def test_getDefaultPage_step_2(self):
        # Else check for IBrowserDefault, either if the container implements
        # it or if an adapter exists. In both cases fetch its FTI and either
        # take it if it implements IDynamicViewTypeInformation or adapt it to
        # IDynamicViewTypeInformation. call getDefaultPage on the implementer
        # and take value if given.

        # first check some preconditions
        # 1) a folder provides IBrowserDefault
        from Products.CMFDynamicViewFTI.interfaces import IBrowserDefault

        # 2) a folder also provides an fti that implements
        #    IDynamicViewTypeInformation
        from Products.CMFDynamicViewFTI.interfaces import IDynamicViewTypeInformation  # noqa
        fti = self.folder.getTypeInfo()

        # so if we set a document as defaultpage
        self.folder.invokeFactory('Document', 'd1', title=u"Doc 1")

        # 3) fti should return it
                         fti.getDefaultPage(self.folder, check_exists=True))

        # now test since we're sure everythings set up correctly
        from import getDefaultPage
        self.assertEqual('d1', getDefaultPage(self.folder))
    def test_get_default_page_step_2(self):
        # Else check for IBrowserDefault, either if the container implements
        # it or if an adapter exists. In both cases fetch its FTI and either
        # take it if it implements IDynamicViewTypeInformation or adapt it to
        # IDynamicViewTypeInformation. call get_default_page on the implementer
        # and take value if given.

        # first check some preconditions
        # 1) a folder provides IBrowserDefault
        from Products.CMFDynamicViewFTI.interfaces import IBrowserDefault

        # 2) a folder also provides an fti that implements
        #    IDynamicViewTypeInformation
        from Products.CMFDynamicViewFTI.interfaces import IDynamicViewTypeInformation  # noqa
        fti = self.folder.getTypeInfo()

        # so if we set a document as defaultpage
        self.folder.invokeFactory('Document', 'd1', title=u"Doc 1")

        # 3) fti should return it
            fti.getDefaultPage(self.folder, check_exists=True)

        # now test since we're sure everythings set up correctly
        from Products.CMFPlone.defaultpage import get_default_page
        self.assertEqual('d1', get_default_page(self.folder))
 def portal_types(self):
     """A list with info on all content types with existing items."""
     catalog = api.portal.get_tool("portal_catalog")
     portal_types = api.portal.get_tool("portal_types")
     results = []
     query = self.build_query()
     for fti in portal_types.listTypeInfo():
         if not IDexterityFTI.providedBy(
         ) and not IDynamicViewTypeInformation.providedBy(fti):
             # Ignore non-DX and non-AT types
         query["portal_type"] =
         number = len(catalog(**query))
         if number >= 1:
                     "number": number,
                     "title": translate(
                         fti.title, domain="plone", context=self.request
     return sorted(results, key=itemgetter("title"))
def ContentTypes(context):
    #    portal_state = getMultiAdapter((context, context.REQUEST), name=u'plone_portal_state')
    #    allowedCT = portal_state.friendly_types()
    #    allowedCT = portal_types.listContentTypes()
    portal_types = getMultiAdapter((context, context.REQUEST), name=u"plone_tools").types()
    #    allowedCT = [t for t in portal_types.listTypeInfo() if t.global_allow]
    allowedCT = [t for t in portal_types.listTypeInfo() if IDynamicViewTypeInformation.providedBy(t)]

    return SimpleVocabulary([SimpleTerm(value=t.getId(), title=t.Title()) for t in allowedCT])
def get_default_page(context):
    """Given a folderish item, find out if it has a default-page using
    the following lookup rules:

        1. A content object called 'index_html' wins
        2. Else check for IBrowserDefault, either if the container implements
           it or if an adapter exists. In both cases fetch its FTI and either
           take it if it implements IDynamicViewTypeInformation or adapt it to
           IDynamicViewTypeInformation. call getDefaultPage on the implementer
           and take value if given.
        3. Else, look up the attribute default_page on the object, without
           acquisition in place
        3.1 look for a content in the container with the id, no acquisition!
        3.2 look for a content at portal, with acquisition
        4. Else, look up the property default_page in site_properties for
           magic ids and test these

    The id of the first matching item is then used to lookup a translation
    and if found, its id is returned. If no default page is set, None is
    returned. If a non-folderish item is passed in, return None always.
    # met precondition?
    if not IFolderish.providedBy(context):

    # The ids where we look for default - must support __contains__
    ids = set()

    # For BTreeFolders we just use the __contains__ otherwise build a set
    if isinstance(aq_base(context), BTreeFolder2Base):
        ids = context
    elif hasattr(aq_base(context), 'objectIds'):
        ids = set(context.objectIds())

    # 1. test for contentish index_html
    if 'index_html' in ids:
        return 'index_html'

    # 2. Test for IBrowserDefault
    if IBrowserDefault.providedBy(context):
        browserDefault = context
        browserDefault = queryAdapter(context, IBrowserDefault)

    if browserDefault is not None:
        fti = context.getTypeInfo()
        if fti is not None:
            if IDynamicViewTypeInformation.providedBy(fti):
                dynamic_fti = fti
                dynamic_fti = queryAdapter(fti, IDynamicViewTypeInformation)
            if dynamic_fti is not None:
                page = dynamic_fti.getDefaultPage(context, check_exists=True)
                if page is not None:
                    return page

    # 3.1 Test for default_page attribute in folder, no acquisition
    pages = getattr(aq_base(context), 'default_page', [])
    if isinstance(pages, basestring):
        pages = [pages]
    for page in pages:
        if page and page in ids:
            return page

    portal = queryUtility(ISiteRoot)
    # Might happen during portal creation
    if portal is None:

    # 3.2 Test for default page in portal, acquire
    for page in pages:
        if portal.unrestrictedTraverse(page, None):
            return page

    # 4. Test for default sitewide default_page setting
    pp = getattr(portal, 'portal_properties', None)
    if pp is not None:
        site_properties = getattr(pp, 'site_properties', None)
        if site_properties is not None:
            for page in site_properties.getProperty('default_page', []):
                if page in ids:
                    return page
    def update(self):

        self.path = '/'.join(self.context.getPhysicalPath())
        self.cls = self.context.__class__

        self.fti = None
        self.methodAliases = None

        if IDynamicType.providedBy(self.context):
            self.fti = self.context.getTypeInfo()
            self.methodAliases = sorted(self.fti.getMethodAliases().items())

        self.defaultView = None
        self.viewMethods = []
        if IDynamicViewTypeInformation.providedBy(self.fti):
            self.defaultView = self.fti.defaultView(self.context)
            self.viewMethods = self.fti.getAvailableViewMethods(self.context)

        directly_provided = directlyProvidedBy(self.context)
        self.provided = list(providedBy(self.context).flattened())
        self.provided.sort(key=lambda i: i.__identifier__)
        self.provided = ({
            'dottedname': i.__identifier__,
            'is_marker': i in directly_provided
        } for i in self.provided)
        self.views = []

        generator = getAdapters((
        ), Interface)
        while True:
                name, view =

                if not IView.providedBy(view):

                cls = view.__class__
                module = cls.__module__
                template = None

                if isinstance(view, ViewMixinForTemplates):
                    template = view.index.filename
                    for attr in ('index', 'template', '__call__'):
                        pt = getattr(view, attr, None)
                        if hasattr(pt, 'filename'):
                            template = pt.filename

                # Deal with silly Five metaclasses
                if (module == 'Products.Five.metaclass'
                        and len(cls.__bases__) > 0):
                    cls = cls.__bases__[0]
                elif cls == ViewMixinForTemplates:
                    cls = None

                    'name': name,
                    'class': cls,
                    'template': template,
            except StopIteration:
                # Some adapters don't initialise cleanly

        self.views.sort(key=lambda v: v['name'])

        self.methods = []
        self.variables = []

        _marker = object()
        for name in sorted(dir(aq_base(self.context))):
            attr = getattr(aq_base(self.context), name, _marker)
            if attr is _marker:

            # FIXME: Should we include ComputedAttribute here ? [glenfant]
            if isinstance(attr, (int, long, float, basestring, bool, list,
                                 tuple, dict, set, frozenset)):
                    'name': name,
                    'primitive': True,
                    'value': attr,
            elif (isinstance(attr,
                             (types.MethodType, types.BuiltinFunctionType,
                              types.BuiltinMethodType, types.FunctionType))
                  or attr.__class__.__name__ == 'method-wrapper', ):

                source = None
                if name.endswith('__roles__'):
                    # name without '__roles__' is the last in self.methods since we're in a sorted(...) loop
                    if callable(attr):
                        secu_infos = attr()
                        secu_infos = attr
                    if secu_infos is None:
                        secu_label = 'Public'
                        secu_label = ''
                            secu_label += 'Roles: ' + ', '.join(
                                [r for r in secu_infos[:-1]])
                        except TypeError:
                            # Avoid "TypeError: sequence index must be
                            # integer, not 'slice'", which occurs with the
                            # ``C`` security implementation. This is a rare
                            # case. In development you normally use the
                            # ``Python`` security implementation, where this
                            # error doesn't occur.
                        secu_label += '. Permission: ' + secu_infos[-1][
                            1:-11]  # _x_Permission -> x
                    self.methods[-1]['secu_infos'] = secu_label
                        source = inspect.getsourcefile(attr)
                    except TypeError:

                    signature = name + "()"
                        signature = name + inspect.formatargspec(
                    except TypeError:

                        'signature': signature,
                        'filename': source,
                        'help': inspect.getdoc(attr),
                    'name': name,
                    'primitive': False,
                    'value': str(attr),
    def update(self):

        self.path = '/'.join(self.context.getPhysicalPath())
        self.cls = self.context.__class__

        self.fti = None
        self.methodAliases = None

        if IDynamicType.providedBy(self.context):
            self.fti = self.context.getTypeInfo()
            self.methodAliases = sorted(self.fti.getMethodAliases().items())

        self.defaultView = None
        self.viewMethods = []
        if IDynamicViewTypeInformation.providedBy(self.fti):
            self.defaultView = self.fti.defaultView(self.context)
            self.viewMethods = self.fti.getAvailableViewMethods(self.context)

        directly_provided = directlyProvidedBy(self.context)
        self.provided = list(providedBy(self.context).flattened())
        self.provided.sort(key=lambda i: i.__identifier__)
        self.provided = ({'dottedname': i.__identifier__,
                          'is_marker': i in directly_provided}
                          for i in self.provided)
        self.views = []

        generator = getAdapters((self.context, self.request,), Interface)
        while True:
                name, view =

                if not IView.providedBy(view):

                cls = view.__class__
                module = cls.__module__
                template = None

                if isinstance(view, ViewMixinForTemplates):
                    template = view.index.filename
                    for attr in ('index', 'template', '__call__'):
                        pt = getattr(view, attr, None)
                        if hasattr(pt, 'filename'):
                            template = pt.filename

                # Deal with silly Five metaclasses
                if (
                    module == 'Products.Five.metaclass' and
                    len(cls.__bases__) > 0
                    cls = cls.__bases__[0]
                elif cls == ViewMixinForTemplates:
                    cls = None

                    'name': name,
                    'class': cls,
                    'template': template,
            except StopIteration:
                # Some adapters don't initialise cleanly

        self.views.sort(key=lambda v: v['name'])

        self.methods = []
        self.variables = []

        _marker = object()
        for name in sorted(dir(aq_base(self.context))):
            attr = getattr(aq_base(self.context), name, _marker)
            if attr is _marker:

            # FIXME: Should we include ComputedAttribute here ? [glenfant]
            if isinstance(attr, (int, long, float, basestring, bool, list, tuple, dict, set, frozenset)):
                    'name': name,
                    'primitive': True,
                    'value': attr,
            elif (
                isinstance(attr, (types.MethodType, types.BuiltinFunctionType, types.BuiltinMethodType, types.FunctionType)) or
                attr.__class__.__name__ == 'method-wrapper',

                source = None
                if name.endswith('__roles__'):
                    # name without '__roles__' is the last in self.methods since we're in a sorted(...) loop
                    if callable(attr):
                        secu_infos = attr()
                        secu_infos = attr
                    if secu_infos is None:
                        secu_label = 'Public'
                        secu_label = ''
                            secu_label += 'Roles: ' + ', '.join([r for r in secu_infos[:-1]])
                        except TypeError:
                            # Avoid "TypeError: sequence index must be
                            # integer, not 'slice'", which occurs with the
                            # ``C`` security implementation. This is a rare
                            # case. In development you normally use the
                            # ``Python`` security implementation, where this
                            # error doesn't occur.
                        secu_label += '. Permission: ' + secu_infos[-1][1:-11]  # _x_Permission -> x
                    self.methods[-1]['secu_infos'] = secu_label
                        source = inspect.getsourcefile(attr)
                    except TypeError:

                    signature = name + "()"
                        signature = name + inspect.formatargspec(*inspect.getargspec(attr))
                    except TypeError:

                        'signature': signature,
                        'filename': source,
                        'help': inspect.getdoc(attr),
                    'name': name,
                    'primitive': False,
                    'value': str(attr),
Beispiel #8
def getDefaultPage(context):
    """Given a folderish item, find out if it has a default-page using
    the following lookup rules:

        1. A content object called 'index_html' wins
        2. If the folder implements IBrowserDefault, query this
        3. Else, look up the property default_page on the object
            - Note that in this case, the returned id may *not* be of an
              object in the folder, since it could be acquired from a
              parent folder or skin layer
        4. Else, look up the property default_page in site_properties for
            magic ids and test these

    The id of the first matching item is then used to lookup a translation
    and if found, its id is returned. If no default page is set, None is
    returned. If a non-folderish item is passed in, return None always.
    # The list of ids where we look for default
    ids = {}

    # For BTreeFolders we just use the has_key, otherwise build a dict
    if hasattr(aq_base(context), 'has_key'):
        ids = context
        for id in context.objectIds():
            ids[id] = 1

    # 1. test for contentish index_html
    if 'index_html' in ids:
        return 'index_html'

    # 2. Test for IBrowserDefault
    if IBrowserDefault.providedBy(context):
        browserDefault = context
        browserDefault = queryAdapter(context, IBrowserDefault)

    if browserDefault is not None:
        fti = context.getTypeInfo()
        if fti is not None:
            if IDynamicViewTypeInformation.providedBy(fti):
                dynamicFTI = fti
                dynamicFTI = queryAdapter(fti, IDynamicViewTypeInformation)
            if dynamicFTI is not None:
                page = dynamicFTI.getDefaultPage(context, check_exists=True)
                if page is not None:
                    return page

    # 3. Test for default_page property in folder, then skins
    pages = getattr(aq_base(context), 'default_page', [])
    if isinstance(pages, basestring):
        pages = [pages]
    for page in pages:
        if page and page in ids:
            return page

    portal = queryUtility(ISiteRoot)
    # Might happen during portal creation
    if portal is not None:
        for page in pages:
            if portal.unrestrictedTraverse(page, None):
                return page

        # 4. Test for default sitewide default_page setting
        pp = getattr(portal, 'portal_properties', None)
        if pp is not None:
            site_properties = getattr(pp, 'site_properties', None)
            if site_properties is not None:
                for page in site_properties.getProperty('default_page', []):
                    if page in ids:
                        return page

    return None
    def update(self):
        self.path = '/'.join(self.context.getPhysicalPath())
        self.cls = self.context.__class__

        self.fti = None
        self.methodAliases = None

        if IDynamicType.providedBy(self.context):
            self.fti = self.context.getTypeInfo()
            self.methodAliases = sorted(self.fti.getMethodAliases().items())
        self.defaultView = None
        self.viewMethods = []
        if IDynamicViewTypeInformation.providedBy(self.fti):
            self.defaultView = self.fti.defaultView(self.context)
            self.viewMethods = self.fti.getAvailableViewMethods(self.context)
        self.provided = list(providedBy(self.context).flattened())
        self.provided.sort(key=lambda i: i.__identifier__)

        self.views = []
        generator = getAdapters((self.context, self.request,), Interface)
        while True:
                name, view =

                if not IView.providedBy(view):

                cls = view.__class__
                module = cls.__module__
                template = None

                if isinstance(view, ViewMixinForTemplates):
                    template = view.index.filename
                    for attr in ('index', 'template', '__call__'):
                        pt = getattr(view, attr, None)
                        if hasattr(pt, 'filename'):
                            template = pt.filename

                # Deal with silly Five metaclasses
                if (
                    module == 'Products.Five.metaclass' and 
                    len(cls.__bases__) > 0
                    cls = cls.__bases__[0]
                elif cls == ViewMixinForTemplates:
                    cls = None

                    'name': name,
                    'class': cls,
                    'template': template,
            except StopIteration:
                # Some adapters don't initialise cleanly
        self.views.sort(key=lambda v: v['name'])

        self.methods = []
        self.variables = []

        _marker = object()
        for name in sorted(dir(aq_base(self.context))):
            attr = getattr(aq_base(self.context), name, _marker)
            if attr is _marker:
            if isinstance(attr, (int, long, float, basestring, bool, list, tuple, dict, set, frozenset)):
                    'name': name,
                    'primitive': True,
                    'value': attr,
            elif (
                isinstance(attr, (types.MethodType, types.BuiltinFunctionType, types.BuiltinMethodType, types.FunctionType)) or
                attr.__class__.__name__ == 'method-wrapper',
                source = None
                    source = inspect.getsourcefile(attr)
                except TypeError:

                signature = name + "()"
                    signature = name + inspect.formatargspec(*inspect.getargspec(attr))
                except TypeError:

                    'signature': signature,
                    'filename': source,
                    'help': inspect.getdoc(attr),
                    'name': name,
                    'primitive': False,
                    'value': str(attr),
Beispiel #10
def getDefaultPage(context):
    """Given a folderish item, find out if it has a default-page using
    the following lookup rules:

        1. A content object called 'index_html' wins
        2. If the folder implements IBrowserDefault, query this
        3. Else, look up the property default_page on the object
            - Note that in this case, the returned id may *not* be of an
              object in the folder, since it could be acquired from a
              parent folder or skin layer
        4. Else, look up the property default_page in site_properties for
            magic ids and test these

    The id of the first matching item is then used to lookup a translation
    and if found, its id is returned. If no default page is set, None is
    returned. If a non-folderish item is passed in, return None always.
    # The list of ids where we look for default
    ids = {}

    # For BTreeFolders we just use the has_key, otherwise build a dict
    if hasattr(aq_base(context), 'has_key'):
        ids = context
    elif hasattr(aq_base(context), 'objectIds'):
        for id in context.objectIds():
            ids[id] = 1

    # 1. test for contentish index_html
    if 'index_html' in ids:
        return 'index_html'

    # 2. Test for IBrowserDefault
    if IBrowserDefault.providedBy(context):
        browserDefault = context
        browserDefault = queryAdapter(context, IBrowserDefault)

    if browserDefault is not None:
        fti = context.getTypeInfo()
        if fti is not None:
            if IDynamicViewTypeInformation.providedBy(fti):
                dynamicFTI = fti
                dynamicFTI = queryAdapter(fti, IDynamicViewTypeInformation)
            if dynamicFTI is not None:
                page = dynamicFTI.getDefaultPage(context, check_exists=True)
                if page is not None:
                    return page

    # 3. Test for default_page property in folder, then skins
    pages = getattr(aq_base(context), 'default_page', [])
    if isinstance(pages, basestring):
        pages = [pages]
    for page in pages:
        if page and page in ids:
            return page

    portal = queryUtility(ISiteRoot)
    # Might happen during portal creation
    if portal is not None:
        for page in pages:
            if portal.unrestrictedTraverse(page, None):
                return page

        # 4. Test for default sitewide default_page setting
        pp = getattr(portal, 'portal_properties', None)
        if pp is not None:
            site_properties = getattr(pp, 'site_properties', None)
            if site_properties is not None:
                for page in site_properties.getProperty('default_page', []):
                    if page in ids:
                        return page

    return None