def action(self, request):
        global utf8ToLatin
        if utf8ToLatin is None:
            from Plugins.Extensions.ProjectValerie.DMC_Plugins.DMC_SyncExtras.Utf8 import utf8ToLatin

        from Plugins.Extensions.ProjectValerie.DMC_Plugins.DMC_SyncExtras.plugin import getSyncInfoInstance
        syncInfo = getSyncInfoInstance()
        isRunning = syncInfo.inProgress
        isFinished = syncInfo.isFinished
        currentProgress = syncInfo.progress
        currentRange = syncInfo.range
        lastPoster = syncInfo.poster
        lastName =
        lastYear = syncInfo.year

        finalOutput = WebHelper().getHtmlCore("Sync", True)
        syncStates = """
						<input id="isRunning" type="hidden" name="isRunning" value="%s"></input>
						<input id="isFinished" type="hidden" name="isFinished" value="%s"></input>
						<input id="currentProgress" type="hidden" name="currentProgress" value="%s"></input>
						<input id="currentRange" type="hidden" name="currentRange" value="%s"></input>
						<input id="lastPoster" type="hidden" name="lastPoster" value="%s"></input>
						<input id="lastName" type="hidden" name="lastName" value="%s"></input>
						<input id="lastYear" type="hidden" name="lastYear" value="%s"></input>
					 """ % (isRunning, isFinished, currentProgress, currentRange, lastPoster,
             lastName, lastYear)

        finalOutput = finalOutput.replace("<!-- SYNC_STATES -->", syncStates)

        return utf8ToLatin(finalOutput)
	def action(self, request):
		global utf8ToLatin
		if utf8ToLatin is None:
			from Plugins.Extensions.ProjectValerie.DMC_Plugins.DMC_SyncExtras.Utf8 import utf8ToLatin
		from Plugins.Extensions.ProjectValerie.DMC_Plugins.DMC_SyncExtras.plugin import getSyncInfoInstance
		syncInfo = getSyncInfoInstance()
		isRunning = syncInfo.inProgress
		isFinished = syncInfo.isFinished
		currentProgress = syncInfo.progress
		currentRange = syncInfo.range
		lastPoster = syncInfo.poster
		lastName =
		lastYear = syncInfo.year
		finalOutput = WebHelper().getHtmlCore("Sync", True)
		syncStates = """
						<input id="isRunning" type="hidden" name="isRunning" value="%s"></input>
						<input id="isFinished" type="hidden" name="isFinished" value="%s"></input>
						<input id="currentProgress" type="hidden" name="currentProgress" value="%s"></input>
						<input id="currentRange" type="hidden" name="currentRange" value="%s"></input>
						<input id="lastPoster" type="hidden" name="lastPoster" value="%s"></input>
						<input id="lastName" type="hidden" name="lastName" value="%s"></input>
						<input id="lastYear" type="hidden" name="lastYear" value="%s"></input>
					 """ % (isRunning, isFinished, currentProgress, currentRange, lastPoster, lastName, lastYear)
		finalOutput = finalOutput.replace("<!-- SYNC_STATES -->", syncStates)
		return utf8ToLatin(finalOutput)	
	def action(self, request):
		global MediaInfo
		global utf8ToLatin
		if MediaInfo is None:
			from Plugins.Extensions.ProjectValerie.DMC_Plugins.DMC_SyncExtras.MediaInfo import MediaInfo
		if utf8ToLatin is None:
			from Plugins.Extensions.ProjectValerie.DMC_Plugins.DMC_SyncExtras.Utf8 import utf8ToLatin
		finalOutput = WebHelper().getHtmlCore("Episodes", True)
		finalOutput = finalOutput.replace("<!-- CUSTOM_TITLE -->", " - Episodes")

		tableHeader = WebHelper().readFileContent(u"/DMC_Plugins/DMC_WebInterfaceExtras/content/custom/Episodes/Header.tpl")
		tableBody = u""
		# get episodes of serie (parentid)
		ParentId = request.args["ParentId"][0]
		entries = WebData().getData("EpisodesOfSerie", ParentId)
		for entry in entries:
			mediaId = entry.Id
			evtEdit = self._editEpisode(entry, "isEpisode")
			evtDelete = self._deleteEpisode(entry, "isEpisode")
			evtStream = self._streamEpisode(mediaId, "isEpisode")
			evtPlay = self._playEpisode(mediaId, "isEpisode")
			evtLoad = self._downloadEpisode(mediaId, "isEpisode")
			evtFailed = self._moveToFailed(entry, "isEpisode")
			if WebData().getData("MediaInfo_isSeen", mediaId):
				isSeen = ""
				isSeen = '<img src="/content/global/img/unseen.png" alt="unseen" title="unseen"></img>'
			tableBody += u"""   <tr>
							<td><img src=\"/media/%s_poster_195x267.png\" width="78" height="107" alt="n/a"></img></td>
								<a href="#" onclick="%s"><img class="action_img" src="/content/global/img/edit-grey.png" alt="edit" title="edit" /></a>
								<a href="#" onclick="%s"><img class="action_img" src="/content/global/img/delete-grey.png" alt="delete" title="delete" /></a>
								<a href="#" onclick="%s"><img class="action_img" src="/content/global/img/stream.png" alt="stream Episode" title="stream Episode" /></a>
								<a href="#" onclick="%s"><img class="action_img" src="/content/global/img/play-grey.png" alt="play Episode" title="play Episode" /></a>
								<a href="#" onclick="%s"><img class="action_img" src="/content/global/img/download.png" alt="download Episode" title="download Episode" /></a>
								<a href="#" onclick="%s"><img class="action_img" src="/content/global/img/error.png" alt="move to failed" title="move to failed" /></a>
			""" % (isSeen, entry.TheTvDbId, entry.Title, entry.Season, entry.Episode, entry.Year, entry.ImdbId, entry.TheTvDbId, evtEdit, evtDelete, evtStream, evtPlay, evtLoad, evtFailed)
		finalOutput = finalOutput.replace("<!-- CUSTOM_THEAD -->", tableHeader)
		finalOutput = finalOutput.replace("<!-- CUSTOM_TBODY -->", tableBody)
		return utf8ToLatin(finalOutput)
	def action(self, request):
		global utf8ToLatin
		if utf8ToLatin is None:
			from Plugins.Extensions.ProjectValerie.DMC_Plugins.DMC_SyncExtras.Utf8 import utf8ToLatin
		finalOutput = WebHelper().getHtmlCore("Options" , True, "Global")
		tableBody = self.buildTableGlobal("")
		finalOutput = finalOutput.replace("<!-- CUSTOM_TBODY_GLOBAL -->", tableBody)
		return utf8ToLatin(finalOutput)	
    def action(self, request):
        global utf8ToLatin
        if utf8ToLatin is None:
            from Plugins.Extensions.ProjectValerie.DMC_Plugins.DMC_SyncExtras.Utf8 import utf8ToLatin

        finalOutput = WebHelper().getHtmlCore("Options", True, "Global")

        tableBody = self.buildTableGlobal("")
        finalOutput = finalOutput.replace("<!-- CUSTOM_TBODY_GLOBAL -->",

        return utf8ToLatin(finalOutput)
    def action(self, request):
        global MediaInfo
        global utf8ToLatin
        if MediaInfo is None:
            from Plugins.Extensions.ProjectValerie.DMC_Plugins.DMC_SyncExtras.MediaInfo import MediaInfo
        if utf8ToLatin is None:
            from Plugins.Extensions.ProjectValerie.DMC_Plugins.DMC_SyncExtras.Utf8 import utf8ToLatin

        finalOutput = WebHelper().getHtmlCore("Failed", True)

        tableHeader = WebHelper().readFileContent(
        tableBody = u""

        entries = WebData().getData("failed")

        for entry in entries:
            entryType = self._getEntryType(entry)

            evtFunctions = ""

            if entryType is "isMovie":
                evtFunctions += self._editFailedMovie(entry)
            elif entryType is "isEpisode":
                evtFunctions += self._editFailedEpisode(entry)
            elif entryType is "isFailed":
                evtFunctions += self._editFailedMovie(entry)
                evtFunctions += self._editFailedEpisode(entry)
            elif entryType is "isSerie":
                evtFunctions = ""  #should not happen

            file = entry.Path + u"/" + entry.Filename + u"." + entry.Extension
            if not os.path.exists(str(file)):
                #printl("FILE = " + file, self, "H")
                evtFunctions += self._deleteFailedEntry(entry)
                evtFunctions += self._showDeleteInfo(entry)

            tableBody += u"""   <tr>
						""" % (entry.Path + u"/" + entry.Filename + u"." + entry.Extension,
             entry.syncFailedCause, evtFunctions)

        finalOutput = finalOutput.replace("<!-- CUSTOM_THEAD -->", tableHeader)
        finalOutput = finalOutput.replace("<!-- CUSTOM_TBODY -->", tableBody)

        return utf8ToLatin(finalOutput)
	def action(self, request):
		global MediaInfo
		global utf8ToLatin
		if MediaInfo is None:
			from Plugins.Extensions.ProjectValerie.DMC_Plugins.DMC_SyncExtras.MediaInfo import MediaInfo
		if utf8ToLatin is None:
			from Plugins.Extensions.ProjectValerie.DMC_Plugins.DMC_SyncExtras.Utf8 import utf8ToLatin
		finalOutput = WebHelper().getHtmlCore("Failed", True)

		tableHeader = WebHelper().readFileContent(u"/DMC_Plugins/DMC_WebInterfaceExtras/content/custom/Failed/Header.tpl")
		tableBody = u""
		entries = WebData().getData("failed")

		for entry in entries:
			entryType = self._getEntryType(entry)
			evtFunctions = ""

			if entryType is "isMovie":
				evtFunctions += self._editFailedMovie(entry)
			elif entryType is "isEpisode":
				evtFunctions += self._editFailedEpisode(entry)
			elif entryType is "isFailed":
				evtFunctions += self._editFailedMovie(entry)
				evtFunctions += self._editFailedEpisode(entry)
			elif entryType is "isSerie":
				evtFunctions = "" #should not happen
			file = entry.Path + u"/" + entry.Filename + u"." + entry.Extension
			if not os.path.exists(str(file)):
				#printl("FILE = " + file, self, "H")
				evtFunctions += self._deleteFailedEntry(entry)	
				evtFunctions += self._showDeleteInfo(entry)	
			tableBody += u"""   <tr>
						""" % (entry.Path + u"/" + entry.Filename + u"." + entry.Extension, entry.syncFailedCause, evtFunctions)
		finalOutput = finalOutput.replace("<!-- CUSTOM_THEAD -->", tableHeader)
		finalOutput = finalOutput.replace("<!-- CUSTOM_TBODY -->", tableBody)
		return utf8ToLatin(finalOutput)
    def buildTableSyncFileTypes(self, section):
        tableBody = u""
        pathsConfig = WebData().getData(section)

        name = u"FileTypes"
        value = '|'.join(pathsConfig.getFileTypes())
        configType, tag = WebHelper().prepareTable(value, None)

        tableBody += u"""
						<table align="left" id="settings_sync">
								<form id="saveSetting" action="/function" method="get">
									<input type="hidden" name="mode" value="options.saveconfig"></input>
									<input type="hidden" name="what" value="settings_sync"></input>
									<input type="hidden" name="section" value="filetypes"></input>
									<input type="hidden" name="type" value="%s"></input>
									<tr id="tr_entry">
										<td width="100px">%s:</td>
										<td width="0px"><input id="name" name="name" type="hidden" size="50" value="%s"></input></td>
										<td width="100px">%s</td>
										<td width="70px"><input type="submit" value="save"></input></td>
				""" % (configType, name, name, tag)

        return tableBody
    def buildTableSyncPath(self, section):
        tableBody = u""
        pathsConfig = WebData().getData(section)

        tableBody += u"""<table align="left" id="settings_sync_sub">"""
        tableBody += u"""<tr>
							<td width="100px">Enabled</td>
							<td width="100px">Directory</td>
							<td width="50px">Type</td>
							<td width="50px">UseFolder</td>
							<td width="70px"></td>

        for path in pathsConfig.getPaths():
            name = u"Directory"
            value = path["directory"]
            id = path["directory"]

            configType, tag = WebHelper().prepareTable(value, None)

            types = (

            tableBody += u"""
							<form id="saveSetting" action="/function" method="get">
								<input type="hidden" name="mode" value="options.saveconfig"></input>
								<input type="hidden" name="what" value="settings_sync"></input>
								<input type="hidden" name="section" value="paths"></input>
								<input type="hidden" name="Id" value="%s"></input>
								<tr id="tr_entry">
									<td width="50px">%s</td>
									<td width="200px">%s</td>
									<td width="50px">%s</td>
									<td width="50px">%s</td>
									<td width="70px"><input type="submit" value="save"></input></td>
					""" % (id, WebHelper().prepareTable(path["enabled"], None, "enabled")[1],
            WebHelper().prepareTable(path["directory"], None, "directory")[1],
            WebHelper().prepareTable(types, None, "type")[1],
            WebHelper().prepareTable(path["usefolder"], None, "usefolder")[1])

        tableBody += u"""</table>"""

        return tableBody
	def action(self, request):
		global utf8ToLatin
		if utf8ToLatin is None:
			from Plugins.Extensions.ProjectValerie.DMC_Plugins.DMC_SyncExtras.Utf8 import utf8ToLatin
		finalOutput = WebHelper().getHtmlCore("Options" , True, "Sync")
		tableBody = self.buildTableSyncFileTypes("options.sync")
		finalOutput = finalOutput.replace("<!-- CUSTOM_TBODY_SYNC_FILETYPES -->", tableBody)
		tableBody = self.buildTableSyncPath("options.sync")
		finalOutput = finalOutput.replace("<!-- CUSTOM_TBODY_SYNC_PATH -->", tableBody)
		tableBody = self.buildTableSyncPathAdd("options.sync")
		finalOutput = finalOutput.replace("<!-- CUSTOM_TBODY_SYNC_PATH_ADD -->", tableBody)
		return utf8ToLatin(finalOutput)
Beispiel #11
    def action(self, request):
        global utf8ToLatin
        if utf8ToLatin is None:
            from Plugins.Extensions.ProjectValerie.DMC_Plugins.DMC_SyncExtras.Utf8 import utf8ToLatin

        finalOutput = WebHelper().getHtmlCore("AddRecord", True)

        return utf8ToLatin(finalOutput)
    def action(self, request):
        global utf8ToLatin
        if utf8ToLatin is None:
            from Plugins.Extensions.ProjectValerie.DMC_Plugins.DMC_SyncExtras.Utf8 import utf8ToLatin

        finalOutput = WebHelper().getHtmlCore("Options", True, "Sync")

        tableBody = self.buildTableSyncFileTypes("options.sync")
        finalOutput = finalOutput.replace(
            "<!-- CUSTOM_TBODY_SYNC_FILETYPES -->", tableBody)

        tableBody = self.buildTableSyncPath("options.sync")
        finalOutput = finalOutput.replace("<!-- CUSTOM_TBODY_SYNC_PATH -->",

        tableBody = self.buildTableSyncPathAdd("options.sync")
        finalOutput = finalOutput.replace(
            "<!-- CUSTOM_TBODY_SYNC_PATH_ADD -->", tableBody)

        return utf8ToLatin(finalOutput)
	def action(self, request):
		global MediaInfo
		global utf8ToLatin
		if MediaInfo is None:
			from Plugins.Extensions.ProjectValerie.DMC_Plugins.DMC_SyncExtras.MediaInfo import MediaInfo
		if utf8ToLatin is None:
			from Plugins.Extensions.ProjectValerie.DMC_Plugins.DMC_SyncExtras.Utf8 import utf8ToLatin
		finalOutput = WebHelper().getHtmlCore("TvShows", True)
		tableHeader = WebHelper().readFileContent(u"/DMC_Plugins/DMC_WebInterfaceExtras/content/custom/TvShows/Header.tpl")
		tableBody = u""
		entries = WebData().getData("tvshows")
		finalOutput = finalOutput.replace("<!-- CUSTOM_TITLE -->", " - Series")

		for entry in entries:
			evtShowEpisodes = self._getEpisodesOfTvShow(entry.Id)
			evtEdit = self._editTvShow(entry, "isTvShow")
			evtAddEpisode = self._addEpisode(entry, "isEpisode")
			evtDelete = self._deleteTvShow(entry, "isTvShow") 
			tableBody += u"""   <tr>
							<td><img src=\"/media/%s_poster_195x267.png\" width="78" height="107" alt="n/a"></img></td>
							<td><a href= target="_blank">%s</a></td>
								<a href="#" onclick="%s"><img class="action_img" src="/content/global/img/showEpisodes.png" alt="show Episodes" title="show Episodes" /></a>
								<a href="#" onclick="%s"><img class="action_img" src="/content/global/img/edit-grey.png" alt="edit" title="edit" /></a>
								<a href="#" onclick="%s"><img class="action_img" src="/content/global/img/add.png" alt="add" title="add" /></a>
								<a href="#" onclick="%s"><img class="action_img" src="/content/global/img/delete-grey.png" alt="delete" title="delete" /></a>						
			""" % (entry.TheTvDbId, entry.Title, entry.Id, entry.ImdbId, entry.TheTvDbId, entry.TheTvDbId, evtShowEpisodes, evtEdit, evtAddEpisode, evtDelete)
		finalOutput = finalOutput.replace("<!-- CUSTOM_THEAD -->", tableHeader)
		finalOutput = finalOutput.replace("<!-- CUSTOM_TBODY -->", tableBody)
		return utf8ToLatin(finalOutput)
	def action(self, request):
		global utf8ToLatin
		global Manager
		if utf8ToLatin is None:
			from Plugins.Extensions.ProjectValerie.DMC_Plugins.DMC_SyncExtras.Utf8 import utf8ToLatin
		if Manager is None:
			from Plugins.Extensions.ProjectValerie.DMC_Plugins.DMC_SyncExtras.Manager import Manager
		finalOutput = WebHelper().getHtmlCore("Home")
		currentVersion = Update().getInstalledRevision()
		manager = Manager("WebIf:MainActions")
		movieCount = str(manager.getMoviesCount())
		tvShowCount = str(manager.getSeriesCount())
		episodeCount = str(manager.getEpisodesCount())
		updateType = Update().getCurrentUpdateType()
		latestRevision = Update().getLatestRevision()
		finalOutput = finalOutput.replace("<!-- MOVIE_COUNT -->", movieCount)
		finalOutput = finalOutput.replace("<!-- TVSHOW_COUNT -->", tvShowCount)
		finalOutput = finalOutput.replace("<!-- EPISODE_COUNT -->", episodeCount)
		revisionText = """	<br>
							Your update type => %s.<br>
							The latest release for your update type is %s.<br>
		""" % (updateType, latestRevision)

		finalOutput = finalOutput.replace("<!-- CURRENT_VERSION -->", "Your installed revision => " + currentVersion)
		finalOutput = finalOutput.replace("<!-- LATEST_VERSION -->", revisionText)
		return utf8ToLatin(finalOutput)
    def action(self, request):
        global MediaInfo
        global utf8ToLatin
        if MediaInfo is None:
            from Plugins.Extensions.ProjectValerie.DMC_Plugins.DMC_SyncExtras.MediaInfo import MediaInfo
        if utf8ToLatin is None:
            from Plugins.Extensions.ProjectValerie.DMC_Plugins.DMC_SyncExtras.Utf8 import utf8ToLatin

        finalOutput = WebHelper().getHtmlCore("Movies", True)

        tableHeader = WebHelper().readFileContent(
        tableBody = u""

        entries = WebData().getData("movies")
        finalOutput = finalOutput.replace("<!-- CUSTOM_TITLE -->", " - Movies")

        for entry in entries:
            mediaId = entry.Id
            evtEdit = self._editMovie(entry, "isMovie")
            evtDelete = self._deleteMovie(entry, "isMovie")
            evtStream = self._streamMovie(mediaId, "isMovie")
            evtPlay = self._playMovie(mediaId, "isMovie")
            evtLoad = self._downloadMovie(mediaId, "isMovie")
            evtFailed = self._moveToFailed(entry, "isMovie")

            if WebData().getData("MediaInfo_isSeen", mediaId):
                isSeen = ""
                isSeen = '<img src="/content/global/img/unseen.png" alt="unseen" title="unseen"></img>'

            tableBody += u"""   <tr>
							<td><img src=\"/media/%s_poster_195x267.png\" width="78" height="107" alt="n/a"></img></td>
							<td><a href= target="_blank">%s</a></td>
								<a href="#" onclick="%s"><img class="action_img" src="/content/global/img/edit-grey.png" alt="edit" title="edit" /></a>
								<a href="#" onclick="%s"><img class="action_img" src="/content/global/img/delete-grey.png" alt="delete" title="delete" /></a>
								<a href="#" onclick="%s"><img class="action_img" src="/content/global/img/stream.png" alt="stream Movie" title="stream Movie" /></a>
								<a href="#" onclick="%s"><img class="action_img" src="/content/global/img/play-grey.png" alt="play Movie" title="play Movie" /></a>
								<a href="#" onclick="%s"><img class="action_img" src="/content/global/img/download.png" alt="download Movie" title="download Movie" /></a>
								<a href="#" onclick="%s"><img class="action_img" src="/content/global/img/error.png" alt="move to failed" title="move to failed" /></a>
					""" % (isSeen, entry.ImdbId, entry.Title, entry.Year, entry.ImdbId,
            entry.ImdbId, evtEdit, evtDelete, evtStream, evtPlay, evtLoad,

        finalOutput = finalOutput.replace("<!-- CUSTOM_THEAD -->", tableHeader)
        finalOutput = finalOutput.replace("<!-- CUSTOM_TBODY -->", tableBody)

        return utf8ToLatin(finalOutput)
    def action(self, request):
        global utf8ToLatin
        global Manager
        if utf8ToLatin is None:
            from Plugins.Extensions.ProjectValerie.DMC_Plugins.DMC_SyncExtras.Utf8 import utf8ToLatin
        if Manager is None:
            from Plugins.Extensions.ProjectValerie.DMC_Plugins.DMC_SyncExtras.Manager import Manager

        finalOutput = WebHelper().getHtmlCore("Home")

        # update checker broken so set fixed values - steve4744
        #currentVersion = Update().getInstalledRevision()
        currentVersion = "r1280"
        manager = Manager("WebIf:MainActions")
        movieCount = str(manager.getMoviesCount())
        tvShowCount = str(manager.getSeriesCount())
        episodeCount = str(manager.getEpisodesCount())

        # update checker broken so set fixed values - steve4744
        #updateType = Update().getCurrentUpdateType()
        #latestRevision = Update().getLatestRevision()
        updateType = "Release"
        latestRevision = "r1280"

        finalOutput = finalOutput.replace("<!-- MOVIE_COUNT -->", movieCount)
        finalOutput = finalOutput.replace("<!-- TVSHOW_COUNT -->", tvShowCount)
        finalOutput = finalOutput.replace("<!-- EPISODE_COUNT -->",

        revisionText = """	<br>
							Your update type => %s.<br>
							The latest release for your update type is %s.<br>
		""" % (updateType, latestRevision)

        finalOutput = finalOutput.replace(
            "<!-- CURRENT_VERSION -->",
            "Your installed revision => " + currentVersion)
        finalOutput = finalOutput.replace("<!-- LATEST_VERSION -->",

        return utf8ToLatin(finalOutput)
    def buildTableGlobal(self, section):
        tableBody = u""
        entries = WebData().getData(section)
        for entry in entries:
            value = entry[1].value

            configType, tag = WebHelper().prepareTable(value, entry[1])

            tableBody += u"""
							<form id="saveSetting" action="/function" method="get">
								<input type="hidden" name="mode" value="options.saveconfig"></input>
								<input type="hidden" name="what" value="settings_global"></input>
								<input type="hidden" name="type" value="%s"></input>
								<tr id="tr_entry">
									<td width="550px">%s:</td>
									<td width="0px"><input id="name" name="name" type="hidden" size="50" value="%s"></input></td>
									<td width="200px">%s</td>
									<td width="70px"><input type="submit" value="save"></input></td>
					""" % (configType, entry[0], entry[0], tag)

        return tableBody
    def action(self, request):
        global MediaInfo
        global utf8ToLatin
        if MediaInfo is None:
            from Plugins.Extensions.ProjectValerie.DMC_Plugins.DMC_SyncExtras.MediaInfo import MediaInfo
        if utf8ToLatin is None:
            from Plugins.Extensions.ProjectValerie.DMC_Plugins.DMC_SyncExtras.Utf8 import utf8ToLatin

        finalOutput = WebHelper().getHtmlCore("TvShows", True)

        tableHeader = WebHelper().readFileContent(
        tableBody = u""

        entries = WebData().getData("tvshows")
        finalOutput = finalOutput.replace("<!-- CUSTOM_TITLE -->", " - Series")

        for entry in entries:
            evtShowEpisodes = self._getEpisodesOfTvShow(entry.Id)
            evtEdit = self._editTvShow(entry, "isTvShow")
            evtAddEpisode = self._addEpisode(entry, "isEpisode")
            evtDelete = self._deleteTvShow(entry, "isTvShow")

            tableBody += u"""   <tr>
							<td><img src=\"/media/%s_poster_195x267.png\" width="78" height="107" alt="n/a"></img></td>
							<td><a href= target="_blank">%s</a></td>
								<a href="#" onclick="%s"><img class="action_img" src="/content/global/img/showEpisodes.png" alt="show Episodes" title="show Episodes" /></a>
								<a href="#" onclick="%s"><img class="action_img" src="/content/global/img/edit-grey.png" alt="edit" title="edit" /></a>
								<a href="#" onclick="%s"><img class="action_img" src="/content/global/img/add.png" alt="add" title="add" /></a>
								<a href="#" onclick="%s"><img class="action_img" src="/content/global/img/delete-grey.png" alt="delete" title="delete" /></a>						
			""" % (entry.TheTvDbId, entry.Title, entry.Id, entry.ImdbId,
            entry.TheTvDbId, entry.TheTvDbId, evtShowEpisodes, evtEdit,
            evtAddEpisode, evtDelete)

        finalOutput = finalOutput.replace("<!-- CUSTOM_THEAD -->", tableHeader)
        finalOutput = finalOutput.replace("<!-- CUSTOM_TBODY -->", tableBody)

        return utf8ToLatin(finalOutput)
Beispiel #19
    def action(self, request):
        global Manager
        global utf8ToLatin
        global MediaInfo
        if Manager is None:
            from Plugins.Extensions.ProjectValerie.DMC_Plugins.DMC_SyncExtras.Manager import Manager
        if utf8ToLatin is None:
            from Plugins.Extensions.ProjectValerie.DMC_Plugins.DMC_SyncExtras.Utf8 import utf8ToLatin
        if MediaInfo is None:
            from Plugins.Extensions.ProjectValerie.DMC_Plugins.DMC_SyncExtras.MediaInfo import MediaInfo

        printl("request: " + str(request), self)
        printl("request.args: " + str(request.args), self)
        printl("request.args[mode]: " + str(request.args["mode"]), self)

        # Argument: 	request.args["mode"][0] 			== "options.saveconfig"
        #				request.args["what"][0]				== "settings_global" | "settings_sync"
        if request.args["mode"][0] == "options.saveconfig":
            printl("mode (options.saveconfig)", self, "I")

            what = request.args["what"][0]

            if what == "settings_global":
                name = request.args["name"][0]
                value = "unchecked"
                if request.args.has_key("value"):
                    value = request.args["value"][0]

                valueType = request.args["type"][0]

                    "name=\"%s\" value=\"%s\" type=\"%s\"" %
                    (name, value, valueType), self, "D")

                entries = WebData().getData("")
                for entry in entries:
                    if entry[0] == name:
                        if valueType == "text" or valueType == "select":
                            printl("Setting \"%s\" to \"%s\"" % (name, value),
                                   self, "I")
                            entry[1].value = value
                        elif valueType == "checkbox":
                            if value == "checked" or value == "on":
                                value = True
                                value = False
                            printl("Setting \"%s\" to \"%s\"" % (name, value),
                                   self, "I")
                            entry[1].value = value

            # settins_sync
            elif what == "settings_sync":
                printl("argument => what = settings_sync", self, "I")
                if request.args["section"][0] == "paths":
                    printl("argument => section = path", self, "I")
                    id = request.args["Id"][0]
                    directory = request.args["directory"][0]
                    typeFolder = request.args["type"][0]
                    enabled = request.args.has_key("enabled")
                    useFolder = request.args.has_key("usefolder")

                    path = {
                        "directory": directory,
                        "enabled": enabled,
                        "usefolder": useFolder,
                        "type": typeFolder
                    action = "standard"
                    from Plugins.Extensions.ProjectValerie.DMC_Plugins.DMC_SyncExtras.PathsConfig import PathsConfig
                    if directory == "":
                        action = "delete"
                    PathsConfig().getInstance().setPath(id, path, action)

                elif request.args["section"][0] == "filetypes":
                    printl("argument => section = filetypes", self, "I")
                    value = request.args["value"][0]
                    from Plugins.Extensions.ProjectValerie.DMC_Plugins.DMC_SyncExtras.PathsConfig import PathsConfig

            return WebHelper().redirectMeTo("/options")

        # DUMP DATABASE - view via webif http://url:8888/dumps
        # Argument: 	request.args["mode"][0] == "dumpDb"
        elif request.args["mode"][0] == "dumpDb":
            printl("mode (dumpDb)", self, "I")

            return WebHelper().redirectMeTo("/dumps")

        # Argument: 	request.args["mode"][0] 			== "backupValerie"
        elif request.args["mode"][0] == "backupValerie":
            printl("mode (backupValerie)", self, "I")

            #import zipfile, os

            #zipf = zipfile.ZipFile('/hdd/', mode='w', compression=zipfile.ZIP_STORED )
            #path = utf8ToLatin(config.plugins.pvmc.tmpfolderpath.value)
            #WebHelper().recursive_zip(zipf, path)

            backupFile = '/mnt/net/store/valerie-backup.tar'
            sourcePath = utf8ToLatin(config.plugins.pvmc.tmpfolderpath.value)
            os.system("tar -cvf " + backupFile + " " + sourcePath +
                      " --exclude 'tmp/*' --exclude 'tmp'")

            return WebHelper().redirectMeTo("/elog/")

        # RESTORE SECTION - do not use for now fills up the flash => freeze
        # Argument: 	request.args["mode"][0] 			== "restoreValerie"
        # Information:
        elif request.args["mode"][0] == "restoreValerie":
            printl("mode (restoreValerie)", self, "I")

            outputStream = open(filename, '/hdd/')
Beispiel #20
    def action(self, request):
        global Manager
        global utf8ToLatin
        global MediaInfo
        if Manager is None:
            from Plugins.Extensions.ProjectValerie.DMC_Plugins.DMC_SyncExtras.Manager import Manager
        if utf8ToLatin is None:
            from Plugins.Extensions.ProjectValerie.DMC_Plugins.DMC_SyncExtras.Utf8 import utf8ToLatin
        if MediaInfo is None:
            from Plugins.Extensions.ProjectValerie.DMC_Plugins.DMC_SyncExtras.MediaInfo import MediaInfo

        #printl("request: " + str(request), self)
        #printl("request.args: " + str(request.args), self)
        #printl("request.args[mode]: " + str(request.args["mode"]), self)

        # Argument:
        if request.args["mode"][0] == "normalSync":
            printl("mode (normalSync)", self, "I")
            from Plugins.Extensions.ProjectValerie.DMC_Plugins.DMC_SyncExtras.plugin import getSyncInfoInstance
            from Plugins.Extensions.ProjectValerie.DMC_Plugins.DMC_SyncExtras.sync import pyvalerie
            syncInfo = getSyncInfoInstance()
            syncInfo.registerOutputInstance(None, None)  #session)

            return WebHelper().redirectMeTo("/sync")

        # Argument:
        elif request.args["mode"][0] == "fastSync":
            printl("mode (fastSync)", self, "I")
            from Plugins.Extensions.ProjectValerie.DMC_Plugins.DMC_SyncExtras.plugin import getSyncInfoInstance
            from Plugins.Extensions.ProjectValerie.DMC_Plugins.DMC_SyncExtras.sync import pyvalerie
            syncInfo = getSyncInfoInstance()
            syncInfo.registerOutputInstance(None, None)  #session)

            return WebHelper().redirectMeTo("/sync")

        # CANCEL SYNC
        # Argument:
        elif request.args["mode"][0] == "cancelSync":
            printl("mode (cancelSync)", self, "I")
            from Plugins.Extensions.ProjectValerie.DMC_Plugins.DMC_SyncExtras.plugin import getSyncInfoInstance
            syncInfo = getSyncInfoInstance()
            syncInfo.registerOutputInstance(None, None)  #session)

            return WebHelper().redirectMeTo("/sync")

        # SHOW SYNC LOG
        # Argument:
        elif request.args["mode"][0] == "getSyncLog":
            row = int(request.args["row"][0])
            #printl("mode (getSyncLog)", self, "I")
            global utf8ToLatin
            if utf8ToLatin is None:
                from Plugins.Extensions.ProjectValerie.DMC_Plugins.DMC_SyncExtras.Utf8 import utf8ToLatin

            from Plugins.Extensions.ProjectValerie.DMC_Plugins.DMC_SyncExtras.plugin import getSyncInfoInstance
            syncInfo = getSyncInfoInstance()
            log = syncInfo.log
            if row < len(log):
                return log[row]
                return " "

        # Argument:
        elif request.args["mode"][0] == "getSyncPercentage":
            printl("mode (getSyncPercentage)", self, "I")
            from Plugins.Extensions.ProjectValerie.DMC_Plugins.DMC_SyncExtras.plugin import getSyncInfoInstance
            syncInfo = getSyncInfoInstance()
            if syncInfo.range > 0:
                progress = int((syncInfo.progress / syncInfo.range) * 100.0)
                progress = 0

            return str(progress)

        # Argument:
        elif request.args["mode"][0] == "getRunningState":
            printl("mode (getRunningState)", self, "I")
            from Plugins.Extensions.ProjectValerie.DMC_Plugins.DMC_SyncExtras.plugin import getSyncInfoInstance
            syncInfo = getSyncInfoInstance()
            running = syncInfo.inProgress

            return str(running)

        # Argument:
        elif request.args["mode"][0] == "getFinishedState":
            printl("mode (getFinishedState)", self, "I")
            from Plugins.Extensions.ProjectValerie.DMC_Plugins.DMC_SyncExtras.plugin import getSyncInfoInstance
            syncInfo = getSyncInfoInstance()
            finished = syncInfo.isFinished

            return str(finished)
Beispiel #21
    def action(self, request):
        global Manager
        global utf8ToLatin
        global stringToUtf8
        global MediaInfo
        if Manager is None:
            from Plugins.Extensions.ProjectValerie.DMC_Plugins.DMC_SyncExtras.Manager import Manager
        if stringToUtf8 is None:
            from Plugins.Extensions.ProjectValerie.DMC_Plugins.DMC_SyncExtras.Utf8 import stringToUtf8
        if utf8ToLatin is None:
            from Plugins.Extensions.ProjectValerie.DMC_Plugins.DMC_SyncExtras.Utf8 import utf8ToLatin
        if MediaInfo is None:
            from Plugins.Extensions.ProjectValerie.DMC_Plugins.DMC_SyncExtras.MediaInfo import MediaInfo

        printl("request: " + str(request), self)
        printl("request.args: " + str(request.args), self)
        printl("request.args[mode]: " + str(request.args["mode"]), self)

        # ADD SECTION
        # Argument: 	request.args["mode"][0] 			== "addMediaToDb"
        # Subargument:  request.args["type"][0] 			== "isMovie" | "isTvShow" | "isEpisode"
        #				request.args["ParentId"][0] 		== Integer
        if request.args["mode"][0] == "addMediaToDb":
            printl("mode (addMediaToDb)", self, "I")

            manager = Manager("WebIf:SubActions:MediaActions")
            type = request.args["type"][0]
            if (type == "isEpisode"):
                parentId = request.args["ParentId"][0]

            key_value_dict = {}
            for key in request.args.keys():
                key_value_dict[key] = request.args[key][0]

            # add movies
            if type == "isMovie":
                printl("INSERT MOVIE : " + str(key_value_dict), self, "I")
                result = manager.insertMediaWithDict(Manager.MOVIES,
                if result["status"] > 0:
                    return WebHelper().redirectMeTo(
                    return WebHelper().redirectMeTo(
                        "/mediaForm?mode=showErrorForm&type=isMovie&" +
                        urlencode({'msg': result["message"]}))

            # add tvshows
            elif type == "isTvShow":
                printl("INSERT TVSHOW : " + str(key_value_dict), self, "I")
                result = manager.insertMediaWithDict(Manager.TVSHOWS,
                if result["status"] > 0:
                    return WebHelper().redirectMeTo(
                    return WebHelper().redirectMeTo(
                        "/mediaForm?mode=showErrorForm&type=isTvShow&" +
                        urlencode({'msg': result["message"]}))

            # add tvshowepisodes
            elif type == "isEpisode":
                printl("INSERT EPISODE: " + str(key_value_dict), self, "I")
                result = manager.insertMediaWithDict(Manager.TVSHOWSEPISODES,
                if result["status"] > 0:
                    return WebHelper().redirectMeTo(
                        "/episodes?mode=showDoneForm&ParentId=" + parentId +
                    return WebHelper().redirectMeTo(
                        + parentId + "&" +
                        urlencode({'msg': result["message"]}))

        # EDIT SECTION
        # Argument: 	request.args["mode"][0] 		== "alterMediaInDb"
        # Subargument:  request.args["type"][0] 		== "isMovie" | "isTvShow" | "isEpisode"
        #				request.args["Id"][0]			== Integer
        #				request.args["ParentId"][0]		== Integer
        elif request.args["mode"][0] == "alterMediaInDb":
            printl("mode (alterMediaInDb)", self, "I")

            manager = Manager("WebIf:SubActions:MediaActions")
            type = stringToUtf8(request.args["type"][0])
            Id = request.args["Id"][0]
            if (type == "isEpisode"):
                parentId = request.args["ParentId"][0]

            key_value_dict = {}
            for key in request.args.keys():
                #	key_value_dict[key] = stringToUtf8(request.args[key][0])
                key_value_dict[key] = request.args[key][0]
                printl("Content: " + key + " => " + request.args[key][0], self,

            if not "Seen" in request.args:
                WebData().getData("MediaInfo_markUnseen", Id)
                if (request.args["Seen"][0] == "on"):
                    WebData().getData("MediaInfo_markSeen", Id)

            # edit movies
            if type == "isMovie":
                result = manager.updateMediaWithDict(Manager.MOVIES,
                printl("alter Movie in Db", self, "I")
                if result is True:
                    printl("TRUE", self, "I")
                    return WebHelper().redirectMeTo(
                        "/movies?mode=showDoneForm&Id=" + Id +
                    printl("FALSE", self, "I")
                    return WebHelper().redirectMeTo(
                        "/mediaForm?mode=showErrorForm&type=isMovie&Id=" + Id)

            # edit tvshows
            elif type == "isTvShow":
                result = manager.updateMediaWithDict(Manager.TVSHOWS,
                if result:
                    return WebHelper().redirectMeTo(
                        "/tvshows?mode=showDoneForm&Id=" + Id +
                    return WebHelper().redirectMeTo(
                        "/mediaForm?mode=showErrorForm&type=isTvShow&Id=" + Id)

            # edit tvsshowepisodes
            elif type == "isEpisode":
                result = manager.updateMediaWithDict(Manager.TVSHOWSEPISODES,
                if result:
                    return WebHelper().redirectMeTo(
                        "/episodes?mode=showDoneForm&Id=" + Id + "&ParentId=" +
                        parentId + "&showSave=true")
                    return WebHelper().redirectMeTo(
                        + parentId + "&Id=" + Id)

        # Argument: 	request.args["mode"][0] 		== "deleteMediaFromDb"
        # Subargument:  request.args["Id"][0]		 	== Integer
        #				request.args["ParentId"][0] 	== Integer
        #				request.args["type"][0] 		== "isMovie" | "isTvShow" | "isEpisode"
        elif request.args["mode"][0] == "deleteMediaFromDb":
            printl("mode (deleteMediaFromDb)", self, "I")

            manager = Manager("WebIf:SubActions:MediaActions")
            id = request.args["Id"][0]
            type = request.args["type"][0]
            if (type == "isEpisode"):
                parentId = request.args["ParentId"][0]

            result = manager.deleteMedia(id)
            #delete movie
            if type == "isMovie":
                if result:
                    return WebHelper().redirectMeTo(
                    return WebHelper().redirectMeTo(

            # delete tvshowepisodes
            elif type == "isEpisode":
                if result:
                    return WebHelper().redirectMeTo(
                        "/episodes?mode=showDoneForm&ParentId=" + parentId +
                    return WebHelper().redirectMeTo(
                        + parentId)

            # delete tvshow
            elif type == "isTvShow":
                if result:
                    return WebHelper().redirectMeTo(
                    return WebHelper().redirectMeTo(

            # delete failed
            elif type == "isFailed":
                if result:
                    return WebHelper().redirectMeTo("/failed?showSave=true")
                    return WebHelper().redirectMeTo(

        # Argument: 	request.args["mode"][0] == "changeMediaArts"
        # Subargument:  request.args["Id"][0] == Integer
        #				request.args["type"][0] == "isMovie" | "isTvShow" | "isEpisode"
        #				request.args["media_type"][0] == "poster" | "backdrop"
        #				request.args["media_source"][0] == String
        elif request.args["mode"][0] == "changeMediaArts":
            printl("mode (changeMediaArts)", self, "I")

            manager = Manager("WebIf:SubActions:MediaActions")
            type = request.args["type"][0]
            media_source = request.args["media_source"][0]
            media_type = request.args["media_type"][0]
            Id = request.args["Id"][0]

            printl("media_source => " + media_source + ")", self, "I")
            if (media_source[0:7] != "user://"):
                if (media_source[0:7] == "http://"
                        or media_source[0:8] == "https://"
                        or media_source[0:1] == "/"):
                    media_source = "user://" + media_source
                        "media_source without user:// found => correcting to new value = "
                        + media_source, self, "I")
                        "media_source seems to have bad format at all - trying it anyway without warranty ;-)",
                        self, "W")
                printl("media_source with user:// found => no changes needed",
                       self, "I")

            #change movie art
            if type == "isMovie":
                t = Manager.MOVIES

            #change tvshow art
            elif type == "isTvShow":
                t = Manager.TVSHOWS

            #change episode art
            elif type == "isEpisode":
                t = Manager.TVSHOWSEPISODES

                return utf8ToLatin("error")

            if media_type == "poster":
                result = manager.changeMediaArts(t, Id, True, None,
                if result == True:
                    return utf8ToLatin("success")
                    return utf8ToLatin("error")

            elif media_type == "backdrop":
                result = manager.changeMediaArts(t, Id, True, media_source,
                if result == True:
                    return utf8ToLatin("success")
                    return utf8ToLatin("error")
                printl("no media type found", self)
                return utf8ToLatin("error")

            return utf8ToLatin("error")

        # SAVE TO DB
        # Argument: 	request.args["mode"][0] == "saveChangesToDb"
        elif request.args["mode"][0] == "saveChangesToDb":
            printl("mode (saveChangesToDb)", self, "I")

            manager = Manager("WebIf:SubActions:MediaActions")

            if request.args["return_to"][0] == "movies":
                return WebHelper().redirectMeTo("/movies")

            elif request.args["return_to"][0] == "tvshows":
                return WebHelper().redirectMeTo("/tvshows")

            elif request.args["return_to"][0] == "episodes":
                return WebHelper().redirectMeTo("/episodes")

            elif request.args["return_to"][0] == "failed":
                return WebHelper().redirectMeTo("/failed")

        # Argument: 	request.args["mode"][0] == "moveToFailedSection"
        # Subargument:  request.args["Id"][0] == Integer
        elif request.args["mode"][0] == "moveToFailedSection":
            manager = Manager("WebIf:SubActions:MediaActions")
            type = request.args["type"][0]
            Id = request.args["Id"][0]
            result = manager.moveToFailedSection(Id, type)
            if (type == "isEpisode"):
                parentId = request.args["ParentId"][0]

            #delete movie
            if type == "isMovie":
                if result:
                    return WebHelper().redirectMeTo(
                    return WebHelper().redirectMeTo(

            # delete tvshowepisodes
            elif type == "isEpisode":
                if result:
                    return WebHelper().redirectMeTo(
                        "/episodes?mode=showDoneForm&ParentId=" + parentId +
                    return WebHelper().redirectMeTo(
                        + parentId)

            # delete tvshow
            elif type == "isTvShow":
                if result:
                    return WebHelper().redirectMeTo(
                    return WebHelper().redirectMeTo(
Beispiel #22
    def action(self, request):
        global MediaInfo
        if MediaInfo is None:
            from Plugins.Extensions.ProjectValerie.DMC_Plugins.DMC_SyncExtras.MediaInfo import MediaInfo
        global utf8ToLatin
        if utf8ToLatin is None:
            from Plugins.Extensions.ProjectValerie.DMC_Plugins.DMC_SyncExtras.Utf8 import utf8ToLatin
        global Manager
        if Manager is None:
            from Plugins.Extensions.ProjectValerie.DMC_Plugins.DMC_SyncExtras.Manager import Manager

        finalOutput = WebHelper().getHtmlCore("MediaInfo", True)

        Id = None
        ParentId = None
        imdbId = u""
        theTvDbId = u""
        currentMode = request.args["mode"][0]
        if "type" in request.args:
            type = request.args["type"][0]
            type = u""

        # DONE MODE
        if currentMode == "showDoneForm":

            return finalOutput

        elif currentMode == "getMediaDetails":
            Id = request.args["Id"][0]
            data = self._getMediaDetails(type, int(Id))
            response = data.Path + "/" + data.Filename + "." + data.Extension

            return str(response)

        # ERROR MODE
        elif currentMode == "showErrorForm":

            return finalOutput

        # EDIT MODE
        elif currentMode == 'showEditForm':
            nextMode = "alterMediaInDb"
            finalOutput = finalOutput.replace("<!-- CUSTOM_TITLE -->",
                                              " - Edit Media")
            Id = request.args["Id"][0]
            m = self._getMediaDetails(type, int(Id))

        elif currentMode == 'showAddByImdbForm':
            fileData = None
            if "Id" in request.args:
                if request.args["Id"][0] == "":
                    nextMode = "addMediaToDb"
                    printl("ID => " + request.args["Id"][0], self, "D")
                    nextMode = "alterMediaInDb"
                    fileData = self._getMediaDetails(
                        type, int(request.args["Id"][0]))
                nextMode = "addMediaToDb"

            finalOutput = finalOutput.replace("<!-- CUSTOM_TITLE -->",
                                              " - Add Media")
            m = MediaInfo()
            m.ImdbId = ""
            m.SearchString = ""
            if type == "isEpisode":
                type = "isSerie"  # we need to do this because Manger.syncelemnts uses this name not the name till now isTvShow

            if fileData is not None:
                path = fileData.Path
                filename = fileData.Filename
                extension = fileData.Extension
                path = u"test"
                filename = u"test"
                extension = u"test"

            if type == "isMovie":
                m.ImdbId = request.args["ImdbId"][0]
                printl("showAddByImdbForm: " + str(request.args["ImdbId"][0]) +
                       " " + str(type))
                syncData = Manager("WebIf:SubActions:MediaForm").syncElement(
                    path, filename, extension, m.ImdbId, False)
                m = syncData[0]

            if type == "isSerie":
                m.ImdbId = request.args["ImdbId"][0]
                printl("showAddByImdbForm: " + str(request.args["ImdbId"][0]) +
                       " " + str(type))
                syncData = Manager("WebIf:SubActions:MediaForm").syncElement(
                    path, filename, extension, m.ImdbId, True)
                m = syncData[0]

        elif currentMode == 'showAlternativesForm':
            nextMode = "showAddByImdbForm"
            finalOutput = finalOutput.replace("<!-- CUSTOM_TITLE -->",
                                              " - Add Media")
            mediainfo.SearchString = request.args["Title"][0]
            results = Manager("WebIf:SubActions:MediaForm").searchAlternatives(

        elif currentMode == 'moveToFailed':
            nextMode = "showAddByImdbForm"
            #hier sollte mehr stehen lol

        if "Id" in request.args:
            Id = request.args["Id"][0]
            Id = u""

        if "ParentId" in request.args:
            ParentId = request.args["ParentId"][0]
            ParentId = u""

        image = u""
        backdrop = u""
        mediaFolderPath = config.plugins.pvmc.mediafolderpath.value

        mediaForm = WebHelper().getHtmlForm("mediaForm")

        # ADD MODE
        if currentMode == "showManualAddForm":
            nextMode = "addMediaToDb"
            mediaForm = mediaForm % (type, nextMode, u"", ParentId, type, u"",
                                     u"", u"", u"", u"", u"", u"", u"", u"",
                                     u"", u"", u"", u"", u"", u"", u"", u"", 0)
            if type == "isMovie":
                if os.path.isfile(mediaFolderPath + m.ImdbId +
                    image = """<img id="duck_img" src="%s" width="78" height="107" alt="n/a"></img>""" % (
                        "/media/" + str(m.ImdbId) + "_poster_195x267.png")
                    image = """<img src=\"\" width="78" height="107" alt="n/a"></img>""" % (

                if os.path.isfile(mediaFolderPath + str(m.ImdbId) +
                    backdrop = """<img id="duck_backdrop_img" src="%s" width="160" height="90" alt="n/a"></img>""" % (
                        "/media/" + str(m.ImdbId) + "_backdrop_320x180.png")
                    backdrop = """<img src=\"\" width="160" height="90" alt="n/a">""" % (

            elif type == "isTvShow" or type == "isEpisode":
                if os.path.isfile(mediaFolderPath + str(m.TheTvDbId) +
                    image = """<img id="duck_img" src="%s" width="78" height="107" alt="n/a"></img>""" % (
                        "/media/" + str(m.TheTvDbId) + "_poster_195x267.png")
                    image = """<img src=\"\" width="78" height="107" alt="n/a"></img>""" % (

                if os.path.isfile(mediaFolderPath + str(m.TheTvDbId) +
                    backdrop = """<img id="duck_backdrop_img" src="%s" width="160" height="90" alt="n/a"></img>""" % (
                        "/media/" + str(m.TheTvDbId) + "_backdrop_320x180.png")
                    backdrop = """<img src=\"\" width="160" height="90" alt="n/a">""" % (

            seenCheck = ""

            if WebData().getData("MediaInfo_isSeen", m.Id):
                seenCheck = 'checked'
            printl("nextMode = " + nextMode, self, "W")

            if m.ParentId == None:
                m.ParentId = u""

            mediaForm = mediaForm % (
                type, nextMode, Id, m.ParentId, type, Id, m.ImdbId,
                m.TheTvDbId, m.Title, m.Tag, m.Season, m.Disc, m.Episode,
                m.EpisodeLast, m.Plot, m.Runtime, m.Year, m.Genres,
                    m.Popularity), m.Path, m.Filename, m.Extension, seenCheck)

        finalOutput = finalOutput.replace("<!-- CUSTOM_IMAGE -->", image)
        finalOutput = finalOutput.replace("<!-- CUSTOM_BACKDROP -->", backdrop)
        finalOutput = finalOutput.replace("<!-- CUSTOM_FORM -->", mediaForm)

        return utf8ToLatin(finalOutput)
	def action(self, request):
		global utf8ToLatin
		global MediaInfo
		global MobileImdbComProvider
		if utf8ToLatin is None:
			from Plugins.Extensions.ProjectValerie.DMC_Plugins.DMC_SyncExtras.Utf8 import utf8ToLatin
		if MediaInfo is None:
			from Plugins.Extensions.ProjectValerie.DMC_Plugins.DMC_SyncExtras.MediaInfo import MediaInfo
		if MobileImdbComProvider is None:
			from Plugins.Extensions.ProjectValerie.DMC_Plugins.DMC_SyncExtras.MobileImdbComProvider import MobileImdbComProvider
		finalOutput = WebHelper().getHtmlCore("Alternatives", True)
		tableHeader = WebHelper().readFileContent(u"/DMC_Plugins/DMC_WebInterfaceExtras/content/custom/Alternatives/Header.tpl")
		tableBody = u""
		mediainfo = MediaInfo()
		mediainfo.ImdbId = "";
		mediainfo.SearchString = "";

		mediainfo.SearchString = request.args["searchString"][0]
		entries = MobileImdbComProvider().getAlternatives(mediainfo)
		if entries is not None:
			for entry in entries:
				entry.type = request.args["type"][0]
				if "Id" in request.args:
					entry.Id = request.args["Id"][0]
					entry.Id = u""
				if "Path" in request.args:
					entry.Path = request.args["Path"][0]
					entry.Path = u""
				if "Filename" in request.args:
					entry.Filename = request.args["Filename"][0]
					entry.Filename = u""
				if "Extension" in request.args:
					entry.Extension = request.args["Extension"][0]
					entry.Extension = u""
				evtApply = self._getApplyAlternativeString(entry)
				tableBody += u"""   <tr>
									<td><a href= target="_blank">%s</a></td>
										<a href="#" onclick="%s"><img class="action_img" src="/content/global/img/apply.png" alt="apply" title="apply" /></a>
							""" % (entry.Year, entry.ImdbId, entry.ImdbId, utf8ToLatin(entry.Title), entry.IsTVSeries, evtApply)
		finalOutput = finalOutput.replace("<!-- CUSTOM_THEAD -->", tableHeader)
		finalOutput = finalOutput.replace("<!-- CUSTOM_TBODY -->", tableBody)
		return utf8ToLatin(finalOutput)
Beispiel #24
    def action(self, request):
        global utf8ToLatin
        global MediaInfo
        global MobileImdbComProvider

        if utf8ToLatin is None:
            from Plugins.Extensions.ProjectValerie.DMC_Plugins.DMC_SyncExtras.Utf8 import utf8ToLatin
        if MediaInfo is None:
            from Plugins.Extensions.ProjectValerie.DMC_Plugins.DMC_SyncExtras.MediaInfo import MediaInfo
        if MobileImdbComProvider is None:
            from Plugins.Extensions.ProjectValerie.DMC_Plugins.DMC_SyncExtras.MobileImdbComProvider import MobileImdbComProvider

        finalOutput = WebHelper().getHtmlCore("Alternatives", True)

        tableHeader = WebHelper().readFileContent(
        tableBody = u""

        mediainfo = MediaInfo()
        mediainfo.ImdbId = ""
        mediainfo.SearchString = ""

        mediainfo.SearchString = request.args["searchString"][0]
        entries = MobileImdbComProvider().getAlternatives(mediainfo)
        if entries is not None:
            for entry in entries:

                entry.type = request.args["type"][0]

                if "Id" in request.args:
                    entry.Id = request.args["Id"][0]
                    entry.Id = u""

                if "Path" in request.args:
                    entry.Path = request.args["Path"][0]
                    entry.Path = u""
                if "Filename" in request.args:
                    entry.Filename = request.args["Filename"][0]
                    entry.Filename = u""
                if "Extension" in request.args:
                    entry.Extension = request.args["Extension"][0]
                    entry.Extension = u""

                evtApply = self._getApplyAlternativeString(entry)

                tableBody += u"""   <tr>
									<td><a href= target="_blank">%s</a></td>
										<a href="#" onclick="%s"><img class="action_img" src="/content/global/img/apply.png" alt="apply" title="apply" /></a>
							""" % (entry.Year, entry.ImdbId, entry.ImdbId, utf8ToLatin(
                    entry.Title), entry.IsTVSeries, evtApply)

        finalOutput = finalOutput.replace("<!-- CUSTOM_THEAD -->", tableHeader)
        finalOutput = finalOutput.replace("<!-- CUSTOM_TBODY -->", tableBody)

        return utf8ToLatin(finalOutput)
	def action(self, request):
		global MediaInfo
		if MediaInfo is None:
			from Plugins.Extensions.ProjectValerie.DMC_Plugins.DMC_SyncExtras.MediaInfo import MediaInfo
		global utf8ToLatin
		if utf8ToLatin is None:
			from Plugins.Extensions.ProjectValerie.DMC_Plugins.DMC_SyncExtras.Utf8 import utf8ToLatin
		global Manager
		if Manager is None:
			from Plugins.Extensions.ProjectValerie.DMC_Plugins.DMC_SyncExtras.Manager import Manager
		finalOutput = WebHelper().getHtmlCore("MediaInfo", True)
		Id = None
		ParentId = None
		imdbId = u""
		theTvDbId = u""
		currentMode = request.args["mode"][0]
		if "type" in request.args:
			type = request.args["type"][0]
			type = u""
		if currentMode == "showDoneForm" :
			return finalOutput
		elif currentMode == "getMediaDetails":
			Id = request.args["Id"][0]
			data = self._getMediaDetails(type, int(Id))
			response = data.Path + "/" + data.Filename + "." + data.Extension
			return str(response)
		elif currentMode == "showErrorForm":
			return finalOutput
		elif currentMode == 'showEditForm':
			nextMode = "alterMediaInDb"
			finalOutput = finalOutput.replace("<!-- CUSTOM_TITLE -->", " - Edit Media")
			Id = request.args["Id"][0]
			m = self._getMediaDetails(type, int(Id))
		elif currentMode == 'showAddByImdbForm':
			fileData = None
			if "Id" in request.args:
				if request.args["Id"][0] == "":
					nextMode = "addMediaToDb"
					printl("ID => " + request.args["Id"][0], self, "D")
					nextMode = "alterMediaInDb"
					fileData = self._getMediaDetails(type, int(request.args["Id"][0]))
				nextMode = "addMediaToDb"
			finalOutput = finalOutput.replace("<!-- CUSTOM_TITLE -->", " - Add Media")
			m = MediaInfo()
			m.ImdbId = "";
			m.SearchString = "";
			if type == "isEpisode":
				type = "isSerie" # we need to do this because Manger.syncelemnts uses this name not the name till now isTvShow
			if fileData is not None:
				path = fileData.Path
				filename = fileData.Filename
				extension = fileData.Extension
				path = u"test"
				filename = u"test"
				extension = u"test"
			if type == "isMovie":
				m.ImdbId = request.args["ImdbId"][0]
				printl("showAddByImdbForm: "+str(request.args["ImdbId"][0]) + " " + str(type))
				syncData = Manager("WebIf:SubActions:MediaForm").syncElement(path, filename, extension, m.ImdbId, False)
				m = syncData[0]
			if type == "isSerie":
				m.ImdbId = request.args["ImdbId"][0]
				printl("showAddByImdbForm: "+str(request.args["ImdbId"][0]) + " " + str(type))
				syncData = Manager("WebIf:SubActions:MediaForm").syncElement(path, filename, extension, m.ImdbId, True)
				m = syncData[0]
		elif currentMode == 'showAlternativesForm':
			nextMode = "showAddByImdbForm"
			finalOutput = finalOutput.replace("<!-- CUSTOM_TITLE -->", " - Add Media")	
			mediainfo.SearchString = request.args["Title"][0]
			results = Manager("WebIf:SubActions:MediaForm").searchAlternatives(mediainfo)
		elif currentMode == 'moveToFailed':
			nextMode = "showAddByImdbForm"
			#hier sollte mehr stehen lol
		if "Id" in request.args:
			Id = request.args["Id"][0]
			Id = u""		
		if "ParentId" in request.args:
			ParentId = request.args["ParentId"][0]
			ParentId = u""

		image = u""
		backdrop = u""
		mediaFolderPath = config.plugins.pvmc.mediafolderpath.value
		mediaForm = WebHelper().getHtmlForm("mediaForm")
		if currentMode=="showManualAddForm":
			nextMode = "addMediaToDb"
			mediaForm = mediaForm % (type, nextMode ,u"", ParentId, type, u"", u"", u"", u"", u"", u"", u"", u"", u"", u"", u"", u"", u"", u"", u"", u"", u"", 0)
			if type == "isMovie":
				if os.path.isfile(mediaFolderPath + m.ImdbId + "_poster_195x267.png"):
					image = """<img id="duck_img" src="%s" width="78" height="107" alt="n/a"></img>""" % ("/media/" + str(m.ImdbId) + "_poster_195x267.png")
					image = """<img src=\"\" width="78" height="107" alt="n/a"></img>""" % (str(m.ImdbId))
				if os.path.isfile(mediaFolderPath + str(m.ImdbId) + "_backdrop_320x180.png"):
					backdrop = """<img id="duck_backdrop_img" src="%s" width="160" height="90" alt="n/a"></img>""" % ("/media/" + str(m.ImdbId) + "_backdrop_320x180.png")
					backdrop = """<img src=\"\" width="160" height="90" alt="n/a">""" % (str(m.ImdbId))
			elif type == "isTvShow" or type == "isEpisode":
				if os.path.isfile(mediaFolderPath + str(m.TheTvDbId) + "_poster_195x267.png"):
					image = """<img id="duck_img" src="%s" width="78" height="107" alt="n/a"></img>""" % ("/media/" + str(m.TheTvDbId) + "_poster_195x267.png")
					image = """<img src=\"\" width="78" height="107" alt="n/a"></img>""" % (str(m.TheTvDbId))
				if os.path.isfile(mediaFolderPath + str(m.TheTvDbId) + "_backdrop_320x180.png"):			
					backdrop = """<img id="duck_backdrop_img" src="%s" width="160" height="90" alt="n/a"></img>""" % ("/media/" + str(m.TheTvDbId) + "_backdrop_320x180.png")
					backdrop = """<img src=\"\" width="160" height="90" alt="n/a">""" % (str(m.TheTvDbId))
			seenCheck = ""
			if WebData().getData("MediaInfo_isSeen", m.Id):
				seenCheck = 'checked'
			printl("nextMode = " + nextMode, self, "W")
			if m.ParentId == None:
				m.ParentId = u""

			mediaForm = mediaForm % (type, nextMode, Id, m.ParentId, type, Id, m.ImdbId, m.TheTvDbId, m.Title, m.Tag, m.Season, m.Disc, m.Episode, m.EpisodeLast, m.Plot, m.Runtime, m.Year, m.Genres, self._getPopularity(m.Popularity), m.Path, m.Filename, m.Extension, seenCheck)

		finalOutput = finalOutput.replace("<!-- CUSTOM_IMAGE -->", image)
		finalOutput = finalOutput.replace("<!-- CUSTOM_BACKDROP -->", backdrop)
		finalOutput = finalOutput.replace("<!-- CUSTOM_FORM -->", mediaForm)
		return utf8ToLatin(finalOutput)