def recompileScript(self, baseName):
     "recompile python script"
     scriptName = '%sScript' % baseName
     pyscript = getattr(self, scriptName, None)
     if pyscript is None:
         pyscript = PythonScript(scriptName)
         self.setObject(scriptName, pyscript)
     pyscript.ZPythonScript_edit('', getattr(self, baseName))
    def updateScript(self, body):
        # Regenerate Python script object

        # Sync set of script source code and
        # creation of Python Script object.

        bodyField = self.schema["mipago_payment_amountOverride"]
        script = PythonScript(self.title_or_id())
        script = script.__of__(self)

        script.ZPythonScript_edit("fields, ploneformgen, request", body)

        PythonField.set(bodyField, self, script)
Beispiel #3
    def getScript(self, context):
        # Generate Python script object

        body = self.ScriptBody
        role = self.ProxyRole
        script = PythonScript(self.__name__)
        script = script.__of__(context)

        # Skip check roles
        script._validateProxy = lambda i=None: None

        # Force proxy role
        if role != u'none':
            script.manage_proxy((role, ))

        body = body.encode('utf-8')
        params = 'fields, easyform, request'
        script.ZPythonScript_edit(params, body)
        return script
Beispiel #4
    def updateScript(self, body, role):
        # Regenerate Python script object

        # Sync set of script source code, proxy role and
        # creation of Python Script object.

        bodyField = self.schema["ScriptBody"]
        proxyField = self.schema["ProxyRole"]
        script = PythonScript(self.title_or_id())
        script = script.__of__(self)

        # Force proxy role
        if role != "none":
            script.manage_proxy((role, ))

        script.ZPythonScript_edit("fields, ploneformgen, request", body)

        PythonField.set(bodyField, self, script)
        StringField.set(proxyField, self, role)
    def getScript(self, context):
        # Generate Python script object

        body = self.ScriptBody
        role = self.ProxyRole
        script = PythonScript(self.__name__)
        script = script.__of__(context)

        # Skip check roles
        script._validateProxy = lambda i=None: None

        # Force proxy role
        if role != u"none":
            script.manage_proxy((role, ))

        if six.PY2 and isinstance(body, six.text_type):
            body = body.encode("utf-8")
        params = "fields, easyform, request"
        script.ZPythonScript_edit(params, body)
        return script
Beispiel #6
    def testRestrictedIteration(self):
        Check content iterators can be used by restricted python code.
        # To let restricted python access methods on folder
        marker = object()
        saved_class_attributes = {}
        for method_id in ('objectIds', 'objectValues', 'objectItems'):
            roles_id = method_id + '__roles__'
            saved_class_attributes[roles_id] = getattr(HBTreeFolder2, roles_id,
            setattr(HBTreeFolder2, roles_id, None)
            h = HBTreeFolder2()
            # whatever value, as long as it has an __of__
            h._setOb('foo', HBTreeFolder2())
            script = PythonScript('script')
            for dummy in h.objectIds():
            for dummy in h.objectValues():
            for dummy in h.objectItems():

            class DummyRequest(object):
                # To make Shared.DC.Scripts.Bindings.Bindings._getTraverseSubpath
                # happy
                other = {}

            script.REQUEST = DummyRequest
            for roles_id, orig in six.iteritems(saved_class_attributes):
                if orig is marker:
                    delattr(HBTreeFolder2, roles_id)
                    setattr(HBTreeFolder2, roles_id, orig)
Beispiel #7
def restricted_exec(self, body, varmap=None):
    ps = PythonScript('temp')
    if varmap is None:
        varmap = {}
    ps.ZPythonScript_edit(join(varmap.keys(), ','), body)
    return ps.__of__(self)(varmap.values())