Beispiel #1
def findEyes(img_gray):
    eye_cascade = cv2.CascadeClassifier(
    eyes = eye_cascade.detectMultiScale(img_gray)
    im_toshow = copy.deepcopy(img_gray)
    eyeArr = []
    for (ex, ey, ew, eh) in eyes:
        cv2.rectangle(im_toshow, (ex, ey), (ex + ew, ey + eh), (0, 255, 0), 2)
        eyeArr.append((ex, ey, ew, eh))

    # filter by area
    eyeAreas = map(areaRect, eyeArr)
    ix = np.argmax(eyeAreas)
    eye1 = eyeArr[ix]


    ix = np.argmax(eyeAreas)
    eye2 = eyeArr[ix]

    ex1, ey1, ew1, eh1 = eye1
    eye1loc = Point(ex1 + ew1 / 2, ey1 + eh1 / 2)

    ex2, ey2, ew2, eh2 = eye2
    eye2loc = Point(ex2 + ew2 / 2, ey2 + eh2 / 2) im_toshow, ( int(eye1loc.x), int(eye1loc.y) ), 1, (255,255,255) ) im_toshow, ( int(eye2loc.x), int(eye2loc.y) ), 1, (255,255,255) )
    #showImg( im_toshow )
    return eye1loc, eye2loc
Beispiel #2
def readInAlign():
    allLines = None
    with open("outfile-ASM-100iters-500tr.txt", "r") as infile:
        allLines = infile.readlines()
        cleanLines = map(lambda x: x.strip().split(), allLines)

    asm = PASM([36, 31], 10)
    s = []

    for tuple in cleanLines:
        if tuple[0] == '!!!':
            if s != []:
                asm.meanShape = Shape(s)
                s = []
        elif tuple[0] == '@@@':
            if s != []:
                s = []
            s.append(Point(float(tuple[0]), float(tuple[1])))

    return asm
def reProjectCumulative(asm, numVals, vals, vecs):
    P = vecs[:, 0:numVals]
    b = [np.transpose(np.mat(vals[0:numVals]))]

    X = np.add(asm.meanShape.allPts,, b))
    x, y = reravel(X)
    return Shape([Point(pt[0], pt[1]) for pt in zip(x, y)])
Beispiel #4
def calcShift(point, img_gray):
    ## get point p (ix 48)
    p = point

    # Get gradient ( unitV already )
    f, m = dasm.getGradient(p, img_gray)
    #    print "x %f, y %f" % ( p.x, p.y )
    cX = p.x
    cY = p.y
    #print f, m
    maxM = 1
    cnt = 0
    while cX < np.shape(img_gray)[1] and cY < np.shape(img_gray)[0]:

        if cnt > 30:
            return pt.x + f[0] * float(m) / float(maxM), pt.y + f[1] * float(
                m) / float(maxM)
        cnt += 1
        cX = cX + f[0]
        cY = cY + f[1]
        if cX < np.shape(img_gray)[1] and cY < np.shape(img_gray)[0]:
            _, cM = dasm.getGradient(Point(cX, cY), img_gray)
            if cM > maxM:
                maxM = cM
    #            print "cX %f cY %f" % (cX, cY)
    return pt.x + f[0] * float(m) / float(maxM), pt.y + f[1] * float(
        m) / float(maxM)
def projectOnePC(evIx, b, asm, vals, vecs):
    X = np.add(asm.meanShape.allPts, np.multiply(vecs[:, evIx], b))
    x, y = reravel(X)
    sv = []
    for a, b in zip(x, y):
        sv.append(Point(a, b))
    s = Shape(sv)
    return s
def project( evIx, asm, vals, vecs ):
    X = np.add( asm.meanShape.allPts, np.multiply( vecs[:,evIx], math.sqrt( vals[evIx]  )))
    x,y = reravel( X )
    #s = Shape( [ Point( X[0], X[1]), Point( X[2], X[3] ), Point( X[4], X[5] ) ] )
    sv = []
    for a, b in zip( x, y):
        sv.append( Point( a, b ) )
    s = Shape( sv )
    return s
Beispiel #7
    def adjust(self, img):
        self.dX = np.ravel(
            map(lambda x: DASM.getGradient(x, img),
        nX = np.add(self.meanShape.allPts, self.dX)

        x, y = DASM.deravel(nX)
        ms = Shape([Point(pt[0], pt[1]) for pt in zip(x, y)])
        self.transDict = self.alignOneShape(ms, self.appModel)
def showVaryMultiplePCS( asm, vals, vecs, numPlots, numPCs, newpal):
    f, axes = plt.subplots( 1, numPlots, sharex = True, sharey = True )
    bs = []
    for p in range( numPCs ):
        rs = np.linspace( - MUL * math.sqrt( vals[p] ), MUL * math.sqrt( vals[p] ), numPlots )
        bs.append( rs )
    P = vecs[:, 0:numPCs]
    for pl in range(numPlots) :
        b = [ bs[p][pl] for p in range(len(bs) ) ]
        X = np.add( asm.meanShape.allPts, P, b ) )
        x, y = reravel( X )
        s = Shape( [ Point (pt[0], pt[1] ) for pt in zip(x,y) ])
        s.draw( newpal, axes[pl] ) ## diff
        axes[pl].plot( s.xs, s.ys, lw =1, c ='k')
    f.savefig( "simple-example-%d-at-a-time.png" % numPCs)
def showVary( asm, vals, vecs, numPlots, eval ):
    # Vary one eigenvalue
    f, axes = plt.subplots( 1, numPlots, sharex = True, sharey = True )

    vals = np.ravel( vals )
    rs = np.linspace( - MUL * math.sqrt( vals[eval] ), MUL * math.sqrt( vals[eval] ), numPlots )
    for m in range( len(rs) ):
        reps = np.add(asm.meanShape.allPts,np.multiply( np.ravel(vecs[:,eval] ), rs[m] ))
        x, y = reravel( reps )
        s = Shape( [ Point (pt[0], pt[1] ) for pt in zip(x,y) ])
        s.draw( newpal, axes[m] ) ## diff
        axes[m].plot( s.xs, s.ys, lw =1, c ='k')

    plt.savefig( 'simple-example-PC%d.png'% eval )
Beispiel #10
def run():

    asm = PASM([0, 1], 1000)
    allLines = []
    pts = []
    for f in files:
        with open(os.path.join(OUTPUT, f), "r") as infile:

            allLines = infile.readlines()
            if len(allLines) > 0:
                cleanLines = [x.strip().split('\t') for x in allLines]
                ptList = [Point(x[0], x[1]) for x in cleanLines]
                print len(ptList)

def showVaryMultiplePCS(asm, vals, vecs, numPlots, numPCs):
    f, axes = plt.subplots(1, numPlots)
    bs = []
    for p in range(numPCs):
        rs = np.linspace(-0.25 * math.sqrt(vals[p]), 0.25 * math.sqrt(vals[p]),
    P = vecs[:, 0:numPCs]
    for pl in range(numPlots):
        b = [bs[p][pl] for p in range(len(bs))]
        X = np.add(asm.meanShape.allPts,, b))
        x, y = reravel(X)
        s = Shape([Point(pt[0], pt[1]) for pt in zip(x, y)])
        FaceDraw(s, axes[pl]).drawBold()
        axes[pl].set_xlim((-2, 2))
        axes[pl].set_ylim((-3, 3))

    f.savefig('faces-%d-PCs-at-once.png' % numPCs)
def singlePoint( ptIx, evIx, asm, vals, vecs ):
    return Point( asm.meanShape.xs[ptIx] + MUL * math.sqrt( vals[evIx] ) * vecs[ptIx][evIx], 
                 asm.meanShape.ys[ptIx] + MUL * math.sqrt(vals[evIx]) * vecs[ptIx+1][evIx] )
def setup( ):
    s1 = Shape( [ Point(200,340), Point( 0, 200), Point( 350,200) ] )
    s2 = Shape( [ Point(210,320), Point( 5, 205), Point( 340,190) ] )
    s3 = Shape( [ Point(205,300), Point( 10, 190), Point( 344,204) ] )
    s4 = Shape( [ Point(199,380), Point( -5, 205), Point( 333,203) ] )
    s5 = Shape( [ Point(190,290), Point( 0, 190), Point( 351,201) ] )

    asm = PASM( [0,1], 10 )

    asm.addShape( s1 )
    asm.addShape( s2 )
    asm.addShape( s3 )
    asm.addShape( s4 )
    asm.addShape( s5 )
    return asm