def test_webDriver(self):
     dispatcher = Dispatcher()    
     sample_command = expected_result = '|open|http://localhost/||'
     # Add one command to the command queue
     # Create a mock web request that simulates hitting 'driver'
     # for the first time
     req = REQUEST()
     req.form['seleniumStart'] = 'true'
     retrieved_result = dispatcher.webDriver(req)
     self.assertEquals(expected_result, retrieved_result)   
 def testAddCommand(self):
     dispatcher = Dispatcher()
     size = len(dispatcher._commands)
     self.assertEquals(0, size, '_commands queue should be empty')  
     test_command = '|open|http://localhost/||'              
     # Now verify that the queue has one item 
     size = len(dispatcher._commands)
     self.assertEquals(1, size, 
                       '_commands queue should have size of 1')   
     # and check that we get out what we put in...
     self.assertEquals(test_command, dispatcher._commands.pop(0),
                       "received unexpected value when calling 'pop(0)' on the queue")
 def test_getCommand(self):
     dispatcher = Dispatcher()
     sample_command = expected_result = '|open|http://localhost/||'
     retrieved_result = dispatcher.getCommand()
     self.assertEquals(expected_result, retrieved_result)