def check(case_points, case_polygons):

    figure1_points = case_points[0]
    figure2_points = case_points[1]

    figure1 = case_polygons[0]
    figure2 = case_polygons[1]

    sum_points, product_points = is_outside(figure2_points, figure2, figure1_points)
    sum, product = is_outside(figure1_points, figure1, figure2_points)
    sum_points += sum
    product_points += product

    all_lines = figure1 + figure2
    figure_intersections = find_figures_intersections(figure1, figure2, figure1_points, figure2_points, all_lines)

    sum_points += figure_intersections
    product_points += figure_intersections

    if len(product_points) == 0:
        print("Figures are separated")

    sum_points_collection = PointsCollection(sum_points, color="blue")
    product_points_collection = PointsCollection(product_points, color="red")

    product_lines = get_result_lines(all_lines, product_points)
    product_lines_collection = LinesCollection(product_lines)

    sum_lines = get_result_lines(all_lines, sum_points)

    for line in product_lines:
        if line in sum_lines:

    sum_lines_collection = LinesCollection(sum_lines, color = "green")

    scene1 = Scene([sum_points_collection], [sum_lines_collection])
    scene2 = Scene([product_points_collection], [product_lines_collection])
    plot = Plot([scene1])
Beispiel #2
def initialize_polygons(case):
    plot = Plot([])

    if case == 1:
        # 1 separable
        A = (1, 3)
        B = (4, 1)
        C = (5, 4)
        D = (7, 6)
        E = (3, 6)
        l1 = [A, B]
        l2 = [B, C]
        l3 = [C, D]
        l4 = [D, E]
        l5 = [E, A]
        points_list1_a = [A, B, C, D, E]
        polygon1_a = [l1, l2, l3, l3, l4, l5]
        points1 = PointsCollection(points_list1_a, color="blue")
        lines1 = LinesCollection(polygon1_a, color='green')

        a = (5, 3)
        b = (7, 1)
        c = (11, 4)
        d = (10, 7)
        e = (8, 6)
        l1 = [a, b]
        l2 = [b, c]
        l3 = [c, d]
        l4 = [d, e]
        l5 = [e, a]
        points_list1_b = [a, b, c, d, e]
        polygon1_b = [l1, l2, l3, l3, l4, l5]
        points2 = PointsCollection(points_list1_b, color="orange")
        lines2 = LinesCollection(polygon1_b, color='red')

        scene = Scene([points1, points2], [lines1, lines2])
        case_points = (points_list1_a, points_list1_b)
        case_polygon = (polygon1_a, polygon1_b)

    elif case == 2:
        # 2 common edge outside
        A = (1, 4)
        B = (3, 3)
        C = (4, 1)
        D = (6, 5)
        E = (4, 6)
        l1 = [A, B]
        l2 = [B, C]
        l3 = [C, D]
        l4 = [D, E]
        l5 = [E, A]
        points_list2_a = [A, B, C, D, E]
        polygon2_a = [l1, l2, l3, l3, l4, l5]
        points1 = PointsCollection(points_list2_a, color="blue")
        lines1 = LinesCollection(polygon2_a, color='green')

        a = (4, 1)
        b = (9, 1)
        c = (8, 3)
        d = (9, 6)
        e = (6, 5)
        l1 = [a, b]
        l2 = [b, c]
        l3 = [c, d]
        l4 = [d, e]
        l5 = [e, a]
        points_list2_b = [a, b, c, d, e]
        polygon2_b = [l1, l2, l3, l3, l4, l5]
        points2 = PointsCollection(points_list2_b, color="orange")
        lines2 = LinesCollection(polygon2_b, color='red')

        scene = Scene([points1, points2], [lines1, lines2])
        case_points = (points_list2_a, points_list2_b)
        case_polygon = (polygon2_a, polygon2_b)

    elif case == 3:  #  common top
        A = (1, 2)
        B = (4, 1)
        C = (5, 4)
        D = (3, 6)
        E = (2, 5)
        l1 = [A, B]
        l2 = [B, C]
        l3 = [C, D]
        l4 = [D, E]
        l5 = [E, A]
        points_list4_a = [A, B, C, D, E]
        polygon4_a = [l1, l2, l3, l3, l4, l5]
        points1 = PointsCollection(points_list4_a, color="blue")
        lines1 = LinesCollection(polygon4_a, color='green')

        a = (6, 1)
        b = (8, 3)
        c = (9, 6)
        d = (6, 5)
        e = (5, 4)
        l1 = [a, b]
        l2 = [b, c]
        l3 = [c, d]
        l4 = [d, e]
        l5 = [e, a]
        points_list4_b = [a, b, c, d, e]
        polygon4_b = [l1, l2, l3, l3, l4, l5]
        points2 = PointsCollection(points_list4_b, color="orange")
        lines2 = LinesCollection(polygon4_b, color='red')

        scene = Scene([points1, points2], [lines1, lines2])
        case_points = (points_list4_a, points_list4_b)
        case_polygon = (polygon4_a, polygon4_b)

    elif case == 4:  # crossing
        A = (1, 2)
        B = (6, 1)
        C = (5, 5)
        D = (2, 6)
        E = (3, 4)
        l1 = [A, B]
        l2 = [B, C]
        l3 = [C, D]
        l4 = [D, E]
        l5 = [E, A]
        points_list5_a = [A, B, C, D, E]
        polygon5_a = [l1, l2, l3, l3, l4, l5]
        points1 = PointsCollection(points_list5_a, color="blue")
        lines1 = LinesCollection(polygon5_a, color='green')

        a = (3, 2)
        b = (7, 3)
        c = (10, 2)
        d = (9, 5)
        e = (4, 4)
        l1 = [a, b]
        l2 = [b, c]
        l3 = [c, d]
        l4 = [d, e]
        l5 = [e, a]
        points_list5_b = [a, b, c, d, e]
        polygon5_b = [l1, l2, l3, l3, l4, l5]
        points2 = PointsCollection(points_list5_b, color="orange")
        lines2 = LinesCollection(polygon5_b, color='red')

        scene = Scene([points1, points2], [lines1, lines2])
        case_points = (points_list5_a, points_list5_b)
        case_polygon = (polygon5_a, polygon5_b)

    else:  # inside
        A = (1, 1)
        B = (5, 2)
        C = (10, 1)
        D = (8, 6)
        E = (2, 5)
        l1 = [A, B]
        l2 = [B, C]
        l3 = [C, D]
        l4 = [D, E]
        l5 = [E, A]
        points_list6_a = [A, B, C, D, E]
        polygon6_a = [l1, l2, l3, l3, l4, l5]
        points1 = PointsCollection(points_list6_a, color="blue")
        lines1 = LinesCollection(polygon6_a, color='green')

        a = (2, 3)
        b = (5, 3)
        c = (8, 2)
        d = (7, 4)
        e = (5, 5)
        l1 = [a, b]
        l2 = [b, c]
        l3 = [c, d]
        l4 = [d, e]
        l5 = [e, a]
        points_list6_b = [a, b, c, d, e]
        polygon6_b = [l1, l2, l3, l3, l4, l5]
        points2 = PointsCollection(points_list6_b, color="orange")
        lines2 = LinesCollection(polygon6_b, color='red')

        scene = Scene([points1, points2], [lines1, lines2])
        case_points = (points_list6_a, points_list6_b)
        case_polygon = (polygon6_a, polygon6_b)

    return case_points, case_polygon
Beispiel #3
def check_if_intersects(lines_list, max_y):
    lines_dictionary, q = read_lines_list(lines_list)

    start_points_used_dictionary = dict()
    end_points_used_dictionary = dict()
    for line in lines_dictionary:
        start_points_used_dictionary[line] = False
        end_points_used_dictionary[line] = False

    lines_collection = LinesCollection(lines_list)
    my_scene = Scene([], [lines_collection])
    my_plot = Plot([my_scene])

    #for line in lines_list:
    #    print(line)

    t = LinkedList(lines_dictionary)
    intersections_dictionary = dict()
    prev_point = None
    prev_line = None
    # Q: x->y
    while q.size > 0:
        event = q.findTheSmallest(q.root)
        point = (event.key, event.value)

        #print("\n-------------------------------------------------\n" + str(point), end="")
        # update T
        begin_line = is_start_point_checked(start_points_used_dictionary,
        end_line = []
        if begin_line is None:
            end_line = is_end_point_checked(end_points_used_dictionary, point)

        if begin_line is not None:
            handle_line_begin_event(begin_line, t)
            #print("found line: " + str(begin_line))

        elif end_line is not None:
            handle_line_end_event(end_line, t)
            #print("found line: " + str(end_line))

        else:  # intersection point
            handle_intersection_event(lines_dictionary, point, t,

        # handle two line ends in the same point
        if prev_point == point:
            if end_line:
                #print("Two ends intersection in: " + str(point))
                intersections_dictionary[point] = (prev_line, end_line)

        # update Q
        look_for_intersections(lines_dictionary, point, t, q,

        q.delete(event.key, event.value)
        prev_line = end_line
        prev_point = point

    #print("\nintersections number: " + str(len(intersections_dictionary)))
    for intersection in intersections_dictionary:
        point = intersection
        line1 = intersections_dictionary[intersection][0]
        line2 = intersections_dictionary[intersection][1]
        #print(str(point) + " is intersection of " + str(line1) + " and " + str(line2))

        new_line = [(point[0], max_y), (point[0], 1)]
        new_lines_collection = LinesCollection([new_line], color="red")
        points_collection = PointsCollection([point],
        new_scene = Scene([points_collection],
                          [lines_collection, new_lines_collection])

    return intersections_dictionary