def main():
    # Read in arguments from the command line
    args = parser.parse_args()
    # File to be plotted
    input_path = args.file_path
    path, file = os.path.split(input_path)
    # Folder to which the graph should be saved
    if args.output_directory == ' ':
        output_directory = path
        output_directory = args.output_directory

    # Assign variable with inputs from the command line
    name =
    plot_type = args.plot_type
    plot_th = input_boolean(args.plot_temp_and_hum)
    plot_fit = input_boolean(args.plot_fits)
    average = args.choose_average
    remove = args.remove_anomalous

    # Extract the data
    data = Data() = name
    data.type = plot_type
    data.extract_data(input_path, average)

    if remove is not None:
        for i in range(len(remove)):

    # Plot the graph
    plot = Plot()
    plot.plot_graph(output_directory, plot_th, plot_fit, data)
Beispiel #2
def perceptronExample(file):
    file = ReadingFromFile.checkFile(file, "perceptron")
    data = ReadingFromFile.readDataFromFile(file,
                                            ',')  # Podaci ucitani iz fajla
    trainingSet, testSet = CrossValidation.makeSets(data)

    x, t = Initializing.processData(trainingSet)
    t = Initializing.checkLabels(t, "perceptron")
    w, b = Initializing.initialParam(x)
    w, b = Perceptron.train(x, t, w, b)
    Plot.plotData(x, t)
    Plot.plotLine(x, w, b)
Beispiel #3
def plotLineInWindow(x, w, b):
    xCord, yCord = Plot.lineCoordinates(x, w, b)

    global a, fig
    a = fig.add_subplot(111)
    a.plot(xCord, yCord)
    return [a, fig]
Beispiel #4
def PassiveAggressiveAlgorithmExample(file):
    file = ReadingFromFile.checkFile(file, "passiveAggressive")
    data = ReadingFromFile.readDataFromFile(file, ',')
    trainingSet, testSet = CrossValidation.makeSets(
        data)  # Napravimo trening i test set
    kTrainingSets, kValidSets = CrossValidation.kCrossValidationMakeSets(
        5)  # Napravimo k trening i test set-ova unakrsnom validacijom (k = 5)
    c = PassiveAggressiveAlgorithm.optC(kTrainingSets, kValidSets)
    w, b = PassiveAggressiveAlgorithm.crossTrain(
        kTrainingSets, kValidSets, c
    )  # Istreniramo k trening setova i kao rezultat vratimo najbolje w i najbolje b  (ono w i b za koje je greska bila najmanja)

    x, t = Initializing.processData(
        testSet)  # Rezultat crtamo i merimo nad test skupom podataka
    t = Initializing.checkLabels(t, "passiveAggressive")
    Plot.plotData(x, t)
    Plot.plotLine(x, w, b)
Beispiel #5
async def simulate_point():
    from RobotModel import RobotModel
    model = RobotModel(State(1, 1, 0, 0))
    x = -5
    y = 2
    control = PointControl(x, y, 0.2, 0.2, distance(x, y, 0.4))
    plot = Plot()
    dt = 0.1
    t = 0.0
    state = model.get_state()
    while not control.end(t, state):
        t += dt
        state = model.get_state()
        speed, omega = control.update(t, state)
        if speed is not None:
            model.set_speed_omega(speed, omega)
Beispiel #6
def mission_control(host, filename):
    from Map import Config
    from Plotting import Plot
    from control import CompositeControl2, ScanHLine, FenceBumps, RingControls, FenceShrink, PathControls

    config = Config("mission.yaml")
    if config.aoi:
        aoi = config.fence.intersection(config.aoi)
        aoi = config.fence
    speed = config.mission.speed or 0.05
    omega = or 0.2
    cut = config.mission.cut or 20

    # controls = FenceBumps(fence, speed, omega)
    # controls = RingControls(fence.exterior.coords, speed, omega)
    aoi = aoi.buffer(-1,5, join_style=JOIN_STYLE.mitre)
    controls = FenceShrink(config.fence, aoi, speed, omega)
    # controls = ScanHLine(-10, -4.5, 13, -1.5, speed, omega) # midten - lang
    # controls = ScanHLine(-10.5, -1.6, 17, -0.9, speed, omega) # roser
    # controls = ScanHLine(-10, -7.5, -1, -4, speed, omega) # slackline - gml gran
    # controls = ScanHLine(-10, -9, -6, -4, speed, omega) # slackline - plomme
    # controls = ScanHLine(-11, -7, -4, -1.2, speed, omega) # midten med mest gras
    # controls = ScanHLine(-8, -3, -4, -1.2, speed, omega) # midten med mest gras
    # controls = ScanHLine(-4, -4, 3, -1.2, speed, omega) # midten med mest gras
    # controls = ScanHLine(-11, -6, -5, -0.4, speed, omega) # mot epler
    # controls = ScanHLine(-2, -4, 2, -1, speed, omega) # test
    # from control import LineControlTest
    # controls = LineControlTest()
    # controls = PathControls(aoi.exterior.coords, speed, omega)

    control = CompositeControl2(controls)"Starting mission control for %s", controls)

    plot = Plot(frames_per_plot=host is None and 5 or 1)
    plot.add_shape(config.fence, facecolor="khaki")
    plot.add_shape(aoi, facecolor="darkkhaki")
    # input("Wait for key press")

    if host is None:
        if filename:
            # replay(open(filename), plot)
  , plot))
            simulated_control(control, plot)
    else:, control, plot, cut), debug=True)

# Get the training and test data
train_data, test_data = OnehotDatasetSplit(
    config['paths']['dataset_path'], config['hyper_param']['test_split_pr'],
    config['hyper_param']['batch_size'], config['hyper_param']['max_data'])

# Create a model.
model = getattr(Models, model_type)([2:])

# Define a optimizer
optimizer = getattr(Optimizer, optimizer_type)(config, model)

# Get a loss function
loss_fn = getattr(LossFunction, loss_type)

# Class creation
Plot = Plot(config, model, optimizer)
Run = Run(config, Plot)

# Loads information from pre trained model
if config['pre_trained']['use_saved_model']:
    # Load the stored information
    stored_model_info = torch.load(config['pre_trained']['path_saved_model'] +


if config['utils']['train_model']:
    Run.train_model(model, optimizer, loss_fn, train_data, test_data)

#Run.test_model(model, optimizer, loss_fn, train_data, test_data)
Beispiel #8
import math
from math import sin, cos, pi
import cmath
from Plotting import Plot
from PID import PID
from state import State
from dataclasses import replace
import numpy as np
from statistics import leastsq

plot = Plot()

# e.g. "slipping" if diameter of left wheel is smaller
slip_left = 0.0
# slip_left = 0.05
# FIXME: does not handle any error here, e.g. 1.01
omega_scale = 1.01
- Estimate heading - from odometry - with noise
- Test error in position estimate
- Fuse GPS and odometry, with noise in GPS and odometry - and systematic error in odometry


class Estimator:
    def update(self, dt: float, state: State):

    def state(self) -> State:
def main():
    # Read in arguments from the command line
    args = parser.parse_args()
    # Folder containing the data
    input_directory = args.file_directory
    # Folder to which the graphs should be saved
    if args.output_directory == ' ':
        output_directory = args.file_directory
        output_directory = args.output_directory

    # Assign variable with inputs from the command line
    plot_iv = input_boolean(args.plot_iv)
    plot_cv = input_boolean(args.plot_cv)
    plot_it = input_boolean(args.plot_it)
    plot_ivth = input_boolean(args.plot_ivth)
    plot_cvth = input_boolean(args.plot_cvth)
    plot_itth = input_boolean(args.plot_itth)
    plot_ivf = input_boolean(args.plot_ivf)
    plot_cvf = input_boolean(args.plot_cvf)
    plot_itf = input_boolean(args.plot_itf)
    #plot_ivg = input_boolean(args.plot_ivg)
    #plot_cvg = input_boolean(args.plot_cvg)
    #plot_itg = input_boolean(args.plot_itg)
    average_type = args.choose_average

    # Print inputs
    print('Input Directory: ' + input_directory)
    print('Output Directory: ' + output_directory)
    print(f'Plot CV Graphs: {plot_cv}')
    print(f'Plot IV Graphs: {plot_iv}')
    print(f'Plot It Graphs: {plot_it}')
    print(f'Plot CV Graphs with temperature and humidity: {plot_cvth}')
    print(f'Plot IV Graphs with temperature and humidity: {plot_ivth}')
    print(f'Plot It Graphs with temperature and humidity: {plot_itth}')
    print(f'Plot IV Graphs with fits: {plot_ivf}')
    print(f'Plot It Graphs with fits: {plot_itf}')
    print('Calculate averages using ' + average_type)

    # List of data files
    files = []
    folder = os.listdir(input_directory)
    # Struggled to get the code below to work
    for Input in args.file_directory:
        print("\tInput, ", Input)
        OSInputs = sorted(glob.glob(Input+'/*.txt'))
        for OSInput in OSInputs:
            if os.path.isfile(OSInput) and OSInput.endswith('.txt') and 'short' not in OSInput:
                print("\t\t" + OSInput)
    # Fill files list
    for filename in folder:
        if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(input_directory, filename)) and filename.endswith('.txt') and 'short' not in filename:
            files.append(os.path.join(input_directory, filename))

    file_data = {}

    # Create a dictionary with all the data files and the corresponding data object
    for i in range(len(files)):
        data = Data()
        data.extract_data(files[i], average_type)
        file_data[files[i]] = data

    for f in file_data.values():

    # Separate the data into IV, CV and It
    iv_data = {}
    cv_data = {}
    it_data = {}
    for f1, f2 in file_data.items():
        if f2.type == 'iv':
            iv_data[f1] = f2
        elif f2.type == 'cv':
            cv_data[f1] = f2
        elif f2.type == 'it':
            it_data[f1] = f2

    # Plot all IV files
    if plot_iv:
        print('Plotting IV Graphs')
        for f1, f2 in iv_data.items():
            graph = Plot()
            graph.plot_graph(output_directory, plot_ivth, plot_ivf, f2)
    # Plot all CV files
    if plot_cv:
        print('Plotting CV Graphs')
        for f1, f2 in cv_data.items():
            graph = Plot()
            graph.plot_graph(output_directory, plot_cvth, plot_cvf, f2)
    # Plot all It files
    if plot_it:
        print('Plotting It Graphs')
        for f1, f2 in it_data.items():
            graph = Plot()
            graph.plot_graph(output_directory, plot_itth, plot_itf, f2)