              "standard_name": "land_ice_thickness"})
    nc.define_2d_field("topg", time_dependent=False,
                       attrs={"long_name": "bedrock topography",
                              "units": "m",
                              "standard_name": "bedrock_altitude"})
    nc.define_2d_field("climatic_mass_balance", time_dependent=False,
                       attrs={"long_name": "climatic mass balance for -surface given",
                              "units": "kg m-2 year-1",
                              "standard_name": "land_ice_surface_specific_mass_balance"})
    nc.define_2d_field("ice_surface_temp", time_dependent=False,
                       attrs={"long_name": "ice surface temp (K) for -surface given",
                              "units": "Kelvin",
                              "valid_min": 0.0})
    nc.define_2d_field("bmelt", time_dependent=False,
                       attrs={"long_name": "basal melt rate",
                              "units": "m year-1",
                              "standard_name": "land_ice_basal_melt_rate"})

    nc.define_2d_field("bwat", time_dependent=False,
                       attrs={"long_name": "thickness of basal water layer",
                              "units": "m",
                              "valid_min": 0.0})
    nc.define_2d_field("bwp", time_dependent=False,
                       attrs={"long_name": "water pressure in basal water layer",
                              "units": "Pa",
                              "valid_min": 0.0})

    nc.define_2d_field("bc_mask", time_dependent=False,
                       attrs={"long_name": "if =1, apply u_ssa_bc and v_ssa_bc as sliding velocity"})
    nc.define_2d_field("u_ssa_bc", time_dependent=False,
                       attrs={"long_name": "x-component of prescribed sliding velocity",
                              "units": "m s-1"})
    nc.define_2d_field("v_ssa_bc", time_dependent=False,
                       attrs={"long_name": "y-component of prescribed sliding velocity",
                              "units": "m s-1"})

    Phi0 = 0.20                           # 20 cm/year basal melt rate
    T_surface = 260                       # ice surface temperature, K

    variables = {"topg": np.zeros_like(xx),
                 "climatic_mass_balance": np.zeros_like(xx),
                 "ice_surface_temp": np.ones_like(xx) + T_surface,
                 "bmelt": np.zeros_like(xx) + Phi0,
                 "thk": h,
                 "bwat": W,
                 "bwp": P,
                 "bc_mask": np.ones_like(xx),
                 "u_ssa_bc": ussa,
                 "v_ssa_bc": vssa}

    for name in variables.keys():
        nc.write(name, variables[name])

    nc.history = subprocess.list2cmdline(argv)
    stderr.write("NetCDF file %s written\n" % "")
Beispiel #5
bc_mask[thk > 0] = 1

# make the bed deep everywhere except in icy areas, where it is barely
# grounded
z = np.zeros_like(xx) - 1000.0
z[thk > 0] = -(910.0 / 1028.0) * 100.0 + 1

# Velocity Dirichlet B.C.:
ubar = np.zeros_like(thk)
vbar = np.zeros_like(thk)
vbar[bc_mask == 1] = 100.0

    nc = NC(options.output, 'w')

    nc.create_dimensions(x, y, time_dependent=False)

                           "units": "m",
                           "long_name": "bedrock topography"
                           "units": "m",
                           "long_name": "ice thickness"

                       attrs={"units": "kg m-2 year-1"})
    nc.define_2d_field("ice_surface_temp", attrs={"units": "Celsius"})
Beispiel #6
bc_mask[thk > 0] = 1

# make the bed deep everywhere except in icy areas, where it is barely
# grounded
z = np.zeros_like(xx) - 1000.0
z[thk > 0] = -(910.0 / 1028.0) * 100.0 + 1

# Velocity Dirichlet B.C.:
ubar = np.zeros_like(thk)
vbar = np.zeros_like(thk)
vbar[bc_mask == 1] = 100.0

    nc = NC(options.output, 'w')

    nc.create_dimensions(x, y, time_dependent=False)

    nc.define_2d_field("topg", attrs={"units": "m",
                                      "long_name": "bedrock topography"})
    nc.define_2d_field("thk", attrs={"units": "m",
                                     "long_name": "ice thickness"})

    nc.define_2d_field("climatic_mass_balance", attrs={"units": "kg m-2 year-1"})
    nc.define_2d_field("ice_surface_temp", attrs={"units": "Celsius"})

    nc.define_2d_field("u_ssa_bc", attrs={"units": "m/year"})
    nc.define_2d_field("v_ssa_bc", attrs={"units": "m/year"})
    nc = NC(options.output, 'a')

nc.write("topg", z)
Beispiel #7

def get(name):
    global innc
    return np.squeeze(innc.variables[name][:])

x = get('x')
y = get('y')
bmelt = get('basal_melt_rate_grounded')
Mx = len(x)
My = len(y)
zero = np.zeros((My, Mx))

nc.create_dimensions(x, y, time_dependent=True, use_time_bounds=True)

def drainage(t):
    """time-dependence of bogus summer runoff event in m/a: a positive wavepacket"""
    return np.exp(-(t - 180.0) ** 2 / 80.0) * 20.0 * (np.cos(0.2 * t * 2 * 3.14159) + 1.0)

year = 2012
nc.variables['time'].units = "days since %d-1-1" % (year)

# generate space-time bogus summer runoff event; mask where bmelt > 0
for a in range(1, 366):
    nc.append_time(a, (a, a + 1))
    inputthisday = (zero + drainage(np.double(a))) * (bmelt > 0)
    nc.write("inputtobed", inputthisday, True)
Beispiel #8

def get(name):
    global innc
    return np.squeeze(innc.variables[name][:])

x = get('x')
y = get('y')
bmelt = get('basal_melt_rate_grounded')
Mx = len(x)
My = len(y)
zero = np.zeros((My, Mx))

nc.create_dimensions(x, y, time_dependent=True, use_time_bounds=True)

def drainage(t):
    """time-dependence of bogus summer runoff event in m/a: a positive wavepacket"""
    return np.exp(
        -(t - 180.0)**2 / 80.0) * 20.0 * (np.cos(0.2 * t * 2 * 3.14159) + 1.0)

year = 2012
nc.variables['time'].units = "days since %d-1-1" % (year)

# generate space-time bogus summer runoff event; mask where bmelt > 0
for a in range(1, 366):
    nc.append_time(a, (a, a + 1))
    inputthisday = (zero + drainage(np.double(a))) * (bmelt > 0)
Beispiel #9
            return nearest.sum() / nearest.size

        return fill_value

    for j in xrange(1,shape[0]-1):
        for i in xrange(1,shape[1]-1):
            if data[j,i] == fill_value:
                data[j,i] = fix_a_hole(i, j)


x = np.linspace(-890500., 1720500., shape[1])
y = np.linspace(-628500., -3410500., shape[0])

nc = NC("", 'w')
nc.create_dimensions(x, y)
nc.define_2d_field("usurf", time_dependent = False, nc_type='i',
                   attrs = {"long_name"   : "upper surface elevation DEM",
                            "comment"     : "Downloaded from %s" % (ftp_url),
                            "units"       : "cm",
                            "valid_min"   : 0.0,
                            "mapping"     : "mapping",
                            "_FillValue"   : -1})
nc.write_2d_field("usurf", usurf)

nc.define_2d_field("dist", time_dependent = False, nc_type='i',
                   attrs = {"long_name"   : "Mean distance from contributing GLAS data for each grid cell",
                            "comment"     : "Downloaded from %s" % (ftp_url),
                            "units"       : "mm",
                            "valid_min"   : 0.0,
                            "mapping"     : "mapping"})
Beispiel #10
def vel_mosaic2netcdf(filename_base, output_filename):
    files = []
    for (short_name, long_name) in [("vx", "ice surface velocity in the X direction"),
                                    ("vy", "ice surface velocity in the Y direction"),
                                     "error estimates for the X-component of the ice surface velocity"),
                                     "error estimates for the Y-component of the ice surface velocity"),

            os.stat(filename_base + "." + short_name)
            entry = ("%s.%s" %(filename_base,short_name), short_name, long_name)
            print "Missing %s.%s. If this file ends with ex or ey the script will work just fine" %(filename_base, short_name)

    grid = np.loadtxt(filename_base + ".vx.geodat", skiprows=1, comments="&")
    shape = (int(grid[0,1]), int(grid[0,0]))
    x0 = grid[2,0] * 1e3
    y0 = grid[2,1] * 1e3
    dx = grid[1,0]
    dy = grid[1,1]
    x1 = x0 + (shape[1] - 1) * dx
    y1 = y0 + (shape[0] - 1) * dx
    x = np.linspace(x0, x1, shape[1])
    y = np.linspace(y0, y1, shape[0])
    nc = NC("" % output_filename, 'w')
    nc.create_dimensions(x, y)
    for (filename, short_name, long_name) in files:
        nc.define_2d_field(short_name, time_dependent = False, nc_type='f4',
                           attrs = {"long_name"   : long_name,
                                    "comment"     : "Downloaded from %s" % (ftp_url + filename),
                                    "units"       : "m / year",
                                    "mapping"     : "mapping",
                                    "_FillValue"  : -2e+9})
        var = np.fromfile(filename, dtype=">f4", count=-1)
        nc.write_2d_field(short_name, var)
    # Add a mask that shows where observations are present 
    if options.add_mask == True:
        nc.define_2d_field("vel_surface_mask", time_dependent = False, nc_type='i',
                           attrs = {"long_name"   : "Mask observations; 1 where surface vel. available",
                                    "comment"     : "Used as vel_misfit_weight in inversion for tauc",
                                    "units"       : "",
                                    "mapping"     : "mapping",
                                    "_FillValue"  : 0})
        var = np.fromfile(filename_base + ".vx", dtype=">f4", count=-1)
        mask = var/var
        mask[var == -2e9] = 0.
        nc.write_2d_field("vel_surface_mask", mask)

    mapping = nc.createVariable("mapping", 'c')
    mapping.grid_mapping_name = "polar_stereographic"
    mapping.standard_parallel = 70.0
    mapping.latitude_of_projection_origin = 90.0
    mapping.straight_vertical_longitude_from_pole = -45.0
    mapping.ellipsoid = "WGS84"
    nc.Conventions = "CF-1.4"
    nc.projection = "+proj=stere +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +lon_0=-45 +lat_0=90 +lat_ts=70 +units=m"
    nc.reference  = "Joughin, I., B. Smith, I. Howat, and T. Scambos. 2010. MEaSUREs Greenland Ice Velocity Map from InSAR Data. Boulder, Colorado, USA: National Snow and Ice Data Center. Digital media."
    nc.title      = "MEaSUREs Greenland Ice Velocity Map from InSAR Data"
    from time import asctime
    import sys
    separator = ' '
    historystr = "%s: %s\n" % (asctime(), separator.join(sys.argv))
    nc.history = historystr
Beispiel #11
x = np.linspace(0, options.length, options.Mx)
y = x[0:3] - x[1]

xx, yy = np.meshgrid(x, y)

zeros = np.zeros((My, options.Mx))
topg = (0.5 * options.length - xx) * bed_slope

thk = zeros.copy()
thk[topg > 200] = ice_thickness

v = zeros.copy()
u = zeros.copy() + U

nc.create_dimensions(x, y)
nc.write("topg", topg, attrs={"units": "m", "long_name": "bed_topography"})
nc.write("climatic_mass_balance", zeros, attrs={"units": "kg m-2 year-1"})
nc.write("ice_surface_temp", zeros, attrs={"units": "Celsius"})
             "units": "m",
             "standard_name": "land_ice_thickness"
             "units": "m/year",
             "long_name": "x-component of velocity"
Beispiel #12
def grid2netcdf(filename_base, output_filename):
    print "Reading txt files with data ..."
    x, y, topg, fill_value = readComposite("%sbottom.txt" % filename_base)
    x, y, thk, fill_value = readComposite("%sthickness.txt" % filename_base)
    x, y, usurf, fill_value = readComposite("%ssurface.txt" % filename_base)

    nc = NC("" % output_filename, "w")
    nc.create_dimensions(x, y)

    names = []
    for (short_name, long_name) in [
        ("topg", "bedrock surface elevation"),
        ("thk", "land ice thickness"),
        ("usurf", "ice upper surface elevation"),
        entry = (short_name, long_name)

    var = [topg, thk, usurf]
    for i, (short_name, long_name) in enumerate(names):
                "long_name": long_name,
                "comment": "Downloaded from",
                "units": "m",
                "mapping": "mapping",
                "_FillValue": fill_value,

        nc.write_2d_field(short_name, var[i])

    # Add a mask that shows where observations are present
            "long_name": "Mask observations; 1 where observations available",
            "units": "",
            "mapping": "mapping",
            "_FillValue": 0,
    mask = np.ones(thk.shape)
    mask[thk == fill_value] = 0.0
    nc.write_2d_field("obs_mask", mask)

    mapping = nc.createVariable("mapping", "c")
    mapping.grid_mapping_name = "polar_stereographic"
    mapping.standard_parallel = 70.0
    mapping.latitude_of_projection_origin = 90.0
    mapping.straight_vertical_longitude_from_pole = -45.0
    mapping.ellipsoid = "WGS84"

    nc.Conventions = "CF-1.4"
    nc.projection = "+proj=stere +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +lon_0=-45 +lat_0=90 +lat_ts=70 +units=m"
    nc.reference = "Gogineni, Prasad. 2012. CReSIS Radar Depth Sounder Data, Lawrence, Kansas, USA. Digital Media."
    nc.title = "CReSIS Gridded Depth Sounder Data for Jakobshavn, Greenland"
    nc.acknowledgement = "We acknowledge the use of data and/or data products from CReSIS generated with support from NSF grant ANT-0424589 and NASA grant NNX10AT68G"

    from time import asctime
    import sys

    separator = " "
    historystr = "%s: %s\n" % (asctime(), separator.join(sys.argv))
    nc.history = historystr
    print "Done writing ..." % output_filename


    # Run nc2cdo to add lat/lon
    print "Adding lat/lon by running ..."
    os.system("" % output_filename)