def __init__(self, id, **kw): = id
        self.read_guard = Guard()
        self.write_guard = Guard()
        self.index_constructor_args = {}

    def __init__(self, id, **kw): = id
        self.read_guard = Guard()
        self.write_guard = Guard()
        self.index_constructor_args = {}

class MetadataElement(SimpleItem):
    Property Bag For Element Policies, this implementation is
    formulator specific

    meta_type = 'Metadata Element'


    # default element policy properties

    read_only_p = False
    index_p = False
    metadata_in_catalog_p = False
    acquire_p = False
    automatic_p = False
    index_type = None
    field_type = None
    field = None

    manage_options = (
            'label': 'Settings',
            'action': 'manage_settings'
            'label': 'Guards',
            'action': 'manage_guard_form'
            'label': 'Field',
            'action': 'field/manage_main'

    security = ClassSecurityInfo()

    manage_settings = DTMLFile('ui/ElementPolicyForm', globals())

    manage_guard_form = DTMLFile('ui/ElementGuardForm', globals())

    def __init__(self, id, **kw): = id
        self.read_guard = Guard()
        self.write_guard = Guard()
        self.index_constructor_args = {}



    def editElementGuards(self, read_guard, write_guard, RESPONSE=None):
        """save element guards"""

        if RESPONSE is not None:


    def editElementPolicy(self,
        edit an element's policy
        if index_type is not None:
            ms = self.getMetadataSet()
            if ms.isInitialized():
                raise ConfigurationError("Not Allowed Set Already initialized")

        if field_type is not None:
            ms = self.getMetadataSet()
            if ms.isInitialized():
                raise ConfigurationError("Not Allowed Set Already initialized")

        f = self.field
        if acquire_p is not None and f is not None:
            required_p = f.has_value('required') and f.get_value('required')
            if required_p and acquire_p:
                raise ConfigurationError("Required Values may not be Acquired")

        field_type = field_type or self.field_type
        index_type = index_type or self.index_type

        if index_p is None:
            index_p = self.index_p

        if read_only_p is None:
            read_only_p = self.read_only_p

        if acquire_p is None:
            acquire_p = self.acquire_p

        if field_type != self.field_type:
                factory = getFieldFactory(field_type)
            except KeyError:
                raise ConfigurationError("invalid field type %s" % field_type)
            self.field = factory(self.getId())
            self.field.field_record = self.getMetadataSet().getId()
            self.field_type = field_type
            self.field.values['unicode'] = 1

        if index_type is not None:
            if index_type in self.getMetadataSet().listIndexTypes():
                self.index_type = index_type
                raise ConfigurationError("invalid index type %s" % index_type)

        # need to cascacde this so we can create indexes at the set level
        self.index_p = not not index_p
        self.metadata_in_catalog_p = not not metadata_in_catalog_p
        self.automatic_p = not not automatic_p
        self.read_only_p = not not read_only_p
        self.acquire_p = not not acquire_p

        # normalize the key value pairs into a mapping[k]->v
        if extra:
            constructor_args = normalize_kv_pairs(extra)

        if RESPONSE is not None:
            return RESPONSE.redirect('manage_workspace')

    def Title(self):
        return self.field.get_value('title')

    def Description(self):
        return self.field.get_value('description')

    def isViewable(self, content):
        is this element viewable for the content object
        return self.read_guard.check(getSecurityManager(), self, content)

    def isEditable(self, content):
        is this element editable for the content object
        if not self.read_only_p and not self.automatic_p:
            return self.write_guard.check(getSecurityManager(), self, content)
        return False

    def isAcquireable(self):
        is this field acquireable to objects lower in the container
        return self.acquire_p

    def extract(self, content, request):
        field = self.field.__of__(content)
        return field.validate(request)

    def validate(self, content, data):
        field = self.field.__of__(content)
        return field.validator.check(field, data)

    def renderView(self, content, value=None):
        render the element given a particular element value
        field = self.field.__of__(content)
        return field.render_view(value)

    def renderEdit(self, content, value=None):
        render the element as a form field given a particular value
        field = self.field.__of__(content)
        return field.render(value)

    def isRequired(self):
        is the element required to have a value
        return self.field.is_required()

    def getDefault(self, content):
        return the default value for this element
        return self.field.get_value('default', content=content)

    def getVocabulary(self, content):
        return the set of allowed of words
        raise NotImplemented

    ## little hack to get formulator fields to do unicode
    def get_form_encoding(self):
        return encoding

    # fields are not in unicode mode, unfortunately
    def get_unicode_mode(self):
        return 0

    ## formulator sends on change messages when internal field
    ## values are changed, we catch the required message in
    ## order to maintain our invariant that an element can not
    ## be both required and acquired.
    def on_value_required_changed(self, required_value):
        if required_value and self.acquire_p:
            raise ConfigurationError("Acquired values may not be Required")
class MetadataElement(SimpleItem):
    Property Bag For Element Policies, this implementation is
    formulator specific

    meta_type = 'Metadata Element'


    # default element policy properties

    read_only_p = False
    index_p = False
    metadata_in_catalog_p = False
    acquire_p = False
    automatic_p = False
    index_type = None
    field_type = None
    field = None

    manage_options = (



    security = ClassSecurityInfo()

        Permissions.view_management_screens, 'manage_settings')
    manage_settings = DTMLFile('ui/ElementPolicyForm', globals())

        Permissions.view_management_screens, 'manage_guard_form')
    manage_guard_form = DTMLFile('ui/ElementGuardForm', globals())

    def __init__(self, id, **kw): = id
        self.read_guard = Guard()
        self.write_guard = Guard()
        self.index_constructor_args = {}


        Permissions.view_management_screens, 'editElementGuards')
    def editElementGuards(self, read_guard, write_guard, RESPONSE=None):
        """save element guards"""

        if RESPONSE is not None:

        Permissions.view_management_screens, 'editElementPolicy')
    def editElementPolicy(self,
                          field_type = None,
                          index_type = None,
                          index_p = None,
                          metadata_in_catalog_p = None,
                          read_only_p = None,
                          extra = None,
                          acquire_p = None,
                          automatic_p = None,
                          RESPONSE = None
        edit an element's policy
        if index_type is not None:
            ms = self.getMetadataSet()
            if ms.isInitialized():
                raise ConfigurationError("Not Allowed Set Already initialized")

        if field_type is not None:
            ms = self.getMetadataSet()
            if ms.isInitialized():
                raise ConfigurationError("Not Allowed Set Already initialized")

        f = self.field
        if acquire_p is not None and f is not None:
            required_p = f.has_value('required') and f.get_value('required')
            if required_p and acquire_p:
                raise ConfigurationError("Required Values may not be Acquired")

        field_type = field_type or self.field_type
        index_type = index_type or self.index_type

        if index_p is None:
            index_p = self.index_p

        if read_only_p is None:
            read_only_p = self.read_only_p

        if acquire_p is None:
            acquire_p = self.acquire_p

        if field_type != self.field_type:
                factory = getFieldFactory(field_type)
            except KeyError:
                raise ConfigurationError("invalid field type %s" % field_type)
            self.field = factory(self.getId())
            self.field.field_record = self.getMetadataSet().getId()
            self.field_type = field_type

        if index_type is not None:
            if index_type in self.getMetadataSet().listIndexTypes():
                self.index_type = index_type
                raise ConfigurationError("invalid index type %s" % index_type)

        # need to cascacde this so we can create indexes at the set level
        self.index_p = not not index_p
        self.metadata_in_catalog_p = not not metadata_in_catalog_p
        self.automatic_p = not not automatic_p
        self.read_only_p = not not read_only_p
        self.acquire_p = not not acquire_p

        # normalize the key value pairs into a mapping[k]->v
        if extra:
            constructor_args = normalize_kv_pairs(extra)

        if RESPONSE is not None:
            return RESPONSE.redirect('manage_workspace')

    def Title(self):
        return self.field.get_value('title')

    def Description(self):
        return self.field.get_value('description')

    def isViewable(self, content):
        is this element viewable for the content object
        return self.read_guard.check(getSecurityManager(), self, content)

    def isEditable(self, content):
        is this element editable for the content object
        if not self.read_only_p and not self.automatic_p:
            return self.write_guard.check(getSecurityManager(), self, content)
        return False

    def isAcquireable(self):
        is this field acquireable to objects lower in the container
        return self.acquire_p

    def extract(self, content, request):
        field = self.field.__of__(content)
        return field.validate(request)

    def validate(self, content, data):
        field = self.field.__of__(content)
        return field.validator.check(field, data)

    def renderView(self, content, value=None):
        render the element given a particular element value
        field = self.field.__of__(content)
        return field.render_view(value)

    def renderEdit(self, content, value=None):
        render the element as a form field given a particular value
        field = self.field.__of__(content)
        return field.render(value)

    def isRequired(self):
        is the element required to have a value
        return self.field.is_required()

    def getDefault(self, content):
        return the default value for this element
        return self.field.get_value('default', content=content)

    def getVocabulary(self, content):
        return the set of allowed of words
        raise NotImplemented

    ## little hack to get formulator fields to do unicode
    def get_form_encoding(self):
        return encoding

    # fields are not in unicode mode, unfortunately
    def get_unicode_mode(self):
        return 0

    ## formulator sends on change messages when internal field
    ## values are changed, we catch the required message in
    ## order to maintain our invariant that an element can not
    ## be both required and acquired.
    def on_value_required_changed(self, required_value):
        if required_value and self.acquire_p:
            raise ConfigurationError("Acquired values may not be Required")