Beispiel #1
 def __init__(self,
   self.catalog_table_name = catalog_table_name
   # Key: group
   # Value: set of column names
   self.registry = {}
   # Key: group
   # Value: dict
   #  Key: column name
   #  Value: set of SimpleQuery
   self.simple_query_dict = {}
   # Key: (group, column name)
   # Value: table name
   self.column_map = {}
   # Key: (group, table name)
   # Value: table alias
   self.table_alias_dict = {}
   # Key: related key name
   # Value: (group, column name)
   self.related_key_dict = {}
   # Key: related_column
   # Value: last used alias order
   self.related_key_order_dict = {}
   # Key: group
   # Value: relate_key
   self.related_group_dict = {}
   # Key: table alias
   # Value: table name
   self.table_map = {}
   # Key: raw column
   # Value: (function, column)
   self.raw_column_dict = {}
   # Entries: column name
   self.column_ignore_set = set()
   self.join_table_map = {}
   # BBB: Remove join_query_list and its uses when all RelatedKey
   # methods have been converted to properly return each Join
   # condition separately, and all uses of catalog's from_expression
   # have been removed.
   self.join_query_list = []
   self.table_override_map = table_override_map or {}
   self.table_definition = PlaceHolderTableDefinition()
   # We need to keep track of the original definition to do inner joins on it
   self._inner_table_definition = self.table_definition
   self.left_join_list = left_join_list
   self.implicit_join = implicit_join
   assert not (self.implicit_join and self.left_join_list), (
     "Cannot do left_joins while forcing implicit join"
   self.inner_join_list = inner_join_list
   assert not set(left_join_list).intersection(inner_join_list), (
     "left_join_list and inner_join_list intersect"
Beispiel #2
 def __init__(self,
   self.catalog_table_name = catalog_table_name
   # Key: group
   # Value: set of column names
   self.registry = {}
   # Key: group
   # Value: dict
   #  Key: column name
   #  Value: set of SimpleQuery
   self.simple_query_dict = {}
   # Key: (group, column name)
   # Value: table name
   self.column_map = {}
   # Key: (group, table name)
   # Value: table alias
   self.table_alias_dict = {}
   # Key: related key name
   # Value: (group, column name)
   self.related_key_dict = {}
   # Key: related_column
   # Value: last used alias order
   self.related_key_order_dict = {}
   # Key: group
   # Value: relate_key
   self.related_group_dict = {}
   # Key: table alias
   # Value: table name
   self.table_map = {}
   # Key: raw column
   # Value: (function, column)
   self.raw_column_dict = {}
   # Entries: column name
   self.column_ignore_set = set()
   self.join_table_map = dict()
   # BBB: Remove join_query_list and its uses when all RelatedKey
   # methods have been converted to properly return each Join
   # condition separately, and all uses of catalog's from_expression
   # have been removed.
   self.join_query_list = []
   self.table_override_map = table_override_map or {}
   self.table_definition = PlaceHolderTableDefinition()
   # We need to keep track of the original definition to do inner joins on it
   self._inner_table_definition = self.table_definition
   self.left_join_list = left_join_list
   self.implicit_join = implicit_join
   assert not (self.implicit_join and self.left_join_list), (
     "Cannot do left_joins while forcing implicit join"
Beispiel #3
class ColumnMap(object):


    def __init__(self,
        self.catalog_table_name = catalog_table_name
        # Key: group
        # Value: set of column names
        self.registry = {}
        # Key: group
        # Value: dict
        #  Key: column name
        #  Value: set of SimpleQuery
        self.simple_query_dict = {}
        # Key: (group, column name)
        # Value: table name
        self.column_map = {}
        # Key: (group, table name)
        # Value: table alias
        self.table_alias_dict = {}
        # Key: related key name
        # Value: (group, column name)
        self.related_key_dict = {}
        # Key: related_column
        # Value: last used alias order
        self.related_key_order_dict = {}
        # Key: group
        # Value: relate_key
        self.related_group_dict = {}
        # Key: table alias
        # Value: table name
        self.table_map = {}
        # Key: raw column
        # Value: (function, column)
        self.raw_column_dict = {}
        # Entries: column name
        self.column_ignore_set = set()
        self.join_table_map = dict()
        # BBB: Remove join_query_list and its uses when all RelatedKey
        # methods have been converted to properly return each Join
        # condition separately, and all uses of catalog's from_expression
        # have been removed.
        self.join_query_list = []
        self.table_override_map = table_override_map or {}
        self.table_definition = PlaceHolderTableDefinition()
        # We need to keep track of the original definition to do inner joins on it
        self._inner_table_definition = self.table_definition
        self.left_join_list = left_join_list
        self.implicit_join = implicit_join
        assert not (self.implicit_join and self.left_join_list), (
            "Cannot do left_joins while forcing implicit join")

    def registerColumn(self,
        assert ' as ' not in raw_column.lower()
        # Sanitize input: extract column from raw column (might contain COUNT, ...).
        # XXX This is not enough to parse something like:
        if '(' in raw_column:
            function, column = raw_column.split('(')
            column = column.strip()
            assert column[-1] == ')'
            column = column[:-1].strip()
            function = None
            column = raw_column
        # Remove 'DISTINCT ' etc. from column.
        column = column.split()[-1]
        # Remove '`' from column.
        column = column.replace('`', '')
        # Extract table name from column, if any.
        if '.' in column:
            # Assuming the part before the dot is a real table name, not an alias.
            table, column = column.split('.')
            table = None

        self.raw_column_dict[raw_column] = (function, column)
        self.registry.setdefault(group, set()).add(column)
        self.simple_query_dict.setdefault(group, {}).setdefault(
            column, set()).add(simple_query)
        if table is not None:
            # Register table alias and mark column as resolved.
            self.registerTable(table, alias=table, group=group)
            self.resolveColumn(column, table, group=group)
            if group is DEFAULT_GROUP_ID and table != self.catalog_table_name:
                # When a column is registered  in default group and is explicitely
                # mapped to a table, we must mark its table as requiring a join with
                # catalog table (unless it's the catalog table, of course).
                self._addJoinTableForColumn(table, table + "." + column, group)

    def ignoreColumn(self, column):

    def registerRelatedKey(self, related_column, column):
        # XXX: should we store the group, or directly the table on which the column is mapped ?
        # The former avoids duplicating data, but requires one more lookup (group + column -> table)
        # The latter makes it harder (?) to split the mapping in multiple queries (if splitting by groups turns out to be a good idea)
        real_related_column = related_column
        order = self.related_key_order_dict.get(real_related_column, 0) + 1
        related_column = '%s_%s' % (related_column, order)
        group = 'related_%s' % (related_column, )
        assert group not in self.registry
        assert group not in self.related_group_dict
        self.related_key_order_dict[real_related_column] = order
        self.related_key_dict[real_related_column] = (group, column)
        self.registerColumn(column, group=group)
        self.related_group_dict[group] = related_column
        return group

    def registerCatalog(self):
      Register catalog as being in use in query, and aliased with its own

      This is used by SearchKey/ there is no way to reliably
      detect if catalog table is used in a related key, so the catalog table
      might be absent from final table mapping.
      DO NOT USE IT ANYWHERE ELSE, this will go away...

      This must be changed by designing a new related key API, which must:
      - state *all* tables they use in their definition
      - return Query instances instead of raw SQL code
      This will allow chaining related keys and consequently allow
      simplifying redundant code.
        assert self.catalog_table_name is not None
        self.resolveTable(self.catalog_table_name, self.catalog_table_name)

    def registerRelatedKeyColumn(self, related_column, position, group):
        assert group in self.related_group_dict
        group = self.getRelatedKeyGroup(position, group)
        assert group not in self.related_group_dict
        self.related_group_dict[group] = related_column
        return group

    def getRelatedKeyGroup(self, position, group):
        return '%s_column_%s' % (group, position)

    def registerTable(self, table_name, alias=None, group=DEFAULT_GROUP_ID):
        table_alias_dict = self.table_alias_dict
        table_alias_key = (group, table_name)
        existing_value = table_alias_dict.get(table_alias_key)
        # alias = None, existing = None -> store
        # alias = None, existing ! None -> skip
        # alias ! None, existing = None -> store & resolve
        # alias ! None, existing ! None -> skip if alias = existing, raise otherwise
        if existing_value is None:
            table_alias_dict[table_alias_key] = alias
            if alias is not None:
                self.resolveTable(table_name, alias, group=group)
        elif alias is not None and alias != existing_value:
            raise ValueError, 'Table %r for group %r is aliased as %r, can\'t alias it now as %r' % (
                table_name, group, existing_value, alias)

    def _mapColumns(self, column_table_map, table_usage_dict, column_name_set,
                    group, vote_result_dict):
        mapping_dict = {}
        catalog_table_name = self.catalog_table_name

        # Map all columns to tables decided by vote.
        for column_name, candidate_dict in vote_result_dict.iteritems():
            # candidate_dict is never empty
            max_score = 0
            for table_name, score in candidate_dict.iteritems():
                if score > max_score:
                    max_score = score
                    best_count = 0
                    best_choice = table_name
                elif score == max_score:
                    best_count += 1
            if best_count:
                    'ColumnMap', WARNING,
                    'Mapping vote led to a tie. Mapping to %r' %
                    (best_choice, ))
            if MAPPING_TRACE:
                LOG('ColumnMap', INFO,
                    'Mapping by vote %r to %r' % (column_name, best_choice))
            mapping_dict[column_name] = best_choice
            for table_name, column_set in table_usage_dict.iteritems():
                if table_name != best_choice:

        # Map all remaning columns.
        def table_weight(a):
        Compute each table weight.
            if (group, a[0]) in self.table_alias_dict:
                result = (2, )
            elif a[0] == catalog_table_name:
                result = (1, )
                result = (0, len(a[1]))
            return result

        # Sort table name list, first has the most required columns
        weighted_table_list = sorted(table_usage_dict.iteritems(),
        while len(weighted_table_list):
            table_name, column_set = weighted_table_list.pop()
            if len(column_set):
                common_column_set = column_name_set.intersection(column_set)
                if len(common_column_set):
                    # Only allow usage of this table if any of those is true:
                    # - current table is the catalog  (if any catalog was provided)
                    # - there are column used on that table which are already mapped
                    #   (this does not include columns mapped by this code)
                    #   If columns are mapped to this table in current group, then using
                    #   it will not require a new join, so it should be allowed.
                    #   Note: it would be good to take indexes into account when there
                    #   are multiple candidate tables.
                    # - any of those columns belongs exclusively to this table
                    #   Although the list of tables those columns belong to is known
                    #   earlier (in "build"), mapping them here
                    #   - avoids code duplication (registerTable, resolveColumn,
                    #     _addJoinTableForColumn)
                    #   - offers user to vote for an unknown table, overriding this
                    #     forced mapping.
                    use_allowed = table_name == catalog_table_name or \
                                  len(common_column_set) < len(column_set)
                    if not use_allowed:
                        for column_name in column_set:
                            if len(column_table_map.get(column_name, [])) == 1:
                                # There is no alternative, mark as required
                                use_allowed = True
                    if use_allowed:
                        for column_name in common_column_set:
                            if MAPPING_TRACE:
                                LOG('ColumnMap', INFO, 'Mapping by default %r to %r' % \
                                    (column_name, table_name))
                            mapping_dict[column_name] = table_name
                            # This column must not be resolved any longer
                            # Remove this column from sets containing it. This prevents from
                            # giving a high score to a table which columns would already have
                            # been mapped to another table.
                            for ignored, other_column_set in weighted_table_list:
                        # All column which are mappable on that table are to-be-mapped
                        # columns. This means that this table was not explicitely used, and
                        # as each table contain a different amount of lines, we should not
                        # join with any non-explicit table. Hence, we skip this mapping.
                        LOG('ColumnMap', INFO, 'Skipping possible map of %r on %r as that table' \
                            ' is not explicitely used.' % (common_column_set, table_name))

        # Detect incomplete mappings
        if len(column_name_set):
            raise ValueError, 'Could not map those columns: %r' % (
                column_name_set, )

        # Do the actual mapping
        for column_name, table_name in mapping_dict.iteritems():
            # Mark this column as resolved
            if MAPPING_TRACE:
                    'ColumnMap', INFO, 'Mapping column %s to table %s' %
                    (column_name, table_name))
            self.registerTable(table_name, group=group)
            self.resolveColumn(column_name, table_name, group=group)
            if table_name != catalog_table_name:
                self._addJoinTableForColumn(table_name, column_name, group)

    def build(self, sql_catalog):
        join_query_to_build_list = []
        catalog_table_name = self.catalog_table_name
        if catalog_table_name is None:

        column_table_map = sql_catalog.getColumnMap()
        table_vote_method_list = [
            getattr(sql_catalog, x)
            for x in sql_catalog.sql_catalog_table_vote_scripts

        # Generate missing joins from default group (this is required to allow using related keys outside of queries: order_by, sort_on, ...)
        column_set = self.registry.get(DEFAULT_GROUP_ID, [])
        for column_name in column_set:
            if column_name not in column_table_map and column_name not in self.related_key_dict:
                related_key_definition = sql_catalog.getRelatedKeyDefinition(
                if related_key_definition is not None:
                    join_query = sql_catalog.getSearchKey(
                        column_name, 'RelatedKey').buildQuery(
                    join_query.registerColumnMap(sql_catalog, self)

        # List all possible tables, with all used column for each
        for group, column_set in self.registry.iteritems():
            # unique needed column name set
            column_name_set = set()
            # table -> column_set, including alternatives
            table_usage_dict = {}

            for column_name in column_set:
                if column_name == '*' or column_name in self.column_ignore_set:
                table_name_list = column_table_map.get(column_name, [])
                if len(table_name_list) == 0:
                    if not (group is DEFAULT_GROUP_ID
                            and column_name in self.related_key_dict):
                        LOG('ColumnMap', WARNING,
                            'Not a known column name: %r' % (column_name, ))
                column_map_key = (group, column_name)
                if column_map_key in self.column_map:
                    # Column is already mapped, so we must count this column as being available only on that table. Its mapping will not change, and it will impact table schema choice.
                    table_name = self.column_map[column_map_key]
                    assert table_name in table_name_list, '%r not in %r' % (
                        table_name, table_name_list)
                    table_name_list = [table_name]
                    # Mark this column as requiring to be mapped.
                for table_name in table_name_list:
            # XXX: mutable datatypes are provided to vote method. if it modifies
            # them, it can introduce mapping bugs. Copying them might be costly,
            # especialy if done before each call, since they also contain mutable
            # types.
            # XXX: the API of vote methods is not stable yet. Parameters should
            # always be passed and expected by name, to make it less painful to
            # change API.
            # XXX: there is no check that the table voted for contains mapped
            # column. It is up to the user not to do stupid things.
            vote_result_dict = {}
            simple_query_dict = self.simple_query_dict[group]
            for table_vote_method in table_vote_method_list:
                vote_dict = table_vote_method(
                if isinstance(vote_dict, dict):
                    for column, table in vote_dict.iteritems():
                        if column in column_name_set:
                            column_vote_dict = vote_result_dict.setdefault(
                                column, {})
                            column_vote_dict[table] = column_vote_dict.get(
                                table, 0) + 1
                            LOG('ColumnMap', WARNING, 'Vote script %r voted for a ' \
                                'non-candidate column: %r, candidates are: %r. Ignored.' %
                                (table_vote_method, column, column_name_set))
                    LOG('ColumnMap', WARNING, 'Vote script %r returned invalid data: %r. ' \
                        'Ignored.' % (table_vote_method, vote_dict))
            self._mapColumns(column_table_map, table_usage_dict,
                             column_name_set, group, vote_result_dict)

        table_alias_number_dict = {}

        for (group, table_name), alias in self.table_alias_dict.iteritems():
            if alias is None:
                if group in self.related_group_dict:
                    alias_table_name = 'related_%s_%s' % (
                        self.related_group_dict[group], table_name)
                    alias_table_name = table_name
                table_alias_number = table_alias_number_dict.get(
                    alias_table_name, 0)
                while True:
                    if table_alias_number == 0:
                        alias = alias_table_name
                        alias = '%s_%s' % (alias_table_name,
                    table_alias_number += 1
                    if alias not in self.table_map:
                table_alias_number_dict[alias_table_name] = table_alias_number
            self.resolveTable(table_name, alias, group=group)

        # now that we have all aliases, calculate missing joins comming from
        # non-RelatedKey relationships (like full_text).
        # and all left joins that did not come from explicit queries
        # (i.e. joins comming from 'sort_on', 'select_dict', etc.)
        for join_query in join_query_to_build_list:
            # XXX ugly use of inner attribute of join_query. Please Refactor:
            # search_keys don't actually return SQLExpressions, but they add
            # join definitions in the column_map
        if MAPPING_TRACE:
            # Key: group
            # Value: 2-tuple
            #  dict
            #   Key: column
            #   Value: table name
            #  dict
            #   Key: table name
            #   Value: table alias
            summary_dict = {}
            for (group, column), table_name in self.column_map.iteritems():
                column_dict = summary_dict.setdefault(group, ({}, {}))[0]
                assert column not in column_dict, '%r in %r' % (column,
                column_dict[column] = table_name
            for (group,
                 table_name), table_alias in self.table_alias_dict.iteritems():
                table_dict = summary_dict.setdefault(group, ({}, {}))[1]
                assert table_name not in table_dict, '%r in %r' % (table_name,
                table_dict[table_name] = table_alias
            for group, (column_dict, table_dict) in summary_dict.iteritems():
                LOG('ColumnMap', INFO, 'Group %r:' % (group, ))
                LOG('ColumnMap', INFO, ' Columns:')
                for column, table_name in column_dict.iteritems():
                    LOG('ColumnMap', INFO,
                        '  %r from table %r' % (column, table_name))
                LOG('ColumnMap', INFO, ' Tables:')
                for table_name, table_alias in table_dict.iteritems():
                    LOG('ColumnMap', INFO,
                        '  %r as %r' % (table_name, table_alias))

    def asSQLColumn(self, raw_column, group=DEFAULT_GROUP_ID):
        if self.catalog_table_name is None or raw_column in self.column_ignore_set or \
           '.' in raw_column or '*' in raw_column:
            result = raw_column
            function, column = self.raw_column_dict.get(
                raw_column, (None, raw_column))
            if group is DEFAULT_GROUP_ID:
                group, column = self.related_key_dict.get(
                    column, (group, raw_column))
            alias = self.table_alias_dict[(group, self.column_map[(group,
            result = '`%s`.`%s`' % (alias, column)
            if function is not None:
                result = '%s(%s)' % (function, result)
        return result

    def getCatalogTableAlias(self, group=DEFAULT_GROUP_ID):
        return self.table_alias_dict[(group, self.catalog_table_name)]

    def _isBackwardCompatibilityRequired(self):
        return bool(
            # if they explicitly ask for implicit
            self.implicit_join or
            # if they don't pass a catalog alias, we cannot do explicit joins
            not self._setMinimalTableDefinition() or
            # If one or more RelatedKey methods weren't converted, we'll get
            # queries for an implicit inner join, so we have to do all joins
            # as implicit.
            self.join_query_list or
            # for now, work in BW compat mode if a table_override
            # is passed.  It only works for simple subselect
            # definitions anyway, and it's being used primarily
            # for writing left-joins manually.

    def getTableAliasDict(self):
        if self._isBackwardCompatibilityRequired():
            # BBB: Using implicit joins or explicit from_expression
            return self.table_map.copy()
            return None

    def resolveColumn(self, column, table_name, group=DEFAULT_GROUP_ID):
        assert group in self.registry
        assert column in self.registry[group]
        column_map_key = (group, column)
        column_map = self.column_map
        assert (group, table_name) in self.table_alias_dict
        previous_value = column_map.get(column_map_key)
        if previous_value is None:
            column_map[column_map_key] = table_name
        elif previous_value != table_name:
            if column == 'uid':
                    'ColumnMap', WARNING,
                    'Attempt to remap uid from %r to %r ignored.' %
                    (previous_value, table_name))
                raise ValueError, 'Cannot remap a column to another table. column_map[%r] = %r, new = %r' % (
                    column_map_key, column_map.get(column_map_key), table_name)

    def resolveTable(self, table_name, alias, group=DEFAULT_GROUP_ID):
        table_alias_key = (group, table_name)
        assert table_alias_key in self.table_alias_dict
        assert self.table_alias_dict[table_alias_key] in (None, alias)
        self.table_alias_dict[table_alias_key] = alias
        assert self.table_map.get(alias) in (None, table_name)
        self.table_map[alias] = table_name

    def getTableAlias(self, table_name, group=DEFAULT_GROUP_ID):
        return self.table_alias_dict[(group, table_name)]

    def _addJoinQueryForColumn(self, column, query):
        # BBB: This is a backward compatibility method that will be
        # removed in the future, when all related key methods have been adapted
        # to provide all Join conditions separately
        if column in self.left_join_list:
            raise RuntimeError(
                'Left Join requested for column: %r, but rendered '
                'join query is not compatible and would result in an '
                'Implicit Inner Join:\n%s' % (

    def iterJoinQueryList(self):
        if self._isBackwardCompatibilityRequired():
            # Return all join queries for implicit join, and all the other
            # queries we were using to build explicit joins, but won't be able to.
            return itertools.chain(
        return []

    def _addJoinTableForColumn(self,
      Declare given table as requiring to be joined with catalog table on uid.

      table_name (string)
        Table name.
      group (string)
        Group id of given table.
        catalog_table = self.catalog_table_name
        if catalog_table is not None:
            # Only join tables when there is a catalog table
            # Register unconditionaly catalog table
            if 'uid' not in self.registry.get(DEFAULT_GROUP_ID, ()):
                # Register uid column if it is not already
                self.resolveColumn('uid', catalog_table)
            self.join_table_map.setdefault((group, table_name),

    def getJoinTableAliasList(self):
        return [
            self.getTableAlias(table_name, group=group)
            for (group, table_name) in self.join_table_map.keys()

    def _getTableOverride(self, table_name):
        # self.table_override_map is a dictionary mapping table names to
        # strings containing aliases of arbitrary table definitions
        # (including subselects). So we split the alias and discard it
        # since we do our own aliasing.
        table_override_w_alias = self.table_override_map.get(table_name)
        if table_override_w_alias is None:
            return table_name
        # XXX move the cleanup of table alias overrides to EntireQuery
        # class or ZSQLCatalog, so we don't need SQL syntax knowledge in
        # ColumnMap.
        # Normalise the AS sql keyword to remove the last
        # aliasing in the string if present. E.g.:
        # '(SELECT sub_catalog.*
        #   FROM catalog AS sub_catalog
        #   WHERE sub_catalog.parent_uid=183) AS catalog'
        # becomes:
        # '(SELECT sub_catalog.*
        #   FROM catalog AS sub_catalog
        #   WHERE sub_catalog.parent_uid=183)'
        table_override, removed = re_sql_as.subn('', table_override_w_alias)
        assert removed < 2, (
            'More than one table aliasing was removed from %r' %
        if removed:
                'ColumnMap', WARNING,
                'Table overrides should not contain aliasing: %r' %
        return table_override

    def makeTableAliasDefinition(self, table_name, table_alias):
        """Make a table alias, giving a change to ColumnMap to override
    the original table definition with another expression"""
        table_name = self._getTableOverride(table_name)
        assert table_name and table_alias, (
            "table_name (%r) and table_alias (%r) "
            "must both be defined" % (table_name, table_alias))
        return TableAlias(table_name, table_alias)

    def _setMinimalTableDefinition(self):
        """ Set a minimal table definition: the main catalog alias

    We don't do this at __init__ because we have neither the catalog
    table name nor its intended alias at that point.
        inner_def = self._inner_table_definition
        if inner_def.table_definition is None:
                catalog_table_alias = self.getCatalogTableAlias()
            except KeyError:
                    'ColumnMap', WARNING,
                    '_setMinimalTableDefinition called but the main catalog has not '
                    'yet received an alias!')
                return False
        return True

    def getTableDefinition(self):
        if self._isBackwardCompatibilityRequired():
            # BBB: One of the RelatedKeys registered an implicit join, do
            # not return a table definition, self.getTableAliasDict() should
            # be used instead
            return None
        return self.table_definition

    def addRelatedKeyJoin(self, column, right_side, condition):
        """ Wraps the current table_definition in the left-side of a new
    join.  Use an InnerJoin or a LeftJoin depending on whether the
    column is in the left_join_list or not.
        # XXX: to fix TestERP5Catalog.test_52_QueryAndTableAlias, create
        # here a list of joins and try to merge each new entry into one of
        # the pre-existing entries by comparing their right-sides.
        # XXX 2: This is the place were we could do ordering of inner and left
        # joins so as to get better performance. For instance, a quick win is to
        # add all inner-joins first, and all left-joins later. We could also decide
        # on the order of left-joins based on the order of self.left_join_list or
        # even a catalog property/configuration/script.
        # XXX 3: This is also the place where we could check if explicit
        # table aliases should cause some of these table definitions to be
        # collapsed into others.
        assert self._setMinimalTableDefinition()
        Join = (column in self.left_join_list or
         (not self.implicit_join and column in self.registry.get(DEFAULT_GROUP_ID, ())))\
          and LeftJoin or InnerJoin
        join_definition = Join(self.table_definition,
        self.table_definition = join_definition

    # def getFinalTableDefinition(self):
    #   self._calculateMissingJoins()
    #   return self.getTableDefinition()

    def _calculateMissingJoins(self):
        left_join_set = set(self.left_join_list)
        catalog_table_alias = self.getCatalogTableAlias()
        for (group, table_name), column_set in self.join_table_map.items():
            # if any of the columns for this implicit join was requested as a
            # left-join, then all columns will be subject to a left-join.
            # XXX What if one of the columns was an actual query, as opposed to a
            # sort column or select_dict? This would cause results in the main
            # catalog that don't match the query to be present as well. We expect
            # the user which passes a left_join_list to know what he is doing.
            if column_set.intersection(left_join_set):
                Join = LeftJoin
                Join = InnerJoin
            table_alias = self.getTableAlias(table_name, group=group)
            table_alias_def = self.makeTableAliasDefinition(
                table_name, table_alias)
            # XXX: perhaps refactor some of the code below to do:
            # self._inner_table_definition.addInnerJoin(TableAlias(...),
            #                                           condition=(...))
                    # XXX ColumnMap shouldn't have SQL knowledge
                    condition=('`%s`.`uid` = `%s`.`uid`' %
                               (table_alias, catalog_table_alias)),
Beispiel #4
class ColumnMap(object):


    def __init__(self, catalog_table_name=None, table_override_map=None, left_join_list=None, implicit_join=False):
        self.catalog_table_name = catalog_table_name
        # Key: group
        # Value: set of column names
        self.registry = {}
        # Key: group
        # Value: dict
        #  Key: column name
        #  Value: set of SimpleQuery
        self.simple_query_dict = {}
        # Key: (group, column name)
        # Value: table name
        self.column_map = {}
        # Key: (group, table name)
        # Value: table alias
        self.table_alias_dict = {}
        # Key: related key name
        # Value: (group, column name)
        self.related_key_dict = {}
        # Key: related_column
        # Value: last used alias order
        self.related_key_order_dict = {}
        # Key: group
        # Value: relate_key
        self.related_group_dict = {}
        # Key: table alias
        # Value: table name
        self.table_map = {}
        # Key: raw column
        # Value: (function, column)
        self.raw_column_dict = {}
        # Entries: column name
        self.column_ignore_set = set()
        self.join_table_map = {}
        # BBB: Remove join_query_list and its uses when all RelatedKey
        # methods have been converted to properly return each Join
        # condition separately, and all uses of catalog's from_expression
        # have been removed.
        self.join_query_list = []
        self.table_override_map = table_override_map or {}
        self.table_definition = PlaceHolderTableDefinition()
        # We need to keep track of the original definition to do inner joins on it
        self._inner_table_definition = self.table_definition
        self.left_join_list = left_join_list
        self.implicit_join = implicit_join
        assert not (self.implicit_join and self.left_join_list), "Cannot do left_joins while forcing implicit join"

    def registerColumn(self, raw_column, group=DEFAULT_GROUP_ID, simple_query=None):
        assert " as " not in raw_column.lower()
        # Sanitize input: extract column from raw column (might contain COUNT, ...).
        # XXX This is not enough to parse something like:
        if "(" in raw_column:
            function, column = raw_column.split("(")
            column = column.strip()
            assert column[-1] == ")"
            column = column[:-1].strip()
            function = None
            column = raw_column
        # Remove 'DISTINCT ' etc. from column.
        column = column.split()[-1]
        # Remove '`' from column.
        column = column.replace("`", "")
        # Extract table name from column, if any.
        if "." in column:
            # Assuming the part before the dot is a real table name, not an alias.
            table, column = column.split(".")
            table = None

        self.raw_column_dict[raw_column] = (function, column)
        self.registry.setdefault(group, set()).add(column)
        self.simple_query_dict.setdefault(group, {}).setdefault(column, set()).add(simple_query)
        if table is not None:
            # Register table alias and mark column as resolved.
            self.registerTable(table, alias=table, group=group)
            self.resolveColumn(column, table, group=group)
            if group is DEFAULT_GROUP_ID and table != self.catalog_table_name:
                # When a column is registered  in default group and is explicitely
                # mapped to a table, we must mark its table as requiring a join with
                # catalog table (unless it's the catalog table, of course).
                self._addJoinTableForColumn(table, table + "." + column, group)

    def ignoreColumn(self, column):

    def registerRelatedKey(self, related_column, column):
        # XXX: should we store the group, or directly the table on which the column is mapped ?
        # The former avoids duplicating data, but requires one more lookup (group + column -> table)
        # The latter makes it harder (?) to split the mapping in multiple queries (if splitting by groups turns out to be a good idea)
        real_related_column = related_column
        order = self.related_key_order_dict.get(real_related_column, 0) + 1
        related_column = "%s_%s" % (related_column, order)
        group = "related_%s" % (related_column,)
        assert group not in self.registry
        assert group not in self.related_group_dict
        self.related_key_order_dict[real_related_column] = order
        self.related_key_dict[real_related_column] = (group, column)
        self.registerColumn(column, group=group)
        self.related_group_dict[group] = related_column
        return group

    def registerCatalog(self):
      Register catalog as being in use in query, and aliased with its own

      This is used by SearchKey/ there is no way to reliably
      detect if catalog table is used in a related key, so the catalog table
      might be absent from final table mapping.
      DO NOT USE IT ANYWHERE ELSE, this will go away...

      This must be changed by designing a new related key API, which must:
      - state *all* tables they use in their definition
      - return Query instances instead of raw SQL code
      This will allow chaining related keys and consequently allow
      simplifying redundant code.
        assert self.catalog_table_name is not None
        self.resolveTable(self.catalog_table_name, self.catalog_table_name)

    def registerRelatedKeyColumn(self, related_column, position, group):
        assert group in self.related_group_dict
        group = self.getRelatedKeyGroup(position, group)
        assert group not in self.related_group_dict
        self.related_group_dict[group] = related_column
        return group

    def getRelatedKeyGroup(self, position, group):
        return "%s_column_%s" % (group, position)

    def registerTable(self, table_name, alias=None, group=DEFAULT_GROUP_ID):
        table_alias_dict = self.table_alias_dict
        table_alias_key = (group, table_name)
        existing_value = table_alias_dict.get(table_alias_key)
        # alias = None, existing = None -> store
        # alias = None, existing ! None -> skip
        # alias ! None, existing = None -> store & resolve
        # alias ! None, existing ! None -> skip if alias = existing, raise otherwise
        if existing_value is None:
            table_alias_dict[table_alias_key] = alias
            if alias is not None:
                self.resolveTable(table_name, alias, group=group)
        elif alias is not None and alias != existing_value:
            raise ValueError, "Table %r for group %r is aliased as %r, can't alias it now as %r" % (

    def _mapColumns(self, column_table_map, table_usage_dict, column_name_set, group, vote_result_dict):
        mapping_dict = {}
        catalog_table_name = self.catalog_table_name

        # Map all columns to tables decided by vote.
        for column_name, candidate_dict in vote_result_dict.iteritems():
            # candidate_dict is never empty
            max_score = 0
            for table_name, score in candidate_dict.iteritems():
                if score > max_score:
                    max_score = score
                    best_count = 0
                    best_choice = table_name
                elif score == max_score:
                    best_count += 1
            if best_count:
                LOG("ColumnMap", WARNING, "Mapping vote led to a tie. Mapping to %r" % (best_choice,))
            if MAPPING_TRACE:
                LOG("ColumnMap", INFO, "Mapping by vote %r to %r" % (column_name, best_choice))
            mapping_dict[column_name] = best_choice
            for table_name, column_set in table_usage_dict.iteritems():
                if table_name != best_choice:

        # Map all remaning columns.
        def table_weight(a):
        Compute each table weight.
            if (group, a[0]) in self.table_alias_dict:
                result = (2,)
            elif a[0] == catalog_table_name:
                result = (1,)
                result = (0, len(a[1]))
            return result

        # Sort table name list, first has the most required columns
        weighted_table_list = sorted(table_usage_dict.iteritems(), key=table_weight)
        while len(weighted_table_list):
            table_name, column_set = weighted_table_list.pop()
            if len(column_set):
                common_column_set = column_name_set.intersection(column_set)
                if len(common_column_set):
                    # Only allow usage of this table if any of those is true:
                    # - current table is the catalog  (if any catalog was provided)
                    # - there are column used on that table which are already mapped
                    #   (this does not include columns mapped by this code)
                    #   If columns are mapped to this table in current group, then using
                    #   it will not require a new join, so it should be allowed.
                    #   Note: it would be good to take indexes into account when there
                    #   are multiple candidate tables.
                    # - any of those columns belongs exclusively to this table
                    #   Although the list of tables those columns belong to is known
                    #   earlier (in "build"), mapping them here
                    #   - avoids code duplication (registerTable, resolveColumn,
                    #     _addJoinTableForColumn)
                    #   - offers user to vote for an unknown table, overriding this
                    #     forced mapping.
                    use_allowed = table_name == catalog_table_name or len(common_column_set) < len(column_set)
                    if not use_allowed:
                        for column_name in column_set:
                            if len(column_table_map.get(column_name, [])) == 1:
                                # There is no alternative, mark as required
                                use_allowed = True
                    if use_allowed:
                        for column_name in common_column_set:
                            if MAPPING_TRACE:
                                LOG("ColumnMap", INFO, "Mapping by default %r to %r" % (column_name, table_name))
                            mapping_dict[column_name] = table_name
                            # This column must not be resolved any longer
                            # Remove this column from sets containing it. This prevents from
                            # giving a high score to a table which columns would already have
                            # been mapped to another table.
                            for ignored, other_column_set in weighted_table_list:
                        # All column which are mappable on that table are to-be-mapped
                        # columns. This means that this table was not explicitely used, and
                        # as each table contain a different amount of lines, we should not
                        # join with any non-explicit table. Hence, we skip this mapping.
                            "Skipping possible map of %r on %r as that table"
                            " is not explicitely used." % (common_column_set, table_name),

        # Detect incomplete mappings
        if len(column_name_set):
            raise ValueError, "Could not map those columns: %r" % (column_name_set,)

        # Do the actual mapping
        for column_name, table_name in mapping_dict.iteritems():
            # Mark this column as resolved
            if MAPPING_TRACE:
                LOG("ColumnMap", INFO, "Mapping column %s to table %s" % (column_name, table_name))
            self.registerTable(table_name, group=group)
            self.resolveColumn(column_name, table_name, group=group)
            if table_name != catalog_table_name:
                self._addJoinTableForColumn(table_name, column_name, group)

    def build(self, sql_catalog):
        join_query_to_build_list = []
        catalog_table_name = self.catalog_table_name
        if catalog_table_name is None:

        column_table_map = sql_catalog.getColumnMap()
        table_vote_method_list = [getattr(sql_catalog, x) for x in sql_catalog.sql_catalog_table_vote_scripts]

        # Generate missing joins from default group (this is required to allow using related keys outside of queries: order_by, sort_on, ...)
        column_set = self.registry.get(DEFAULT_GROUP_ID, [])
        for column_name in column_set:
            if column_name not in column_table_map and column_name not in self.related_key_dict:
                related_key_definition = sql_catalog.getRelatedKeyDefinition(column_name)
                if related_key_definition is not None:
                    join_query = sql_catalog.getSearchKey(column_name, "RelatedKey").buildQuery(
                        sql_catalog=sql_catalog, related_key_definition=related_key_definition
                    join_query.registerColumnMap(sql_catalog, self)

        # List all possible tables, with all used column for each
        for group, column_set in self.registry.iteritems():
            # unique needed column name set
            column_name_set = set()
            # table -> column_set, including alternatives
            table_usage_dict = {}

            for column_name in column_set:
                if column_name == "*" or column_name in self.column_ignore_set:
                table_name_list = column_table_map.get(column_name, [])
                if len(table_name_list) == 0:
                    if not (group is DEFAULT_GROUP_ID and column_name in self.related_key_dict):
                        LOG("ColumnMap", WARNING, "Not a known column name: %r" % (column_name,))
                column_map_key = (group, column_name)
                if column_map_key in self.column_map:
                    # Column is already mapped, so we must count this column as being available only on that table. Its mapping will not change, and it will impact table schema choice.
                    table_name = self.column_map[column_map_key]
                    assert table_name in table_name_list, "%r not in %r" % (table_name, table_name_list)
                    table_name_list = [table_name]
                    # Mark this column as requiring to be mapped.
                for table_name in table_name_list:
                    table_usage_dict.setdefault(table_name, set()).add(column_name)
            # XXX: mutable datatypes are provided to vote method. if it modifies
            # them, it can introduce mapping bugs. Copying them might be costly,
            # especialy if done before each call, since they also contain mutable
            # types.
            # XXX: the API of vote methods is not stable yet. Parameters should
            # always be passed and expected by name, to make it less painful to
            # change API.
            # XXX: there is no check that the table voted for contains mapped
            # column. It is up to the user not to do stupid things.
            vote_result_dict = {}
            simple_query_dict = self.simple_query_dict[group]
            for table_vote_method in table_vote_method_list:
                vote_dict = table_vote_method(
                if isinstance(vote_dict, dict):
                    for column, table in vote_dict.iteritems():
                        if column in column_name_set:
                            column_vote_dict = vote_result_dict.setdefault(column, {})
                            column_vote_dict[table] = column_vote_dict.get(table, 0) + 1
                                "Vote script %r voted for a "
                                "non-candidate column: %r, candidates are: %r. Ignored."
                                % (table_vote_method, column, column_name_set),
                        "Vote script %r returned invalid data: %r. " "Ignored." % (table_vote_method, vote_dict),
            self._mapColumns(column_table_map, table_usage_dict, column_name_set, group, vote_result_dict)

        table_alias_number_dict = {}

        for (group, table_name), alias in self.table_alias_dict.iteritems():
            if alias is None:
                if group in self.related_group_dict:
                    alias_table_name = "related_%s_%s" % (self.related_group_dict[group], table_name)
                    alias_table_name = table_name
                table_alias_number = table_alias_number_dict.get(alias_table_name, 0)
                while True:
                    if table_alias_number == 0:
                        alias = alias_table_name
                        alias = "%s_%s" % (alias_table_name, table_alias_number)
                    table_alias_number += 1
                    if alias not in self.table_map:
                table_alias_number_dict[alias_table_name] = table_alias_number
            self.resolveTable(table_name, alias, group=group)

        # now that we have all aliases, calculate missing joins comming from
        # non-RelatedKey relationships (like full_text).
        # and all left joins that did not come from explicit queries
        # (i.e. joins comming from 'sort_on', 'select_dict', etc.)
        for join_query in join_query_to_build_list:
            # XXX ugly use of inner attribute of join_query. Please Refactor:
            # search_keys don't actually return SQLExpressions, but they add
            # join definitions in the column_map
                sql_catalog=sql_catalog, column_map=self, only_group_columns=False,
        if MAPPING_TRACE:
            # Key: group
            # Value: 2-tuple
            #  dict
            #   Key: column
            #   Value: table name
            #  dict
            #   Key: table name
            #   Value: table alias
            summary_dict = {}
            for (group, column), table_name in self.column_map.iteritems():
                column_dict = summary_dict.setdefault(group, ({}, {}))[0]
                assert column not in column_dict, "%r in %r" % (column, column_dict)
                column_dict[column] = table_name
            for (group, table_name), table_alias in self.table_alias_dict.iteritems():
                table_dict = summary_dict.setdefault(group, ({}, {}))[1]
                assert table_name not in table_dict, "%r in %r" % (table_name, table_dict)
                table_dict[table_name] = table_alias
            for group, (column_dict, table_dict) in summary_dict.iteritems():
                LOG("ColumnMap", INFO, "Group %r:" % (group,))
                LOG("ColumnMap", INFO, " Columns:")
                for column, table_name in column_dict.iteritems():
                    LOG("ColumnMap", INFO, "  %r from table %r" % (column, table_name))
                LOG("ColumnMap", INFO, " Tables:")
                for table_name, table_alias in table_dict.iteritems():
                    LOG("ColumnMap", INFO, "  %r as %r" % (table_name, table_alias))

    def asSQLColumn(self, raw_column, group=DEFAULT_GROUP_ID):
        if (
            self.catalog_table_name is None
            or raw_column in self.column_ignore_set
            or "." in raw_column
            or "*" in raw_column
            result = raw_column
            if raw_column.endswith("__score__"):
                raw_column = raw_column[:-9]
                column_suffix = "__score__"
                column_suffix = ""
            function, column = self.raw_column_dict.get(raw_column, (None, raw_column))
            if group is DEFAULT_GROUP_ID:
                group, column = self.related_key_dict.get(column, (group, raw_column))
            alias = self.table_alias_dict[(group, self.column_map[(group, column)])]
            result = "`%s`.`%s%s`" % (alias, column, column_suffix)
            if function is not None:
                result = "%s(%s)" % (function, result)
        return result

    def getCatalogTableAlias(self, group=DEFAULT_GROUP_ID):
        return self.table_alias_dict[(group, self.catalog_table_name)]

    def _isBackwardCompatibilityRequired(self):
        return bool(
            # if they explicitly ask for implicit
            # if they don't pass a catalog alias, we cannot do explicit joins
            not self._setMinimalTableDefinition()
            # If one or more RelatedKey methods weren't converted, we'll get
            # queries for an implicit inner join, so we have to do all joins
            # as implicit.
            # for now, work in BW compat mode if a table_override
            # is passed.  It only works for simple subselect
            # definitions anyway, and it's being used primarily
            # for writing left-joins manually.

    def getTableAliasDict(self):
        if self._isBackwardCompatibilityRequired():
            # BBB: Using implicit joins or explicit from_expression
            return self.table_map.copy()
            return None

    def resolveColumn(self, column, table_name, group=DEFAULT_GROUP_ID):
        assert group in self.registry
        assert column in self.registry[group]
        column_map_key = (group, column)
        column_map = self.column_map
        assert (group, table_name) in self.table_alias_dict
        previous_value = column_map.get(column_map_key)
        if previous_value is None:
            column_map[column_map_key] = table_name
        elif previous_value != table_name:
            if column == "uid":
                LOG("ColumnMap", WARNING, "Attempt to remap uid from %r to %r ignored." % (previous_value, table_name))
                raise ValueError, "Cannot remap a column to another table. column_map[%r] = %r, new = %r" % (

    def resolveTable(self, table_name, alias, group=DEFAULT_GROUP_ID):
        table_alias_key = (group, table_name)
        assert table_alias_key in self.table_alias_dict
        assert self.table_alias_dict[table_alias_key] in (None, alias)
        self.table_alias_dict[table_alias_key] = alias
        assert self.table_map.get(alias) in (None, table_name)
        self.table_map[alias] = table_name

    def getTableAlias(self, table_name, group=DEFAULT_GROUP_ID):
        return self.table_alias_dict[(group, table_name)]

    def _addJoinQueryForColumn(self, column, query):
        # BBB: This is a backward compatibility method that will be
        # removed in the future, when all related key methods have been adapted
        # to provide all Join conditions separately
        if column in self.left_join_list:
            raise RuntimeError(
                "Left Join requested for column: %r, but rendered "
                "join query is not compatible and would result in an "
                "Implicit Inner Join:\n%s" % (column, query)

    def iterJoinQueryList(self):
        if self._isBackwardCompatibilityRequired():
            # Return all join queries for implicit join, and all the other
            # queries we were using to build explicit joins, but won't be able to.
            return itertools.chain(self.join_query_list, self.table_definition.getJoinConditionQueryList())
        return []

    def _addJoinTableForColumn(self, table_name, column, group=DEFAULT_GROUP_ID):
      Declare given table as requiring to be joined with catalog table on uid.

      table_name (string)
        Table name.
      group (string)
        Group id of given table.
        catalog_table = self.catalog_table_name
        if catalog_table is not None:
            # Only join tables when there is a catalog table
            # Register unconditionaly catalog table
            if "uid" not in self.registry.get(DEFAULT_GROUP_ID, ()):
                # Register uid column if it is not already
                self.resolveColumn("uid", catalog_table)
            self.join_table_map.setdefault((group, table_name), set()).add(column)

    def getJoinTableAliasList(self):
        return [self.getTableAlias(table_name, group=group) for (group, table_name) in self.join_table_map.keys()]

    def _getTableOverride(self, table_name):
        # self.table_override_map is a dictionary mapping table names to
        # strings containing aliases of arbitrary table definitions
        # (including subselects). So we split the alias and discard it
        # since we do our own aliasing.
        table_override_w_alias = self.table_override_map.get(table_name)
        if table_override_w_alias is None:
            return table_name
        # XXX move the cleanup of table alias overrides to EntireQuery
        # class or ZSQLCatalog, so we don't need SQL syntax knowledge in
        # ColumnMap.
        # Normalise the AS sql keyword to remove the last
        # aliasing in the string if present. E.g.:
        # '(SELECT sub_catalog.*
        #   FROM catalog AS sub_catalog
        #   WHERE sub_catalog.parent_uid=183) AS catalog'
        # becomes:
        # '(SELECT sub_catalog.*
        #   FROM catalog AS sub_catalog
        #   WHERE sub_catalog.parent_uid=183)'
        table_override, removed = re_sql_as.subn("", table_override_w_alias)
        assert removed < 2, "More than one table aliasing was removed from %r" % table_override_w_alias
        if removed:
            LOG("ColumnMap", WARNING, "Table overrides should not contain aliasing: %r" % table_override)
        return table_override

    def makeTableAliasDefinition(self, table_name, table_alias):
        """Make a table alias, giving a change to ColumnMap to override
    the original table definition with another expression"""
        table_name = self._getTableOverride(table_name)
        assert table_name and table_alias, "table_name (%r) and table_alias (%r) " "must both be defined" % (
        return TableAlias(table_name, table_alias)

    def _setMinimalTableDefinition(self):
        """ Set a minimal table definition: the main catalog alias

    We don't do this at __init__ because we have neither the catalog
    table name nor its intended alias at that point.
        inner_def = self._inner_table_definition
        if inner_def.table_definition is None:
                catalog_table_alias = self.getCatalogTableAlias()
            except KeyError:
                    "_setMinimalTableDefinition called but the main catalog has not " "yet received an alias!",
                return False
            inner_def.replace(self.makeTableAliasDefinition(self.catalog_table_name, catalog_table_alias))
        return True

    def getTableDefinition(self):
        if self._isBackwardCompatibilityRequired():
            # BBB: One of the RelatedKeys registered an implicit join, do
            # not return a table definition, self.getTableAliasDict() should
            # be used instead
            return None
        return self.table_definition

    def addRelatedKeyJoin(self, column, right_side, condition):
        """ Wraps the current table_definition in the left-side of a new
    join.  Use an InnerJoin or a LeftJoin depending on whether the
    column is in the left_join_list or not.
        # XXX: to fix TestERP5Catalog.test_52_QueryAndTableAlias, create
        # here a list of joins and try to merge each new entry into one of
        # the pre-existing entries by comparing their right-sides.
        # XXX 2: This is the place were we could do ordering of inner and left
        # joins so as to get better performance. For instance, a quick win is to
        # add all inner-joins first, and all left-joins later. We could also decide
        # on the order of left-joins based on the order of self.left_join_list or
        # even a catalog property/configuration/script.
        # XXX 3: This is also the place where we could check if explicit
        # table aliases should cause some of these table definitions to be
        # collapsed into others.
        assert self._setMinimalTableDefinition()
        Join = (
                column in self.left_join_list
                or (not self.implicit_join and column in self.registry.get(DEFAULT_GROUP_ID, ()))
            and LeftJoin
            or InnerJoin
        join_definition = Join(self.table_definition, right_side, condition=condition)
        self.table_definition = join_definition

    # def getFinalTableDefinition(self):
    #   self._calculateMissingJoins()
    #   return self.getTableDefinition()

    def _calculateMissingJoins(self):
        left_join_set = set(self.left_join_list)
        catalog_table_alias = self.getCatalogTableAlias()
        for (group, table_name), column_set in self.join_table_map.items():
            # if any of the columns for this implicit join was requested as a
            # left-join, then all columns will be subject to a left-join.
            # XXX What if one of the columns was an actual query, as opposed to a
            # sort column or select_dict? This would cause results in the main
            # catalog that don't match the query to be present as well. We expect
            # the user which passes a left_join_list to know what he is doing.
            if column_set.intersection(left_join_set):
                Join = LeftJoin
                Join = InnerJoin
            table_alias = self.getTableAlias(table_name, group=group)
            table_alias_def = self.makeTableAliasDefinition(table_name, table_alias)
            # XXX: perhaps refactor some of the code below to do:
            # self._inner_table_definition.addInnerJoin(TableAlias(...),
            #                                           condition=(...))
                    # XXX ColumnMap shouldn't have SQL knowledge
                    condition=("`%s`.`uid` = `%s`.`uid`" % (table_alias, catalog_table_alias)),