Beispiel #1
def q_profile(X, Q, fig=None, ax=None, plot_params={}):
    Plots a flux profile on an existing figure.

    X : 1D array
        Space position array.
    Q : 1D array
        Pore pressure in space array, should be dimension of X -1.
    fig : matplotlib figure object (default to None)
        Figure where to plot the profile. If not specified, takes output of
        plt.gcf(): current active figure.
    ax : matplotlib axes object (default to None)
        Axes where to plot the profile. If not specified, takes output of
        plt.gca(): current active axes.
    params : dictionnary (default is {}, empty dic.)
        a dictionnary of plotting parameters. Implemented:
        line color (any matplotlib ways of indicating color, default 'q_lc' :
        'aquamarine'), line width (default 'q_lw' : 1.5), zorder (default
        'q_zorder' : 10, over everything).

    q_line : matplotlib line object
        Line object for the flux profile.
    # As a function of input, point to correct objects for figure and axis
    # --------------------------------------------------------------------
    if fig is None:
        fig = plt.gcf()

    if ax is None:
        ax = plt.gca()

    # Check which parameters are default and which are defined by user
    # ----------------------------------------------------------------
    needed_params = ['q_lc', 'q_zorder', 'q_lw']
    plot_params = set_plot_params(plot_params, needed_params)

    # Plot massic flux profile
    # ------------------------
    Xq = (X[1:] + X[:-1])/2  # Q is defined in between pressure points
    q_line = ax.plot(Xq, Q,
                     lw=plot_params['q_lw'], c=plot_params['q_lc'],
                     label='Massic flux')
    ax.set_ylabel('Massic flux', color=plot_params['q_lc'])
    ax.set_xlabel('<-- Downdip X Updip -->')

    ax.set_ylim((0-0.1*np.max(Q), np.max(Q)*1.1))

    return q_line
Beispiel #2
def pp_profile(X, P, fig=None, ax=None, plot_params={}):
    Plots a pore pressure profile on an existing figure.

    X : 1D array
        Space position array.
    P : 1D array
        Pore pressure in space array, same dimension as X.
    fig : matplotlib figure object (default to None)
        Figure where to plot the profile. If not specified, takes output of
        plt.gcf(): current active figure.
    ax : matplotlib axes object (default to None)
        Axes where to plot the valves. If not specified, takes output of
        plt.gca(): current active axes.
    params : dictionnary (default is {}, empty dic.)
        a dictionnary of plotting parameters. Implemented:
        line color (any matplotlib ways of indicating color, default 'pp_lc' :
        'teal'), line width (default 'pp_lw' : 1.5), zorder (default
        'pp_zorder' : 10, over everything).

    pp_line : matplotlib line object
        Line object for the pore pressure profile.
    # As a function of input, point to correct objects for figure and axis
    # --------------------------------------------------------------------
    if fig is None:
        fig = plt.gcf()

    if ax is None:
        ax = plt.gca()

    # Check which parameters are default and which are defined by user
    # ----------------------------------------------------------------
    needed_params = ['pp_lc', 'pp_zorder', 'pp_lw']
    plot_params = set_plot_params(plot_params, needed_params)

    # Plot pore pressure profile
    # --------------------------
    pp_line = ax.plot(X, P,
                      lw=plot_params['pp_lw'], c=plot_params['pp_lc'],
                      label='Pore pressure')
    ax.set_ylabel('Pore pressure', color=plot_params['pp_lc'])
    ax.set_xlabel('<-- Downdip X Updip -->')

    return pp_line
Beispiel #3
def mass_balance(T, deltaM, tlim=None, plot_params={}, fig=None, ax=None):
    Plots mass balance in time.

    T : 1D array
        Array of times, dimension is N_times.
    deltaM : 1D array
        Array of mass balance in time, dimension is N_times.
    tlim : tuple (default `None`)
        Option to plot in between specific time limits, specified as a tuple.
    plot_params : dictionnary (default is {}, empty dic.)
        A dictionnary of plotting parameters. Implemented:
        linecolor (any matplotlib ways of indicating color) default = 'mass_lc'
        : 'darkturquoise')
    fig : matplotlib figure object (default to None)
        Figure where to plot the valves. If not specified, takes output of
        plt.gcf(): current active figure.
    ax : matplotlib axes object (default to None)
        Axes where to plot the valves. If not specified, takes output of
        plt.gca(): current active axes.

    fig : figure object from matplotlib.
        The figure created in this function.
    ax : ax object from matplotlib.
        The axis created in this function.
    g_objs : line object from matplotlib
        The line object created in this function.
    # Define plot time window
    # -----------------------
    if tlim is not None:
        t_win = (tlim[0] < T) & (T < tlim[1])
        T = T[t_win]
        deltaM = deltaM[t_win]

    if len(T) > 1e4:

    # As a function of input, point to correct objects for figure and axis
    # --------------------------------------------------------------------
    if fig is None:
        fig = plt.gcf()

    if ax is None:
        ax = plt.gca()

    # Check which parameters are default and which are defined by user
    # ----------------------------------------------------------------
    needed_params = ['mass_lc']
    plot_params = set_plot_params(plot_params, needed_params)

    # Plot
    # ----
    mass_b_l, = ax.plot(T, deltaM, ls='-', lw=1.5, c=plot_params['mass_lc'],

    if tlim is not None:

    # Labels and title
    # ----------------
    ax.set_title("Mass balance in the system")
    ax.set_xlabel("Time (scaled)")
    ax.set_ylabel(r"$\delta M$ (scaled)", c=plot_params['mass_lc'])

    g_objs = mass_b_l

    return fig, ax, g_objs
Beispiel #4
def perm_eq(T, k_eq, k_ref=None, smoothed=None, tlim=None, log=True, plot_params={}, fig=None, ax=None):
    Plots equivalent permeability in time.

    T : 1D array
        Array of times, dimension is N_times.
    k_eq : 1D array
        Array of equivalent permeability in time, dimension is N_times.
    k_ref : tuple (default `None`)
        Option to plot background and fully closed equivalent permeability.
    smoothed : 1D array(default `None`)
        Smoothed variable, same size as the main variable.
    tlim : tuple (default `None`)
        Option to plot in between specific time limits, specified as a tuple.
    log : bool (default=`True`)
        Option to have the y-axis (permeability) in log-scale. Set to
        logarithmic (`True`) by default, to linear otherwise.
    plot_params : dictionnary (default is {}, empty dic.)
        A dictionnary of plotting parameters. Implemented:
        linecolor (any matplotlib ways of indicating color) default = 'k_eq_lc'
        : 'darkturquoise')
    fig : matplotlib figure object (default to None)
        Figure where to plot the valves. If not specified, takes output of
        plt.gcf(): current active figure.
    ax : matplotlib axes object (default to None)
        Axes where to plot the valves. If not specified, takes output of
        plt.gca(): current active axes.

    fig : figure object from matplotlib.
        The figure created in this function.
    ax : ax object from matplotlib.
        The axis created in this function.
    g_objs : line object from matplotlib
        The line object created in this function.
    # Define plot time window
    # -----------------------
    if tlim is not None:
        t_win = (tlim[0] < T) & (T < tlim[1])
        T = T[t_win]
        k_eq = k_eq[t_win]
        if smoothed is not None:
            smoothed = smoothed[t_win]

    if len(T) > 1e4:
        rasterize = True
        rasterize = False

    # As a function of input, point to correct objects for figure and axis
    # --------------------------------------------------------------------
    if fig is None:
        fig = plt.gcf()

    if ax is None:
        ax = plt.gca()

    # Check which parameters are default and which are defined by user
    # ----------------------------------------------------------------
    needed_params = ['k_eq_lc']
    plot_params = set_plot_params(plot_params, needed_params)

    # Plot
    # ----
    if smoothed is not None:
        k_eq_l, = ax.plot(T, k_eq, ls='-', lw=0.7, c='.8',
                          rasterized=rasterize, zorder=1)
        smoothed_l, = ax.plot(T, smoothed, ls='-', lw=1.5, zorder=1,
                              c=plot_params['k_eq_lc'], rasterized=rasterize)
        k_eq_l, = ax.plot(T, k_eq, ls='-', lw=1.5, c=plot_params['k_eq_lc'],

    if k_ref is not None:
        ax.axhline(k_ref[0], ls=':', c='k', lw=1)
        ax.axhline(k_ref[1], ls=':', c='k', lw=1)

    if log:

    if tlim is not None:

    # Labels and title
    # ----------------
    ax.set_title("System's equivalent permeability in time")
    ax.set_xlabel("Time (scaled)")
    ax.set_ylabel(r"$k_{eq}$ ($m^2$)", c=plot_params['k_eq_lc'])

    if smoothed is not None:
        g_objs = [k_eq_l, smoothed_l]
        g_objs = [k_eq_l]

    return fig, ax, g_objs
Beispiel #5
def activity_rate(rate_time, rate, tlim=None, plot_params={}, smoothed=None, fig=None, ax=None):
    Plots activity rate in time.

    rate_time : 1D array
        Array of times for which the activity rate is computed, dimension is
    rate : 1D array
        Array of activity rate in time, dimension is N_times.
    tlim : tuple (default `None`)
        Option to plot in between specific time limits, specified as a tuple.
    plot_params : dictionnary (default is {}, empty dic.)
        A dictionnary of plotting parameters. Implemented:
        linecolor (any matplotlib ways of indicating color) default = 'k_eq_lc'
        : 'darkturquoise')
    smoothed : 1D array(default `None`)
        Smoothed variable, same size as the main variable.
    fig : matplotlib figure object (default to None)
        Figure where to plot the valves. If not specified, takes output of
        plt.gcf(): current active figure.
    ax : matplotlib axes object (default to None)
        Axes where to plot the valves. If not specified, takes output of
        plt.gca(): current active axes.

    fig : figure object from matplotlib.
        The figure created in this function.
    ax : ax object from matplotlib.
        The axis created in this function.
    g_objs : line object from matplotlib
        The line object created in this function.
    # Define plot time window
    # -----------------------
    if tlim is not None:
        t_win = (tlim[0] < rate_time) & (rate_time < tlim[1])
        rate_time = rate_time[t_win]
        rate = rate[t_win]
        if smoothed:
            smoothed = smoothed[t_win]

    if len(rate_time) > 1e4:
        rasterize = True
        rasterize = False

    # As a function of input, point to correct objects for figure and axis
    # --------------------------------------------------------------------
    if fig is None:
        fig = plt.gcf()

    if ax is None:
        ax = plt.gca()

    # Check which parameters are default and which are defined by user
    # ----------------------------------------------------------------
    needed_params = ['act_lc']
    plot_params = set_plot_params(plot_params, needed_params)

    # Plot
    # ----
    if smoothed is not None:

        act_r_l, = ax.plot(rate_time, rate, ls='-', lw=.7, c='.8',
                           rasterized=rasterize, zorder=0)
        smoothed_l, = ax.plot(rate_time, smoothed, ls='-', lw=1.5, zorder=1,
                             c=plot_params['act_lc'], rasterized=rasterize)
        act_r_l, = ax.plot(rate_time, rate, ls='-', lw=1.5, c=plot_params['act_lc'],

    if tlim is not None:

    # Labels and title
    # ----------------
    ax.set_title("Activity rate in time")
    ax.set_xlabel("Time (scaled)")
    ax.set_ylabel(r"Activity rate", c=plot_params['act_lc'])

    g_objs = act_r_l
    if smoothed is not None:
        g_objs = [act_r_l, smoothed_l]

    return fig, ax, g_objs
Beispiel #6
def activity_dip(event_t, event_x, tlim=None, plot_params={}, fig=None, ax=None):
    Plots activity across dip in time.

    event_t : 1D array
        Array of event times, dimension is N_event.
    event_x : 1D array
        Array of event locations, dimension is N_event.
    tlim : tuple (default `None`)
        Option to plot in between specific time limits, specified as a tuple.
    plot_params : dictionnary (default is {}, empty dic.)
        A dictionnary of plotting parameters. Implemented:
        linecolor (any matplotlib ways of indicating color) default = 'act_lc'
        : 'k')
    fig : matplotlib figure object (default to None)
        Figure where to plot the valves. If not specified, takes output of
        plt.gcf(): current active figure.
    ax : matplotlib axes object (default to None)
        Axes where to plot the valves. If not specified, takes output of
        plt.gca(): current active axes.

    fig : figure object from matplotlib.
        The figure created in this function.
    ax : ax object from matplotlib.
        The axis created in this function.
    g_objs : line object from matplotlib
        The line object created in this function.
    # Define plot time window
    # -----------------------
    if tlim is not None:
        t_win = (tlim[0] < event_t) & (event_t < tlim[1])
        event_t = event_t[t_win]
        event_x = event_x[t_win]

    if len(event_t) > 1e3:

    # As a function of input, point to correct objects for figure and axis
    # --------------------------------------------------------------------
    if fig is None:
        fig = plt.gcf()

    if ax is None:
        ax = plt.gca()

    # Check which parameters are default and which are defined by user
    # ----------------------------------------------------------------
    needed_params = ['act_lc']
    plot_params = set_plot_params(plot_params, needed_params)

    # Plot the events
    # ---------------
    ev_l, = ax.plot(event_t, event_x, 'o', c=plot_params['act_lc'], ms=1,

    if tlim is not None:

    # Set labels and title
    # --------------------
    ax.set_title("Activity across dip in time")
    ax.set_xlabel("Time (scaled)")
    ax.set_ylabel("Along-dip X (scaled)", c=plot_params['act_lc'])


    g_objs = ev_l

    return fig, ax, g_objs
Beispiel #7
def recurrence(event_t, rec, log=True, tlim=None, plot_params={}, fig=None, ax=None):
    Plots events recurrence interval in time.

    event_t : 1D array
        Array of event times, dimension is N_ev, the recurrence intervals are
        counted at each events, for the next interval: last event is excluded.
    rec : 1D array
        Array of events recurrence interval, time before the next event.
        Dimension is N_ev - 1
    log : bool (default=`True`)
        Option to have the y-axis (recurrence intervals) in log scale. Set to
        logarithmic (`True`) by default, to linear otherwise.
    tlim : tuple (default `None`)
        Option to plot in between specific time limits, specified as a tuple.
    plot_params : dictionnary (default is {}, empty dic.)
        A dictionnary of plotting parameters. Implemented:
        linecolor (any matplotlib ways of indicating color) default = 'act_lc'
        : 'k')
    fig : matplotlib figure object (default to None)
        Figure where to plot the valves. If not specified, takes output of
        plt.gcf(): current active figure.
    ax : matplotlib axes object (default to None)
        Axes where to plot the valves. If not specified, takes output of
        plt.gca(): current active axes.

    fig : figure object from matplotlib.
        The figure created in this function.
    ax : ax object from matplotlib.
        The axis created in this function.
    g_objs : line object from matplotlib
        The line object created in this function.
    # Define plot time window
    # -----------------------
    event_t = event_t[:-1]  # time before next event, exclude last
    if tlim is not None:
        t_win = (tlim[0] < event_t) & (event_t < tlim[1])
        event_t = event_t[t_win]
        rec = rec[t_win]

    if len(event_t) > 1e4:

    # As a function of input, point to correct objects for figure and axis
    # --------------------------------------------------------------------
    if fig is None:
        fig = plt.gcf()

    if ax is None:
        ax = plt.gca()

    # Check which parameters are default and which are defined by user
    # ----------------------------------------------------------------
    needed_params = ['act_lc']
    plot_params = set_plot_params(plot_params, needed_params)

    # Plot the events
    # ---------------
    ev_l, = ax.plot(event_t, rec, 'o', c=plot_params['act_lc'], ms=1,
    if log:

    if tlim is not None:

    # Set labels and title
    # --------------------
    ax.set_title("Events recurrence interval (time before next event)")
    ax.set_xlabel("Time (scaled)")
    ax.set_ylabel("Rec. interval (scaled)", c=plot_params['act_lc'])


    g_objs = ev_l

    return fig, ax, g_objs
Beispiel #8
def bound_gauge(bound, VALVES, PARAM, fig=None, ax=None, plot_params={}):
    Plots a gauge to compare the critical opening and closing flux (or dP)
    to the boundary conditions of the system.

    bound : str
        Information about the type of boundary condition.
    VALVES : dictionnary
        Valve parameters dictionnary.
    PARAM : dictionnary
        Dictionnary of physical parameters set for the system.
    fig : matplotlib figure object (default to None)
        Figure where to plot the valves. If not specified, takes output of
        plt.gcf(): current active figure.
    ax : matplotlib axes object (default to None)
        Axes where to plot the valves. If not specified, takes output of
        plt.gca(): current active axes.
    plot_params : dictionnary (default is {}, empty dic.)
        A dictionnary of plotting parameters.

    ax : axis object from matplotlib.
        The axis created in this function.
    g_objs : list
        List of graphical objects created by this function.
    # As a function of input, point to correct objects for figure and axis
    # --------------------------------------------------------------------
    if fig is None:
        fig = plt.gcf()

    if ax is None:
        ax = plt.gca()

    # Get parameters of interest
    # --------------------------
    needed_params = ['v_cl_fc', 'v_op_fc', 'q_lc', 'pp_lc']
    plot_params = set_plot_params(plot_params, needed_params)

    # Compute critical thresholds
    # ---------------------------
    if bound == 'q':
        bound = 'flux'
        bound_value = PARAM['qin_']
        v_op_crit = equi.calc_q_crit(0, VALVES, PARAM, event='opening')
        v_cl_crit = equi.calc_q_crit(0, VALVES, PARAM, event='closing')
        bound_value_c = plot_params['q_lc']

    elif bound == 'p':
        bound = 'pressure'
        bound_value = PARAM['p0_']
        v_op_crit = equi.calc_dP_crit(0, VALVES, PARAM, event='opening')
        v_cl_crit = equi.calc_dP_crit(0, VALVES, PARAM, event='closing')
        bound_value_c = plot_params['pp_lc']

    # Define plot limits, ticks, tick labels
    # --------------------------------------
    ax.set_xlim((0, 1))

    # --> Equivalent domains, or shape them
    y_lim = [min(v_op_crit, v_cl_crit) - abs(v_op_crit - v_cl_crit),
             max(v_op_crit, v_cl_crit) + abs(v_op_crit - v_cl_crit)]
    if bound_value > y_lim[1]:
        y_lim[1] = 1.05 * bound_value
    elif bound_value < y_lim[0]:
        y_lim[0] = 0.95 * bound_value

    ax.set_yticks([v_cl_crit, v_op_crit])
    ax.set_yticklabels(["{:.2f}".format(v_cl_crit), "{:.2f}".format(v_op_crit)])

    ax.set_ylabel('Crit. input {:}'.format(bound), rotation=270, labelpad=15)

    # Plot thresholds and domains
    # ---------------------------
    y_cl_dom = ax.get_ylim()[0]  # bottom left of closed domain
    y_op_dom = max(v_cl_crit, v_op_crit)  # bottom left of open domain
    h_cl_dom = min(v_cl_crit, v_op_crit) - y_cl_dom  # height of closed domain
    h_op_dom = ax.get_ylim()[1] - y_op_dom  # height of open domain
    y_trans_dom = y_cl_dom + h_cl_dom  # bottom left of transition domain
    h_trans_dom = y_op_dom - y_trans_dom  # height of transition domain

    ax.axhline(v_cl_crit, c='k', ls='-', lw=2, zorder=10)
    ax.axhline(v_op_crit, c='k', ls='-', lw=2, zorder=10)

    p_op_dom = Rectangle((0, y_op_dom), 1, h_op_dom,
                         ec=None, fc=plot_params['v_op_fc'], zorder=0)
    txt_op = ax.text(0.05, y_op_dom + 0.5 * h_op_dom, 'Op',
                     ha='left', va='center', rotation=270)
    p_cl_dom = Rectangle((0, y_cl_dom), 1, h_cl_dom,
                         ec=None, fc=plot_params['v_cl_fc'], zorder=0)
    txt_cl = ax.text(0.05, y_cl_dom + 0.5 * h_cl_dom, 'Cl',
                     ha='left', va='center', rotation=270)

    if v_op_crit < v_cl_crit:
        p_trans_dom = Rectangle((0, y_trans_dom), 1, h_trans_dom,
                                ec=plot_params['v_op_fc'], fc=plot_params['v_cl_fc'],
                                hatch='..', lw=1)
        txt_trans = ax.text(0.05, y_trans_dom + 0.5 * h_trans_dom, 'Act',
                            ha='left', va='center', rotation=270)
        p_trans_dom = Rectangle((0, y_trans_dom), 1, h_trans_dom,
                                ec=plot_params['v_op_fc'], fc=plot_params['v_cl_fc'],
                                hatch='///', lw=1)
        txt_trans = ax.text(0.05, y_trans_dom + 0.5 * h_trans_dom, 'CI',
                            ha='left', va='center', rotation=270)

    # Plot initial state and boundary conditions
    # ------------------------------------------
    # --> Boundary condition
    l_bound_value = ax.plot(0.5, bound_value, ls=None,
                            marker='o', ms=12, mew=2, mec=bound_value_c,
                            mfc=[0, 0, 0, 0], zorder=11)
    l_bound_value = ax.plot(0.5, bound_value, ls=None,
                            marker='+', ms=12, mew=2, mec=bound_value_c,
    ax.text(0.7, bound_value, r'$q_{{in}}$',
            va='bottom', ha='left',
            bbox={'boxstyle' : "square, pad=0.1", 'alpha' : 0.5,
                  'facecolor':'w', 'edgecolor':'w'}, zorder=12)
    # --> Initial state
    l_bound_value = ax.plot(0.5, v_op_crit, ls=None,
                            marker='o', ms=12, mew=2, mec='crimson',
                            mfc=[0, 0, 0, 0], zorder=11)
    l_bound_value = ax.plot(0.5, v_op_crit, ls=None,
                            marker='+', ms=12, mew=2, mec='crimson',
    ax.text(0.7, v_op_crit, r'$q_{{0}}$',
            va='bottom', ha='left',
            bbox={'boxstyle' : "square, pad=0.1", 'alpha' : 0.5,
                  'facecolor':'w', 'edgecolor':'w'}, zorder=12)
    # --> t0 arrow
    ax.annotate('', (0.5, bound_value), (0.5, v_op_crit),
                arrowprops={'arrowstyle' : '->', 'linewidth' : 2},
    ax.text(0.75, (bound_value + v_op_crit)/2, r'$t_0$',
            va='center', ha='center',
            bbox={'boxstyle' : "square, pad=0.1", 'alpha' : 0.5,
                  'facecolor':'w', 'edgecolor':'w'})

    g_objs = [p_op_dom, p_cl_dom, p_trans_dom,
              txt_op, txt_cl, txt_trans]

    return ax, g_objs
Beispiel #9
def bounds(p0, PARAM, fig=None, ax=None, plot_params={}):
    Plot profile of pore pressure, flux and valve states and positions at a
    given time on an existing figure and axes.

    p0 : float
        Y-coordinate (pore pressure possibly?) for input point of domain.
    PARAM : dictionnary
        Dictionnary of physical parameters set for the system.
    fig : matplotlib figure object (default to None)
        Figure where to plot the valves. If not specified, takes output of
        plt.gcf(): current active figure.
    ax : matplotlib axes object (default to None)
        Axes where to plot the valves. If not specified, takes output of
        plt.gca(): current active axes.
    params : dictionnary (default is {}, empty dic.)
        a dictionnary of plotting parameters for the pore pressure profile,
        flux profile and valves. See pp_profile, q_profile, and valves
        functions of this module for respective paramaters.

    ax : axes object from matplotlib.
        Updated ax object.

    g_objs : list
        List of matplotlib objects corresponding to pore pressure profile line,
        flux profile line and valves patch collection.
    # As a function of input, point to correct objects for figure and axis
    # --------------------------------------------------------------------
    if fig is None:
        fig = plt.gcf()

    if ax is None:
        ax = plt.gca()

    # Check which parameters are default and which are defined by user
    # ----------------------------------------------------------------
    needed_params = ['q_b_m', 'q_b_ms', 'q_b_mew', 'q_lc',
                     'pp_b_m', 'pp_b_ms', 'pp_b_mew', 'pp_lc',
    plot_params = set_plot_params(plot_params, needed_params)

    # Check boundary conditions
    # -------------------------
    if np.isnan(PARAM['qin_']):
        # --> Fixed pressure
        p0 = PARAM['p0_']
        x_in = 0 - PARAM['hb_']

        str_in = r'$p_{{in}}={0:.2f}$'.format(PARAM['p0_'])

        mark_in = plot_params['pp_b_m']
        mark_in_ec = plot_params['pp_lc']
        mark_in_fc = None
        mark_in_ew = plot_params['pp_b_mew']
        mark_in_s = plot_params['pp_b_ms']

        # --> Fixed flux
        x_in = 0
#        str_in = r'$q_{{in}}={0:.2f}$'.format(PARAM['qin_'])
        str_in = r'$q_{{in}}$'.format(PARAM['qin_'])

        mark_in = plot_params['q_b_m']
        mark_in_ec = 'k'
        mark_in_fc = plot_params['q_lc']
        mark_in_ew = plot_params['q_b_mew']
        mark_in_s = plot_params['q_b_ms']

    if np.isnan(PARAM['qout_']):
        # --> Fixed pressure
        x_out = 1 + PARAM['hb_']
        pL = PARAM['pL_']

#        str_out = r'$p_{{out}}={0:.2f}$'.format(PARAM['pL_'])
        str_out = r'$p_{{out}}$'.format(PARAM['pL_'])

        mark_out = plot_params['pp_b_m']
        mark_out_ec = plot_params['pp_lc']
        mark_out_fc = None
        mark_out_ew = plot_params['pp_b_mew']
        mark_out_s = plot_params['pp_b_ms']

        # --> Fixed flux
        x_in = 1
        pL = 0  # to be changed

        str_out = r'$q_{{out}}={0:.2f}$'.format(PARAM['qout_'])

        mark_out = plot_params['pp_b_m']
        mark_out_ec = plot_params['pp_lc']
        mark_out_fc = None
        mark_out_ew = plot_params['pp_b_mew']
        mark_out_s = plot_params['pp_b_ms']

    # Plot the boundary conditions markers
    # ------------------------------------
    l_mark_in = ax.plot(x_in, p0, ls=None, marker=mark_in,
                        ms=mark_in_s, mew=mark_in_ew,
                        mfc=mark_in_fc, mec=mark_in_ec,
    l_mark_out = ax.plot(x_out, pL, ls=None, marker=mark_out,
                         ms=mark_out_s, mew=mark_out_ew,
                         mfc=mark_out_fc, mec=mark_out_ec,

    # Plot the boundary conditions text
    # ---------------------------------
    txt_in = ax.text(0.05, p0*1.0, str_in,
                     va='top', ha='right',
                     bbox={'boxstyle' : "square, pad=0.1",
                           'alpha' : 0.5, 'facecolor':'w', 'edgecolor':'w'},
    txt_out = ax.text(0.95, 0, str_out,
                      va='bottom', ha='left',
                      bbox={'boxstyle' : "square, pad=0.1",
                            'alpha' : 0.5, 'facecolor':'w', 'edgecolor':'w'},

    # Arrange the limits to fit the text box
    # --------------------------------------
    ax.set_ylim(min(-0.05, ax.get_ylim()[0]), max(1.05, ax.get_ylim()[1]))

    g_objs = [l_mark_in, l_mark_out, txt_in, txt_out]
    return ax, g_objs
Beispiel #10
def valves(X, VALVES, states_override=None, fig=None, ax=None, X_axis='x', plot_params={}):
    A function to plot valves in existing figure/axes.

    X : 1D array
        Space position array.
    VALVES : dictionnary
        Valve parameters dictionnary.
    states_override : 1D array (default to None)
        Boolean array overriding VALVE['open'] to plot states. Each element is
        the state of a valve, True is open, False is closed.
    fig : matplotlib figure object (default to None)
        Figure where to plot the valves. If not specified, takes output of
        plt.gcf(): current active figure.
    ax : matplotlib axes object (default to None)
        Axes where to plot the valves. If not specified, takes output of
        plt.gca(): current active axes.
    X_axis : str (default is 'x')
        Which axis corresponds to physical X axis. 'x' for horizontal axis, 'y'
        for vertical axis
    plot_params : dictionnary (default is {}, empty dic.)
        a dictionnary of plotting parameters for the valves. Implemented:
        facecolor (any matplotlib ways of indicating color) for both open and
        close state (default = 'v_op_fc' : 'lightgray', 'v_cl_fc' :
        'darkgray'), zorder (default 'zorder' : 0).

    valves_pc : matplotlib PatchCollection object
        Valves patches.
    # As a function of input, point to correct objects for valve states,
    # figure and axis
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    if fig is None:
        fig = plt.gcf()
    if ax is None:
        ax = plt.gca()

    if states_override is None:
        open_valves = VALVES['open'].astype(bool)
        open_valves = states_override.astype(bool)

    # Check which parameters are default and which are defined by user
    # ----------------------------------------------------------------
    needed_params = ['v_op_fc', 'v_cl_fc', 'v_st_marker', 'v_zorder']
    plot_params = set_plot_params(plot_params, needed_params)

    # Add state markers before plotting patches underneath
    # ----------------------------------------------------
    if plot_params['v_st_marker']:
        v_op_pc, v_cl_pc = valve_markers(X, VALVES,
                                         fig=fig, ax=ax, X_axis=X_axis,

    # Check which axis is physical X_axis
    # -----------------------------------
    if X_axis == 'x':
        zlim = ax.get_ylim()
#        print(zlim)
    elif X_axis == 'y':
        zlim = ax.get_xlim()
#        print(zlim)

    # Build valve patches and colors as a function of valve states
    # ------------------------------------------------------------
    if X_axis == 'x':
        valve_patches = [Rectangle((x_v, zlim[0]), w_v, zlim[1]-zlim[0])
                         for x_v, w_v in zip(X[VALVES['idx']], VALVES['width'])]
    elif X_axis == 'y':
        valve_patches = [Rectangle((zlim[0], x_v), zlim[1]-zlim[0], w_v)
                         for x_v, w_v in zip(X[VALVES['idx']], VALVES['width'])]

    valve_facecolors = set_valve_fc(open_valves, plot_params)

    # Wrap patches in collection and plot it
    # --------------------------------------
    valves_pc = PatchCollection(valve_patches,
                                axes=ax, zorder=plot_params['v_zorder'])

    if plot_params['v_st_marker']:
        return valves_pc, v_op_pc, v_cl_pc

    return valves_pc
Beispiel #11
def valve_markers(X, VALVES, states_override=None, fig=None, ax=None, X_axis='x', plot_params={}):
    A function to plot valves in existing figure/axes.

    X : 1D array
        Space position array.
    VALVES : dictionnary
        Valve parameters dictionnary.
    states_override : 1D array (default to None)
        Boolean array overriding VALVE['open'] to plot states. Each element is
        the state of a valve, True is open, False is closed.
    fig : matplotlib figure object (default to None)
        Figure where to plot the valves. If not specified, takes output of
        plt.gcf(): current active figure.
    ax : matplotlib axes object (default to None)
        Axes where to plot the valves. If not specified, takes output of
        plt.gca(): current active axes.
    X_axis : str (default is 'x')
        Which axis corresponds to physical X axis. 'x' for horizontal axis, 'y'
        for vertical axis
    plot_params : dictionnary (default is {}, empty dic.)
        a dictionnary of plotting parameters for the valves. Implemented:
        facecolor (any matplotlib ways of indicating color) for both open and
        close state (default = 'v_op_fc' : 'lightgray', 'v_cl_fc' :
        'darkgray'), zorder (default 'zorder' : 0).

    valves_op_m : matplotlib PathCollection object
        Valves open markers.
    valves_cl_m : matplotlib PathCollection object
        Valves closed markers.
    # As a function of input, point to correct objects for valve states,
    # figure and axis
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    if fig is None:
        fig = plt.gcf()
    if ax is None:
        ax = plt.gca()

    if states_override is None:
        open_valves = VALVES['open'].astype(bool)
        open_valves = states_override.astype(bool)

    # Tweak boundaries to make space for markers
    # ------------------------------------------
    dy_bottom = -0.21
    if X_axis == 'x':
        ax.set_ylim(dy_bottom, ax.get_ylim()[1])
    elif X_axis == 'y':
        ax.set_xlim(dy_bottom, ax.get_xlim()[1])

    # Set up default parameters when no input
    # ---------------------------------------
    needed_params = ['v_op_mc', 'v_cl_mc', 'v_zorder']
    plot_params = set_plot_params(plot_params, needed_params)

    # Set valve marker colors, and positions
    # --------------------------------------
    m_op_c, m_cl_c = set_valve_mc(open_valves, plot_params)
    X_marker = X[VALVES['idx']] + .5 * VALVES['width']  # center of valve
    Y_cl_marker = np.ones(len(VALVES['idx'])) * 1/3*dy_bottom  # bottom
    Y_op_marker = np.ones(len(VALVES['idx'])) * 2/3*dy_bottom  # bottom +

    # Build valve patches and colors as a function of valve states
    # ------------------------------------------------------------
    if X_axis == 'x':
        valves_cl_pc = ax.scatter(X_marker, Y_cl_marker, marker='x', ec=m_cl_c,
                                  s=10, zorder=plot_params['v_zorder']+1, lw=.8)
        valves_op_pc = ax.scatter(X_marker, Y_op_marker,
                                  marker=[(-1, -1), (1, 0), (-1, 1)], lw=.8,
                                  s=10, ec=m_op_c, zorder=plot_params['v_zorder']+1,
                                  fc=[0, 0, 0 ,0])
    elif X_axis == 'y':
        valves_cl_pc = ax.scatter(Y_cl_marker, X_marker, marker='x', ec=m_cl_c,
        valves_op_pc = ax.scatter(Y_op_marker, X_marker,
                                  marker=[(-1, -1), (1, 0), (-1, 1)], lw=1.5,
                                  ec=m_op_c, zorder=plot_params['v_zorder']+1,
                                  fc=[0, 0, 0 ,0])

    return valves_op_pc, valves_cl_pc
Beispiel #12
def bound_in(T, bound_0, PARAM, smoothed=None, tlim=None, v_eff=None, plot_params={}, fig=None, ax=None):
    Plots pp/q value of in-bound in time.

    T : 1D array
        Array of times, dimension is N_times.
    bound_0 : 1D array
        Array of values taken by the in bound in time, dimension is N_times.
    PARAM : dictionnary
        Physical and numerical parameters dictionnary to determine which
        variable is plotted.
    tlim : tuple (default `None`)
        Option to plot in between specific time limits, specified as a tuple.
    v_eff : float (default `None`)
        Effective value of the input boundary variable. If specified it is
        plotted and added as a text insert.
    smoothed : 1D array(default `None`)
        Smoothed variable, same size as the main variable.
    plot_params : dictionnary (default is {}, empty dic.)
        A dictionnary of plotting parameters. Implemented:
        linecolor (any matplotlib ways of indicating color) default = 'pp_lc'
        : 'crimson', 'q_lc' : 'teal')
    fig : matplotlib figure object (default to None)
        Figure where to plot the valves. If not specified, takes output of
        plt.gcf(): current active figure.
    ax : matplotlib axes object (default to None)
        Axes where to plot the valves. If not specified, takes output of
        plt.gca(): current active axes.

    fig : figure object from matplotlib.
        The figure created in this function.
    ax : ax object from matplotlib.
        The axis created in this function.
    g_objs : line object from matplotlib
        The line object created in this function.
    # Define plot time window
    # -----------------------
    if tlim is not None:
        t_win = (tlim[0] < T) & (T < tlim[1])
        T = T[t_win]
        bound_0 = bound_0[t_win]
        if smoothed is not None:
            smoothed = smoothed[t_win]

    if len(T) > 1e4:

    # As a function of input, point to correct objects for figure and axis
    # --------------------------------------------------------------------
    if fig is None:
        fig = plt.gcf()

    if ax is None:
        ax = plt.gca()

    # Check which parameters are default and which are defined by user
    # ----------------------------------------------------------------
    if PARAM['bound'][0]=='Q':
        needed_params = ['pp_lc']
        needed_params = ['q_lc']
    plot_params = set_plot_params(plot_params, needed_params)

    if PARAM['bound'][0] == 'Q':
        lc = plot_params['pp_lc']
        ylabel = r'$p_{in}$ (scaled)'
        title = 'Input pressure in time'
        lc = plot_params['q_lc']
        ylabel = r'$q_{in}$ (scaled)'
        title = 'Input flux in time'

    # Plot
    # ----
    if smoothed is not None:
        bound_0_l, = ax.plot(T, bound_0, ls='-', lw=.7, c='.8',
                             rasterized=rasterize, zorder=0)
        smoothed_l, = ax.plot(T, smoothed, ls='-', lw=1.5, c=lc,
                              rasterized=rasterize, zorder=1)
        bound_0_l, = ax.plot(T, bound_0, ls='-', lw=1.5, c=lc, rasterized=rasterize)

    if tlim is not None:

    # Add value of effective bound?
    # -----------------------------
    if v_eff is not None:
        ax.axhline(v_eff, lw=.8, c='k', zorder=30)

        if PARAM['bound'][0] == 'Q':
            label = r"$\overline{{p_{{in}}}}={:.2f}$".format(v_eff)
            label = r"$\overline{{q_{{in}}}}={:.2f}$".format(v_eff)

        ax.text(ax.get_xlim()[0]+0.01, v_eff, label, ha='left', va='bottom',
                bbox={'boxstyle' : 'square, pad=0.1', 'alpha' : 0.5,
                      'facecolor' : 'w', 'edgecolor' : 'w'}, zorder=11)

    # Labels and title
    # ----------------
    ax.set_xlabel("Time (scaled)")
    ax.set_ylabel(ylabel, c=lc)

    g_objs = bound_0_l
    if smoothed is not None:
        g_objs = [bound_0_l, smoothed_l]

    return fig, ax, g_objs
Beispiel #13
def corr_mats(reg_bounds, corr_mat, lag_mat, X_valves=None, txt=True, \
              plot_params={}, save_name=None):
    Plots the correlation matrices: cross-correlation coefficient and
    cross-correlation lag.

    reg_bounds : 1D array
        Spatial bounds of the regions for which correlation and lag are
        plotted, dimension N_reg + 1.
    corr_mat : 2D array
        Cross-correlation matrix for regional activity, dimension N_reg, N_reg.
    lag_mat : 2D array
        Cross-correlation lag matrix for regional activity, dimension N_reg,
    X_valves : 1D array (optionnal)
        Array of valve positions, dimension N_valves.
    txt : bool (default to `True`)
        Option to write the value of each cell in the cell.
    plot_params : dictionnary (default is {}, empty dic.)
        A dictionnary of plotting parameters for the pore pressure profile,
        flux profile and valves.
    save_name : str or None (default)
        Path for the figure to save.

    fig : mpl figure object
        Our figure.
    axes : list of mpl axes objects
        Our axes.

    # Get defaults
    # ============
    needed_params = ['lag_cmap', 'corr_cmap']
    plot_params = set_plot_params(plot_params, needed_params)

    # Start plotting
    # ==============
    fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(9, 5))

    # Correlation matrix
    # ------------------
    ax = axes[0]
    # --> Matrix
    pc = ax.pcolormesh(reg_bounds,
                       vmax=np.max(corr_mat[corr_mat < 0.99]),
    # --> Valves?
    if X_valves is not None:
        ax.plot(X_valves, X_valves, 'ks', label='Valves')
        ax.legend(loc='lower right', bbox_to_anchor=(.99, .01))

    # --> Colorbar on top
    divider = make_axes_locatable(ax)
    cax = divider.append_axes("top", '5%', pad=0.3)
                 label='Correlation coefficient')

    # --> Text in half the cells?
    if txt:
        for ii in range(len(reg_bounds) - 1):
            for jj in range(ii + 1, len(reg_bounds) - 1):
                Xtxt = (reg_bounds[ii] + reg_bounds[ii + 1]) / 2
                Ytxt = (reg_bounds[jj] + reg_bounds[jj + 1]) / 2
                        '{:.2f}'.format(corr_mat[ii, jj]),
                        fontname='Andale Mono',
    # --> Labels
    ax.set_xlabel("Along dip distance")
    ax.set_ylabel("Along dip distance")

    # Correlation lag matrix
    # ----------------------
    ax = axes[1]
    # --> Matrix
    lag_mat = abs(lag_mat)
    pc = ax.pcolormesh(reg_bounds,
                       vmax=np.max(lag_mat[lag_mat != np.max(lag_mat)]))
    # --> Valves ?
    if X_valves is not None:
        ax.plot(X_valves, X_valves, 'ks')

    # --> Colorbar
    divider = make_axes_locatable(ax)
    cax = divider.append_axes("top", '5%', pad=0.3)
                 label='Correlation lag')

    # --> Text in half the cells
    if txt:
        for ii in range(len(reg_bounds) - 1):
            for jj in range(ii + 1, len(reg_bounds) - 1):
                Xtxt = (reg_bounds[ii] + reg_bounds[ii + 1]) / 2
                Ytxt = (reg_bounds[jj] + reg_bounds[jj + 1]) / 2
                        '{:g}'.format(abs(lag_mat[ii, jj])),
                        fontname='Andale Mono',
    # --> Labels
    ax.set_xlabel("Along dip distance")
    ax.set_ylabel("Along dip distance")

    # Saving?
    # =======
    if save_name is not None:
        print('Saving figure at {:}'.format(save_name))
        plt.savefig(save_name, facecolor=[0, 0, 0, 0])

    return fig, axes
Beispiel #14
def phase_diagram(T, variables, labels, scales=('linear','linear'), tlim=None, \
        cycle=None, plot_params={}, save_name=None):
    Plots the phase diagram of two variables in time.

    T : 1D array
        Time array, both variables should be defined on the same time steps,
        dimension N_times.
    variables : list, tuple, array-like
        Array of the two variables to plot against each other, as 1D arrays of
        the same dimension, N_times.
    labels : list, tuple
        The variable labels, as strings of characters..
    scales : list, tuple (default = `('linear', 'linear')`)
        The scales used to plot the variables. Default is set to both linear
        scale. `linear` for linear scale, `log` for logarithmic scale.
    tlim : tuple (default = `None`)
        Option to plot in between specific time limits, specified as a tuple.
    cycle : float (default = `None`)
        Use a cyclic colormap for time to highlight cycles, cycle is the period
        of the cycle.
    plot_params : dic (default=`{}`)
        A dictionnary of plotting parameters.
    save_name : str
        Path for the figure to save.

    fig : figure object from matplotlib.
        The figure created in this function.
    ax : ax object from matplotlib.
        The axis created in this function.
    # Unpack
    # ------
    v_x, v_y = variables
    l_x, l_y = labels
    sc_x, sc_y = scales

    period = (T <= max(tlim)) & (T >= min(tlim))
    T = T[period]
    v_x = v_x[period]
    v_y = v_y[period]

    # Get defaults
    # ------------
    if cycle is None:
        needed_params = ['time_cmap']
        plot_params = set_plot_params(plot_params, needed_params)
        cmap = plot_params['time_cmap']
        needed_params = ['cyclic_cmap']
        plot_params = set_plot_params(plot_params, needed_params)
        cmap = plot_params['cyclic_cmap']
        T = T - T[0]  # start T at 0
        T = (T % cycle) * 2 * np.pi / cycle  # transform T in phase

    # Set up figure and axis
    # ----------------------
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(5, 3.5))

    # Plot the scatter
    # ----------------
    coll = ax.scatter(v_x, v_y, c=T, cmap=cmap, s=5, rasterized=True)



    # > set up limits
    dx = .01 * (np.max(v_x) - np.min(v_x))
    dy = .01 * (np.max(v_y) - np.min(v_y))
    xlim = (np.min(v_x) - dx, np.max(v_x) + dx)
    ylim = (np.min(v_y) - dy, np.max(v_y) + dy)

    # Set up colorbar
    # ---------------
    if cycle is None:
        cb = plt.colorbar(coll, label='Time (scaled)')
        cb = plt.colorbar(
            label='Cycle phase',
            ticks=[0, np.pi / 2, np.pi, 3 / 2 * np.pi, 2 * np.pi],
                [r'$0$', r'$\pi/2$', r'$\pi$', r'$3\pi/2$', r'$2\pi$']))

    # Saving?
    # -------
    if save_name is not None:
        print('Saving figure at {:}'.format(save_name))
        plt.savefig(save_name, facecolor=[0, 0, 0, 0])

    return fig, ax