Beispiel #1
def randsol3(inst):
    """A heuristic generator which takes advantage of problem data in the
    simplest possible way: it chooses from the remaining cities with probabilities
    inversely weighted by distance."""
    n = len(inst)
    sol = []
    remaining = list(range(n))

    # the start city is a decision variable, because we'll get
    # different results if we start at different cities

    x = random.choice(list(range(n)))


    i = 1
    while i < n:

        # choose one of the remaining cities randomly, weighted by
        # inverse distance.
        x = choose_node(inst, x, remaining)

        i += 1

    return sol
Beispiel #2
def randomPerm2(S):

    while not schedule_full(S):
        #matrix = [[None for x in range(weeks)] for x in range(teams)]
        spaceNone = []
        for team in range(teams):
            for week in range(weeks):
                if S[team][week] == None:
                    spaceNone.append((team, week))
        #print('     AAA    ', spaceNone)

        sp = spaceNone[:]
        x, y = random.choice(sp)
        #while S[x][y] != None:
        #	x = random.choice(range(teams))
        #	y = random.choice(range(weeks))

        if S[x][y] == None:
            temp = getGame2(x, y, S)
            S[x][y] = temp
            if temp != 0:
                if temp > 0:
                    S[abs(temp) - 1][y] = -(x + 1)
                    S[abs(temp) - 1][y] = x + 1

    return S
Beispiel #3
def randsol3(inst):
    """Take advantage of problem data in the simplest possible way"""
    n = len(inst)
    sol = []
    remaining = list(range(n))

    # the start city is a decision variable, because we'll get different results if
    # we start at different cities

    x = random.choice(list(
        range(n)))  #(remaining) THIS WAS THE ROOT OF THE ERROR.
    # Partial + Mutable in Local + argument of wrapped function = weird side effect... just avoid this combination!


    i = 1
    while i < n:

        # choose one of the remaining cities randomly, weighted by
        # inverse distance.
        x = choose_node(inst, x, remaining)

        i += 1

    return sol
Beispiel #4
def stepuniform(features, costs, solution, alpha):
    # This implements the RCL as used in GRASP, which is a
    # step-uniform distribution In this version, alpha gives a
    # threshold on cost. This is the only type used in the EvoCOP
    # paper.
    min_cost, max_cost = min(costs.values()), max(costs.values())
    RCL = [
        feat for feat in features
        if costs[feat] <= min_cost + alpha * (max_cost - min_cost)
    return random.choice(RCL)
Beispiel #5
def getGame3(x, y, S):
    available = [
        i for i in range(-teams, teams + 1) if i != 0 and abs(i) != (x + 1)

    a = []
    b = []
    for i in range(teams):
    #for i in range(weeks):
    #	b.append(S[x][i])

    b = S[x]

    available = [
        k for k in available if -k not in a and k not in a and k not in b
    ]  # remove any duplicates
    available = [k for k in available
                 if abs(k) != (x + 1)]  # cant play yourself

    if y > 2:
        if b[y - 1] != None and b[y - 2] != None and b[y - 3] != None:
            if b[y - 1] < 0 and b[y - 2] < 0 and b[y - 3] < 0:
                available = [k for k in available
                             if k > 0]  # no repreat home or away
            if b[y - 1] > 0 and b[y - 2] > 0 and b[y - 3] > 0:
                available = [k for k in available if k < 0]
            if abs(b[y - 1]) == abs(b[y - 2]):
                available = [k for k in available
                             if k != b[y - 2]]  # no consecutive games
#				print('t ', b)

            available = [k for k in available if abs(k) != (abs(b[y - 1]))
                         ]  #cannot play the team before again

            available = [k for k in available if S[(abs(k) - 1)][y] != None]

    #trying to take cost matrix into account
    #if len(available) > 3:
    #	highest = 0
    #	marker = 0
    #	for k in available:
    #		temp = abs(costMat[x][y] - costMat[abs(k-1)][y])
    #		if temp > highest:
    #			highest = temp
    #			marker = k
    #	available.remove(k)

    if len(available) < 1:
        return 0
        return random.choice(available)
Beispiel #6
def swap_homes(S):
    # Choose a team to swap on
    team = len(S) - 1
    swap_loc = S[team].index(random.choice(S[team]))
    swap_loc_mirror = S[team].index(home_away(S[team][swap_loc]))

    # Swap the first game and its opponent
    S[team][swap_loc] = home_away(S[team][swap_loc])
    S = set_opponent(S, team, swap_loc)

    # Swap the matching game and its opponent
    S[team][swap_loc_mirror] = home_away(S[team][swap_loc_mirror])
    S = set_opponent(S, team, swap_loc_mirror)
    return S
Beispiel #7
def getGame2(x, y, S):
    # build available without 0 or the current team
    available = [
        i for i in range(-teams, teams + 1) if i != 0 and abs(i) != (x + 1)
    rand = 00
    a = []
    b = []
    for i in range(teams):
    #for i in range(weeks):
    #	b.append(S[x][i])

    b = S[x]
    #print('A: ', available)
    av = available[:]

    while len(av):

        rand = random.choice(av)
        #	print('RAND   ', rand)
        z = []
        if S[(abs(rand) - 1)][y] == None or S[(
                abs(rand) - 1)][y] == 0:  # opposite isn't full
            if rand > 0:
                opp = -(x + 1)  # create opposite value
                opp = x + 1
            #for i in range(weeks):
            #	z.append(S[abs(rand)-1][i]) # create opposite row

            if valid(b, a, S[abs(rand) - 1], rand,
                     opp):  # check if rand and opp are valid
                return rand

        av = [k for k in av if k != rand]  # remove rand from the check


    return 00
Beispiel #8
def getGame(x, y, S):
    easyR = [[None for x in range(weeks)] for x in range(teams)]
    for i in range(teams):
        easyR[i][y] = S[i][
            y]  # building a T matrix of relevant possible violations

    for i in range(weeks):
        easyR[x][i] = S[x][i]

    # check both rows when putting in the opposite value
    # random jumps to check squares
    available = [x for x in range(-teams, teams + 1) if x != 0]
    #available = [x for x in available if x != 0]
    checkWeek = []
    checkTeam = []
    for week in easyR:
            week[y])  # reducing to 1D array of each week aka vertical
    for i in range(weeks):
        checkTeam.append(easyR[x][i])  # each team , horizontal

    checkWeek = list(filter(lambda a: a != None,
                            checkWeek))  # removing instances of None
    checkTeam = list(filter(lambda a: a != None, checkTeam))
    available = [
        k for k in available if abs(k) not in checkWeek and k not in checkTeam
    ]  # remove any duplicates
    available = [k for k in available
                 if abs(k) != (x + 1)]  # cant play yourself
    #print('t ', checkTeam, '  ', y)
    if checkTeam != []:
        available = [k for k in available if abs(k) != abs(checkTeam[y - 1])
                     ]  #cannot play the team before again
    for i in range(len(checkWeek)):
                i +
                1)  # needs to check for in in checkWeek, not the length range
        except:  # tries to remove double occurences in week, only 1-n in n teams
            available.remove(-(i + 1))

    #print('w ', checkWeek)
    #print('t ', checkTeam)
    #print('a ', available)

    if len(checkTeam) > 2:
        if checkTeam[y - 1] < 0 and checkTeam[y - 2] < 0:
            available = [k for k in available
                         if k > 0]  # no repreat home or away
        if checkTeam[y - 1] > 0 and checkTeam[y - 2] > 0:
            available = [k for k in available if k < 0]
        if abs(checkTeam[y - 1]) == abs(checkTeam[y - 2]):
            available = [k for k in available
                         if k != checkTeam[y - 2]]  # no consecutive games
#			print('t ', checkTeam)

#available = [k for k in available if S[abs(k)-1][y] == None or S[abs(k)-1][y] == 0]

    if (x + 1) in checkWeek:
        rand = -(checkWeek.index(x + 1) + 1
                 )  # fill in the opposite number for each selection
    elif -(x + 1) in checkWeek:
        rand = checkWeek.index(-(x + 1)) + 1
            rand = random.choice(available)
            rand = 0

    return rand
Beispiel #9
def rev_shuffle(perm):
    # this is like multiple applications of 2-opt
    for i in range(len(perm)):
        ri = random.choice(range(i, len(perm)))
        perm[i:ri + 1] = perm[i:ri + 1][::-1]  # reverse a section
    return perm
Beispiel #10
def swap_shuffle(perm):
    for i in range(len(perm)):
        ri = random.choice(range(i, len(perm)))
        perm[i], perm[ri] = perm[ri], perm[i]
    return perm