def __init__(self, scope, threshold=100): self.scope = scope self.mdh = MetaData.TIRFDefault self.threshold = threshold self.mdh['tIndex'] = 0 self.mdh['Camera.ADOffset'] = scope.frameWrangler.currentFrame.min() self.i = 0 self.dt = np.zeros(512, ConfocCOIR.FitResultsDType) self.fx = np.zeros(256) self.x = self.dt['fitResults']['x0'] self.fy = np.zeros(256) self.y = self.dt['fitResults']['y0'] self.vx = View3D(self.x, mode='fgraph') self.vfx = View3D(self.fx, mode='fgraph') self.vy = View3D(self.y, mode='fgraph') self.vfy = View3D(self.fy, mode='fgraph') #scope.frameWrangler.WantFrameNotification.append(self.frameCOI) #scope.frameWrangler.WantFrameGroupNotification.append(self.OnFrameGroup) self.scope.frameWrangler.onFrame.connect(self.frameCOI) self.scope.frameWrangler.onFrameGroup.connect(self.OnFrameGroup)
def OnExtract(self, event): from PYME.DSView import View3D #print 'extracting ...' mdh = self.image.mdh #dark = deTile.genDark(, self.image.mdh) dark = mdh.getEntry('Camera.ADOffset') #split = False frames = mdh.getEntry('Protocol.PrebleachFrames') dt =[:, :, frames[0]:frames[1]].astype('f').mean(2) - dark ROIX1 = mdh.getEntry('Camera.ROIPosX') ROIY1 = mdh.getEntry('Camera.ROIPosY') ROIX2 = ROIX1 + mdh.getEntry('Camera.ROIWidth') ROIY2 = ROIY1 + mdh.getEntry('Camera.ROIHeight') if self.split: from PYME.Acquire.Hardware import splitter unmux = splitter.Unmixer( [mdh.getEntry('chroma.dx'), mdh.getEntry('chroma.dy')], 1e3 * mdh.getEntry('voxelsize.x')) dt = unmux.Unmix(dt, self.mixmatrix, 0, [ROIX1, ROIY1, ROIX2, ROIY2]) View3D(dt, 'Prebleach Image') else: View3D(dt, 'Prebleach Image')
def OnDeconvWiener(self, event): #from PYME.Deconv import weiner decMDH = MetaDataHandler.NestedClassMDHandler(self.image.mdh) decMDH['Deconvolution.OriginalFile'] = self.image.filename decMDH['Deconvolution.Method'] = 'Wiener' im = numpy.zeros([:3], 'f4') decView = View3D(im, 'Deconvolution Result', mdh=decMDH, parent=self.dsviewer) decView.wienerPanel = WienerDeconvolver(decView, self.image, decView.image) self.pinfo1 = aui.AuiPaneInfo().Name("wienerPanel").Left( ).Caption('Wiener Filter').DestroyOnClose(True).CloseButton( False ) #.MinimizeButton(True).MinimizeMode(aui.AUI_MINIMIZE_CAPT_SMART|aui.AUI_MINIMIZE_POS_RIGHT)#.CaptionVisible(False) decView._mgr.AddPane(decView.wienerPanel, self.pinfo1) decView._mgr.Update() self.dsviewer.decView = decView
def OnTile(self, event): from PYME.Analysis import deTile from PYME.DSView import View3D x0 = self.image.mdh.getEntry('Positioning.x') xm = piecewiseMapping.GenerateBacklashCorrPMFromEventList(, self.image.mdh, self.image.mdh.getEntry('StartTime'), x0, 'ScannerXPos', 0, .0055) y0 = self.image.mdh.getEntry('Positioning.y') ym = piecewiseMapping.GenerateBacklashCorrPMFromEventList(, self.image.mdh, self.image.mdh.getEntry('StartTime'), y0, 'ScannerYPos', 0, .0035) #dark = deTile.genDark(, self.image.mdh) dark = self.image.mdh.getEntry('Camera.ADOffset') #flat = deTile.guessFlat(, self.image.mdh, dark) flat = None #flat = numpy.load('d:/dbad004/23_7_flat.npy') #flat = flat.reshape(list(flat.shape[:2]) + [1,]) #print dark.shape, flat.shape split = False dt = deTile.tile(, xm, ym, self.image.mdh, split=split, skipMoveFrames=False, dark=dark, flat=flat) #, mixmatrix = [[.3, .7], [.7, .3]]) mdh = MetaDataHandler.NestedClassMDHandler(self.image.mdh) if dt.ndim > 2: View3D([dt[:, :, 0][:, :, None], dt[:, :, 1][:, :, None]], 'Tiled Image', mdh=mdh, parent=wx.GetTopLevelParent(self.dsviewer)) else: View3D(dt, 'Tiled Image', mdh=mdh, parent=wx.GetTopLevelParent(self.dsviewer))
def SetScanningHex(self, period, exposureMs=100, angle=0, dutyCycle=.5, nSteps=20): pats = [] periodX, periodY, dc = period, int( period / np.tan(np.pi / 6)), np.sqrt(dutyCycle) widthX, widthY = int(periodX * dc), int(periodY * dc) if widthX % 2 == 1: widthX += 1 while widthY % 4 > 0: widthY += 1 nSteps = int(1 / dc) periodX, periodY = nSteps * widthX, nSteps * widthY for py in np.linspace(0, periodY, nSteps, False): for px in np.linspace(0, periodX, nSteps, False): pats.append( self.GenHex(periodX, periodY, widthX=widthX, widthY=widthY, phasex=px, phasey=py).T) from PYME.DSView import View3D pats1, pats2 = pats[:len(pats) // 2], pats[len(pats) // 2:] pats3 = [val for pair in zip(pats1, pats2) for val in pair] if len(pats3) < len(pats): pats3 += [max(pats1, pats2, key=len)[-1]] View3D(np.array(pats3).transpose(2, 1, 0), 'stack') View3D(np.array(pats3).transpose(2, 1, 0).mean(2), 'mean') self.SetPatternDefs(pats3, exposureMs=exposureMs) self.StartPatternSeq() self.PatternVars['Type'] = 'Hex' self.PatternVars['Period'] = periodX self.PatternVars['DutyCycle'] = 1.0 * widthX / periodX self.PatternVars['Phase'] = '' self.PatternVars['Angle'] = angle self.PatternVars['ExpTime'] = exposureMs self.PatternVars['Steps'] = nSteps
def OnSplitChannels(self, event): try: names = self.image.mdh.getEntry('ChannelNames') except: names = ['%d' % d for d in range([3])] for i in range([3]): mdh = MetaDataHandler.NestedClassMDHandler(self.image.mdh) mdh.setEntry('ChannelNames', [names[i]]) View3D([:,:,:,i], '%s - %s' % (self.image.filename, names[i]), mdh=mdh, parent=wx.GetTopLevelParent(self.dsviewer))
def SetScanningVDC(self, period, exposureMs=100, angle=0, dutyCycle=.5, nSteps=20, double=True): width = int(period * dutyCycle) dd = 1 if double: if width % 2 == 1: width += 1 dd = 2 nSteps = int(1 / dutyCycle) period = nSteps * width nSteps = dd * nSteps pats = [ self.GenVDCLines(period, phase=p, angle=angle, width=width).T for p in np.linspace(0, period, nSteps, False) ] pats1, pats2 = pats[:(len(pats) // 2)], pats[(len(pats) // 2):] pats3 = [val for pair in zip(pats1, pats2) for val in pair] if len(pats3) < len(pats): pats3 += [max(pats1, pats2, key=len)[-1]] from PYME.DSView import View3D View3D(np.array(pats3).transpose(2, 1, 0), 'stack') View3D(np.array(pats3).transpose(2, 1, 0).mean(2), 'mean') self.SetPatternDefs(pats3, exposureMs=exposureMs) self.StartPatternSeq() self.PatternVars['Type'] = 'Lines' self.PatternVars['Period'] = period self.PatternVars['DutyCycle'] = 1.0 * width / period self.PatternVars['Phase'] = '' self.PatternVars['Angle'] = angle self.PatternVars['ExpTime'] = exposureMs self.PatternVars['Steps'] = nSteps
def OnExtract(self, event): from PYME.DSView import View3D from PYME.IO.MetaDataHandler import get_camera_roi_origin #print 'extracting ...' mdh = self.image.mdh #dark = deTile.genDark(, self.image.mdh) dark = mdh.getEntry('Camera.ADOffset') #split = False frames = mdh.getEntry('Protocol.PrebleachFrames') dt =[:, :, frames[0]:frames[1]].astype('f').mean(2) - dark roi_x0, roi_y0 = get_camera_roi_origin(mdh) ROIX1 = roi_x0 + 1 ROIY1 = roi_y0 + 1 ROIX2 = ROIX1 + mdh.getEntry('Camera.ROIWidth') ROIY2 = ROIY1 + mdh.getEntry('Camera.ROIHeight') if self.split: from PYME.Acquire.Hardware import splitter unmux = splitter.Unmixer( [mdh.getEntry('chroma.dx'), mdh.getEntry('chroma.dy')], mdh.voxelsize_nm.x) dt = unmux.Unmix(dt, self.mixmatrix, 0, [ROIX1, ROIY1, ROIX2, ROIY2]) View3D(dt, 'Prebleach Image') else: View3D(dt, 'Prebleach Image')
def OnDeconEnd(self, sucess): if not 'res' in dir(self): self.dlgDeconProg.Destroy() else: self.res._mgr.ClosePane(self.pinfo1) self.res._mgr.Update() self.res.DataChanged() if sucess: #if 'decvp' in dir(self): # for pNum in range(self.dsviewer.notebook1.GetPageCount()): # if self.dsviewer.notebook1.GetPage(pNum) == self.decvp: # self.dsviewer.notebook1.DeletePage(pNum) #self.decvp = MyViewPanel(self.dsviewer.notebook1, self.decT.res) #self.dsviewer.notebook1.AddPage(page=self.decvp, select=True, caption='Deconvolved') if not 'res' in dir(self): View3D(self.decT.res, '< Deconvolution Result >', parent=self.dsviewer)
def Start(self): self.image = np.zeros((self.ds.shape[0], self.ds.shape[1], 2), 'uint16') self.view = View3D(self.image, 'Live Stack') self.running = True self.zPoss = np.arange(, + .95 *, piezo =[] self.piezo = piezo[0] self.piezoChan = piezo[1] self.startPos = self.piezo.GetPos(self.piezoChan)
def OnAlignChannels(self, event): #try: # names = self.image.mdh.getEntry('ChannelNames') #except: # names = ['%d' % d for d in range([3])] from PYME.IO.DataSources import AlignDataSource from PYME.IO import dataWrap if isinstance(, dataWrap.ListWrapper): nd = [ AlignDataSource.DataSource(ds) for ds in ] else: nd = [ AlignDataSource.DataSource( dataWrap.Wrap([:, :, :, i])) for i in range([3]) ] mdh = MetaDataHandler.NestedClassMDHandler(self.image.mdh) res = View3D(nd, '%s - %s' % (self.image.filename, 'align'), mdh=mdh, parent=wx.GetTopLevelParent(self.dsviewer)) res.panAlign = ShiftPanel(res) pinfo1 = aui.AuiPaneInfo().Name("shiftPanel").Right( ).Caption('Alignment').DestroyOnClose( True ).CloseButton(False).MinimizeButton(True).MinimizeMode( aui.AUI_MINIMIZE_CAPT_SMART | aui.AUI_MINIMIZE_POS_RIGHT ) #.MinimizeButton(True).MinimizeMode(aui.AUI_MINIMIZE_CAPT_SMART|aui.AUI_MINIMIZE_POS_RIGHT)#.CaptionVisible(False) #pinfo2 = aui.AuiPaneInfo().Name("overlayPanel").Right().Caption('Overlays').CloseButton(False).MinimizeButton(True).MinimizeMode(aui.AUI_MINIMIZE_CAPT_SMART|aui.AUI_MINIMIZE_POS_RIGHT)#.CaptionVisible(False) res._mgr.AddPane(res.panAlign, pinfo1) res._mgr.Update()
def OnMakeComposites(self, event): import numpy as np dlg = CompositeDialog(self.dsviewer, self.dsviewer.image) imageNames = dlg.imageNames #dispNames = dlg.dispNames if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: #others = [dispNames[n] for n in dlg.GetSelections()] others = dlg.GetSelections() #master, mchan = _getImage(dlg.GetMaster()) ignoreZ = dlg.GetIgnoreZ() interp = dlg.GetInterp() if interp: order = 3 else: order = 0 shape, origin, voxelsize = dlg.shape, dlg.origin, dlg.voxelsize print((shape, origin, voxelsize)) if len(others) > 0: newNames = [] newData = [] for otherN in others: other, chan = _getImage(otherN) try: cn = other.mdh.getEntry('ChannelNames')[chan] otherName = '%s - %s' % (os.path.split(other.filename)[1], cn) except: if[3] == 1: otherName = os.path.split(other.filename)[1] else: otherName = '%s - %d' % (os.path.split(other.filename)[1], chan) newNames.append(otherName) if isinstance(, dataWrap.ListWrap): od =[chan] else: od = if ignoreZ: originsEqual = np.allclose(other.origin[:2], origin[:2], atol=1) else: originsEqual = np.allclose(other.origin, origin, atol=1) shiftField = dlg.GetShiftmap(otherN) print(shape[:3],[:3]) if (not np.allclose(other.pixelSize, voxelsize[0], rtol=.001)) or (not ([:3] == shape[:3])) or (not originsEqual) or shiftField: #need to rescale ... print(('Remapping ', otherN, originsEqual, other.origin, np.allclose(other.pixelSize, voxelsize[0], rtol=.001),(not ([:3] == shape[:3])), shiftField, other.pixelSize, ignoreZ)) #print origin, voxelsize od = self.RemapData(other, chan, shape, voxelsize, origin, shiftField = shiftField, ignoreZ=ignoreZ, order=order) newData += [od] pre = common_prefix(newNames) print(pre) lPre = len(pre) newNames = [n[lPre:] for n in newNames] mdh = MetaDataHandler.NestedClassMDHandler(self.image.mdh) mdh.setEntry('ChannelNames', newNames) mdh['voxelsize.x'] = voxelsize[0]/1e3 mdh['voxelsize.y'] = voxelsize[1]/1e3 mdh['voxelsize.z'] = voxelsize[2]/1e3 mdh['Origin.x'] = origin[0] mdh['Origin.y'] = origin[1] mdh['Origin.z'] = origin[2] View3D(dataWrap.ListWrap(newData, 3), 'Composite', mdh=mdh, mode = self.dsviewer.mode, parent=wx.GetTopLevelParent(self.dsviewer), glCanvas=self.dsviewer.glCanvas) dlg.Destroy()
def ExtractPupil(ps, zs, dx, lamb=488, NA=1.3, n=1.51, nIters = 50, size=5e3): dx = float(dx) if not size: X, Y = meshgrid(float(dx)*arange(-ps.shape[0]/2, ps.shape[0]/2),float(dx)*arange(-ps.shape[1]/2, ps.shape[1]/2)) else: X, Y = meshgrid(arange(-size, size, dx),arange(-size, size, dx)) X = X - X.mean() Y = Y - Y.mean() sx = ps.shape[0] sy = ps.shape[1] ox = (X.shape[0] - sx)/2 oy = (X.shape[1] - sy)/2 ex = ox + sx ey = oy + sy #print ps.shape #print arange(-ps.shape[0]/2, ps.shape[0]/2) u = X*lamb/(n*X.shape[0]*dx*dx) v = Y*lamb/(n*X.shape[1]*dx*dx) R = sqrt(u**2 + v**2) M = 1.0*(R < (NA/n)) # NA/lambda figure() imshow(R) colorbar() contour(M, [0.5]) figure() k = 2*pi*n/lamb FP = FourierPropagator(u,v,k, lamb) pupil = M*exp(1j*0) sps = sqrt(ps) View3D(sps) for i in range(nIters): new_pupil = 0*pupil bps = [] abp = [] print(i)#, abs(pupil).sum() #figure() #imshow(abs(pupil)) res = 0 for j in range(ps.shape[2]): #propogate to focal plane prop_j = FP.propagate(pupil, zs[j]) #print abs(prop_j).sum(), sqrt(ps[:,:,j]).sum() #print ps[:,:,j].shape #print prop_j.shape #figure() #imshow(angle(prop_j)) #print prop_j[ox:ex, oy:ey].shape, sps[:,:,j].shape res += ((abs(prop_j[ox:ex, oy:ey]) - sps[:,:,j])**2).sum() #replace amplitude, but keep phase prop_j[ox:ex, oy:ey] = sps[:,:,j]*exp(1j*angle(prop_j[ox:ex, oy:ey])) #print abs(prop_j).sum() #propagate back bp = FP.propagate_r(prop_j, zs[j]) #figure() bps.append(abs(bp)) abp.append(angle(bp)) new_pupil += bp #figure() #imshow(abs(new_pupil)) new_pupil /= ps.shape[2] #View3D(bps) #View3D(abp) print(('res = %f' % (res/ps.shape[2]))) #print abs(new_pupil).sum() #np_A = abs(new_pupil) #np_A = ndimage.gaussian_filter(np_A,.5) #np_A *= M #np_P = angle(new_pupil) #np_P *= M #np_P = ndimage.gaussian_filter(np_P, .5) #imshow(abs(new_pupil)) #crop to NA #new_pupil = new_pupil*M #pupil = np_A*exp(1j*np_P) pupil = new_pupil*M return pupil