Beispiel #1
class MimeTypesRegistry(UniqueObject, ActionProviderBase, Folder):
    """Mimetype registry that deals with
    a) registering types
    b) wildcarding of rfc-2046 types
    c) classifying data into a given type

    id = 'mimetypes_registry'
    meta_type = 'MimeTypes Registry'
    isPrincipiaFolderish = 1  # Show up in the ZMI

    meta_types = all_meta_types = ({
        'name': 'MimeType',
        'action': 'manage_addMimeTypeForm'
    }, )

    manage_options = (({
        'label': 'MimeTypes',
        'action': 'manage_main'
    }, ) + Folder.manage_options[2:])

    manage_addMimeTypeForm = PageTemplateFile('addMimeType', _www)
    manage_main = PageTemplateFile('listMimeTypes', _www)
    manage_editMimeTypeForm = PageTemplateFile('editMimeType', _www)

    security = ClassSecurityInfo()

    # FIXME
    __allow_access_to_unprotected_subobjects__ = 1

    def __init__(self, id=None):
        if id is not None:
            assert id ==
        self.encodings_map = encodings_map.copy()
        self.suffix_map = suffix_map.copy()
        # Major key -> minor IMimetype objects
        self._mimetypes = PersistentMapping()
        # ext -> IMimetype mapping
        self.extensions = PersistentMapping()
        # glob -> (regex, mimetype) mapping
        self.globs = OOBTree()
        self.manage_addProperty('defaultMimetype', 'text/plain', 'string')
        self.manage_addProperty('unicodePolicies', 'strict ignore replace',
        self.manage_addProperty('unicodePolicy', 'unicodePolicies',
        self.manage_addProperty('fallbackEncoding', 'latin1', 'string')

        # initialize mime types
        self._new_style_mtr = 1

    security.declareProtected(ManagePortal, 'register')

    def register(self, mimetype):
        """ Register a new mimetype

        mimetype must implement IMimetype
        mimetype = aq_base(mimetype)
        assert IMimetype.providedBy(mimetype)
        for t in mimetype.mimetypes:
            self.register_mimetype(t, mimetype)
        for extension in mimetype.extensions:
            self.register_extension(extension, mimetype)
        for glob in mimetype.globs:
            self.register_glob(glob, mimetype)

    security.declareProtected(ManagePortal, 'register_mimetype')

    def register_mimetype(self, mt, mimetype):
        major, minor = split(mt)
        if not major or not minor or minor == '*':
            raise MimeTypeException('Can\'t register mime type %s' % mt)
        group = self._mimetypes.setdefault(major, PersistentMapping())
        if minor in group:
            if group.get(minor) != mimetype:
                log('Warning: redefining mime type %s (%s)' %
                    (mt, mimetype.__class__))
        group[minor] = mimetype

    security.declareProtected(ManagePortal, 'register_extension')

    def register_extension(self, extension, mimetype):
        """ Associate a file's extension to a IMimetype

        extension is a string representing a file extension (not
        prefixed by a dot) mimetype must implement IMimetype
        mimetype = aq_base(mimetype)
        if extension in self.extensions:
            if self.extensions.get(extension) != mimetype:
                log('Warning: redefining extension %s from %s to %s' %
                    (extension, self.extensions[extension], mimetype))
        # we don't validate fmt yet, but its ["txt", "html"]
        self.extensions[extension] = mimetype

    security.declareProtected(ManagePortal, 'register_glob')

    def register_glob(self, glob, mimetype):
        """ Associate a glob to a IMimetype

        glob is a shell-like glob that will be translated to a regex
        to match against whole filename.
        mimetype must implement IMimetype.
        globs = getattr(self, 'globs', None)
        if globs is None:
            self.globs = globs = OOBTree()
        mimetype = aq_base(mimetype)
        existing = globs.get(glob)
        if existing is not None:
            regex, mt = existing
            if mt != mimetype:
                log('Warning: redefining glob %s from %s to %s' %
                    (glob, mt, mimetype))
        # we don't validate fmt yet, but its ["txt", "html"]
        pattern = re.compile(fnmatch.translate(glob))
        globs[glob] = (pattern, mimetype)

    security.declareProtected(ManagePortal, 'unregister')

    def unregister(self, mimetype):
        """ Unregister a new mimetype

        mimetype must implement IMimetype
        assert IMimetype.providedBy(mimetype)
        for t in mimetype.mimetypes:
            major, minor = split(t)
            group = self._mimetypes.get(major, {})
            if group.get(minor) == mimetype:
                del group[minor]
        for e in mimetype.extensions:
            if self.extensions.get(e) == mimetype:
                del self.extensions[e]
        globs = getattr(self, 'globs', None)
        if globs is not None:
            for glob in mimetype.globs:
                existing = globs.get(glob)
                if existing is None:
                regex, mt = existing
                if mt == mimetype:
                    del globs[glob]


    def mimetypes(self):
        """Return all defined mime types, each one implements at least
        res = {}
        for g in self._mimetypes.values():
            for mt in g.values():
                res[mt] = 1
        return [aq_base(mtitem) for mtitem in res.keys()]


    def list_mimetypes(self):
        """Return all defined mime types, as string"""
        return [str(mt) for mt in self.mimetypes()]


    def lookup(self, mimetypestring):
        """Lookup for IMimetypes object matching mimetypestring

        mimetypestring may have an empty minor part or containing a
        wildcard (*) mimetypestring may and IMimetype object (in this
        case it will be returned unchanged

        Return a list of mimetypes objects associated with the
        RFC-2046 name return an empty list if no one is known.
        if IMimetype.providedBy(mimetypestring):
            return (aq_base(mimetypestring), )
        __traceback_info__ = (repr(mimetypestring), str(mimetypestring))
        major, minor = split(str(mimetypestring))
        group = self._mimetypes.get(major, {})
        if not minor or minor == '*':
            res = group.values()
            res = group.get(minor)
            if res:
                res = (res, )
                return ()
        return tuple([aq_base(mtitem) for mtitem in res])


    def lookupExtension(self, filename):
        """Lookup for IMimetypes object matching filename

        Filename maybe a file name like 'content.txt' or an extension
        like 'rest'

        Return an IMimetype object associated with the file's
        extension or None
        if filename.find('.') != -1:
            base, ext = os.path.splitext(filename)
            ext = ext[1:]  # remove the dot
            while ext in self.suffix_map:
                base, ext = os.path.splitext(base + self.suffix_map[ext])
                ext = ext[1:]  # remove the dot
            ext = filename
            base = None

        # XXX This code below make no sense and may break because base
        # isn't defined.
        if ext in self.encodings_map and base:
            base, ext = os.path.splitext(base)
            ext = ext[1:]  # remove the dot

        result = aq_base(self.extensions.get(ext))
        if result is None:
            result = aq_base(self.extensions.get(ext.lower()))
        return result


    def globFilename(self, filename):
        """Lookup for IMimetypes object matching filename

        Filename must be a complete filename with extension.

        Return an IMimetype object associated with the glob's or None
        globs = getattr(self, 'globs', None)
        if globs is None:
            return None
        for key in globs.keys():
            glob, mimetype = globs[key]
            if glob.match(filename):
                return aq_base(mimetype)
        return None


    def lookupGlob(self, glob):
        globs = getattr(self, 'globs', None)
        if globs is None:
            return None
        return aq_base(globs.get(glob))

    def _classifiers(self):
        return [mt for mt in self.mimetypes() if IClassifier.providedBy(mt)]


    def classify(self, data, mimetype=None, filename=None):
        """Classify works as follows:
        1) you tell me the rfc-2046 name and I give you an IMimetype
        2) the filename includes an extension from which we can guess
           the mimetype
        3) we can optionally introspect the data
        4) default to self.defaultMimetype if no data was provided
           else to application/octet-stream of no filename was provided,
           else to text/plain

        Return an IMimetype object or None
        mt = None
        if mimetype:
            mt = self.lookup(mimetype)
            if mt:
                mt = mt[0]
        elif filename:
            mt = self.lookupExtension(filename)
            if mt is None:
                mt = self.globFilename(filename)
        if data and not mt:
            for c in self._classifiers():
                if c.classify(data):
                    mt = c
            if not mt:
                mstr = magic.guessMime(data)
                if mstr:
                    _mt = self.lookup(mstr)
                    if len(_mt) > 0:
                        mt = _mt[0]
        if not mt:
            if not data:
                mtlist = self.lookup(self.defaultMimetype)
            elif filename:
                mtlist = self.lookup('application/octet-stream')
                failed = 'text/x-unknown-content-type'
                filename = filename or ''
                data = data or ''
                ct, enc = guess_content_type(filename, data, None)
                if ct == failed:
                    ct = 'text/plain'
                mtlist = self.lookup(ct)
            if len(mtlist) > 0:
                mt = mtlist[0]
                return None

        # Remove acquisition wrappers
        return aq_base(mt)

    def __call__(self, data, **kwargs):
        """ Return a triple (data, filename, mimetypeobject) given
        some raw data and optional paramters

        method from the isourceAdapter interface
        mimetype = kwargs.get('mimetype', None)
        filename = kwargs.get('filename', None)
        encoding = kwargs.get('encoding', None)
        mt = None
        if hasattr(data, 'filename'):
            filename = os.path.basename(data.filename)
        elif hasattr(data, 'name'):
            filename = os.path.basename(

        if hasattr(data, 'read'):
            _data =
            if hasattr(data, 'seek'):
            data = _data

        # We need to figure out if data is binary and skip encoding if
        # it is
        mt = self.classify(data, mimetype=mimetype, filename=filename)

        if not mt.binary and not isinstance(data, UnicodeType):
            # if no encoding specified, try to guess it from data
            if encoding is None:
                encoding = self.guess_encoding(data)

            # ugly workaround for
            # covered by
            # dont remove this code unless python is fixed.
            if encoding is "macintosh":
                encoding = 'mac_roman'

                    data = unicode(data, encoding, self.unicodePolicy)
                except (ValueError, LookupError):
                    # wrong unicodePolicy
                    data = unicode(data, encoding)
                data = unicode(data, self.fallbackEncoding)

        return (data, filename, aq_base(mt))


    def guess_encoding(self, data):
        """ Try to guess encoding from a text value.

        If no encoding can be guessed, fall back to utf-8.
        if isinstance(data, type(u'')):
            # data maybe unicode but with another encoding specified
            data = data.encode('UTF-8')
        encoding = guess_encoding(data)
        if encoding is None:
            encoding = 'utf-8'
        return encoding

    security.declareProtected(ManagePortal, 'manage_delObjects')

    def manage_delObjects(self, ids, REQUEST=None):
        """ delete the selected mime types """
        for id in ids:
        if REQUEST is not None:
            REQUEST['RESPONSE'].redirect(self.absolute_url() + '/manage_main')

    security.declareProtected(ManagePortal, 'manage_addMimeType')

    def manage_addMimeType(self,
        """add a mime type to the tool"""
        mt = MimeTypeItem(id,
        if REQUEST is not None:
            REQUEST['RESPONSE'].redirect(self.absolute_url() + '/manage_main')

    security.declareProtected(ManagePortal, 'manage_editMimeType')

    def manage_editMimeType(self,
        """Edit a mime type by name
        mt = self.lookup(name)[0]
        if REQUEST is not None:
            REQUEST['RESPONSE'].redirect(self.absolute_url() + '/manage_main')
Beispiel #2
class PluginRegistry(SimpleItem):
    """ Implement IPluginRegistry as an independent, ZMI-manageable object.

    o Each plugin type holds an ordered list of (id, wrapper) tuples.
    implements(IPluginRegistry, IWriteLock)

    security = ClassSecurityInfo()

    meta_type = 'Plugin Registry'

    _plugins = None

    def __init__(self, plugin_type_info=()):

        if isinstance(plugin_type_info, basestring):
            # some tool is passing us our ID.
            raise ValueError('Must pass a sequence of plugin info dicts!')

        self._plugin_types = [x[0] for x in plugin_type_info]
        self._plugin_type_info = PersistentMapping()
        for interface in plugin_type_info:
            self._plugin_type_info[interface[0]] = {
                'id': interface[1],
                'title': interface[2],
                'description': interface[3]

    #   IPluginRegistry implementation
    security.declareProtected(ManageUsers, 'listPluginTypeInfo')

    def listPluginTypeInfo(self):
        """ See IPluginRegistry.
        result = []

        for ptype in self._plugin_types:

            info = self._plugin_type_info[ptype].copy()
            info['interface'] = ptype
            info['methods'] = ptype.names()


        return result

    security.declareProtected(ManageUsers, 'listPlugins')

    def listPlugins(self, plugin_type):
        """ See IPluginRegistry.
        result = []

        parent = aq_parent(aq_inner(self))

        for plugin_id in self._getPlugins(plugin_type):

            plugin = parent._getOb(plugin_id)
            if not _satisfies(plugin, plugin_type):
                logger.debug('Active plugin %s no longer implements %s' %
                             (plugin_id, plugin_type))
                result.append((plugin_id, plugin))

        return result

    security.declareProtected(ManageUsers, 'getPluginInfo')

    def getPluginInfo(self, plugin_type):
        """ See IPluginRegistry.
        plugin_type = self._getInterfaceFromName(plugin_type)
        return self._plugin_type_info[plugin_type]

    security.declareProtected(ManageUsers, 'listPluginIds')

    def listPluginIds(self, plugin_type):
        """ See IPluginRegistry.

        return self._getPlugins(plugin_type)

    security.declareProtected(ManageUsers, 'activatePlugin')

    def activatePlugin(self, plugin_type, plugin_id):
        """ See IPluginRegistry.
        plugins = list(self._getPlugins(plugin_type))

        if plugin_id in plugins:
            raise KeyError, 'Duplicate plugin id: %s' % plugin_id

        parent = aq_parent(aq_inner(self))
        plugin = parent._getOb(plugin_id)

        if not _satisfies(plugin, plugin_type):
            raise ValueError, 'Plugin does not implement %s' % plugin_type

        self._plugins[plugin_type] = tuple(plugins)

    security.declareProtected(ManageUsers, 'deactivatePlugin')

    def deactivatePlugin(self, plugin_type, plugin_id):
        """ See IPluginRegistry.
        plugins = list(self._getPlugins(plugin_type))

        if not plugin_id in plugins:
            raise KeyError, 'Invalid plugin id: %s' % plugin_id

        plugins = [x for x in plugins if x != plugin_id]
        self._plugins[plugin_type] = tuple(plugins)

    security.declareProtected(ManageUsers, 'movePluginsUp')

    def movePluginsUp(self, plugin_type, ids_to_move):
        """ See IPluginRegistry.
        ids = list(self._getPlugins(plugin_type))
        count = len(ids)

        indexes = list(map(ids.index, ids_to_move))

        for i1 in indexes:

            if i1 < 0 or i1 >= count:
                raise IndexError, i1

            i2 = i1 - 1
            if i2 < 0:
                # i1 is already on top

            ids[i2], ids[i1] = ids[i1], ids[i2]

        self._plugins[plugin_type] = tuple(ids)

    security.declareProtected(ManageUsers, 'movePluginsDown')

    def movePluginsDown(self, plugin_type, ids_to_move):
        """ See IPluginRegistry.
        ids = list(self._getPlugins(plugin_type))
        count = len(ids)

        indexes = list(map(ids.index, ids_to_move))

        for i1 in indexes:

            if i1 < 0 or i1 >= count:
                raise IndexError, i1

            i2 = i1 + 1
            if i2 == len(ids):
                # i1 is already on the bottom

            ids[i2], ids[i1] = ids[i1], ids[i2]

        self._plugins[plugin_type] = tuple(ids)

    #   ZMI
    arrow_right_gif = ImageFile('www/arrow-right.gif', globals())
    arrow_left_gif = ImageFile('www/arrow-left.gif', globals())
    arrow_up_gif = ImageFile('www/arrow-up.gif', globals())
    arrow_down_gif = ImageFile('www/arrow-down.gif', globals())

    security.declareProtected(ManageUsers, 'manage_activatePlugins')

    def manage_activatePlugins(self, plugin_type, plugin_ids, RESPONSE):
        """ Shim into ZMI.
        interface = self._getInterfaceFromName(plugin_type)
        for id in plugin_ids:
            self.activatePlugin(interface, id)
        RESPONSE.redirect('%s/manage_plugins?plugin_type=%s' %
                          (self.absolute_url(), plugin_type))

    security.declareProtected(ManageUsers, 'manage_deactivatePlugins')

    def manage_deactivatePlugins(self, plugin_type, plugin_ids, RESPONSE):
        """ Shim into ZMI.
        interface = self._getInterfaceFromName(plugin_type)
        for id in plugin_ids:
            self.deactivatePlugin(interface, id)

        RESPONSE.redirect('%s/manage_plugins?plugin_type=%s' %
                          (self.absolute_url(), plugin_type))

    security.declareProtected(ManageUsers, 'manage_movePluginsUp')

    def manage_movePluginsUp(self, plugin_type, plugin_ids, RESPONSE):
        """ Shim into ZMI.
        interface = self._getInterfaceFromName(plugin_type)
        self.movePluginsUp(interface, plugin_ids)

        RESPONSE.redirect('%s/manage_plugins?plugin_type=%s' %
                          (self.absolute_url(), plugin_type))

    security.declareProtected(ManageUsers, 'manage_movePluginsDown')

    def manage_movePluginsDown(self, plugin_type, plugin_ids, RESPONSE):
        """ Shim into ZMI.
        interface = self._getInterfaceFromName(plugin_type)
        self.movePluginsDown(interface, plugin_ids)

        RESPONSE.redirect('%s/manage_plugins?plugin_type=%s' %
                          (self.absolute_url(), plugin_type))

    security.declareProtected(ManageUsers, 'getAllPlugins')

    def getAllPlugins(self, plugin_type):
        """ Return a mapping segregating active / available plugins.

        'plugin_type' is the __name__ of the interface.
        interface = self._getInterfaceFromName(plugin_type)

        active = self._getPlugins(interface)
        available = []

        for id, value in aq_parent(aq_inner(self)).objectItems():
            if _satisfies(value, interface):
                if id not in active:

        return {'active': active, 'available': available}

    security.declareProtected(ManageUsers, 'removePluginById')

    def removePluginById(self, plugin_id):
        """ Remove a plugin from any plugin types which have it configured.
        for plugin_type in self._plugin_types:

            if plugin_id in self._getPlugins(plugin_type):
                self.deactivatePlugin(plugin_type, plugin_id)

    security.declareProtected(ManageUsers, 'manage_plugins')
    manage_plugins = PageTemplateFile('plugins', _wwwdir)
    security.declareProtected(ManageUsers, 'manage_active')
    manage_active = PageTemplateFile('active_plugins', _wwwdir)
    manage_twoLists = PageTemplateFile('two_lists', _wwwdir)

    manage_options = ((
            'label': 'Plugins',
            'action': 'manage_plugins'
            # , 'help'   : ('PluggableAuthService'
            #              , 'plugins.stx')
            'label': 'Active',
            'action': 'manage_active'
        }) + SimpleItem.manage_options)

        security.declareProtected(ManageUsers, 'manage_exportImportForm')
        manage_exportImportForm = PageTemplateFile('export_import', _wwwdir)

        security.declareProtected(ManageUsers, 'getConfigAsXML')

        def getConfigAsXML(self):
            """ Return XML representing the registry's configuration.
            from exportimport import PluginRegistryExporter
            pre = PluginRegistryExporter(self).__of__(self)
            return pre.generateXML()

        security.declareProtected(ManageUsers, 'manage_exportImport')

        def manage_exportImport(self, updated_xml, should_purge, RESPONSE):
            """ Parse XML and update the registry.
            #XXX encoding?
            _updatePluginRegistry(self, updated_xml, should_purge)
                              '?manage_tabs_message=Registry+updated.' %

        security.declareProtected(ManageUsers, 'manage_FTPget')

        def manage_FTPget(self, REQUEST, RESPONSE):
            return self.getConfigAsXML()

        security.declareProtected(ManageUsers, 'PUT')

        def PUT(self, REQUEST, RESPONSE):
            xml = REQUEST['BODYFILE'].read()
            _updatePluginRegistry(self, xml, True)

        manage_options = (manage_options[:2] +
                              'label': 'Export / Import',
                              'action': 'manage_exportImportForm'
                          }, ) + manage_options[2:])

    #   Helper methods

    def _getPlugins(self, plugin_type):

        parent = aq_parent(aq_inner(self))

        if plugin_type not in self._plugin_types:
            raise KeyError, plugin_type

        if self._plugins is None:
            self._plugins = PersistentMapping()

        return self._plugins.setdefault(plugin_type, ())


    def _getInterfaceFromName(self, plugin_type_name):
        """ Convert the string name to an interface.

        o Raise KeyError is no such interface is known.
        found = [
            x[0] for x in self._plugin_type_info.items()
            if x[1]['id'] == plugin_type_name
        if not found:
            raise KeyError, plugin_type_name

        if len(found) > 1:
            raise KeyError, 'Waaa!:  %s' % plugin_type_name

        return found[0]
Beispiel #3
class PluginRegistry(SimpleItem):
    """ Implement IPluginRegistry as an independent, ZMI-manageable object.

    o Each plugin type holds an ordered list of ( id, wrapper ) tuples.
    __implements__ = (IPluginRegistry, )

    security = ClassSecurityInfo()

    meta_type = 'Plugin Registry'

    _plugins = None

    def __init__(self, plugin_type_info):

        self._plugin_types = [x[0] for x in plugin_type_info]
        self._plugin_type_info = PersistentMapping()
        for interface in plugin_type_info:
            self._plugin_type_info[interface[0]] = {
                'id': interface[1],
                'title': interface[2],
                'description': interface[3]

    #   IPluginRegistry implementation
    security.declareProtected(ManageUsers, 'listPluginTypeInfo')

    def listPluginTypeInfo(self):
        """ See IPluginRegistry.
        result = []

        for ptype in self._plugin_types:

            info = self._plugin_type_info[ptype].copy()
            info['interface'] = ptype
            info['methods'] = ptype.names()


        return result

    security.declareProtected(ManageUsers, 'listPlugins')

    def listPlugins(self, plugin_type):
        """ See IPluginRegistry.
        result = []

        parent = aq_parent(aq_inner(self))

        for plugin_id in self._getPlugins(plugin_type):

            plugin = parent._getOb(plugin_id)
            result.append((plugin_id, plugin))

        return result

    security.declareProtected(ManageUsers, 'getPluginInfo')

    def getPluginInfo(self, plugin_type):
        """ See IPluginRegistry.
        plugin_type = self._getInterfaceFromName(plugin_type)
        return self._plugin_type_info[plugin_type]

    security.declareProtected(ManageUsers, 'listPluginInfo')

    def listPluginIds(self, plugin_type):
        """ See IPluginRegistry.

        return self._getPlugins(plugin_type)

    security.declareProtected(ManageUsers, 'activatePlugin')

    def activatePlugin(self, plugin_type, plugin_id):
        """ See IPluginRegistry.
        plugins = list(self._getPlugins(plugin_type))

        if plugin_id in plugins:
            raise KeyError, 'Duplicate plugin id: %s' % plugin_id

        parent = aq_parent(aq_inner(self))
        plugin = parent._getOb(plugin_id)

        if not plugin_type.isImplementedBy(plugin):
            raise ValueError, 'Plugin does not implement %s' % plugin_type

        self._plugins[plugin_type] = tuple(plugins)

    security.declareProtected(ManageUsers, 'deactivatePlugin')

    def deactivatePlugin(self, plugin_type, plugin_id):
        """ See IPluginRegistry.
        plugins = list(self._getPlugins(plugin_type))

        if not plugin_id in plugins:
            raise KeyError, 'Invalid plugin id: %s' % plugin_id

        plugins = [x for x in plugins if x != plugin_id]
        self._plugins[plugin_type] = tuple(plugins)

    security.declareProtected(ManageUsers, 'movePluginsUp')

    def movePluginsUp(self, plugin_type, ids_to_move):
        """ See IPluginRegistry.
        ids = list(self._getPlugins(plugin_type))
        count = len(ids)

        indexes = list(map(ids.index, ids_to_move))

        for i1 in indexes:

            if i1 < 0 or i1 >= count:
                raise IndexError, i1

            i2 = i1 - 1
            if i2 < 0:  # wrap to bottom
                i2 = len(ids) - 1

            ids[i2], ids[i1] = ids[i1], ids[i2]

        self._plugins[plugin_type] = tuple(ids)

    security.declareProtected(ManageUsers, 'movePluginsDown')

    def movePluginsDown(self, plugin_type, ids_to_move):
        """ See IPluginRegistry.
        ids = list(self._getPlugins(plugin_type))
        count = len(ids)

        indexes = list(map(ids.index, ids_to_move))

        for i1 in indexes:

            if i1 < 0 or i1 >= count:
                raise IndexError, i1

            i2 = i1 + 1
            if i2 == len(ids):  # wrap to top
                i2 = 0

            ids[i2], ids[i1] = ids[i1], ids[i2]

        self._plugins[plugin_type] = tuple(ids)

    #   ZMI
    arrow_right_gif = ImageFile('www/arrow-right.gif', globals())
    arrow_left_gif = ImageFile('www/arrow-left.gif', globals())
    arrow_up_gif = ImageFile('www/arrow-up.gif', globals())
    arrow_down_gif = ImageFile('www/arrow-down.gif', globals())

    security.declareProtected(ManageUsers, 'manage_activatePlugins')

    def manage_activatePlugins(self, plugin_type, plugin_ids, RESPONSE):
        """ Shim into ZMI.
        interface = self._getInterfaceFromName(plugin_type)
        for id in plugin_ids:
            self.activatePlugin(interface, id)
        RESPONSE.redirect('%s/manage_plugins?plugin_type=%s' %
                          (self.absolute_url(), plugin_type))

    security.declareProtected(ManageUsers, 'manage_deactivatePlugins')

    def manage_deactivatePlugins(self, plugin_type, plugin_ids, RESPONSE):
        """ Shim into ZMI.
        interface = self._getInterfaceFromName(plugin_type)
        for id in plugin_ids:
            self.deactivatePlugin(interface, id)

        RESPONSE.redirect('%s/manage_plugins?plugin_type=%s' %
                          (self.absolute_url(), plugin_type))

    security.declareProtected(ManageUsers, 'manage_movePluginsUp')

    def manage_movePluginsUp(self, plugin_type, plugin_ids, RESPONSE):
        """ Shim into ZMI.
        interface = self._getInterfaceFromName(plugin_type)
        self.movePluginsUp(interface, plugin_ids)

        RESPONSE.redirect('%s/manage_plugins?plugin_type=%s' %
                          (self.absolute_url(), plugin_type))

    security.declareProtected(ManageUsers, 'manage_movePluginsDown')

    def manage_movePluginsDown(self, plugin_type, plugin_ids, RESPONSE):
        """ Shim into ZMI.
        interface = self._getInterfaceFromName(plugin_type)
        self.movePluginsDown(interface, plugin_ids)

        RESPONSE.redirect('%s/manage_plugins?plugin_type=%s' %
                          (self.absolute_url(), plugin_type))

    security.declareProtected(ManageUsers, 'getAllPlugins')

    def getAllPlugins(self, plugin_type):
        """ Return a mapping segregating active / available plugins.

        'plugin_type' is the __name__ of the interface.
        interface = self._getInterfaceFromName(plugin_type)

        active = self._getPlugins(interface)
        available = []

        for id, value in aq_parent(aq_inner(self)).objectItems():
            if interface.isImplementedBy(value):
                if id not in active:

        return {'active': active, 'available': available}

    security.declareProtected(ManageUsers, 'removePluginById')

    def removePluginById(self, plugin_id):
        """ Remove a plugin from any plugin types which have it configured.
        for plugin_type in self._plugin_types:

            if plugin_id in self._getPlugins(plugin_type):
                self.deactivatePlugin(plugin_type, plugin_id)

    security.declareProtected(ManageUsers, 'manage_plugins')
    manage_plugins = PageTemplateFile('plugins', _wwwdir)
    manage_twoLists = PageTemplateFile('two_lists', _wwwdir)

    manage_options = ((
            'label': 'Plugins',
            'action': 'manage_plugins'
            # , 'help'         : ( 'PluggableAuthService'
            #                    , 'plugins.stx')
        }, ) + SimpleItem.manage_options)

    #   Helper methods

    def _getPlugins(self, plugin_type):

        parent = aq_parent(aq_inner(self))

        if plugin_type not in self._plugin_types:
            raise KeyError, plugin_type

        if self._plugins is None:
            self._plugins = PersistentMapping()

        return self._plugins.setdefault(plugin_type, ())


    def _getInterfaceFromName(self, plugin_type_name):
        """ Convert the string name to an interface.

        o Raise KeyError is no such interface is known.
        found = [
            x[0] for x in self._plugin_type_info.items()
            if x[1]['id'] == plugin_type_name
        if not found:
            raise KeyError, plugin_type_name

        if len(found) > 1:
            raise KeyError, 'Waaa!:  %s' % plugin_type_name

        return found[0]
Beispiel #4
class PluginRegistry(SimpleItem):

    """ Implement IPluginRegistry as an independent, ZMI-manageable object.

    o Each plugin type holds an ordered list of (id, wrapper) tuples.
    implements(IPluginRegistry, IWriteLock)

    security = ClassSecurityInfo()

    meta_type = 'Plugin Registry'

    _plugins = None

    def __init__(self, plugin_type_info=()):

        if isinstance(plugin_type_info, basestring):
            # some tool is passing us our ID.
            raise ValueError('Must pass a sequence of plugin info dicts!')

        self._plugin_types = [x[0] for x in plugin_type_info]
        self._plugin_type_info = PersistentMapping()
        for interface in plugin_type_info:
            self._plugin_type_info[interface[0]] = { 
                  'id': interface[1]
                , 'title': interface[2]
                , 'description': interface[3]

    #   IPluginRegistry implementation
    security.declareProtected(ManageUsers, 'listPluginTypeInfo')
    def listPluginTypeInfo(self):

        """ See IPluginRegistry.
        result = []

        for ptype in self._plugin_types:

            info = self._plugin_type_info[ptype].copy()
            info['interface'] = ptype
            info['methods'] = ptype.names()


        return result

    security.declareProtected(ManageUsers, 'listPlugins')
    def listPlugins(self, plugin_type):

        """ See IPluginRegistry.
        result = []

        parent = aq_parent(aq_inner(self))

        for plugin_id in self._getPlugins(plugin_type):

            plugin = parent._getOb(plugin_id)
            if not _satisfies(plugin, plugin_type):
                logger.debug('Active plugin %s no longer implements %s'
                                % (plugin_id, plugin_type)
                result.append((plugin_id, plugin))

        return result

    security.declareProtected(ManageUsers, 'getPluginInfo')
    def getPluginInfo(self, plugin_type):

        """ See IPluginRegistry.
        plugin_type = self._getInterfaceFromName(plugin_type)
        return self._plugin_type_info[plugin_type]

    security.declareProtected(ManageUsers, 'listPluginIds')
    def listPluginIds(self, plugin_type):

        """ See IPluginRegistry.

        return self._getPlugins(plugin_type)

    security.declareProtected(ManageUsers, 'activatePlugin')
    def activatePlugin(self, plugin_type, plugin_id):

        """ See IPluginRegistry.
        plugins = list(self._getPlugins(plugin_type))

        if plugin_id in plugins:
            raise KeyError, 'Duplicate plugin id: %s' % plugin_id

        parent = aq_parent(aq_inner(self))
        plugin = parent._getOb(plugin_id) 

        if not _satisfies(plugin, plugin_type):
            raise ValueError, 'Plugin does not implement %s' % plugin_type 
        self._plugins[plugin_type] = tuple(plugins)

    security.declareProtected(ManageUsers, 'deactivatePlugin')
    def deactivatePlugin(self, plugin_type, plugin_id):

        """ See IPluginRegistry.
        plugins = list(self._getPlugins(plugin_type))

        if not plugin_id in plugins:
            raise KeyError, 'Invalid plugin id: %s' % plugin_id

        plugins = [x for x in plugins if x != plugin_id]
        self._plugins[plugin_type] = tuple(plugins)

    security.declareProtected(ManageUsers, 'movePluginsUp')
    def movePluginsUp(self, plugin_type, ids_to_move):

        """ See IPluginRegistry.
        ids = list(self._getPlugins(plugin_type))
        count = len(ids)

        indexes = list(map(ids.index, ids_to_move))

        for i1 in indexes:

            if i1 < 0 or i1 >= count:
                raise IndexError, i1

            i2 = i1 - 1
            if i2 < 0:
                # i1 is already on top

            ids[i2], ids[i1] = ids[i1], ids[i2]

        self._plugins[plugin_type] = tuple(ids)

    security.declareProtected(ManageUsers, 'movePluginsDown')
    def movePluginsDown(self, plugin_type, ids_to_move):

        """ See IPluginRegistry.
        ids = list(self._getPlugins(plugin_type))
        count = len(ids)

        indexes = list(map(ids.index, ids_to_move))

        for i1 in indexes:

            if i1 < 0 or i1 >= count:
                raise IndexError, i1

            i2 = i1 + 1
            if i2 == len(ids):
                # i1 is already on the bottom

            ids[i2], ids[i1] = ids[i1], ids[i2]

        self._plugins[plugin_type] = tuple(ids)

    #   ZMI
    arrow_right_gif = ImageFile('www/arrow-right.gif', globals())
    arrow_left_gif = ImageFile('www/arrow-left.gif', globals())
    arrow_up_gif = ImageFile('www/arrow-up.gif', globals())
    arrow_down_gif = ImageFile('www/arrow-down.gif', globals())

    security.declareProtected(ManageUsers, 'manage_activatePlugins')
    def manage_activatePlugins(self
                             , plugin_type
                             , plugin_ids
                             , RESPONSE
        """ Shim into ZMI.
        interface = self._getInterfaceFromName(plugin_type)
        for id in plugin_ids:
            self.activatePlugin(interface, id)
                         % (self.absolute_url(), plugin_type)

    security.declareProtected(ManageUsers, 'manage_deactivatePlugins')
    def manage_deactivatePlugins(self
                                , plugin_type
                                , plugin_ids
                                , RESPONSE
        """ Shim into ZMI.
        interface = self._getInterfaceFromName(plugin_type)
        for id in plugin_ids:
            self.deactivatePlugin(interface, id)

                         % (self.absolute_url(), plugin_type)

    security.declareProtected(ManageUsers, 'manage_movePluginsUp')
    def manage_movePluginsUp(self
                            , plugin_type
                            , plugin_ids
                            , RESPONSE
        """ Shim into ZMI.
        interface = self._getInterfaceFromName(plugin_type)
        self.movePluginsUp(interface, plugin_ids)

                         % (self.absolute_url(), plugin_type)

    security.declareProtected(ManageUsers, 'manage_movePluginsDown')
    def manage_movePluginsDown(self
                              , plugin_type
                              , plugin_ids
                              , RESPONSE
        """ Shim into ZMI.
        interface = self._getInterfaceFromName(plugin_type)
        self.movePluginsDown(interface, plugin_ids)

                         % (self.absolute_url(), plugin_type)

    security.declareProtected(ManageUsers, 'getAllPlugins')
    def getAllPlugins(self, plugin_type):

        """ Return a mapping segregating active / available plugins.

        'plugin_type' is the __name__ of the interface.
        interface = self._getInterfaceFromName(plugin_type)

        active = self._getPlugins(interface)
        available = []

        for id, value in aq_parent(aq_inner(self)).objectItems():
            if _satisfies(value, interface):
                if id not in active:

        return { 'active' : active, 'available' : available }

    security.declareProtected(ManageUsers, 'removePluginById')
    def removePluginById(self, plugin_id):

        """ Remove a plugin from any plugin types which have it configured.
        for plugin_type in self._plugin_types:

            if plugin_id in self._getPlugins(plugin_type):
                self.deactivatePlugin(plugin_type, plugin_id)

    security.declareProtected(ManageUsers, 'manage_plugins')
    manage_plugins = PageTemplateFile('plugins', _wwwdir)
    security.declareProtected(ManageUsers, 'manage_active')
    manage_active = PageTemplateFile('active_plugins', _wwwdir)
    manage_twoLists = PageTemplateFile('two_lists', _wwwdir)

    manage_options=(({ 'label'  : 'Plugins'
                       , 'action' : 'manage_plugins'
                     # , 'help'   : ('PluggableAuthService'
                     #              , 'plugins.stx')
                     , { 'label'  : 'Active'
                       , 'action' : 'manage_active'
                   + SimpleItem.manage_options

        security.declareProtected(ManageUsers, 'manage_exportImportForm')
        manage_exportImportForm = PageTemplateFile('export_import', _wwwdir)

        security.declareProtected(ManageUsers, 'getConfigAsXML')
        def getConfigAsXML(self):
            """ Return XML representing the registry's configuration.
            from exportimport import PluginRegistryExporter
            pre = PluginRegistryExporter(self).__of__(self)
            return pre.generateXML()

        security.declareProtected(ManageUsers, 'manage_exportImport')
        def manage_exportImport(self, updated_xml, should_purge, RESPONSE):
            """ Parse XML and update the registry.
            #XXX encoding?
            _updatePluginRegistry(self, updated_xml, should_purge)
                                % self.absolute_url())

        security.declareProtected(ManageUsers, 'manage_FTPget')
        def manage_FTPget(self, REQUEST, RESPONSE):
            return self.getConfigAsXML()

        security.declareProtected(ManageUsers, 'PUT')
        def PUT(self, REQUEST, RESPONSE):
            xml = REQUEST['BODYFILE'].read()
            _updatePluginRegistry(self, xml, True)

        manage_options = (manage_options[:2]
                         + ({ 'label' : 'Export / Import'
                             , 'action' : 'manage_exportImportForm'
                         + manage_options[2:]

    #   Helper methods
    def _getPlugins(self, plugin_type):

        parent = aq_parent(aq_inner(self))

        if plugin_type not in self._plugin_types:
            raise KeyError, plugin_type

        if self._plugins is None:
            self._plugins = PersistentMapping()

        return self._plugins.setdefault(plugin_type, ())

    def _getInterfaceFromName(self, plugin_type_name):

        """ Convert the string name to an interface.

        o Raise KeyError is no such interface is known.
        found = [x[0] for x in self._plugin_type_info.items()
                                if x[1]['id'] == plugin_type_name]
        if not found:
            raise KeyError, plugin_type_name

        if len(found) > 1:
            raise KeyError, 'Waaa!:  %s' % plugin_type_name

        return found[0]
Beispiel #5
 def setdefault(self, key, failobj=None):
     if key not in self._keys:
     return PersistentMapping.setdefault(self, key, failobj)
Beispiel #6
class TransformTool(UniqueObject, ActionProviderBase, Folder):

    id = 'portal_transforms'
    meta_type = id.title().replace('_', ' ')
    isPrincipiaFolderish = 1  # Show up in the ZMI

    meta_types = all_meta_types = (
        {'name': 'Transform', 'action': 'manage_addTransformForm'},
        {'name': 'TransformsChain', 'action': 'manage_addTransformsChainForm'},

    manage_addTransformForm = PageTemplateFile('addTransform', _www)
    manage_addTransformsChainForm = PageTemplateFile(
        'addTransformsChain', _www)
    manage_cacheForm = PageTemplateFile('setCacheTime', _www)
    manage_editTransformationPolicyForm = PageTemplateFile(
        'editTransformationPolicy', _www)
    manage_reloadAllTransforms = PageTemplateFile('reloadAllTransforms', _www)

    manage_options = (
        (Folder.manage_options[0], ) + Folder.manage_options[2:] +
        ({'label': 'Caches', 'action': 'manage_cacheForm'},
         {'label': 'Policy', 'action': 'manage_editTransformationPolicyForm'},
         {'label': 'Reload transforms',
          'action': 'manage_reloadAllTransforms'},

    security = ClassSecurityInfo()

    def __init__(self, policies=None, max_sec_in_cache=3600):
        self._mtmap = PersistentMapping()
        self._policies = policies or PersistentMapping()
        self.max_sec_in_cache = max_sec_in_cache
        self._new_style_pt = 1

    # mimetype oriented conversions (iengine interface)

    def unregisterTransform(self, name):
        """ unregister a transform
        name is the name of a registered transform
        self._unmapTransform(getattr(self, name))
        if name in self.objectIds():

    def convertTo(self, target_mimetype, orig, data=None, object=None,
                  usedby=None, context=None, **kwargs):
        """Convert orig to a given mimetype

        * orig is an encoded string

        * data an optional IDataStream object. If None a new datastream will be
        created and returned

        * optional object argument is the object on which is bound the data.
        If present that object will be used by the engine to bound cached data.

        * additional arguments (kwargs) will be passed to the transformations.
        Some usual arguments are : filename, mimetype, encoding

        return an object implementing IDataStream or None if no path has been
        target_mimetype = str(target_mimetype)

        if object is not None:
            cache = Cache(object, context=context)
            data = cache.getCache(target_mimetype)
            if data is not None:
                time, data = data
                if self.max_sec_in_cache == 0 or time < self.max_sec_in_cache:
                    return data

        if data is None:
            data = self._wrap(target_mimetype)

        registry = getToolByName(self, 'mimetypes_registry')

        if not getattr(aq_base(registry), 'classify', None):
            # avoid problems when importing a site with an old mimetype
            # registry
            return None

        orig_mt = registry.classify(orig,
        orig_mt = str(orig_mt)
        if not orig_mt:
            log('Unable to guess input mime type (filename=%s, mimetype=%s)' %
                (kwargs.get('mimetype'), kwargs.get('filename')),
            return None

        target_mt = registry.lookup(target_mimetype)
        if target_mt:
            target_mt = target_mt[0]
            log('Unable to match target mime type %s' % str(target_mimetype),
            return None

        # fastpath
        # If orig_mt and target_mt are the same, we only allow
        # a one-hop transform, a.k.a. filter.
        # XXX disabled filtering for now
        if orig_mt == str(target_mt):
            md = data.getMetadata()
            md['mimetype'] = str(orig_mt)
            if object is not None:
                cache.setCache(str(target_mimetype), data)
            return data

        # get a path to output mime type
        requirements = self._policies.get(str(target_mt), [])
        path = self._findPath(orig_mt, target_mt, list(requirements))
        if not path and requirements:
            log('Unable to satisfy requirements %s' % ', '.join(requirements),
            path = self._findPath(orig_mt, target_mt)

        if not path:
            log('NO PATH FROM %s TO %s : %s' %
                (orig_mt, target_mimetype, path), severity=DEBUG)
            return None

        if len(path) > 1:
            # create a chain on the fly (sly)
            transform = chain()
            for t in path:
            transform = path[0]

        result = transform.convert(orig, data, context=context,
                                   usedby=usedby, **kwargs)
        self._setMetaData(result, transform)

        # set cache if possible
        if object is not None and result.isCacheable():
            cache.setCache(str(target_mimetype), result)

        # return IDataStream object
        return result
    # make sure it's not publishable (XSS risk)
    del convertTo.__doc__

    def convertToData(self, target_mimetype, orig, data=None, object=None,
                      usedby=None, context=None, **kwargs):
        # Convert to a given mimetype and return the raw data
        # ignoring subobjects. see convertTo for more information
        data = self.convertTo(target_mimetype, orig, data, object, usedby,
                              context, **kwargs)
        if data:
            return data.getData()
        return None

    def convert(self, name, orig, data=None, context=None, **kwargs):
        # run a tranform of a given name on data

        # * name is the name of a registered transform

        # see convertTo docstring for more info

        if not data:
            data = self._wrap(name)
            transform = getattr(self, name)
        except AttributeError:
            raise Exception('No such transform "%s"' % name)
        data = transform.convert(orig, data, context=context, **kwargs)
        self._setMetaData(data, transform)
        return data

    def __call__(self, name, orig, data=None, context=None, **kwargs):
        # run a transform by its name, returning the raw data product

        # * name is the name of a registered transform.

        # return an encoded string.
        # see convert docstring for more info on additional arguments.

        data = self.convert(name, orig, data, context, **kwargs)
        return data.getData()

    # utilities ###############################################################

    def _setMetaData(self, datastream, transform):
        """set metadata on datastream according to the given transform
        (mime type and optionaly encoding)
        md = datastream.getMetadata()
        if hasattr(transform, 'output_encoding'):
            md['encoding'] = transform.output_encoding
        md['mimetype'] = transform.output

    def _wrap(self, name):
        """wrap a data object in an icache"""
        return datastream(name)

    def _unwrap(self, data):
        """unwrap data from an icache"""
        if IDataStream.providedBy(data):
            data = data.getData()
        return data

    def _mapTransform(self, transform):
        """map transform to internal structures"""
        registry = getToolByName(self, 'mimetypes_registry')
        inputs = getattr(transform, 'inputs', None)
        if not inputs:
            raise TransformException('Bad transform %s : no input MIME type' %
        for i in inputs:
            mts = registry.lookup(i)
            if not mts:
                msg = 'Input MIME type %r for transform %s is not registered '\
                      'in the MIME types registry' % (i,
                raise TransformException(msg)
            for mti in mts:
                for mt in mti.mimetypes:
                    mt_in = self._mtmap.setdefault(mt, PersistentMapping())
                    output = getattr(transform, 'output', None)
                    if not output:
                        msg = 'Bad transform %s : no output MIME type'
                        raise TransformException(msg %
                    mto = registry.lookup(output)
                    if not mto:
                        msg = 'Output MIME type %r for transform %s is not '\
                              'registered in the MIME types registry' % \
                        raise TransformException(msg)
                    if len(mto) > 1:
                        msg = ("Wildcarding not allowed in transform's output "
                               "MIME type")
                        raise TransformException(msg)

                    for mt2 in mto[0].mimetypes:
                            if transform not in mt_in[mt2]:
                        except KeyError:
                            mt_in[mt2] = PersistentList([transform])

    def _unmapTransform(self, transform):
        """unmap transform from internal structures"""
        registry = getToolByName(self, 'mimetypes_registry')
        for i in transform.inputs:
            for mti in registry.lookup(i):
                for mt in mti.mimetypes:
                    mt_in = self._mtmap.get(mt, {})
                    output = transform.output
                    mto = registry.lookup(output)
                    for mt2 in mto[0].mimetypes:
                        l = mt_in[mt2]
                        for i in range(len(l)):
                            if == l[i].name():
                            log('Can\'t find transform %s from %s to %s' % (
                      , mti, mt),

    def _findPath(self, orig, target, required_transforms=()):
        """return the shortest path for transformation from orig mimetype to
        target mimetype
        if not self._mtmap:
            return None

        orig = str(orig)
        target = str(target)
        # First, let's deal with required transforms.
        if required_transforms:
            # Let's decompose paths, then.
            required_transform = required_transforms.pop(0)
            # The first path must lead to one of the inputs supported
            # by this first required transform.
            # Which input types are supported by this transform ?
            supportedInputs = {}
            for input, outputs in self._mtmap.items():
                for output, transforms in outputs.items():
                    for transform in transforms:
                        if == required_transform:
                            supportedInputs[input] = 'ok'
                            # BTW, let's remember the output type
                            transformOutput = output
                            # and remember the transform, it is
                            # useful later
                            requiredTransform = transform
            # Which of these inputs will be reachable with the
            # shortest path ?
            shortest = 9999  # big enough, I guess
            shortestFirstPath = None
            for supportedInput in supportedInputs.keys():
                # We start from orig
                firstOrig = orig
                # And want to reach supportedInput
                firstTarget = supportedInput
                # What's the shortest path ?
                firstPath = self._findPath(firstOrig, firstTarget)
                if firstPath is not None:
                    if len(firstPath) < shortest:
                        # Here is a path which is shorter than others
                        # which also reach the required transform.
                        shortest = len(firstPath)
                        shortestFirstPath = firstPath
            if shortestFirstPath is None:
                return None  # there is no path leading to this transform
            # Then we have to take this transform.
            secondPath = [requiredTransform]
            # From the output of this transform, we then have to
            # reach our target, possible through other required
            # transforms.
            thirdOrig = transformOutput
            thirdTarget = target
            thirdPath = self._findPath(thirdOrig, thirdTarget,
            if thirdPath is None:
                return None  # no path
            # Final result is the concatenation of these 3 parts
            return shortestFirstPath + secondPath + thirdPath

        if orig == target:
            return []

        # Now let's efficiently find the shortest path from orig
        # to target (without required transforms).
        # The overall idea is that we build all possible paths
        # starting from orig and of given length. And we increment
        # this length until one of these paths reaches our target or
        # until all reachable types have been reached.
        currentPathLength = 0
        pathToType = {orig: []}  # all paths we know, by end of path.

        def typesWithPathOfLength(length):
            '''Returns the lists of known paths of a given length'''
            result = []
            for type_, path in pathToType.items():
                if len(path) == length:
            return result

        # We will start exploring paths which start from types
        # reachable in zero steps. That is paths which start from
        # orig.
        typesToStartFrom = typesWithPathOfLength(currentPathLength)
        # Explore paths while there are new paths to be explored
        while len(typesToStartFrom) > 0:
            for startingType in typesToStartFrom:
                # Where can we go in one step starting from here ?
                outputs = self._mtmap.get(startingType)
                if outputs:
                    for reachedType, transforms in outputs.items():
                        # Does this lead to a type we never reached before ?
                        if reachedType not in pathToType.keys() and transforms:
                            # Yes, we did not know any path reaching this type
                            # Let's remember the path to here
                            pathToType[reachedType] = (
                                pathToType[startingType] + [transforms[0]])
                            if reachedType == target:
                                # This is the first time we reach our target.
                                # We have our shortest path to target.
                                return pathToType[target]
            # We explored all possible paths of length currentPathLength
            # Let's increment that length.
            currentPathLength += 1
            # What are the next types to start from ?
            typesToStartFrom = typesWithPathOfLength(currentPathLength)
        # We are done exploring paths starting from orig
        # and this exploration did not reach our target.
        # Hence there is no path from orig to target.
        return None

    def _getPaths(self, orig, target, requirements, path=None, result=None):
        """return some of the paths for transformation from orig mimetype to
        target mimetype with the guarantee that the shortest path is included.
        If target is the same as orig, then returns an empty path.

        shortest = 9999
        if result:
            for okPath in result:
                shortest = min(shortest, len(okPath))

        if orig == target:
            return [[]]
        if path is None:
            result = []
            path = []
            requirements = list(requirements)
        outputs = self._mtmap.get(orig)
        if outputs is None:
            return result

        registry = getToolByName(self, 'mimetypes_registry')
        mto = registry.lookup(target)
        # target mimetype aliases
        target_aliases = mto[0].mimetypes

        for o_mt, transforms in outputs.items():
            for transform in transforms:
                required = 0
                name =
                if name in requirements:
                    required = 1
                if transform in path:
                    # avoid infinite loop...
                path[-1] = transform
                if o_mt in target_aliases:
                    if not requirements:
                        if len(path[:]) < shortest:
                            # here is a shorter one !
                            shortest = len(path)
                    if len(path) < shortest:
                        # keep exploring this path, it is still short enough
                        self._getPaths(o_mt, target, requirements,
                                       path, result)
                if required:

        return result

    def manage_afterAdd(self, item, container):
        """ overload manage_afterAdd to finish initialization when the
        transform tool is added
        Folder.manage_afterAdd(self, item, container)
        except TransformException:
            # may fail on copy or zexp import

    def manage_addTransform(self, id, module, REQUEST=None):
        """ add a new transform to the tool """
        transform = Transform(id, module)
        self._setObject(id, transform)
        if REQUEST is not None:
            REQUEST['RESPONSE'].redirect(self.absolute_url() + '/manage_main')

    def manage_addTransformsChain(self, id, description, REQUEST=None):
        """ add a new transform to the tool """
        transform = TransformsChain(id, description)
        self._setObject(id, transform)
        if REQUEST is not None:
            REQUEST['RESPONSE'].redirect(self.absolute_url() + '/manage_main')

    def manage_setCacheValidityTime(self, seconds, REQUEST=None):
        """set  the lifetime of cached data in seconds"""
        self.max_sec_in_cache = int(seconds)
        if REQUEST is not None:
            REQUEST['RESPONSE'].redirect(self.absolute_url() + '/manage_main')

    def reloadTransforms(self, ids=()):
        """ reload transforms with the given ids
        if no ids, reload all registered transforms

        return a list of (transform_id, transform_module) describing reloaded
        if not ids:
            ids = self.objectIds()
        reloaded = []
        for id in ids:
            o = getattr(self, id)
            reloaded.append((id, o.module))
        return reloaded

    # Policy handling methods

    def manage_addPolicy(self, output_mimetype, required_transforms,
        """ add a policy for a given output mime types"""
        registry = getToolByName(self, 'mimetypes_registry')
        if not registry.lookup(output_mimetype):
            raise TransformException('Unknown MIME type')
        if output_mimetype in self._policies:
            msg = 'A policy for output %s is yet defined' % output_mimetype
            raise TransformException(msg)

        required_transforms = tuple(required_transforms)
        self._policies[output_mimetype] = required_transforms
        if REQUEST is not None:
            REQUEST['RESPONSE'].redirect(self.absolute_url() +

    def manage_delPolicies(self, outputs, REQUEST=None):
        """ remove policies for given output mime types"""
        for mimetype in outputs:
            del self._policies[mimetype]
        if REQUEST is not None:
            REQUEST['RESPONSE'].redirect(self.absolute_url() +

    def listPolicies(self):
        """ return the list of defined policies

        a policy is a 2-uple (output_mime_type, [list of required transforms])
        # XXXFIXME: backward compat, should be removed latter
        if not hasattr(self, '_policies'):
            self._policies = PersistentMapping()
        return self._policies.items()

    # mimetype oriented conversions (iengine interface)

    def registerTransform(self, transform):
        """register a new transform

        transform isn't a Zope Transform (the wrapper) but the wrapped
        transform the persistence wrapper will be created here
        # needed when call from transform.transforms.initialize which
        # register non zope transform
        module = str(transform.__module__)
        transform = Transform(, module, transform)
        if not ITransform.providedBy(transform):
            raise TransformException('%s does not implement ITransform' %
        name =
        __traceback_info__ = (name, transform)
        if name not in self.objectIds():
            self._setObject(name, transform)

    def ZopeFind(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Don't break ZopeFind feature when a transform can't be loaded
            return Folder.ZopeFind(self, *args, **kwargs)
        except MissingBinary:
            log('ZopeFind: catched MissingBinary exception')

    def objectItems(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Don't break ZopeFind feature when a transform can't be loaded
            return Folder.objectItems(self, *args, **kwargs)
        except MissingBinary:
            log('objectItems: catched MissingBinary exception')
            return []

    # available mimetypes ####################################################
    def listAvailableTextInputs(self):
        """Returns a list of mimetypes that can be used as input for textfields
        by building a list of the inputs beginning with "text/" of all
        available_types = []
        candidate_transforms = [object[1] for object in self.objectItems()]
        for candidate in candidate_transforms:
            for input in candidate.inputs:
                if input.startswith("text/") and input not in available_types:
        return available_types
Beispiel #7
class TransformTool(UniqueObject, ActionProviderBase, Folder):

    id = 'portal_transforms'
    meta_type = id.title().replace('_', ' ')
    isPrincipiaFolderish = 1  # Show up in the ZMI

    implements(IPortalTransformsTool, IEngine)

    meta_types = all_meta_types = (
            'name': 'Transform',
            'action': 'manage_addTransformForm'
            'name': 'TransformsChain',
            'action': 'manage_addTransformsChainForm'

    manage_addTransformForm = PageTemplateFile('addTransform', _www)
    manage_addTransformsChainForm = PageTemplateFile('addTransformsChain',
    manage_cacheForm = PageTemplateFile('setCacheTime', _www)
    manage_editTransformationPolicyForm = PageTemplateFile(
        'editTransformationPolicy', _www)
    manage_reloadAllTransforms = PageTemplateFile('reloadAllTransforms', _www)

    manage_options = ((Folder.manage_options[0], ) +
                      Folder.manage_options[2:] + (
                              'label': 'Caches',
                              'action': 'manage_cacheForm'
                              'label': 'Policy',
                              'action': 'manage_editTransformationPolicyForm'
                              'label': 'Reload transforms',
                              'action': 'manage_reloadAllTransforms'

    security = ClassSecurityInfo()

    def __init__(self, policies=None, max_sec_in_cache=3600):
        self._mtmap = PersistentMapping()
        self._policies = policies or PersistentMapping()
        self.max_sec_in_cache = max_sec_in_cache
        self._new_style_pt = 1

    # mimetype oriented conversions (iengine interface)


    def unregisterTransform(self, name):
        """ unregister a transform
        name is the name of a registered transform
        self._unmapTransform(getattr(self, name))
        if name in self.objectIds():


    def convertTo(self,
        """Convert orig to a given mimetype

        * orig is an encoded string

        * data an optional IDataStream object. If None a new datastream will be
        created and returned

        * optional object argument is the object on which is bound the data.
        If present that object will be used by the engine to bound cached data.

        * additional arguments (kwargs) will be passed to the transformations.
        Some usual arguments are : filename, mimetype, encoding

        return an object implementing IDataStream or None if no path has been
        target_mimetype = str(target_mimetype)

        if object is not None:
            cache = Cache(object, context=context)
            data = cache.getCache(target_mimetype)
            if data is not None:
                time, data = data
                if self.max_sec_in_cache == 0 or time < self.max_sec_in_cache:
                    return data

        if data is None:
            data = self._wrap(target_mimetype)

        registry = getToolByName(self, 'mimetypes_registry')

        if not getattr(aq_base(registry), 'classify', None):
            # avoid problems when importing a site with an old mimetype
            # registry
            return None

        orig_mt = registry.classify(orig,
        orig_mt = str(orig_mt)
        if not orig_mt:
            log('Unable to guess input mime type (filename=%s, mimetype=%s)' %
                (kwargs.get('mimetype'), kwargs.get('filename')),
            return None

        target_mt = registry.lookup(target_mimetype)
        if target_mt:
            target_mt = target_mt[0]
            log('Unable to match target mime type %s' % str(target_mimetype),
            return None

        ## fastpath
        # If orig_mt and target_mt are the same, we only allow
        # a one-hop transform, a.k.a. filter.
        # XXX disabled filtering for now
        if orig_mt == str(target_mt):
            md = data.getMetadata()
            md['mimetype'] = str(orig_mt)
            if object is not None:
                cache.setCache(str(target_mimetype), data)
            return data

        ## get a path to output mime type
        requirements = self.getRequirementListByMimetype(
            str(orig_mt), str(target_mt))
        path = self._findPath(orig_mt, target_mt, list(requirements))
        if not path and requirements:
            log('Unable to satisfy requirements %s' % ', '.join(requirements),
            path = self._findPath(orig_mt, target_mt)

        if not path:
            log('NO PATH FROM %s TO %s : %s' %
                (orig_mt, target_mimetype, path),
            return None

        if len(path) > 1:
            ## create a chain on the fly (sly)
            transform = chain()
            for t in path:
            transform = path[0]

        result = transform.convert(orig,
        self._setMetaData(result, transform)

        # set cache if possible
        if object is not None and result.isCacheable():
            cache.setCache(str(target_mimetype), result)

        # return IDataStream object
        return result


    def getRequirementListByMimetype(self, origin_mimetype, target_mimetype):
        """Return requirements only if origin_mimetype
      and target_mimetype are matching transform policy

      As an example pdf => text conversion force a transformation
      to intermediate HTML format, because w3m_dump is a requirement
      to output plain/text.
      But we want using pdf_to_text directly.

      So requirements are returned only if
      origin_mimetype and target_mimetype sastify
      the requirement: ie html_to_text is returned
      only if origin_mimetype  == 'text/html' and
      target_mimetype == 'text/plain'
        result_list = []
        candidate_requirement_list = self._policies.get(target_mimetype, [])
        for candidate_requirement in candidate_requirement_list:
            transform = getattr(self, candidate_requirement)
            if origin_mimetype in transform.inputs:
        return result_list


    def convertToData(self,
        """Convert to a given mimetype and return the raw data
        ignoring subobjects. see convertTo for more information
        data = self.convertTo(target_mimetype, orig, data, object, usedby,
                              context, **kwargs)
        if data:
            return data.getData()
        return None


    def convert(self, name, orig, data=None, context=None, **kwargs):
        """run a tranform of a given name on data

        * name is the name of a registered transform

        see convertTo docstring for more info
        if not data:
            data = self._wrap(name)
            transform = getattr(self, name)
        except AttributeError:
            raise Exception('No such transform "%s"' % name)
        data = transform.convert(orig, data, context=context, **kwargs)
        self._setMetaData(data, transform)
        return data

    def __call__(self, name, orig, data=None, context=None, **kwargs):
        """run a transform by its name, returning the raw data product

        * name is the name of a registered transform.

        return an encoded string.
        see convert docstring for more info on additional arguments.
        data = self.convert(name, orig, data, context, **kwargs)
        return data.getData()

    # utilities ###############################################################

    def _setMetaData(self, datastream, transform):
        """set metadata on datastream according to the given transform
        (mime type and optionaly encoding)
        md = datastream.getMetadata()
        if hasattr(transform, 'output_encoding'):
            md['encoding'] = transform.output_encoding
        md['mimetype'] = transform.output

    def _wrap(self, name):
        """wrap a data object in an icache"""
        return datastream(name)

    def _unwrap(self, data):
        """unwrap data from an icache"""
        if IDataStream.providedBy(data):
            data = data.getData()
        return data

    def _mapTransform(self, transform):
        """map transform to internal structures"""
        registry = getToolByName(self, 'mimetypes_registry')
        inputs = getattr(transform, 'inputs', None)
        if not inputs:
            raise TransformException('Bad transform %s : no input MIME type' %
        for i in inputs:
            mts = registry.lookup(i)
            if not mts:
                msg = 'Input MIME type %r for transform %s is not registered '\
                      'in the MIME types registry' % (i,
                raise TransformException(msg)
            for mti in mts:
                for mt in mti.mimetypes:
                    mt_in = self._mtmap.setdefault(mt, PersistentMapping())
                    output = getattr(transform, 'output', None)
                    if not output:
                        msg = 'Bad transform %s : no output MIME type'
                        raise TransformException(msg %
                    mto = registry.lookup(output)
                    if not mto:
                        msg = 'Output MIME type %r for transform %s is not '\
                              'registered in the MIME types registry' % \
                        raise TransformException(msg)
                    if len(mto) > 1:
                        msg = ("Wildcarding not allowed in transform's output "
                               "MIME type")
                        raise TransformException(msg)

                    for mt2 in mto[0].mimetypes:
                            if not transform in mt_in[mt2]:
                        except KeyError:
                            mt_in[mt2] = PersistentList([transform])

    def _unmapTransform(self, transform):
        """unmap transform from internal structures"""
        registry = getToolByName(self, 'mimetypes_registry')
        for i in transform.inputs:
            for mti in registry.lookup(i):
                for mt in mti.mimetypes:
                    mt_in = self._mtmap.get(mt, {})
                    output = transform.output
                    mto = registry.lookup(output)
                    for mt2 in mto[0].mimetypes:
                        l = mt_in[mt2]
                        for i in range(len(l)):
                            if == l[i].name():
                            log('Can\'t find transform %s from %s to %s' %
                                (, mti, mt),

    def _findPath(self, orig, target, required_transforms=()):
        """return the shortest path for transformation from orig mimetype to
        target mimetype
        if not self._mtmap:
            return None

        orig = str(orig)
        target = str(target)
        # First, let's deal with required transforms.
        if required_transforms:
            # Let's decompose paths, then.
            required_transform = required_transforms.pop(0)
            # The first path must lead to one of the inputs supported
            # by this first required transform.
            # Which input types are supported by this transform ?
            supportedInputs = {}
            for input, outputs in self._mtmap.items():
                for output, transforms in outputs.items():
                    for transform in transforms:
                        if == required_transform:
                            supportedInputs[input] = 'ok'
                            # BTW, let's remember the output type
                            transformOutput = output
                            # and remember the transform, it is
                            # useful later
                            requiredTransform = transform
            # Which of these inputs will be reachable with the
            # shortest path ?
            shortest = 9999  # big enough, I guess
            shortestFirstPath = None
            for supportedInput in supportedInputs.keys():
                # We start from orig
                firstOrig = orig
                # And want to reach supportedInput
                firstTarget = supportedInput
                # What's the shortest path ?
                firstPath = self._findPath(firstOrig, firstTarget)
                if firstPath is not None:
                    if len(firstPath) < shortest:
                        # Here is a path which is shorter than others
                        # which also reach the required transform.
                        shortest = len(firstPath)
                        shortestFirstPath = firstPath
            if shortestFirstPath == None:
                return None  # there is no path leading to this transform
            # Then we have to take this transform.
            secondPath = [requiredTransform]
            # From the output of this transform, we then have to
            # reach our target, possible through other required
            # transforms.
            thirdOrig = transformOutput
            thirdTarget = target
            thirdPath = self._findPath(thirdOrig, thirdTarget,
            if thirdPath is None:
                return None  # no path
            # Final result is the concatenation of these 3 parts
            return shortestFirstPath + secondPath + thirdPath

        if orig == target:
            return []

        # Now let's efficiently find the shortest path from orig
        # to target (without required transforms).
        # The overall idea is that we build all possible paths
        # starting from orig and of given length. And we increment
        # this length until one of these paths reaches our target or
        # until all reachable types have been reached.
        currentPathLength = 0
        pathToType = {orig: []}  # all paths we know, by end of path.

        def typesWithPathOfLength(length):
            '''Returns the lists of known paths of a given length'''
            result = []
            for type_, path in pathToType.items():
                if len(path) == length:
            return result

        # We will start exploring paths which start from types
        # reachable in zero steps. That is paths which start from
        # orig.
        typesToStartFrom = typesWithPathOfLength(currentPathLength)
        # Explore paths while there are new paths to be explored
        while len(typesToStartFrom) > 0:
            for startingType in typesToStartFrom:
                # Where can we go in one step starting from here ?
                outputs = self._mtmap.get(startingType)
                if outputs:
                    for reachedType, transforms in outputs.items():
                        # Does this lead to a type we never reached before ?
                        if reachedType not in pathToType.keys() and transforms:
                            # Yes, we did not know any path reaching this type
                            # Let's remember the path to here
                            pathToType[reachedType] = (
                                pathToType[startingType] + [transforms[0]])
                            if reachedType == target:
                                # This is the first time we reach our target.
                                # We have our shortest path to target.
                                return pathToType[target]
            # We explored all possible paths of length currentPathLength
            # Let's increment that length.
            currentPathLength += 1
            # What are the next types to start from ?
            typesToStartFrom = typesWithPathOfLength(currentPathLength)
        # We are done exploring paths starting from orig
        # and this exploration did not reach our target.
        # Hence there is no path from orig to target.
        return None

    def _getPaths(self, orig, target, requirements, path=None, result=None):
        """return some of the paths for transformation from orig mimetype to
        target mimetype with the guarantee that the shortest path is included.
        If target is the same as orig, then returns an empty path.

        shortest = 9999
        if result:
            for okPath in result:
                shortest = min(shortest, len(okPath))

        if orig == target:
            return [[]]
        if path is None:
            result = []
            path = []
            requirements = list(requirements)
        outputs = self._mtmap.get(orig)
        if outputs is None:
            return result

        registry = getToolByName(self, 'mimetypes_registry')
        mto = registry.lookup(target)
        # target mimetype aliases
        target_aliases = mto[0].mimetypes

        for o_mt, transforms in outputs.items():
            for transform in transforms:
                required = 0
                name =
                if name in requirements:
                    required = 1
                if transform in path:
                    # avoid infinite loop...
                path[-1] = transform
                if o_mt in target_aliases:
                    if not requirements:
                        if len(path[:]) < shortest:
                            # here is a shorter one !
                            shortest = len(path)
                    if len(path) < shortest:
                        # keep exploring this path, it is still short enough
                        self._getPaths(o_mt, target, requirements, path,
                if required:

        return result


    def manage_afterAdd(self, item, container):
        """ overload manage_afterAdd to finish initialization when the
        transform tool is added
        Folder.manage_afterAdd(self, item, container)
        except TransformException:
            # may fail on copy or zexp import

    security.declareProtected(ManagePortal, 'manage_addTransform')

    def manage_addTransform(self, id, module, REQUEST=None):
        """ add a new transform to the tool """
        transform = Transform(id, module)
        self._setObject(id, transform)
        if REQUEST is not None:
            REQUEST['RESPONSE'].redirect(self.absolute_url() + '/manage_main')

    security.declareProtected(ManagePortal, 'manage_addTransform')

    def manage_addTransformsChain(self, id, description, REQUEST=None):
        """ add a new transform to the tool """
        transform = TransformsChain(id, description)
        self._setObject(id, transform)
        if REQUEST is not None:
            REQUEST['RESPONSE'].redirect(self.absolute_url() + '/manage_main')

    security.declareProtected(ManagePortal, 'manage_addTransform')

    def manage_setCacheValidityTime(self, seconds, REQUEST=None):
        """set  the lifetime of cached data in seconds"""
        self.max_sec_in_cache = int(seconds)
        if REQUEST is not None:
            REQUEST['RESPONSE'].redirect(self.absolute_url() + '/manage_main')

    security.declareProtected(ManagePortal, 'reloadTransforms')

    def reloadTransforms(self, ids=()):
        """ reload transforms with the given ids
        if no ids, reload all registered transforms

        return a list of (transform_id, transform_module) describing reloaded
        if not ids:
            ids = self.objectIds()
        reloaded = []
        for id in ids:
            o = getattr(self, id)
            reloaded.append((id, o.module))
        return reloaded

    # Policy handling methods

    def manage_addPolicy(self,
        """ add a policy for a given output mime types"""
        registry = getToolByName(self, 'mimetypes_registry')
        if not registry.lookup(output_mimetype):
            raise TransformException('Unknown MIME type')
        if output_mimetype in self._policies:
            msg = 'A policy for output %s is yet defined' % output_mimetype
            raise TransformException(msg)

        required_transforms = tuple(required_transforms)
        self._policies[output_mimetype] = required_transforms
        if REQUEST is not None:
                self.absolute_url() + '/manage_editTransformationPolicyForm')

    def manage_delPolicies(self, outputs, REQUEST=None):
        """ remove policies for given output mime types"""
        for mimetype in outputs:
            del self._policies[mimetype]
        if REQUEST is not None:
                self.absolute_url() + '/manage_editTransformationPolicyForm')


    def listPolicies(self):
        """ return the list of defined policies

        a policy is a 2-uple (output_mime_type, [list of required transforms])
        # XXXFIXME: backward compat, should be removed latter
        if not hasattr(self, '_policies'):
            self._policies = PersistentMapping()
        return self._policies.items()

    # mimetype oriented conversions (iengine interface)


    def registerTransform(self, transform):
        """register a new transform

        transform isn't a Zope Transform (the wrapper) but the wrapped
        transform the persistence wrapper will be created here
        # needed when call from transform.transforms.initialize which
        # register non zope transform
        module = str(transform.__module__)
        transform = Transform(, module, transform)
        if not ITransform.providedBy(transform):
            raise TransformException('%s does not implement ITransform' %
        name =
        __traceback_info__ = (name, transform)
        if name not in self.objectIds():
            self._setObject(name, transform)

    security.declareProtected(ManagePortal, 'ZopeFind')

    def ZopeFind(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Don't break ZopeFind feature when a transform can't be loaded
            return Folder.ZopeFind(self, *args, **kwargs)
        except MissingBinary:
            log('ZopeFind: catched MissingBinary exception')

    security.declareProtected(View, 'objectItems')

    def objectItems(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Don't break ZopeFind feature when a transform can't be loaded
            return Folder.objectItems(self, *args, **kwargs)
        except MissingBinary:
            log('objectItems: catched MissingBinary exception')
            return []

    # available mimetypes ####################################################

    def listAvailableTextInputs(self):
        """Returns a list of mimetypes that can be used as input for textfields
        by building a list of the inputs beginning with "text/" of all
        available_types = []
        candidate_transforms = [object[1] for object in self.objectItems()]
        for candidate in candidate_transforms:
            for input in candidate.inputs:
                if input.startswith("text/") and input not in available_types:
        return available_types
class MimeTypesRegistry(UniqueObject, ActionProviderBase, Folder):
    """Mimetype registry that deals with
    a) registering types
    b) wildcarding of rfc-2046 types
    c) classifying data into a given type

    id = 'mimetypes_registry'
    meta_type = 'MimeTypes Registry'
    isPrincipiaFolderish = 1  # Show up in the ZMI

    meta_types = all_meta_types = (
        {'name': 'MimeType',
         'action': 'manage_addMimeTypeForm'},

    manage_options = (
        ({'label': 'MimeTypes',
            'action': 'manage_main'},) +

    manage_addMimeTypeForm = PageTemplateFile('addMimeType', _www)
    manage_main = PageTemplateFile('listMimeTypes', _www)
    manage_editMimeTypeForm = PageTemplateFile('editMimeType', _www)

    security = ClassSecurityInfo()

    # FIXME
    __allow_access_to_unprotected_subobjects__ = 1

    def __init__(self, id=None):
        if id is not None:
            assert id ==
        self.encodings_map = encodings_map.copy()
        self.suffix_map = suffix_map.copy()
        # Major key -> minor IMimetype objects
        self._mimetypes = PersistentMapping()
        # ext -> IMimetype mapping
        self.extensions = PersistentMapping()
        # glob -> (regex, mimetype) mapping
        self.globs = OOBTree()
        self.manage_addProperty('defaultMimetype', 'text/plain', 'string')
        self.manage_addProperty('unicodePolicies', 'strict ignore replace',
        self.manage_addProperty('fallbackEncoding', 'latin1', 'string')

        # initialize mime types
        self._new_style_mtr = 1

    def register(self, mimetype):
        """ Register a new mimetype

        mimetype must implement IMimetype
        mimetype = aq_base(mimetype)
        assert IMimetype.providedBy(mimetype)
        for t in mimetype.mimetypes:
            self.register_mimetype(t, mimetype)
        for extension in mimetype.extensions:
            self.register_extension(extension, mimetype)
        for glob in mimetype.globs:
            self.register_glob(glob, mimetype)

    def register_mimetype(self, mt, mimetype):
        major, minor = split(mt)
        if not major or not minor or minor == '*':
            raise MimeTypeException('Can\'t register mime type %s' % mt)
        group = self._mimetypes.setdefault(major, PersistentMapping())
        if minor in group:
            if group.get(minor) != mimetype:
                    'Redefining mime type {0} ({1})'.format(
        group[minor] = mimetype

    def register_extension(self, extension, mimetype):
        """ Associate a file's extension to a IMimetype

        extension is a string representing a file extension (not
        prefixed by a dot) mimetype must implement IMimetype
        mimetype = aq_base(mimetype)
        if extension in self.extensions:
            if self.extensions.get(extension) != mimetype:
                    'Redefining extension {0} from {1} to {2}'.format(
        # we don't validate fmt yet, but its ["txt", "html"]
        self.extensions[extension] = mimetype

    def register_glob(self, glob, mimetype):
        """ Associate a glob to a IMimetype

        glob is a shell-like glob that will be translated to a regex
        to match against whole filename.
        mimetype must implement IMimetype.
        globs = getattr(self, 'globs', None)
        if globs is None:
            self.globs = globs = OOBTree()
        mimetype = aq_base(mimetype)
        existing = globs.get(glob)
        if existing is not None:
            regex, mt = existing
            if mt != mimetype:
                    'Redefining glob {0} from {1} to {2}'.format(
        # we don't validate fmt yet, but its ["txt", "html"]
        pattern = re.compile(fnmatch.translate(glob))
        globs[glob] = (pattern, mimetype)

    def unregister(self, mimetype):
        """ Unregister a new mimetype

        mimetype must implement IMimetype
        assert IMimetype.providedBy(mimetype)
        for t in mimetype.mimetypes:
            major, minor = split(t)
            group = self._mimetypes.get(major, {})
            if group.get(minor) == mimetype:
                del group[minor]
        for e in mimetype.extensions:
            if self.extensions.get(e) == mimetype:
                del self.extensions[e]
        globs = getattr(self, 'globs', None)
        if globs is not None:
            for glob in mimetype.globs:
                existing = globs.get(glob)
                if existing is None:
                regex, mt = existing
                if mt == mimetype:
                    del globs[glob]

    def mimetypes(self):
        """Return all defined mime types, each one implements at least
        res = {}
        for g in self._mimetypes.values():
            for mt in g.values():
                res[mt] = 1
        return [aq_base(mtitem) for mtitem in res.keys()]

    def list_mimetypes(self):
        """Return all defined mime types, as string"""
        return [str(mt) for mt in self.mimetypes()]

    def lookup(self, mimetypestring):
        """Lookup for IMimetypes object matching mimetypestring

        mimetypestring may have an empty minor part or containing a
        wildcard (*) mimetypestring may and IMimetype object (in this
        case it will be returned unchanged

        Return a list of mimetypes objects associated with the
        RFC-2046 name return an empty list if no one is known.
        if IMimetype.providedBy(mimetypestring):
            return (aq_base(mimetypestring), )
        __traceback_info__ = (repr(mimetypestring), str(mimetypestring))
        major, minor = split(str(mimetypestring))
        group = self._mimetypes.get(major, {})
        if not minor or minor == '*':
            res = group.values()
            res = group.get(minor)
            if res:
                res = (res,)
                return ()
        return tuple([aq_base(mtitem) for mtitem in res])

    def lookupExtension(self, filename):
        """Lookup for IMimetypes object matching filename

        Filename maybe a file name like 'content.txt' or an extension
        like 'rest'

        Return an IMimetype object associated with the file's
        extension or None
        base = None
        if filename.find('.') != -1:
            base, ext = os.path.splitext(filename)
            ext = ext[1:]  # remove the dot
            while ext in self.suffix_map:
                base, ext = os.path.splitext(base + self.suffix_map[ext])
                ext = ext[1:]  # remove the dot
            ext = filename

        if base is not None and ext in self.encodings_map:
            base, ext = os.path.splitext(base)
            ext = ext[1:]  # remove the dot

        result = aq_base(self.extensions.get(ext))
        if result is None:
            result = aq_base(self.extensions.get(ext.lower()))
        return result

    def globFilename(self, filename):
        """Lookup for IMimetypes object matching filename

        Filename must be a complete filename with extension.

        Return an IMimetype object associated with the glob's or None
        globs = getattr(self, 'globs', {})
        for key in globs:
            glob, mimetype = globs[key]
            if glob.match(filename):
                return aq_base(mimetype)
        return None

    def lookupGlob(self, glob):
        globs = getattr(self, 'globs', None)
        if globs is not None:
            return aq_base(globs.get(glob))

    def _classifiers(self):
        return [mt for mt in self.mimetypes() if IClassifier.providedBy(mt)]

    def classify(self, data, mimetype=None, filename=None):
        """Classify works as follows:
        1) you tell me the rfc-2046 name and I give you an IMimetype
        2) the filename includes an extension from which we can guess
           the mimetype
        3) we can optionally introspect the data
        4) default to self.defaultMimetype if no data was provided
           else to application/octet-stream of no filename was provided,
           else to text/plain

        Return an IMimetype object or None
        mt = None
        if mimetype:
            mt = self.lookup(mimetype)
            if mt:
                mt = mt[0]
        elif filename:
            mt = self.lookupExtension(filename)
            if mt is None:
                mt = self.globFilename(filename)
        if data and not mt:
            for c in self._classifiers():
                if c.classify(data):
                    mt = c
            if not mt:
                mstr = magic.guessMime(data)
                if mstr:
                    _mt = self.lookup(mstr)
                    if len(_mt) > 0:
                        mt = _mt[0]
        if not mt:
            if not data:
                mtlist = self.lookup(self.defaultMimetype)
            elif filename:
                mtlist = self.lookup('application/octet-stream')
                failed = 'text/x-unknown-content-type'
                filename = filename or ''
                data = data or ''
                if six.PY3:
                    data = data.encode()
                ct, enc = guess_content_type(filename, data, None)
                if ct == failed:
                    ct = 'text/plain'
                mtlist = self.lookup(ct)
            if len(mtlist) > 0:
                mt = mtlist[0]
                return None

        # Remove acquisition wrappers
        return aq_base(mt)

    def __call__(self, data, **kwargs):
        """ Return a triple (data, filename, mimetypeobject) given
        some raw data and optional paramters

        method from the isourceAdapter interface
        mimetype = kwargs.get('mimetype', None)
        filename = kwargs.get('filename', None)
        encoding = kwargs.get('encoding', None)
        mt = None
        if hasattr(data, 'filename'):
            filename = os.path.basename(data.filename)
        elif hasattr(data, 'name'):
            filename = os.path.basename(

        if hasattr(data, 'read'):
            _data =
            if hasattr(data, 'seek'):
            data = _data

        # We need to figure out if data is binary and skip encoding if
        # it is
        mt = self.classify(data, mimetype=mimetype, filename=filename)

        if not mt.binary and not isinstance(data, six.text_type):
            # if no encoding specified, try to guess it from data
            if encoding is None:
                encoding = self.guess_encoding(data)

            # ugly workaround for
            # covered by
            # dont remove this code unless python is fixed.
            if encoding is "macintosh":
                encoding = 'mac_roman'

                    data = six.text_type(data, encoding, self.unicodePolicy)
                except (ValueError, LookupError):
                    # wrong unicodePolicy
                    data = six.text_type(data, encoding)
                data = six.text_type(data, self.fallbackEncoding)

        return (data, filename, aq_base(mt))

    def guess_encoding(self, data):
        """ Try to guess encoding from a text value.

        If no encoding can be guessed, fall back to utf-8.
        if isinstance(data, six.text_type):
            # data maybe unicode but with another encoding specified
            data = data.encode('UTF-8')
        encoding = guess_encoding(data)
        if encoding is None:
            encoding = 'utf-8'
        return encoding

    def manage_delObjects(self, ids, REQUEST=None):
        """ delete the selected mime types """
        for id in ids:
        if REQUEST is not None:
            REQUEST['RESPONSE'].redirect(self.absolute_url() + '/manage_main')

    def manage_addMimeType(self, id, mimetypes, extensions, icon_path,
                           binary=0, globs=None, REQUEST=None):
        """add a mime type to the tool"""
        mt = MimeTypeItem(id, mimetypes, extensions=extensions,
                          binary=binary, icon_path=icon_path, globs=globs)
        if REQUEST is not None:
            REQUEST['RESPONSE'].redirect(self.absolute_url() + '/manage_main')

    def manage_editMimeType(self, name, new_name, mimetypes, extensions,
                            icon_path, binary=0, globs=None, REQUEST=None):
        """Edit a mime type by name
        mt = self.lookup(name)[0]
        mt.edit(new_name, mimetypes, extensions, icon_path=icon_path,
                binary=binary, globs=globs)
        if REQUEST is not None:
            REQUEST['RESPONSE'].redirect(self.absolute_url() + '/manage_main')
Beispiel #9
class PluginRegistry( SimpleItem ):

    """ Implement IPluginRegistry as an independent, ZMI-manageable object.

    o Each plugin type holds an ordered list of ( id, wrapper ) tuples.
    __implements__ = ( IPluginRegistry, )

    security = ClassSecurityInfo()

    meta_type = 'Plugin Registry'

    _plugins = None

    def __init__( self, plugin_type_info ):

        self._plugin_types = [x[0] for x in plugin_type_info]
        self._plugin_type_info = PersistentMapping()
        for interface in plugin_type_info:
            self._plugin_type_info[interface[0]] = { 
                  'id': interface[1]
                , 'title': interface[2]
                , 'description': interface[3]

    #   IPluginRegistry implementation
    security.declareProtected( ManageUsers, 'listPluginTypeInfo' )
    def listPluginTypeInfo( self ):

        """ See IPluginRegistry.
        result = []

        for ptype in self._plugin_types:

            info = self._plugin_type_info[ptype].copy()
            info['interface'] = ptype
            info['methods'] = ptype.names()

            result.append( info )

        return result

    security.declareProtected( ManageUsers, 'listPlugins' )
    def listPlugins( self, plugin_type ):

        """ See IPluginRegistry.
        result = []

        parent = aq_parent( aq_inner( self ) )

        for plugin_id in self._getPlugins( plugin_type ):

            plugin = parent._getOb( plugin_id )
            result.append( ( plugin_id, plugin ) )

        return result

    security.declareProtected( ManageUsers, 'getPluginInfo' )
    def getPluginInfo( self, plugin_type ):

        """ See IPluginRegistry.
        plugin_type = self._getInterfaceFromName( plugin_type )
        return self._plugin_type_info[plugin_type]

    security.declareProtected( ManageUsers, 'listPluginInfo' )
    def listPluginIds( self, plugin_type ):

        """ See IPluginRegistry.

        return self._getPlugins( plugin_type )

    security.declareProtected( ManageUsers, 'activatePlugin' )
    def activatePlugin( self, plugin_type, plugin_id ):

        """ See IPluginRegistry.
        plugins = list( self._getPlugins( plugin_type ) )

        if plugin_id in plugins:
            raise KeyError, 'Duplicate plugin id: %s' % plugin_id

        parent = aq_parent( aq_inner( self ) )
        plugin = parent._getOb( plugin_id ) 

        if not plugin_type.isImplementedBy(plugin):
            raise ValueError, 'Plugin does not implement %s' % plugin_type 
        plugins.append( plugin_id )
        self._plugins[ plugin_type ] = tuple( plugins )

    security.declareProtected( ManageUsers, 'deactivatePlugin' )
    def deactivatePlugin( self, plugin_type, plugin_id ):

        """ See IPluginRegistry.
        plugins = list( self._getPlugins( plugin_type ) )

        if not plugin_id in plugins:
            raise KeyError, 'Invalid plugin id: %s' % plugin_id

        plugins = [ x for x in plugins if x != plugin_id ]
        self._plugins[ plugin_type ] = tuple( plugins )

    security.declareProtected( ManageUsers, 'movePluginsUp' )
    def movePluginsUp( self, plugin_type, ids_to_move ):

        """ See IPluginRegistry.
        ids = list( self._getPlugins( plugin_type ) )
        count = len( ids )

        indexes = list( map( ids.index, ids_to_move ) )

        for i1 in indexes:

            if i1 < 0 or i1 >= count:
                raise IndexError, i1

            i2 = i1 - 1
            if i2 < 0:      # wrap to bottom
                i2 = len( ids ) - 1

            ids[ i2 ], ids[ i1 ] = ids[ i1 ], ids[ i2 ]

        self._plugins[ plugin_type ] = tuple( ids )

    security.declareProtected( ManageUsers, 'movePluginsDown' )
    def movePluginsDown( self, plugin_type, ids_to_move ):

        """ See IPluginRegistry.
        ids = list( self._getPlugins( plugin_type ) )
        count = len( ids )

        indexes = list( map( ids.index, ids_to_move ) )

        for i1 in indexes:

            if i1 < 0 or i1 >= count:
                raise IndexError, i1

            i2 = i1 + 1
            if i2 == len( ids ):      # wrap to top
                i2 = 0

            ids[ i2 ], ids[ i1 ] = ids[ i1 ], ids[ i2 ]

        self._plugins[ plugin_type ] = tuple( ids )

    #   ZMI
    arrow_right_gif = ImageFile( 'www/arrow-right.gif', globals() )
    arrow_left_gif = ImageFile( 'www/arrow-left.gif', globals() )
    arrow_up_gif = ImageFile( 'www/arrow-up.gif', globals() )
    arrow_down_gif = ImageFile( 'www/arrow-down.gif', globals() )

    security.declareProtected( ManageUsers, 'manage_activatePlugins' )
    def manage_activatePlugins( self
                             , plugin_type
                             , plugin_ids
                             , RESPONSE
        """ Shim into ZMI.
        interface = self._getInterfaceFromName( plugin_type )
        for id in plugin_ids:
            self.activatePlugin( interface, id )
        RESPONSE.redirect( '%s/manage_plugins?plugin_type=%s'
                         % ( self.absolute_url(), plugin_type )

    security.declareProtected( ManageUsers, 'manage_deactivatePlugins' )
    def manage_deactivatePlugins( self
                                , plugin_type
                                , plugin_ids
                                , RESPONSE
        """ Shim into ZMI.
        interface = self._getInterfaceFromName( plugin_type )
        for id in plugin_ids:
            self.deactivatePlugin( interface, id )

        RESPONSE.redirect( '%s/manage_plugins?plugin_type=%s'
                         % ( self.absolute_url(), plugin_type )

    security.declareProtected( ManageUsers, 'manage_movePluginsUp' )
    def manage_movePluginsUp( self
                            , plugin_type
                            , plugin_ids
                            , RESPONSE
        """ Shim into ZMI.
        interface = self._getInterfaceFromName( plugin_type )
        self.movePluginsUp( interface, plugin_ids )

        RESPONSE.redirect( '%s/manage_plugins?plugin_type=%s'
                         % ( self.absolute_url(), plugin_type )

    security.declareProtected( ManageUsers, 'manage_movePluginsDown' )
    def manage_movePluginsDown( self
                              , plugin_type
                              , plugin_ids
                              , RESPONSE
        """ Shim into ZMI.
        interface = self._getInterfaceFromName( plugin_type )
        self.movePluginsDown( interface, plugin_ids )

        RESPONSE.redirect( '%s/manage_plugins?plugin_type=%s'
                         % ( self.absolute_url(), plugin_type )

    security.declareProtected( ManageUsers, 'getAllPlugins' )
    def getAllPlugins( self, plugin_type ):

        """ Return a mapping segregating active / available plugins.

        'plugin_type' is the __name__ of the interface.
        interface = self._getInterfaceFromName( plugin_type )

        active = self._getPlugins( interface )
        available = []

        for id, value in aq_parent( aq_inner( self ) ).objectItems():
            if interface.isImplementedBy( value ):
                if id not in active:
                    available.append( id )

        return { 'active' : active, 'available' : available }

    security.declareProtected( ManageUsers, 'removePluginById' )
    def removePluginById( self, plugin_id ):

        """ Remove a plugin from any plugin types which have it configured.
        for plugin_type in self._plugin_types:

            if plugin_id in self._getPlugins( plugin_type ):
                self.deactivatePlugin( plugin_type, plugin_id )

    security.declareProtected( ManageUsers, 'manage_plugins' )
    manage_plugins = PageTemplateFile( 'plugins', _wwwdir )
    manage_twoLists = PageTemplateFile( 'two_lists', _wwwdir )

    manage_options=( ( { 'label'        : 'Plugins'
                       , 'action'       : 'manage_plugins'
                     # , 'help'         : ( 'PluggableAuthService'
                     #                    , 'plugins.stx')
                   + SimpleItem.manage_options

    #   Helper methods
    security.declarePrivate( '_getPlugins' )
    def _getPlugins( self, plugin_type ):

        parent = aq_parent( aq_inner( self ) )

        if plugin_type not in self._plugin_types:
            raise KeyError, plugin_type

        if self._plugins is None:
            self._plugins = PersistentMapping()

        return self._plugins.setdefault( plugin_type, () )

    security.declarePrivate( '_getInterfaceFromName' )
    def _getInterfaceFromName( self, plugin_type_name ):

        """ Convert the string name to an interface.

        o Raise KeyError is no such interface is known.
        found = [ x[0] for x in self._plugin_type_info.items()
                                if x[1][ 'id' ] == plugin_type_name ]
        if not found:
            raise KeyError, plugin_type_name

        if len( found ) > 1:
            raise KeyError, 'Waaa!:  %s' % plugin_type_name

        return found[ 0 ]
 def setdefault(self, key, failobj=None):
     if key not in self._keys:
     return PersistentMapping.setdefault(self, key, failobj)
class MimeTypesRegistry(UniqueObject, ActionProviderBase, Folder):
    """Mimetype registry that deals with
    a) registering types
    b) wildcarding of rfc-2046 types
    c) classifying data into a given type

    implements(IMimetypesRegistry, ISourceAdapter)

    id = "mimetypes_registry"
    meta_type = "MimeTypes Registry"
    isPrincipiaFolderish = 1  # Show up in the ZMI

    meta_types = all_meta_types = ({"name": "MimeType", "action": "manage_addMimeTypeForm"},)

    manage_options = ({"label": "MimeTypes", "action": "manage_main"},) + Folder.manage_options[2:]

    manage_addMimeTypeForm = PageTemplateFile("addMimeType", _www)
    manage_main = PageTemplateFile("listMimeTypes", _www)
    manage_editMimeTypeForm = PageTemplateFile("editMimeType", _www)

    security = ClassSecurityInfo()

    # FIXME
    __allow_access_to_unprotected_subobjects__ = 1

    def __init__(self, id=None):
        if id is not None:
            assert id ==
        self.encodings_map = encodings_map.copy()
        self.suffix_map = suffix_map.copy()
        # Major key -> minor IMimetype objects
        self._mimetypes = PersistentMapping()
        # ext -> IMimetype mapping
        self.extensions = PersistentMapping()
        # glob -> (regex, mimetype) mapping
        self.globs = OOBTree()
        self.manage_addProperty("defaultMimetype", "text/plain", "string")
        self.manage_addProperty("unicodePolicies", "strict ignore replace", "tokens")
        self.manage_addProperty("unicodePolicy", "unicodePolicies", "selection")
        self.manage_addProperty("fallbackEncoding", "latin1", "string")

        # initialize mime types
        self._new_style_mtr = 1

    security.declareProtected(ManagePortal, "register")

    def register(self, mimetype):
        """ Register a new mimetype

        mimetype must implement IMimetype
        mimetype = aq_base(mimetype)
        assert IMimetype.providedBy(mimetype)
        for t in mimetype.mimetypes:
            self.register_mimetype(t, mimetype)
        for extension in mimetype.extensions:
            self.register_extension(extension, mimetype)
        for glob in mimetype.globs:
            self.register_glob(glob, mimetype)

    security.declareProtected(ManagePortal, "register_mimetype")

    def register_mimetype(self, mt, mimetype):
        major, minor = split(mt)
        if not major or not minor or minor == "*":
            raise MimeTypeException("Can't register mime type %s" % mt)
        group = self._mimetypes.setdefault(major, PersistentMapping())
        if minor in group:
            if group.get(minor) != mimetype:
                log("Warning: redefining mime type %s (%s)" % (mt, mimetype.__class__))
        group[minor] = mimetype

    security.declareProtected(ManagePortal, "register_extension")

    def register_extension(self, extension, mimetype):
        """ Associate a file's extension to a IMimetype

        extension is a string representing a file extension (not
        prefixed by a dot) mimetype must implement IMimetype
        mimetype = aq_base(mimetype)
        if extension in self.extensions:
            if self.extensions.get(extension) != mimetype:
                    "Warning: redefining extension %s from %s to %s" % (extension, self.extensions[extension], mimetype)
        # we don't validate fmt yet, but its ["txt", "html"]
        self.extensions[extension] = mimetype

    security.declareProtected(ManagePortal, "register_glob")

    def register_glob(self, glob, mimetype):
        """ Associate a glob to a IMimetype

        glob is a shell-like glob that will be translated to a regex
        to match against whole filename.
        mimetype must implement IMimetype.
        globs = getattr(self, "globs", None)
        if globs is None:
            self.globs = globs = OOBTree()
        mimetype = aq_base(mimetype)
        existing = globs.get(glob)
        if existing is not None:
            regex, mt = existing
            if mt != mimetype:
                log("Warning: redefining glob %s from %s to %s" % (glob, mt, mimetype))
        # we don't validate fmt yet, but its ["txt", "html"]
        pattern = re.compile(fnmatch.translate(glob))
        globs[glob] = (pattern, mimetype)

    security.declareProtected(ManagePortal, "unregister")

    def unregister(self, mimetype):
        """ Unregister a new mimetype

        mimetype must implement IMimetype
        assert IMimetype.providedBy(mimetype)
        for t in mimetype.mimetypes:
            major, minor = split(t)
            group = self._mimetypes.get(major, {})
            if group.get(minor) == mimetype:
                del group[minor]
        for e in mimetype.extensions:
            if self.extensions.get(e) == mimetype:
                del self.extensions[e]
        globs = getattr(self, "globs", None)
        if globs is not None:
            for glob in mimetype.globs:
                existing = globs.get(glob)
                if existing is None:
                regex, mt = existing
                if mt == mimetype:
                    del globs[glob]


    def mimetypes(self):
        """Return all defined mime types, each one implements at least
        res = {}
        for g in self._mimetypes.values():
            for mt in g.values():
                res[mt] = 1
        return [aq_base(mtitem) for mtitem in res.keys()]


    def list_mimetypes(self):
        """Return all defined mime types, as string"""
        return [str(mt) for mt in self.mimetypes()]


    def lookup(self, mimetypestring):
        """Lookup for IMimetypes object matching mimetypestring

        mimetypestring may have an empty minor part or containing a
        wildcard (*) mimetypestring may and IMimetype object (in this
        case it will be returned unchanged

        Return a list of mimetypes objects associated with the
        RFC-2046 name return an empty list if no one is known.
        if IMimetype.providedBy(mimetypestring):
            return (aq_base(mimetypestring),)
        __traceback_info__ = (repr(mimetypestring), str(mimetypestring))
        major, minor = split(str(mimetypestring))
        group = self._mimetypes.get(major, {})
        if not minor or minor == "*":
            res = group.values()
            res = group.get(minor)
            if res:
                res = (res,)
                return ()
        return tuple([aq_base(mtitem) for mtitem in res])


    def lookupExtension(self, filename):
        """Lookup for IMimetypes object matching filename

        Filename maybe a file name like 'content.txt' or an extension
        like 'rest'

        Return an IMimetype object associated with the file's
        extension or None
        if filename.find(".") != -1:
            base, ext = os.path.splitext(filename)
            ext = ext[1:]  # remove the dot
            while ext in self.suffix_map:
                base, ext = os.path.splitext(base + self.suffix_map[ext])
                ext = ext[1:]  # remove the dot
            ext = filename
            base = None

        # XXX This code below make no sense and may break because base
        # isn't defined.
        if ext in self.encodings_map and base:
            base, ext = os.path.splitext(base)
            ext = ext[1:]  # remove the dot

        result = aq_base(self.extensions.get(ext))
        if result is None:
            result = aq_base(self.extensions.get(ext.lower()))
        return result


    def globFilename(self, filename):
        """Lookup for IMimetypes object matching filename

        Filename must be a complete filename with extension.

        Return an IMimetype object associated with the glob's or None
        globs = getattr(self, "globs", None)
        if globs is None:
            return None
        for key in globs.keys():
            glob, mimetype = globs[key]
            if glob.match(filename):
                return aq_base(mimetype)
        return None


    def lookupGlob(self, glob):
        globs = getattr(self, "globs", None)
        if globs is None:
            return None
        return aq_base(globs.get(glob))

    def _classifiers(self):
        return [mt for mt in self.mimetypes() if IClassifier.providedBy(mt)]


    def classify(self, data, mimetype=None, filename=None):
        """Classify works as follows:
        1) you tell me the rfc-2046 name and I give you an IMimetype
        2) the filename includes an extension from which we can guess
           the mimetype
        3) we can optionally introspect the data
        4) default to self.defaultMimetype if no data was provided
           else to application/octet-stream of no filename was provided,
           else to text/plain

        Return an IMimetype object or None
        mt = None
        if mimetype:
            mt = self.lookup(mimetype)
            if mt:
                mt = mt[0]
        elif filename:
            mt = self.lookupExtension(filename)
            if mt is None:
                mt = self.globFilename(filename)
        if data and not mt:
            for c in self._classifiers():
                if c.classify(data):
                    mt = c
            if not mt:
                mstr = magic.guessMime(data)
                if mstr:
                    _mt = self.lookup(mstr)
                    if len(_mt) > 0:
                        mt = _mt[0]
        if not mt:
            if not data:
                mtlist = self.lookup(self.defaultMimetype)
            elif filename:
                mtlist = self.lookup("application/octet-stream")
                failed = "text/x-unknown-content-type"
                filename = filename or ""
                data = data or ""
                ct, enc = guess_content_type(filename, data, None)
                if ct == failed:
                    ct = "text/plain"
                mtlist = self.lookup(ct)
            if len(mtlist) > 0:
                mt = mtlist[0]
                return None

        # Remove acquisition wrappers
        return aq_base(mt)

    def __call__(self, data, **kwargs):
        """ Return a triple (data, filename, mimetypeobject) given
        some raw data and optional paramters

        method from the isourceAdapter interface
        mimetype = kwargs.get("mimetype", None)
        filename = kwargs.get("filename", None)
        encoding = kwargs.get("encoding", None)
        mt = None
        if hasattr(data, "filename"):
            filename = os.path.basename(data.filename)
        elif hasattr(data, "name"):
            filename = os.path.basename(

        if hasattr(data, "read"):
            _data =
            if hasattr(data, "seek"):
            data = _data

        # We need to figure out if data is binary and skip encoding if
        # it is
        mt = self.classify(data, mimetype=mimetype, filename=filename)

        if not mt.binary and not isinstance(data, UnicodeType):
            # if no encoding specified, try to guess it from data
            if encoding is None:
                encoding = self.guess_encoding(data)

            # ugly workaround for
            # covered by
            # dont remove this code unless python is fixed.
            if encoding is "macintosh":
                encoding = "mac_roman"

                    data = unicode(data, encoding, self.unicodePolicy)
                except (ValueError, LookupError):
                    # wrong unicodePolicy
                    data = unicode(data, encoding)
                data = unicode(data, self.fallbackEncoding)

        return (data, filename, aq_base(mt))


    def guess_encoding(self, data):
        """ Try to guess encoding from a text value if no encoding
        guessed, used the default charset from site properties (Zope)
        with a fallback to UTF-8 (should never happen with correct
        site_properties, but always raise Attribute error without
        if isinstance(data, type(u"")):
            # data maybe unicode but with another encoding specified
            data = data.encode("UTF-8")
        encoding = guess_encoding(data)
        if encoding is None:
            encoding = "utf-8"
        return encoding

    security.declareProtected(ManagePortal, "manage_delObjects")

    def manage_delObjects(self, ids, REQUEST=None):
        """ delete the selected mime types """
        for id in ids:
        if REQUEST is not None:
            REQUEST["RESPONSE"].redirect(self.absolute_url() + "/manage_main")

    security.declareProtected(ManagePortal, "manage_addMimeType")

    def manage_addMimeType(self, id, mimetypes, extensions, icon_path, binary=0, globs=None, REQUEST=None):
        """add a mime type to the tool"""
        mt = MimeTypeItem(id, mimetypes, extensions=extensions, binary=binary, icon_path=icon_path, globs=globs)
        if REQUEST is not None:
            REQUEST["RESPONSE"].redirect(self.absolute_url() + "/manage_main")

    security.declareProtected(ManagePortal, "manage_editMimeType")

    def manage_editMimeType(self, name, new_name, mimetypes, extensions, icon_path, binary=0, globs=None, REQUEST=None):
        """Edit a mime type by name
        mt = self.lookup(name)[0]
        mt.edit(new_name, mimetypes, extensions, icon_path=icon_path, binary=binary, globs=globs)
        if REQUEST is not None:
            REQUEST["RESPONSE"].redirect(self.absolute_url() + "/manage_main")