Beispiel #1
 def func(self):
     destination = 'C:/Users/tanis/Desktop/ColoredImage/' + str(
         (random.random() * 100000)) + '.jpg'
     imsave(destination, predict(name))
     pixmap = QtGui.QPixmap(name)
     pixmap = QtGui.QPixmap(destination)
Beispiel #2
def signup():
    incoming_pkg = request.get_json()
    img_b64_str_encoded = str(incoming_pkg['imgBase64'])
    image_array = img_b64_str_encoded.split(',')
    image = image_array[len(image_array) - 1]"Processing and Predicting Which Digit ...")
    prediction = predict(image)

    return jsonify(response=prediction)
Beispiel #3
def main():

    #filename = 'Heavy_weight.txt' #Dettached_M_weight
    filename = 'Light_weight.txt'
    seq_length = 12
    # Prepare the data.
    dataX, dataY, trainX, trainY, testX, testY = data_preprocess(
        filename, seq_length)

    input_size = 6
    hidden_size = 20
    num_layers = 1
    num_classes = 1
    bidirectional = True

    # name of the save model
    PATH = ""

    # uncomment lines below to re-train the model
    #num_epochs = 2000
    # learning rate
    #learning_rate = 0.01
    #             input_size,hidden_size,num_layers,num_classes,bidirectional,PATH)

    # call prediction function.
    data_predict = predict(testX, seq_length, input_size, hidden_size,
                           num_layers, num_classes, bidirectional, PATH)

    dataY_plot =
    sc_Y = load('sc_Y.bin')
    data_predict = sc_Y.inverse_transform(data_predict)
    data_predict[data_predict < 0] = 0
    dataY_plot = sc_Y.inverse_transform(dataY_plot)

    # plot the results

    fig, axs = plt.subplots(2, figsize=(20, 12))
    axs[0].plot(dataY_plot[:, 0], label='measured')
    axs[0].plot(data_predict[:, 0], label='predict')
    axs[1].plot(dataY_plot[:, 0], label='measured')
    axs[1].plot(data_predict[:, 0], label='predict')
    axs[1].title.set_text('Heat demand')
    axs[0].set_xlim([1500, 2000])
    def get_output(self, data: GameTickPacket):

        preprocess(self, data)

        target = None
        time_left = 0.01

        dd = (  #forward or backward
            -1.0 if abs(angle_to(self, self.location + self.velocity)) > 150
            and self.speed > 200 else 1.0)
        dt = 1 / 60
        goal = self.goal
        enemy_goal = self.enemy_goal

        opponent = self.opponents[0]

        distance_to_ball = distance(self, ball)

        future = 240
        steps = predict(future)
        if len(steps) < 1:
            return self.output

        prl = None
        p_ball = None

        for step in steps:
            l, ground, t = step
            prl = l
            if reachable(self, l, t):
                if ball.location.z > 150:
                    if ground:
                        p_ball = l
                        time_left = t
                    if l.z < 120:
                        if (p_ball is None or distance(
                                l, enemy_goal) < distance(p_ball, enemy_goal)
                                and distance(l, enemy_goal) < 1000):
                            p_ball = l
                            time_left = t

        if p_ball is None:
            step = steps[int(
                    distance(self, ball) / max(1, self.speed * dt), 0,
                    len(steps) - 1) / 10)]
            p_ball, prl, time_left = step

        pz = p_ball.z
        p_ball.z = 0

        behind_ball = distance(self, goal) < distance(goal, p_ball)
        dir_egB = direction(self.enemy_goal, p_ball)

        # -----------------------------
        #    STRATEGY
        # -----------------------------

        state = StrategyState.Shooting

        # Kickoff
        if ball.location.x == 0 and ball.location.y == 0:
            state = StrategyState.Kickoff

        # Dribbling
        elif ball.location.z > 120 and distance_to_ball < 400 + ball.location.z * 2:
            state = StrategyState.Dribbling

        # Saving
        elif len(steps) < future:
            if distance(steps[len(steps) - 1][0], goal) < 1000:
                state = StrategyState.Saving

        # Demo if ball is going to their net
        elif (len(steps) < future and distance(ball, enemy_goal) < 1000
              and ball.velocity.size > 500):
            state = StrategyState.Demolishing

        # Demolishing
        elif (self.supersonic and angle_to(self, opponent) < 10
              and distance(self, opponent) and opponent.speed < 1000):
            state = StrategyState.Demolishing

        # Fallback
        elif distance(self, goal) > distance(goal, ball) + 300:
            state = StrategyState.Fallback
        elif (angle_to(self, ball) > 90 and angle_to(opponent, ball) < 30
              and distance(self, ball) > distance(opponent, ball)
              and distance(self, goal) > 3000):
            state = StrategyState.Fallback

        # Clearing
        elif distance(ball, goal) < 4000:
            state = StrategyState.Clearing

        # Shooting
        elif abs(p_ball.x) < (arena.x / 2):
            state = StrategyState.Shooting

        # Centering
            state = StrategyState.Centering

        # -----------------------------
        #    TARGET
        # -----------------------------

        # Kickoff
        if state == StrategyState.Kickoff:
            target = p_ball + dir_egB * (distance(self, p_ball) * 0.1)

            if distance_to_ball < 900:
                dodge(self, ball)

        # Fallback
        elif state == StrategyState.Fallback:
            target = arrive_with_angle(
                ball.location +
                direction(ball, goal) * distance(ball, goal) * 0.8,
                direction(ball, goal),

        # Demolishing
        elif state == StrategyState.Demolishing:
            target = opponent.location

            if angle_to(self, opponent) < 1:
                self.output.boost = True

        # Shooting
        elif state == StrategyState.Shooting:
            if distance_to_ball > 1000:
                target = arrive_with_angle(self, p_ball + dir_egB * 70,
                target = p_ball + dir_egB * (120 + distance_to_ball * 0.5)

        # Centering
        elif state == StrategyState.Centering:
            target = arrive_with_angle(self, p_ball, dir_egB)

        # Saving
        elif state == StrategyState.Saving:
            nearest_cross_point_dist = 9999
            for step in steps:
                l, ground, t = step
                if reachable(self, l, t):
                    if distance(self, l) < nearest_cross_point_dist:
                        target = l
                        nearest_cross_point_dist = distance(self, l)
                        time_left = t
            if target is None:
                target = goal

            if not is_in_goal_cone(self, ball,
                                   goal) and distance(self, ball) < 700:
                dodge(self, ball)

        # Clearing
        elif state == StrategyState.Clearing:
            target = arrive_with_angle(self, p_ball, direction(p_ball, goal))

        # Dribbling
        elif state == StrategyState.Dribbling:

            if ball.location.z > 500 or ball.velocity.z > 500:
                vector_size = 10
                if self.boost > 10:
                    vector_size = 60
                    vector_size = 50
            if distance(ball, goal) < 2000 or distance(ball,
                                                       enemy_goal) < 2000:
                vector_size = 90

            vector = dir_egB * vector_size

            if distance(self, enemy_goal) < 3000:
                vector.x *= 2

            target = p_ball + vector
            p_ball = target

            if (distance(self, opponent.location) < 1000
                    and abs(angle_to(opponent, ball)) < 30 and distance(
                        opponent, enemy_goal) < distance(self, enemy_goal)
                    and ball.location.z < 200 and distance_to_ball < 200):
                dodge(self, enemy_goal)

            if distance(self, opponent.location) < 500:
                if ball.location.z < 200 and distance_to_ball < 200:
                    dodge(self, enemy_goal)

            if (distance(self, enemy_goal) < 2000
                    and abs(angle_to(self, enemy_goal)) < 20
                    and ball.location.z < 200 and distance_to_ball < 200):
                dodge(self, enemy_goal)

        # target limits
        target = loc(target)
        if not inside_arena(self):
            target = self.location + direction(self, center) * 2000.0
        target.z = 0.0
        arena_limit_offset = 10
        target.x = clamp(target.x, -arena.x + arena_limit_offset,
                         arena.x - arena_limit_offset)
        target.y = clamp(target.y, -arena.y + arena_limit_offset,
                         arena.y - arena_limit_offset)

        # pickup boosts along the way
        boost_target = None
        if (self.boost < 70 and behind_ball
                and abs(angle_to(self, target, dd)) < 30
                and distance(self, target) > 500
                and distance(self, enemy_goal) > 3000):
            dist_to_best_pad = 9999
            for i in range(len(self.boost_pads)):
                bp = self.boost_pads[i]
                bpl = Vector3(self.boost_locations[i].location)
                if distance(self, bpl) < distance(self, target) / 2:
                    if abs(angle_to(self, bpl, dd)) < 10:
                        if bp.is_active or bp.timer < distance(self,
                                                               bpl) / 1200:
                            if distance(self, bpl) < dist_to_best_pad:
                                boost_target = bpl
                                dist_to_best_pad = distance(self, bpl)

        if state != StrategyState.Dribbling and distance(self, target) < 500:
            target = loc(ball)

        # -----------------------------
        #    HANDLING
        # -----------------------------

        if self.on_ground:
            # forwards or backwards
            if dd > 0 and angle_to(self, target,
                                   dd) > 130 and self.speed < 200:
                if distance(self, target) < 500 or distance(self,
                                                            target) > 3000:
                    dd = -1.0

            if dd < 0 and angle_to(self, target,
                                   dd) > 100 and self.speed < 300:
                dd = 1.0

            # speed
            desired_speed = optimal_speed(distance(self, p_ball), time_left,

            if state != StrategyState.Dribbling:
                desired_speed *= 1.5

            if self.speed < desired_speed:
                self.output.throttle = 1 * dd
                if (desired_speed > 1450 and abs(angle_to(self, target)) < 5
                        and not self.supersonic):
                    if distance(self, target) < self.speed * 2 + 500:
                        self.output.boost = True
            elif self.speed > desired_speed + 70:
                self.output.throttle = -1 * dd

            if boost_target is not None:
                target = boost_target

            # dodge to get to the target faster
            elif (abs(angle_to(self, target)) < 1
                  and distance(self, target) > self.speed * 2 + 500
                  and self.speed > 1200):
                dodge(self, target)

            # dodge into ball
            elif (state != StrategyState.Dribbling and distance_to_ball < 700
                  and is_in_goal_cone(self, ball, enemy_goal)
                  and ball.location.z < 150
                  and abs(angle_to(self, ball, dd)) < 80):
                dodge(self, ball)

            # jump into ball
            elif (state != StrategyState.Dribbling and distance_to_ball < 500
                  and behind_ball):
                if (ball.location.z > 100
                        and abs(angle_to(self, ball, dd)) < 10
                        and self.speed > 1300):
                    self.output.jump = True

            # drifting
            self.output.handbrake = abs(angle_to(self, target, dd)) > 90

            # steering
            self.output.steer = get_steer_towards(self, target, dd)

            # driving backwards
            if dd < 0:
                self.output.boost = False
                # halfflip
                if (not self.dodging and distance(self, target) > 2000
                        and self.speed > 1000
                        and abs(angle_to(self, target, dd)) < 10):

            # me dont like walls
            if self.location.z > 400:
                self.output.handbrake = False
                self.output.steer = clamp(self.rotation.roll * 10, -1, 1)
                self.output.throttle = 1

            # kickoff
            if state == StrategyState.Kickoff:
                self.output.boost = True
                self.output.throttle = 1
                self.output.handbrake = False

            # falling, recovering
            if not self.dodging and not self.halfflipping:
                self.output.roll = -clamp(self.rotation.roll / 2, -1, 1)
                self.output.pitch = -clamp(self.rotation.pitch / 2, -1, 1)
                # self.output.yaw = clamp(angle_to(self,self.location + self.velocity)/5, -1, 1)

                if abs(self.rotation.roll) > 0.9:
                    self.output.jump = int(time.time() * 10) % 2 == 0

        # continue dodging
        if self.dodging:

        # continue halfflipping
        elif self.halfflipping:

        return self.output
Beispiel #5
#df.to_csv("Stock Data/datasets/WFC_fin_train.csv", sep=',')

#df = gbs.getMACDhl(df)
#df = gbs.getSOhl(df)
#df = gbs.getBBhl(df)
df = gbs.getRealhl(df, 15)
df = df.dropna()

# =============================================================================
# choose feature selected indicators and predict
# =============================================================================

#allIndicators = ['MACD_26_12', 'SO%d_14', 'BollingerB_20', 'Bollinger%b_20', 'MA_20', 'Acc/Dist_ROC_14', 'Chaikin', 'CCI_20', 'Copp_20', 'KelChM_20', 'KelChU_20', 'KelChD_20', 'Donchian_20', 'ATR_20', 'ADX_20_25', 'MFI_20', 'Vortex_20']
allSelectedIndicators = [
    'MACD_26_12', 'SO%d_14', 'Bollinger%b_20', 'Acc/Dist_ROC_14', 'Chaikin',
    'CCI_20', 'Copp_20', 'KelChD_20', 'Donchian_20', 'ATR_20', 'ADX_20_25',
    'MFI_20', 'Vortex_20'
'''supress version warnings'''
import warnings

predict(df, allSelectedIndicators)
For each indicator seperately
#for indicator in allIndicators:
#    predict(df, indicator)

#print ("My program took", time.time() - start_time, "to run")